The Lost Lands

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first map i uploaded it's a melee map made by me smasher.boris, fell free to use it for making of something else just give me the credits for the map.

This could be used for zombie survival, couse the map is a bit scary or for a hero survival or arena or a rpg... fell free to distribute the map but give me the credits.

The Lost Lands

The rush for water and gold still rises as time flows. Do anything you have to do, kill destroy, to get the gold from the center of the land and destroy your enemy's and join forces if nedded...

Have fun, from Boris.

PS. Will do maps on request.


The Lost Lands (Map)

8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2: Post #3, Rejected.




8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Post #3, Rejected.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) All gold mine must have creep to guard it even if there is a starting location (Unless the map with gold mine and starting location was a 1 versus 1 map.)

2) Item drop inbalance, a level 6 creep drop rune of greater healing and rune of lesser healing? That isn't balance. Plus, there is a group of creep that does not even drop a single item.

3) Some creep facing position seems to be random as well, this should be fix.

4) The tiles variation and terrain of all the 4 gold mine at the middle of the map need to be redo. It currently does not allowed any construction of town hall at it (Except for the gold mine at south-east).

5) Lack of destructible/doodad usage. I soo far only be able to count 2 type of destructible being used.

6) I seen a bunch of murloc hut at blue base, but there is no single murloc been sight.

7) Amount of gold mine at the beginning of the game doesn't seems to be balance for a 4 player melee map. Try set it to 17,500 instead of 12,500.

This resources was between 1/5 (Unacceptable) and 2/5 (Lacking). However, based on the condition. I would vote 1/5 (Unacceptable) as the terrain was far too lacking and it lack of several melee map criteria.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
will fix but the gold is suppose to be set like that you need to get to the center to get the gold and fight for if

12,500 was way too low for 4 player melee map and the terrain near the gold mine need to be fix as there is no way to build town hall close to it.

It would just give undead the advantage. If this melee map was evaluate by Gilles or Rui at this current status, it would be rejected due to poor quality regardless of you like it or not. There is too many errors at this moment.