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The End of the World

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Level 4
May 14, 2009
The end of the world will happen on december 21 ( winter solstice) of 2012. How exactly? On the kuiper belt there is a large planet that orbits in an oval orbit it come across earth every 3600 years. The magnetic fields will react and generate large earthquakes and tsunamis and possibly super volcano erruptions. About 1 year later, the planet will block the sun from earth and it will desolate earth and kill all life except for those super bacteria that are too cool die.

I made all of that up
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Currently, yes, but if we continue this way we will reach a point where almost no light enters the atmosphere (due to way too much gas) and thus our Earth won't get heated, resulting in global freezing.
impossible though, look at the world, every day they open their air conditioner, it contains (forgot) that destroys the atmosphere , i remembered, there's a meteorite that fell to indonesia,(my country) 3 meteors, even at my city at Hang Nadim's airport fell 1 meteor

indonesia has many many trees,fresh,and a indonesia is at a tropical region, but the atmosphere still got stroke by the meteor!
Global warming , just pray that'll be stop, but it's impossible if we think like a normal human.
Level 2
Feb 19, 2010
wake up! They're saying that a earth-like planet called "Nibiru" will hit the earth!
But they're not seen it , if 2012 is the end , that earth-like planet will be seen from a high-tech telescopes because its already 2 years before 2012.
If you will create up an space ship to escape on 2012 from nothing it will waste your money.
If you escaped on 2012 and survive where you will go? To the moon?
You can't live on space but in earth.
We don't know where or what will happen on the end of the world!
If you believe in 2012 and buy anything they called "HOLY" and can survive by buying it its a waste!
I believe theres a god because there are too many questions that the scientists/etc. researchers can't answer it!
Big Bang?!? What the hell! A big atom explode but where the atom come from?
If that atom come from blah blah blah?
Where comes the blah blah blah?

This is just my opinion...
They're saying that the end of the world is in MM-DD-YYYY to buy they're callin "HOLY" items that can save you from it.
Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Please don't bring religion and scientism into this. It is really stupid.

I don't believe in that crap about the world ending.
It's like. WTF?
I mean, SUDDENTLY the biggest wave ever just comes out of nowhere, and mega cracks appears everywhere. Like "wtf"?
Totally gay.
wake up! They're saying that a earth-like planet called "Nibiru" will hit the earth!
But they're not seen it , if 2012 is the end , that earth-like planet will be seen from a high-tech telescopes because its already 2 years before 2012.
If you will create up an space ship to escape on 2012 from nothing it will waste your money.
If you escaped on 2012 and survive where you will go? To the moon?
You can't live on space but in earth.
We don't know where or what will happen on the end of the world!
If you believe in 2012 and buy anything they called "HOLY" and can survive by buying it its a waste!
I believe theres a god because there are too many questions that the scientists/etc. researchers can't answer it!
Big Bang?!? What the hell! A big atom explode but where the atom come from?
If that atom come from blah blah blah?
Where comes the blah blah blah?

This is just my opinion...
They're saying that the end of the world is in MM-DD-YYYY to buy they're callin "HOLY" items that can save you from it.

I AGREE!!! i posted that long ago with a diff word!
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
2012. ain't the only year that was supposed to be world's ending. People also thought,for example,something big will happen on 2000. and nothing happened at all. I don't get why you continue this theme anyway,you all keep saying you don't believe world will end at 2012,so we all agree. :xxd:
ok lets put it this way. its all total bull. Look back at 1999. the story was, all the computers were going to crash and all technology would shut down because of the sudden year change of 2000. But guess what? nothing happened. All the computers worked fine and absolutley NOTHING went wrong. Everyone was so scared beforehand, all because of a bloody rumor.

So its like that. We are so freaked out because someone told us that this is going to happen here and the world is going to end. and their only proof is because someone else said so. Where is the logic in that?
Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
denothor, that one was the power of rumours. from what i heard/researched, someone sent an email saying that the year's end was fake and it was the world's end. then, that guy posted it up on his blog (yes they have it in the past) and many people knew of it as he was freaking popular. soon, the whole world was saying bout it with some bullshit added into it every time. it started as 'the world is going to explode'.

however, i am really starting to believe the 2012 story. look at the tsunami. many animals migrated because they knew the tsunami is coming. Now, we can definitely see many animals out in the streets (too much stories of millions of animals moving to somewhere else have been heard in the news). i have a feeling something big is going to happen and Singapore wont have these signs as we did not have natural disasters ever since it broke off from the asia continent.

We may believe in it, but do not get obsessed in it. Just say nothing and act like how you do. for all you know the world isnt going to end in 2012. frogs migrating to the north, bears moving out of their natural territory (never happened before in like a few thousand years) so i think the world's gona end.

Erherm. Their only proof is that some ancient 5000 years old grandpa wrote it.

so how many grandpa are there? 5 or 6 grandpa from totally different places and ages can predict the SAME thing... hmm...
Level 8
Oct 3, 2008
Look back at 1999. the story was, all the computers were going to crash and all technology would shut down because of the sudden year change of 2000. But guess what? nothing happened. All the computers worked fine and absolutley NOTHING went wrong.

Actually, it was rather disastrous. Ever heard of the Y2K bug? Plenty of computers went from the year 1999 to the year 1900. Lots of scheduled things went crazy. A good amount of money went down the drain. Disks were released to fix the bug. We have one of those lying around in some ancient CD holder somewhere.

Nowhere near a total meltdown of technology, but something terrible nonetheless.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Big Bang?!? What the hell! A big atom explode but where the atom come from?
If that atom come from blah blah blah?
Where comes the blah blah blah?

Correction: It wasn't a big atom which exploded. It was an incredibly dense ball of matter which exploded. Sure, it must have come from somewhere, but there are many explanations (just do some googling), and I could ask the same question about God, where did he come from? But let's not go there, religion related discussions here at the hive don't go well.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
A cobalt bomb is a nuclear device that causes little damage and creates huge amounts of radiation.

One on Mecca/New York and you wont be able to visit it for the next 300 years.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
It's too boring now, no cataclysms. bah we dont live forever, I want to see what the future will be like for real, not just in a dream about cataclysms. At least I hope I can observe nice astronomical phenomenon in 2012

im not joking about dreams - in one of them I was just outside in my city but all buildings were destroyed, it was night, there was fire around. Our mountain which originates from a volcano was an active volcano. Another - I was running away from constantly rising water that covered my city, werid considering we dont live near a sea or ocean. In a third, some bright light from the sky hit the earth and i was pushed away like by a strong shock wave. In a forth - I was walking from the beach in the direction of the sea, but the sea had no water, just sand and dried algae! I dreamed them years before watching 2012, too bad if the dreams were just about the movie...
Level 7
Jan 17, 2010
Those who think world will end on 2012 are dumbs.The only thing will happen is this: (O= sun, 0s planets) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.If you cant understand(100% you dont probably) all planets will come on a line (O=sun, .s planets,explaining from over the planets)
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