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The Life Goals Thread (Give and Receive Advice)

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Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
I figured Medivh's Tower would be the best place for this thread. Basically this is to talk about what you want to achieve in life, you don't have to talk about how you're going about this, or if you've already done these goals or not, just state your life goals and we'll all talk about them, give advice or receive advice.

I'll start:

My Life Goals:

- Raise a family
- Make an internet based career (preferably off Youtube revenue, similar platforms)
- Get most of my body covered in tattoos (except for my face, neck, hands, legs and feed.) (I have a good portion of it tattooed already)
- Release music throughout my life
- Design and release an ambiance filled FPS game or RPG or a mix of both
- Build up my game collection as big as it can possibly go

Well, what about you guys? What do you want out of our time here?
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
I honestly don't think I have decent intelligence. I used to dream of becoming a programmer but I suck at math so I sucked at programming. I tried to compensate by working hard; it worked for some time but I lost motivation after my father died.

Anyway, I settled for wood working, not the artistic type though, I just make simple chairs and tables. Sometimes, acquaintances ask me to repair furniture or doors for them too. This line of work somehow brings me back to those days with my dad, which I really enjoyed.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
I honestly don't think I have decent intelligence. I used to dream of becoming a programmer but I suck at math so I sucked at programming. I tried to compensate by working hard; it worked for some time but I lost motivation after my father died.

Anyway, I settled for wood working, not the artistic type though, I just make simple chairs and tables. Sometimes, acquaintances ask me to repair furniture or doors for them too. This line of work somehow brings me back to those days with my dad, which I really enjoyed.

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that your father passed away. May I ask how he died? I don't think he would have wanted you to give up on your dream of being a programmer (just my two cents). Wood working is cool but if you could be happier programming I would suggest giving it another try, I'm sure what he wants is for you to be happy. Also you can't "compensate" hard work for brains in programming in my opinion, I think you're underselling yourself and have a lot more to offer the world than you're letting on.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
That's no problem and thanks. My father had cancer. I also agree with you on that one can't compensate with just hard work in programming. Also, I really enjoy wood working, I actually started it as a kid.

My family was poor so I couldn't ask my parents to buy me toys, that made me look for other ways to entertain myself and since we had lots of scrap wood I decided to make my own toys from it. I remember I had made toy bows from bamboo, crossbows from bamboo and scrap construction wood supplies (I begged my dad for some nails lol). I also made boats and ships, planes too. I still remember the weird looking aircraft carrier I had made back then, I used a circa 1960s Encyclopedia as reference to make them too lol. Some of our neighbors (my older brother's friends mostly) even bought some of my work.

The reason I liked programming was because of my older brother, he was studying computer science back when I was elementary and had taught me how to write in BASIC and that experience made me like programming. He's really good at math though but back then I had no idea those two were related lol.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
That's no problem and thanks. My father had cancer. I also agree with you on that one can't compensate with just hard work in programming. Also, I really enjoy wood working, I actually started it as a kid.

My family was poor so I couldn't ask my parents to buy me toys, that made me look for other ways to entertain myself and since we had lots of scrap wood I decided to make my own toys from it. I remember I had made toy bows from bamboo, crossbows from bamboo and scrap construction wood supplies (I begged my dad for some nails lol). I also made boats and ships, planes too. I still remember the weird looking aircraft carrier I had made back then, I used a circa 1960s Encyclopedia as reference to make them too lol. Some of our neighbors (my older brother's friends mostly) even bought some of my work.

The reason I liked programming was because of my older brother, he was studying computer science back when I was elementary and had taught me how to write in BASIC and that experience made me like programming. He's really good at math though but back then I had no idea those two were related lol.

What kind of cancer? It's no problem man, it seems like you made the best out of the opportunities you had in childhood and that's pretty damn cool. Does your older brother work in programming now or did he go down a different career path?
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Colon cancer, IIRC. My brother isn't a programmer but he is working on a related job but I don't know the details. I remember he wanted to become an engineer but our parents couldn't handle the expenses so... Anyway, I hope I had shared something positive for the thread hehe :D

EDIT: Good luck to your future goals bro :D
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Let's start by saying that as a programmer, I have no future. My goals in my life are many that I cannot decide which ones to do between the first three:

1- Become a chemist and discover new things
2- Become a physician and invent new technologies
3- Become a successful engineer (I love Math and Physics!)
4- Make my parents proud of me
5- It's blatantly glaring but I'll say it anyway: "Raise up a family"
6- Get A* in all the subjects I'll take
7- Win the Nobel Prize (big ambition, am I pointing too high?)
8- Return to my dear home country Italy after about 9 years I haven't been there!

There are more but not really relevant ones so I'll just not list them
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I honestly don't have a goal.I really just...live.I don't think and worry about the future or what i want to do.I rather make the best of today and do what i can because i may not be here tommorow
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
1. Being as lazy as possibly while getting as much money as possible.
2. make a game (one can always dream)

Well, my friend, this cannot be called "life". Being lazy and making money is not a good goal to point at. Money rarely comes from laziness (unless you are a politician as Shar said) but being so is mostly like stealing money from your nation so this is just a terrible thing.
And to reply to you, WhiteFang, I must say that having no goals in your life till now is bad as well. Worrying about the future is necessary to know what you want to do in your life. Why do you think "Tomorrow I may not be here"? At the age of 14 you are already afraid to inhale your last breathe? During this age, you should remove this idea from your mind and set some goals to achieve in the future. If you don't have some, then what will you do when you'll grow up?
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Who said I will get money while slacking of at some job? But that'd be ideal. After all, who wants to work?

I would say more, but I don't want personal debate here. Send me a VM or whatever if you're that concerned.

Well, either you believe it or not, I want to work. I'd finally do something for the community I live in. Uh, still sooooo long time before this will happen....
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I don't really like limiting myself by setting a goal since I like doing a lot of things but if I were to state what I want to do after I finish College its most likely traveling around my country with a motorcycle(its actually pretty good and convenient traveling with it especially at night or at dusk) then doing mountain climbing, sky diving, surfing and other extreme sports and my country is very perfect for that. Career wise as long as I get a decent job that will suffice to maintain my hobbies and support my Parents and siblings that will be great.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
I don't really like limiting myself by setting a goal since I like doing a lot of things but if I were to state what I want to do after I finish College its most likely traveling around my country with a motorcycle(its actually pretty good and convenient traveling with it especially at night or at dusk) then doing mountain climbing, sky diving, surfing and other extreme sports and my country is very perfect for that. Career wise as long as I get a decent job that will suffice to maintain my hobbies and support my Parents and siblings that will be great.

Thats quite awesome....which country are you from? I have done some long distance biking myself and can vouch for that....it is the closest thing our generation can get to a horse back adventure.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Thats quite awesome....which country are you from? I have done some long distance biking myself and can vouch for that....it is the closest thing our generation can get to a horse back adventure.

Philippines my friend. :) Long distance biking is also a thing here, I traveled with it once with my old mountain bike while my mom and brother used motorcycle xD, but I don't think I'm gonna do that again since its way too exhausting too my liking. For people who don't have friends who like long distance biking but want some company there are groups here who lets anyone who want to travel with them.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
cried on chochobo...
thats really sad story, something like in movie.
about my goal, once when i was 6 years, i really want to be a space trooper, something like on Halo. after getting older i realized that there are no alien (yet) or space war, or space station. till now i am still want it though. And since 11 I am thinking about being a programmer and make game, but 2 years ago I googled and find out that university about computer thing in my country wasnt that good. so finally i decided for being an architect. Both my parents are architects too, but they didnt finish the college (?) , i dont know the story. Usually every time i made a goal for my life, i ended up forget them all after a couple days.
My goal for now are get to university. actually i really hate to life. I life for my parent, I want to make them proud and not make them cry. So i must being success. also, another goal, I want to take my family for recreation to many countries. and another dream: make comics, games, novels, being a programmer, pro gamer, artist, architect. so i decided to have a normal plain life, that would be enough. (sorry for bad english)
About programming, when I check the old curriculum (2006) on our country, it has basic studies for Visual Basic, but I don't know how it went. Try self study, they're fun actually, when you're getting used to it. If you want, start from GUI of Warcraft 3, to Jass, to VJass/Wirst then switch to Lua/C++ then go on :)
I'd like to move out and have a stable job so I feel free.
This way I can organize things the way I really want them with plenty control over my life.

For instance I would be able to go out at will without having to borrow a car, go out for some food/ to an event without a care.

Even though I would be working a job I would feel easier because of the likes of my above sentence.
Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
I want to do a lot of things and I do hope I can achieve these things:

- Raise a happy family
- Become a successful engineer ( Though I'm not good at math and studying well wouldn't suffice it)
- Fix all those mistakes I made.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Philippines my friend. :) Long distance biking is also a thing here, I traveled with it once with my old mountain bike while my mom and brother used motorcycle xD, but I don't think I'm gonna do that again since its way too exhausting too my liking. For people who don't have friends who like long distance biking but want some company there are groups here who lets anyone who want to travel with them.

Philippines, ah! I am personally very fond of your country. It is tropical, it has nice beaches, it has a lot of creepy crawlies for me to lay my hands on. Moreover, I find philip people to be very well mannered and cultured. (you for example). Its like my dream country. Perhaps, I should make my life goal to migrate to the Philippines. I can spend a lifetime studying its biodiversity, or lazying around on a beach.:thumbs_up:
Level 24
May 15, 2013
mmm Philippines..., oh yes,
My life goal is supposed to be a pilot, always dreamt of flying to the skies, feel the great air in an Ultralight craft, and do some exhibition on biplanes,
Well, if I can't get in with that, guess I'll have to be either Computer Engineering or I don't know,
When I'm succesful, build a family, be faithful, live till the end, and there goes the end, in a tombstone.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
1- Become a chemist and discover new things
2- Become a physician and invent new technologies
3- Become a successful engineer (I love Math and Physics!)

7- Win the Nobel Prize (big ambition, am I pointing too high?)

No ambition is too high but make sure you stay focused on realistic goals first! You need to get into a good university and pick you subject of study wisely. Follow this up with a PhD from a reputable research group and then get a good research grant and you'll be on you way.

From the sound of your post I assume you are in high school or similar. Now is an important time to think about what you want in your future. The choices you make now, while not set in stone, will strongly influence how likely it is to reach your ultimate goals. If you become a physician or engineer you will likely never win a Nobel prize, and most doctors and engineers do not even have the opportunity to work on academic projects. Chemistry is an interesting field but like any academic job, the hours are long, the risks are high, the pay is poor and the life is tough. I know this because I am myself an academic (molecular biologist) who works in a research institution that has pumped out nine Nobel prize winners! But not to put you off, the rewards can be awesome and the sense of discovery is wonderful. It's a tough balance but my main piece of advice would be to do what you love first and as you become more adept in your art you will be recognised with awards or at the very least the respect of the scientific community.

Whatever you choose, good luck!

Ps. If you really want to win a Nobel prize get involved in a field called CryoEM. It's garantueed to win many awards just like X-Ray crystallography did for the last 50 years!
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