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The Lordaeron Empires v2.4c

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Reactions: Magnet199
The Lordaeron Empires v2.4c

This is a PvP map of 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 in 2 teams.


Be a Engineer for Lordaeron or a Summoner for the Undead
and build your own Empire!


Defend from the Naga starting on the Second Day and then ready troops and repairers at your City's towers on the Fourth Day for War! From there, you have to simultaneously defend your own Empire and the City from enemies. Come the Fifth Day, you can stop the Naga from harassing you again by destroying their Shrines as it reveals themselves at the southern coasts. On the Sixth Day, get prepared for something out-of-this-world!


Your ultimate goal is to destroy the Black Citadel for the Lordaerons and the Lordaeron Castle for the Undead!


How My Map Came About
My map actually consists lots of elements from most of the good maps I played. Most of it is from the basic melee game. There are 12 plateaus (or player empire land) on the map, somewhat like those in Vampirism. The Nagas are everyone's enemy and they attack your bases, like in the map Custom Castle Defence. At the top part of the map you see a line of towers, like a lane in DotA, but troops matter a lot and the heroes play a big part in it too. On the Fifth Day you can destroy the Naga Shrines at the southern coasts, just like in the campaign. When you have a complete Empire (decorated with the Lantern Posts and Houses) it looks similar to one in Founders of the North.
How to Play
-Go to any of the gold mines as seen on the minimap.
-Do not share a base; each player must take two gold mines not one as it wouldn't be sufficient to survive.
-Build your Tent/Grave between the two gold mines very closely.
-Use your Engineer/Summoner to mine enough gold to train/summon a Worker.
-Finally, start using your Engineer/Summoner to build other buildings and more buildings by meeting their requirements!

The 45 Second Cinematic

The Beginning of an Empire!

A "Level 1" Empire

A "Level 2" Empire with Nagas attacking!

A fully blooming Empire with everything!

You can purchase the Lane Towers Vision from the Lordaeron Scout.

The Lordaeron Castle sells Knights and All Units Vision!

A scene of the War between the Lordaerons and the Undead!

v1.1 - Enabled Engineer/Summoner to build some of the required buildings.
v1.2 - Thoroughly reworked the troop spawning system, enabled Summoner to build some more required buildings, lowered all troops and towers' attack, increased cost of most buildings, changed Worker limit system. Added the Lordaeron and Undead Flag.
v1.3 - Fixed many Undead buldings and troops and reworked troop scouts spawn.
v1.4 - Fixed Well/Bone Pit and Fountain/Blood Pit, gave more limits to many buildings for control, shortened build and training times, lessened the number of war troops, fixed Mounted Engineer/Summoner, increased gold cost of basic troops by 100. Added a "painful" hero killed gold system and the Siege Engine and Meat Wagon. Lordaeron Castle, Black Citadel, Lordaeron and Undead Scout complete.
v1.5 - Fixed Undead Gate and Well/Bone Pit/Fountain/Blood Pit, added new unit, the Mage and Skeleton Mage, shifted Knights and Undead Knights to be available in the Stables. Changed number of war troops and limit, added more music, shortened troop training times further and increased range of player towers from 500 to 600. Decreased Meat Wagon and Siege Engine's armour from 20 to 10 and Knights available for hire in Lordaeron Castle and Undead Knights for Black Citadel. Teleportation now becomes Mass Teleportation.The Farmhouse now have 5 upgrades!
v1.6 - Fixed Well/Bone Pit/Fountain/Blood Pit again, fixed Mass teleportation. Siege Engine/Meat Wagon only damages enemy buildings, cost of All Lane Towers from the Lordaeron/Undead Scout is now 3000 from 5000 gold, Guard Towers/Nerubian Towers hitpoitns decreased from 1000 to 800 and a very special event happening on the Eighth Day. New Flying Unit: Gryphon Rider Dragon available in Castle and Frost Wrym in Citadel.
v1.7 - Lowered gold cost of some buildings, reworked troops patrol system, lessened number of naga spawns, created no-backdooring triggers for the two cities, decreased Worker training times and gold cost of upgrading to Castle/Citadel.
v1.8 - Lowered more costs, changed scouting troops to Naga.
v1.9 - Wall not required for anything, Naga spawns reworked, Naga lowered attack and hitpoints.
v2.0 - Lesser war troops, lesser Naga spawns, more attribute for heroes when leveled up, Mass Teleportation allows Air too.
v2.1 - Lesser Naga and no more mass Naga attacks on bases, Naga 200 movespeed, Naga 0.25 HP regen instead of 1.00, City towers have increased attack from 150 to 200, Castle Image set, no building of Tent/Grave when having a Townhouse/Tomb Crypt or Castle/Citadel.
v2.2 - Added more upgrades for Blacksmith/Slaughterhouse, more empire land for every base by 10 squares each, Gold Mines shifted closer, many buildings building time further decreased, all troops have an increased max attack bonus of 2 and lesser training time, Mages have a Mana regen rate of 1.00 instead of 0.50, Siege Engine/Meat Wagon has increased attack from 50 to 72, 2 new buildings, the Houses, can be built! Lesser Naga, Naga does not flee a lot anymore, no more Naga interfering with War, War has been shifted to the Fourth Day and Naga Ships can be destroyed on the Sixth Day!
v2.2b - Fixed Second Day Trigger.
v2.2c - Naga Trident 1500hp from 2000 and Naga Siren 1000hp from 1500, changed hero revive system.
v2.3 - Added more Houses, changed Naga Ships to Naga Shrines which can be destroyed on the Fifth Day, no more purchasing of vision or units from enemy buildings, upgrades have more levels, city towers give more gold reward and all players are notified that it is destroyed, Alien invasion on the sixth day!
v2.4 - Item Shop has now 12 items available for purchase!
v2.4b - Fixed Item Shop.
v2.4c - Fixed "The Naga Ship at left bottom has been destroyed!" to "The Naga Shrine at left bottom has been destroyed!"

Current Change Log v2.4c (More Specific)
-Item Shop has now 12 items available for purchase in lumber
-Enemy units, Naga, Aliens and enemy city towers now give lumber to purchase items
-Every player receives 1 lumber every two seconds.
-Fix Undead purchasing from the Item Shop.
-Fixed "The Naga Ship at left bottom has been destroyed!" to "The Naga Shrine at left bottom has been destroyed!"

My map is complete, fully working and playable, so if you still found some bugs or things
in my map that needs improving on, please feel free to comment!
I would really appreciate if you make a full review of my map, thank you!

Lordaeron, Empire, map, cool, sir impala

The Lordaeron Empires v2.4c (Map)

12:26, 8th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Approved Review
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Doesn't screenshots make people play too? I think they do, because pictures seem to appeal more to players than whole chunks of text, you know what exactly will happen when you see screenshots. I'll try my best to improve my description as well!
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
Map seems amazing, testing now :)

EDIT: woooooow, toke me too long to finish this awesome map :D
Here is what i got:

The bad stuff:
- the naga units are a little bit stupid, they back when they have full hp and they fight with low hp, if only you can fix that because its annoying for my units to follow them far away and i never see them again -_-
- The siege cart is useless imo :S

The Good stuff:
- terrain is nice :)
- idea perfect and new
- the neutral Naga idea is nice
- balanced and perfect
- nice requirement for buildings :)

- more units
- more upgrades
- more buildings
- bigger empire land (the high terrain)

That's all i got for you :)
Map is awesome
Rate: 5/5
Vote: Approval
Rep: +1

Good job keep up the good work :)
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Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Wow man, thanks a lot! I'll try my best to fix the Naga, as they are Neutral Hostile I don't know how to stop them from running. As for units and buildings, I think it is sufficient but I'll add more upgrades in the Blacksmith/Slaughterhouse and you're the first person to ask for a bigger empire land, Magnet! By the way, I don't see any "Builder". v2.2 coming soon...
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
Hey :D
Since i played the map a lot now with friends, we incounter with the same problem:

Units are the same and hard to win game.......can cause long time games, some people don't like that, hurry up with the upgrades in armory, and add new units ;)

The second problem is, the NAGA :O, Oh My God! They spam like Sh*********t, like its only day 2, and our bases are full of naga attacking, haaaard to def and readying up your backup for the great war, and until the 5th day, naga all over the wall/gate, can you please reduce them :D

The third problem, and the last, is that the naga, enter the human/undead war, that can cause our units to get hurt and weak in battle, please make a trigger for the naga NOT to enter the battle region or something, really annoying -_-

Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Ahh, Magnet, so you really played my map with your friends...actually these Naga isn't something like idle animals in Werewolf - Transylania, but they're more of the Orcs that keep attacking your base in Custom Castle Defence. Yes, I could defend damn well against the Naga on Day 2 but I realise all my allies couldn't. About the Naga all over the Wall/Gate has to stay, but I'll make the beginning easier. I'll fix that up in v2.2 and I'll stop them from interfering the War. v2.2 will be coming soon, recently I'm busy with work so I hope to edit soon.

Finally I've finished editing v2.2! Everything I edited is stated in my change log. By the way guys, because of trying to stop the Nagas from fleeing when they are badly wounded, I've found out that Creeps - Guard Return Time (sec) is the Gameplay Constant that's responsible! I set it at the highest value of 10000 seconds and finally the Naga will stay to die, even when they get stunned by Stunning Blow. What a cool discovery! The World Editor Tutorial didn't have any info on Creeps - Guard Return Time (sec), so I guess I found what it does, unless it's known already. Anyway, have fun with v2.2!
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Level 6
Feb 11, 2010

- game start normaly, then you go to a gold mine, you see a nice naga waiting for you :S
i made the cheat "iseedeadpeople" thats the same with all !!! bases

Please fix quickly so i can test the map, if you don't, that means you have to leach every single one of the naga to the towers from top to bot, and if its your idea, well its imposable and game will be boring to waste a whole day (in game) just to kill the damn naga :S

Level 10
Mar 6, 2010
Intresting concept, though it should be "Builder" instead of "Altered Melee"
There is a "Builder" category? It doesn't show up to me.

This map is actually quite entertaining. I'm not really in the mood to write a long review, so I'll just go with this:

Mediocre-Average description.
Average-Good terrain.
Fair-Average unit selection.
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
  • Second Day
    • Events
      • Time - Elasped game time is 1.00 seconds
Whew, what a silly mistake, it was being tested and I forgot to change back. Fixed! Now it's v2.2b, thanks to this.

  • Second Day
    • Events
      • Time - Elasped game time is 480.00 seconds
Okay tleno, I've changed the category to Strategy/Risk. But will that affect my map?
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Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Ahh it's ok, I'll improve this current picture with the words The Lordaeron Empires on it someday, haven't got much time and using it wisely on improving the map. I'm kinda sad, just only 1 good friend Magnet reviewed my map, how about the other 300+ people who downloaded it? I'm requesting for reviews!
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Map Review

I find your game Interesting, which I made a map review for this

The Lordaeron Empires v2.2b


Game Cosmetics:


Bugs-see information from below
Map Score Overall-[30]


[+] signs means there is something good within your work, this won't be part of the grading since this is just a good comment saying you made a good job
[-] signs means you must make something better or maybe an improvement of that part of your work
[bugs] won't deduct your score, however, will only show you some mishaps and low managing of some triggers,terrains,units etc.

Originality [2.5/5]
[-] Your game still reminds me of simple custom melee maps through out my gaming experiences from warcraft, make better changes for your map so it will look good and approved by many
Difficulty [2.5/5]
[-] The game's difficulty is ridiculously imbalance, the towers base damage is too high, even a strong forces can't unmatched a single tower, the naga's insane hitpoints is too hard to take down, it took me a lot of eye bugging defenses for me to destroy the naga ships, try to make some good changes for your next map
Triggering [2.8/5]
[-] I don't understand those day plans of yours, I waited for the invasion that will come to my city or my allied city in the fourth day, but nothing came, just wandering Tridents that is making a run for the mill option instead of brute fighting, and ships? I mean come on! naga own ships? they only claim ships for non-watery type humanoids that needs there parley, oh well I know your doing great for this map but try more

Terraining [3/5]
[+] Your terrain gives total control of your map, that impresses me a lot, its good for hiding all of those small buildings at my disposal and has tons of blindspot and exit routes, excellent terraining dude! that is what I like in maps

Gameplay [3/5]
[+] like what I said earlier, all factions have some important managing before you want to upload another good map, for my suggestion, you must make better ones dude!

Synergy [4/5]
[+] Although you showed the human faction's declaring war with the undead faction that fits me well with the game, and your risk map somehow needs more fixing before your game will be at real risk LOL!

Not much bugs for my observations in this version, but there is one bug that is kinda irritating at the moment, when my engineer or summoner dies in combat, it takes like 10-20 seconds before the view game computer shouts the death of my hero, try fixing some of that also dude, and congratulations, only 1 bug found for now

Total Score [17.8/30] Grade [80%]

you did your best pal! but for me you can do it better, ask help to some advanced map-makers who knows a lot more of altered melee maps or risk version for you to coup up some good ones!

happy map-making!
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Ooh, what a complete review...I think there are some things in the map that you don't really understand.
Your game still reminds me of simple custom melee maps through out my gaming experiences from warcraft, make better changes for your map so it will look good and approved by many
In my opinion I don't really think my map is as simple as you said, there's quite a lot of other elements put into it, check out my description of How My Map Came About. The normal melee maps your goal is to just destroy bases but you have to do a lot more than that in my map.
The game's difficulty is ridiculously imbalance, the towers base damage is too high, even a strong forces can't unmatched a single tower, the naga's insane hitpoints is too hard to take down, it took me a lot of eye bugging defenses for me to destroy the naga ships, try to make some good changes for your next map
The towers are perfectly balanced, because when I played with my friends there is more than enough troops taking down a single tower, along with my Repairers repairing it, their force was just too powerful. Possibly you played single player so it's a different scene, much lesser troops. For the Naga Ships, haven't you heard of the flying units, the Gryphon Riders/Frost Wyrms? Dude, so easy to destroy all three ships one by one. Simply fly your Gryphon Rider over and suck the Naga Ship's hp slowly.
I don't understand those day plans of yours, I waited for the invasion that will come to my city or my allied city in the fourth day, but nothing came, just wandering Tridents that is making a run for the mill option instead of brute fighting, and ships? I mean come on! naga own ships? they only claim ships for non-watery type humanoids that needs there parley, oh well I know your doing great for this map but try more
You didn't see the War between the Humans and Undead at the top middle of the map? By the way, the enemy will send forces only to your ally's City, all at the top region of the map. Sorry about the weird Naga Ships, I couldn't think of any other way to stop the Naga. Maybe you wanna slash the water?
Although you showed the human faction's declaring war with the undead faction that fits me well with the game, and your risk map somehow needs more fixing before your game will be at real risk LOL!
Now you're saying it's a risk map? Lol I can see the quote above's some form of joke! Actually I don't really get what you mean by Synergy, though it scored the most.
Not much bugs for my observations in this version, but there is one bug that is kinda irritating at the moment, when my engineer or summoner dies in combat, it takes like 10-20 seconds before the view game computer shouts the death of my hero, try fixing some of that also dude, and congratulations, only 1 bug found for now
Oh man, that's really something that I should've mentioned in my map...it take a long time for that because it's like a 30 second respawn before your hero is revived...

Well, really many thanks for your review, I like seeing different views on my map. So far from your review I'll try to make some changes in my map. About the hero reviving I'll make it more appropiate, rather than putting a long death time (lol), I'll make a respawn system. Another thing I'll fix is the tough Naga, I'll decrease their hp. Need more reviews so I'll put 'em all in for v2.3!
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
oh your welcome!. and while your at it, I did some few check ups when you replied to my review, like what you said with the towers, I tried playing it again with 2 of my friends tagged along, and the towers were easy to demolish, but somehow its for you to change those adjustments if you want.

and yes your game has a lot of things that is happening in your map, especially the AOS region in the north part which is actually cool in my occasion, and for the naga's role, you could try changing the ships into a portal,shrine,or a tidal wave like dimensions, if you know what I mean, and finally, the Synergy part, synergy means the interaction of two or more agents or forces that combines there effect. example: cornflakes + milk = breakfast, plastic + inspiration = toy, humans + undead = war, you get the point? like a combination of elements

well atleast I showed some pinpoints for your map, and its up to you for better changes, goodluck with that, and again, I'm glad you like my review
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
OR, for the ships, how about you search a cool siren or naga model, and name is Naga Queen/King or like orcnet said, shrines are good also ;)

keep up the good work pal, you just need to add something that is so different then its happening, for example, random things, lets say: Meteor Shower? :p something like that, to slow the process in building armies to help, like the naga are Point A, get Point B, you feel me? :)

and another suggestions, thing go on simple and straight forward, how about, adding orcs and night elfs, make the map bigger, i dont know maybe redo it in a bigger layout, OR, keep it as it is, but spread the players into the four races, and make it:
Human: attack: orc undead
Undead: attack: human night elf
Night elf: attack: undead orcs
Orc: attack: night elf human
i know what you think, how would the game ends right? after for example:
human destroy the undead main building, what happens now? you conquere that large land and turn it into human, then:
Human---------------attack---------->Night Elf
same thing happen, then to win is to controll all 4 corners ( the main race building)
but again, you could make it balanced nice and awesome, or you could redo it into a bigger land area map, thats only if you are willing to do my suggestion ;)
trust me bro, imagine all the strategic stuff that could happen,
oh yeah, i know this will happen, some noobling players will just go last hit, make a trigger: human and night elf ONLY can conquer undead
undead and orc can ONLY conquer night elf
night elf and human ONLY conquer orc
orc and undead ONLY conquer human
ONLY for first lands, if land is conquer the nearest corner can conquer, BUT top right cant conquer bot left, that what i mean
i know the idea is too big, but i really think this will improve the game :p then it will be RISK (^^)
and keep the naga, they will be great at that time,
remember, if your going to do this, dont make human can only attack undead
but like top right corner attack 2 sides at a time, you understand me? :)

anyways thats what i want in you map (^^) only if your willing to do this idea (please give me credit if you do so :p)
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
O.O!!! Gosh Magnet, might as well make another map then! I'm sorry but I can't take your 4 races idea in...from the third paragraph onwards it's something I did think of but it'll really change my map...sorry bro I can't do that. My whole map's already strategised for only two teams, you want four teams, that would really make the map cool but I can't transform my map into that. Maybe you wanna try that out? My map was never protected, why don't you give it a go lol.

You know, have you played Jungle Trolls Reborn? Maybe you could make a map, this time the whole map empty, with 4 big plots of land at each corner. Then 4 players each in the 4 races build their Empire together and try to conquer their enemies, so much like Jungle Trolls Reborn, but nothing on survival. You could make this kind of map, I really like your idea but as I always said, time is very limited to me.

As for your first two paragraphs, I love the extra ideas! Meteor Shower, many more, my Naga is actually a spice I put into the map. Check out Epicwar.com and search for earlier versions of my map, instead of Naga there were scouting troops from both sides. I thought of Naga and heck, it became a major part of my map. One spice isn't enough, I've been thinking about putting more spices in. Just enjoy the current version and hold your horses for those other spices!

diahorror said:
This... is similar to Custom Castle Defence
Lol diahorror, your quote tells me you never read the description and/or played my map? Come on, try the map and rack your brains out, Custom Castle Defence is just the Naga part, they frequently attack your bases like the Orcs did.
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Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
epic :p
ye man, did u see my map......look object editor, look how much units changed lol
so making units and making map np
terrain and trigger = SUCKS
so i will do my job, i will try to make it on ur map, if its possible its great, if no i will start new one and we could work on togather what you say :D
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
It's impossible to make it on my map, it's too small!
You know, have you played Jungle Trolls Reborn? Maybe you could make a map, this time the whole map empty, with 4 big plots of land at each corner. Then 4 players each in the 4 races build their Empire together and try to conquer their enemies, so much like Jungle Trolls Reborn, but nothing on survival. You could make this kind of map, I really like your idea but as I always said, time is very limited to me.
I said this just now, seems like a perfect idea! I could make the terrain, then the triggers, but actually, how do we make a map together???
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Okay sure, but, I haven't got much time dude. Maybe from 15th March, that's when I stop my part-time work! So I'll create a nice land with four plots on that idea I posted a few posts behind. Let's make some private discussion, I don't really like posting about other things in my Lordaeron Empires thread, you got me? :D
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Magnet199 said:
ye i hear you bro :p
and i played your map today, the upgrades imo are too low and useless, so make like 3 upgrades for armor speed sight and damage ;) <- another suggestion :p
Huh? There are upgrades for speed, sight and damage! For armour there's no way to increase it, except to raise it higher by a level, like from Medium to Large. So you didn't see the Increase All Troops Attack Speed, Increase All Troops Attack and Increase All Troops Sight upgrades in the Blacksmith/Slaugtherhouse?
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
i did -_-
i said their not enough "imo" like i saw in the object manager, for speed only 0.08.....and for damage its 5, and sight 100 :S
if you do understand me, for late game, one guy should do great job and reach stronger units before the slow guy, like for some people they are very good in maps like this, but some sucks, so its not fair for the guy who knows how to play, to make his units as same as the weak player, their should be like a compare between them, i know what you will say, you will say to reach castle, some people can do it quick, ye i know, but in the end they all reach the same damage and upgrades till the fourth day (i guess) so the upgrades shows the differences between the AI units from Player units (the lordaeron units and players unit). i dont know if you understand me yet :S
its not a big problem i guess, but im just saying, and 1 more question:
what is this building in the middle? first time i see it :S

In the upgrades by saying 3, as three levels, like basic advanced, etc.
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Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Magnet199 said:
what is this building in the middle? first time i see it :S
That's the Item Shop I made from the beginning :D I've already planned a system that when you kill enemy units or Naga you'll get Lumber that can only be used to buy items for your Hero from the Shop. This will really improve the game but I haven't the time to do so.
Magnet199 said:
In the upgrades by saying 3, as three levels, like basic advanced, etc.
Ahh, now I understand you bro! So that's what you meant, sure I'll create more levels, it'll make the gameplay better :D
Sk Noob said:
i like d this game but 1 bug i can buy troop from enemy baracks and then enemy towers cant cant attack me and my troops
I experience this problem every game I play, I'll try to fix it...hopefully I can. So you did own the enemy!
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
me going to test :D
(because i HAVE TO :D)

Edit: ok here is what i got for this update,
first of all, i said to my self, hmmm lets go hunt, its the best way to receive a lot of money, good idea for the players who are beaten up greatly, good job

ok, about the aliens, need to be changed, i will send you a private better :)
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Level 2
Feb 26, 2011
ohh no bugs lol(i didnt find it) and new free money (get fly ing soldier and go to the alien ship then go to trees your fly ing 1 has 500 range then aliens have 400 range then happy farm lol) and solve about the alien ship it is bit hard and i have noticed about i never play ed by undead i hope there i find bug lol and then alien can see me somehow??

hey i want items.....

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Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
The aliens are totally okay, everyone :D It's that when you want to destroy the Spaceship don't immediately right-click move there, do attack-move to, so that you clear up the aliens (and maybe Naga too) slowly across the map. Aliens are fun to kill lol, making them low hp is kinda entertaining. For items Sk Noob, I'll try to start making them :D
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
ohh no bugs lol(i didnt find it) and new free money (get fly ing soldier and go to the alien ship then go to trees your fly ing 1 has 500 range then aliens have 400 range then happy farm lol) and solve about the alien ship it is bit hard and i have noticed about i never play ed by undead i hope there i find bug lol and then alien can see me somehow??

yes when you go on top of the trees you can kill 1 by 1 lol, free money 250 each :p awesome
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Well if you bring the aliens and Naga to the top (which they're not supposed to go to), that can't be stopped because you attract them to you. This is something I don't think I can fix. But if you didn't bring them the the top of the map they won't be there, so they won't interfere with the War. Speaking of which, here's a pretty good tactic against hordes of Naga or aliens that you and your army can't fight against - you can lure them to your city's towers (either the lane towers or the ones in the city) and they'll all die and give good exp!
Level 2
Feb 26, 2011
lol good idea:D and u maked other map like this???
PLS I ALWAYS PLAYED SINGLE player......:vw_sad:
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Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Err, can't you play with other players? Not all maps are for single player, my map actually isn't for single player but it still can be played (luckily), only that it wouldn't be much fun playing alone. You have internet to be able to post here, why not get a server like Garena or GameRanger and maybe play with me and my friends? Dude, it sure was fun when I played with fellow Hive friend Dogzo on GameRanger!