This is the Great Deku Tree of Kokiri Forest. He's the one who gives Link the
Kokiri Emerald. I've been told its not that bad of a model. But meh I personally think its an epic failure texture wise. The untextured mesh looked so much nicer in milkshape. T.T Anyway here you go. If anyone has any advice for improving it I would appreciate it.
This model only uses In-Game Textures. I think thats part of its failure in the stretched texture looking aspect. XD
So for those who don't know who/what it is here's what he's supposed to look like:
Update: Now has Morph and Morph Alternate animations for his mouth to open and close properly with movement.
Update 2: Okay so I randomly decided I wanted to fix this today. So I redid the tree top and in my opinion it's much nicer looking. I also tried adding the fairies around it but it's a quite complex effect. So instead I just removed everything but the fairies from the Fountain of Health and I'm uploading it as this model's portrait model. It's not really the portrait though. Just take the fairy effect and make it a doodad with no pathing. Then you can can place it over the center of the Deku Tree and the effects will work just fine.
Zelda, Ocarina, Time, Link, Spiritual, Stone, Ganondorf, Kokiri, Emerald, Item, Gem, Video, Game, Legend, Zerox, Deku, Tree, Great