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The King

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Reactions: deepstrasz
All hail the King! Did this out of boredom. Removed team color, because it looks idiotic with it.

Fixed the chest.

king, blood, mage, royal, kingdom

The King (Texture)

THE_END: Alright! Looks great l0w! Approved
Level 3
Nov 23, 2006
Might want to maybe do another version that uses a white cape and has the diamond patterns as the team coloured area. And if you don't really like the white pattern you might try asking the author for permission to edit it to your own personal liking so it will fit in your map(s). Just be sure to ASK first, would be quite rude to edit someone elses work without their consent. However in my personal opinion I would say its an extremely well done Blood Mage skin, don't see too many good ones 8/10.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
His boots seem to be a bit too dark. They should match better with the rest of his outfit. I'm not a very big fan of his gauntlets either (No fingers!) but this skin is one of my favorite king styled skins so... great job!