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The Chosen Ones 1.0

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Aeroblyctos presents
The Chosen Ones
Single-player RPG

Background Story
Twelve peaceful years have passed since The Great War ended. The war that lasted centuries but no man could recall the reason of. The age of despair, bloodshed, loss and grief is now past. The new age brought the opportunity for human kingdoms to rise, as humanity has broken free from the grip of the dragons.

This story focuses on Kingdom of Balgaron and three famous Dragon Slayers: Phodom, Fradz and Galeoth. Each of them starts their journey in different places, but they will eventually meet eachother and join forces along the path. Together, the three are forced to go a conflict beyond their imaginations.

Lead them into an epic world, guided by a strong storyline that covers hate, love, war and peace.

The honored Dragon Slayer Phodom gave up his life as a warrior and began a new life with his wife and his children, far away from the capital of Balgaron in the small town called Dalli. All his plans were going smooth and easy until someone steps into his life and changes everything...Fradz is a young energetic Dragon Slayer known for his short temper and bad manners. This silly thief is a very powerful warrior and it is said that he even killed powerful dragons single-handedly. After the war, Fradz went on many journeys, but one day a mysterious voice told him to travel to the famous Dragon Inn to meet someone who was once very close to him. Fradz accepts this new journey, as he knows that he cannot decline it...Galeoth, the son of a legendary Dragon Slayer lived up to his father's name and became one of the leaders of Balgaron. After the war, Galeoth still believed that the war was not yet over. His obsession to find dragons led him towards the Icy Mountains where he is about to uncover a horrible secret that will change the fate of mankind...

The Chosen Ones is a massive single-player Campaign, featuring:
Check out the following videos and picture of the campaign

Please discuss further about the campaign here in Hive's forum or visit the official site:

  • 10 chapters, 9 interludes, a prologue and an epilogue
  • Over 30 hours of gameplay
  • Dozens of unique systems
  • Beautiful cut-scenes with over 100 cinematics
  • 33 different kind of strategic boss battles and hundreds of mini-bosses
  • Scripted hero abilities and spell book spells
  • Dazzling effects everywhere you travel
  • Significant amount of main and optional quests
  • Over 500 custom items
  • Complicated optional puzzles that needs brains to solve
  • Own unique music themes
  • Over 1500 imported materials
  • Hundreds of secret treasures
  • Official website where you can share your experience to others
  • And most of all, an exceptional story set in massive world of Oelivert

Playthrough by [MNI] [aluCard]
[MNI] [aluCard] recorded his playthrough on Hard with the complete version 1.0.


Playthrough by Killa
Killa recorded his playthrough on Extreme with Beta version 1.6.

More information about this playthrough on here.

Playthrough by Hamza
Hamza recorded his playthrough on Extreme with Beta version 1.8.

More information about this playthrough on here.

Contact me
If you want to discuss with me personally about the campaign you can directly contact me. Here are few ways to contact me:
I'll add the updated credits as soon as I've finished them. Currently you can view the credits in the official site.
Version changes
Check out the newest changes and overall see how the campaign has improved through all these years.

  • Send an email to Aeroblyctos(at)hotmail.com
  • Add me to your Skype or Messenger: Aeroblyctos(at)hotmail.com
  • Go to the official website and send a private message or meet me in the chat: www.tcocampaign.com
  • Put a message here or send a private message in this site.

General Information

During making this campaign for many years, I have met incredible persons. Without them, this project would have died long time ago. With your feedback and help I'm able to finish this project. What we must remember, is that I'm not doing this for myself, I'm doing this for you.

I'm really sorry if you have helped me in any way and I have not added you to the list. Please, tell me immediately and I will add your name to the right place. Thank you.

Special Credits

Kitabatake is, without a doubt, the most important person to this campaign. He produced several systems, massive amounts of complex triggers, and provided large amounts of models textures, and icons as well. Kitabatake's devotion and contribution towards the campaign is definitely the greatest of all.

Makes has helped in a long run various ways from creating important systems to helping me to fix very complicates bugs I couldn't handle. The help he has given is enormous and he's for sure one of the most important and supportive persons I have met while doing this campaign. For all the things you have helped me, thank you.

This man is a strong long time supporter of the campaign since the beginning of its creation. His influence on the campaign is unquestionable and without him, many things would have gone differently. I could not ask for a better supporter. People like him are essential for big projects like this one. For all the support you've given to me through all these years, I'm really grateful to you.

David and I have been in correspondence for a long time now on the subjects of: story, ideas, characters and texts. We have done much work together and had some nice debates. A couple times he took breaks for his studies, he but always came back to give honest input and read the texts I send. In respect to our friendship, he requests that the campaign be completed not too long from now, and I hope to be able to honor that. Thanks, David, and speak to you soon!

VGAura is one of the most important persons I have met while working on the campaign. This person has great skill in making texts sound incredible and has helped the campaign by improving the texts overall. Thank you for your great effort.

Killa deserves to be here for his gigantic help he has given to me improving the texts of the campaign. Also he has helped me by giving suggestions, ideas and winning multiple contests hosted by the official website. Thank you from your awesome work. You are a person that I can trust and that gives me power to keep working on this campaign. Thanks!

Kratos1987 deserves credit for his great effort towards testing the campaign and providing feedback. He gave me a lot of suggestions as well as reported a lot of bugs. Thank you for taking your time to test the campaign, Kratos1987.

Long projects need long time supporters. Yggdrasill deserves to be in this special list for his long support towards the campaign. He has helped me not only in testing, but giving excellent ideas, suggestions, helping with grammar errors and also helping other players. Thank you Yggdrasill for being a part of this project, you won't be forgotten.

I credit Daniel from his awesome testing and he's great advices to improve the campaign. He's work also for the campaign is remarkable as a tester, idea giver and making the English better. Thanks for your help, Daniel.

Doomlord has helped me these recent months greatly with various ways such as helping with the website, coding, ideas and bugs. The help has come in handy and I'm thankful from the help I've received from him.

Even if the name could tell different, Tears is not one who comes with tears whining that The Chosen Ones is bad. Instead, he's a guy who gives brilliant feedback and help towards the campaign. He's the kind of guy who I like to work with. Thank you for all of your help to me.

The Wizard
The Wizard's contribution towards the campaign was great, although short because he suddenly disappeared after a couple months. He helped me greatly by improving the texts of chapters 1 through 5. I can only wish him the best of luck with his life.

For the awesome work around the official website, helping me and and making some very nice tutorials. Thanks for the help, Skasian!

Definitely darkdeathknight deserves to be here for his incredible UI he has created for the campaign. Thanks for giving so much effort and having so much patience while cooperating with me doing the UI. The campaign has once again moved to the next level with your creation.

From his great feedback and tireless effort to find bugs. I appreciate your help, thank you.

You're not just an excellent tester, but also a great idea giver and helper around the website. Good job so far!

Shadow Daemon
Mighty Shadow Daemon created the campaign optimizator to fasten the loading times of the campaign. Big thanks, the program is very useful!

Tirlititi deserves to be in the special because of his knowledge and help to create campaign optimizator. Thanks, now the campaign has a lot faster loading times!

Major Credits


System Creators
Razorbrain - Hero spell System
Kitabatake - Anti-Cheat, Stats Counter
Maker - Steal System, Boss Status, Auction Hall
Viikuna - First Person Camera, Fog System
Bribe - Item Cleanup
looking_for_help - Physical Damage Detection

Excellent Testers
Kratos1987, Flame_Phoenix, Slid3r, Kupownage, kingkrick, Synix, vercas, vita1ce, LightBloOD, ZUBRIS, Chorale, Giantr, Sylum, jinxes, Shabazza, Hypnotic, HopOnPop, cosmicat, xxdingo93xx, Flecky, JoJoRiS, DPL, endlessPain, LucasMapurunga, maninblack, Blackdoom59, Doomlord, Isofruit

Great Helpers
Kitabatake, Kratos1987, Daniel, Zrgi, Razorbrain, SkriK, Viikuna, Flame.Phoenix, Flecky, Lmao.Me, Maker, LucasMapurunga, Alan_Osl, [H]ell[H]eaven, EndlessPain, maninblack, Yggdrasill, darkdeathknight, Doomlord, eubz, defskull, TheSnake, Derdan, Anvil, Xtrheo

Great Modelers
Kitabatake, nGy, Anvil

Competition Winners
Vercas, tonttu-mies, JoJoRiS, VGAura, JoJoRiS, Alan_Osl, Divine Seal, SaRDaNaPaLoS_QQ, Killa, megmaconqueror, Witardo, AriLaroo, Blackdoom59, Skasian, Doomlord, Flecky, Isofruit, Yggdrasill

Minor Credits

Idea Giver
Alan_Osl, Yggdrasill, Tears, fruitstore, AriLaroo, Doomlord, Flecky, Blackdoom59, Isofruit, garkhan, LucasMapurunga, Divine Seal, Naragonth

Trigger Help
Kitabatake, Xarwin, Pharaoh_, XmmmX99, Zrgi, Skrik, Redscores, Daniel, Flame_Phoenix, Maker, Fomortiis, darkdeathknight, Vunjo, Narogog, Spinnaker, Doomlord, Ender, Anvil, ERYFKRAD, defskull, ThisPOT, Xtrheo

Better English Credits
VGAura, Kitabatake, Zrgi-Rox, indomitable1319, donut3.5, Skrakar, Spammy, Mechmap, Killface, Maedh, The Last Istari, zombie2279, Firelord213, Harzaa, Slid3r, Discipline, Nightbrowler, debode, zombie2279, Mecheon, Super-Luke, Nbah, Yggdrasill, Isofruit, Flecky

Model Credits #1
Kitabatake, Fan, Callahan, General Frank, Pyramidhe@d, Blargel, ike_ike, PrMosquito, unknownczar, Elenai, WILLTHEALMIGHTY, JetFangInferno, Daelin, Nasrudin, RightField, Chriz., jigrael, sNasrudin, RightFiel, Dan van Ohllus, Norinrad, Xm0rpH3usXx, Trollschnitzel, eubz, TwoVenomous, Anvil

Model Credits #2
mucfuc2002, Sven, Nasrudin, jigrael, xXMephistoXx, Whitehorn, Rondo, DampirTBs., vdvMax, Alibek, DampirTBs., Nyuu, WizkaZ, Totoro, ANDREW II, CheGeWarA., DampirTBs., B100D E1F., KENI., ReplikanT., Gotik., IceK., Illidan(Evil)X, Thrikodius, Syroco, Sephiex, olofmoleman, Revilo

Model Credits #3
alreadyused, Heptameron, alfredx_sotn, Elunes-Guardian, !!GORO!!, Tykkimies, Mc !, Ket, DeathBringer, Nanaki, El Mognefico, Comrade Dron, Wolverine., Black_Stan, KO3bMA, WizkaZ, KO3bMA, DrakMoon, franck007, pro100_ShureG, Splash_777, chilla_killa, -=Emergenzy=-, tobyfat50, RetroSexual, Derdan

Model Credits #4
ERYFKRAD, UgoUgo, terrio

Skin Credits
Kitabatake, Norinrad, olofmoleman, IceMage, Linaze, Zadelim

Icon Credits
darkdeathknight, Kitabatake, GooS, ragingspeedhorn, CRAZYRUSSIAN, The_Silent, Skrik, NFWar, Darkfang, Bogrim, KelThuzad, Hellx-Magnus, CloudWolf, Tr!KzZ, 67chrome, Yak, PeeKay, Anachron, Infinitynexus, NFWar, ~Void~, Army-of-Pandas, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Captain_Rufar, JollyD, Zombie, Sin'dorei300

Beta Testers
[H]ell[H]eaven, megmaconqueror, MofoBear, Tears, EndlessPain, Osanthus, st_slaughter, LucasMapurunga, Exathos, byenma, GiantR, jms2544, quogram, pl4ton, VGAura, Fomortiis, scord, Yggdrasill, DeftheLynn, iatemycrayons, iatemycrayons, corellius, Maj.Spastic, SaRDaNaPaLoS_QQ, Alan-lg, thmzje, Vercas, chalmit, Eneal, linueln, ironymon, MARYNOM, haidarabbas, garkhan, Killa, Daniel, AriLaroo

kuncuperzz, Torankasu, blackchaos10, jupiter304, crazyshort, noal, Somebody Madman, RiKy-23, Forsaken Ranger, Tirlititi, lordofdeath, helekiller, Zelda.Alex, HuanAk, Isofruit, Luffy, ResolveR, Lorska, GunSlinger21, jokomz, Blackdoom59, GunSlinger21, BlackShadowWave, crazyshort, lightfade, AirVault, tcofeeder, Wings_Of_PegasuS, Flecky, AlesWiLL, Shekamaru, Archangel Anzelayne, patrick_pkl, Sigma, deathwings, Vicious, Banpower1, phasekill, Timmy007, bating50, Richie, **** One, nhc1987, Black^


Alpha Testers
Flecky, JoJoRiS, DPL, Flame_Phoenix, xxdingo93xx, Kupownage, Hypnotic, falferi, The_wand_mirror, kingkrick, onlyagame, sanjuro, Septimus, Slid3r, demon.spider, Calas, Callew, dragor-x, pyropk95, matafakas, hidomasu, Daniel

KingLich, corellius, MEtalliC, Linaze, rneXis, redscores, Chorale, gerbal_warfare, Kettle, legolas638, whit, borispark0221, Skrakar, kyo_fight, AntoMarc

meteOrain-, yakonshus, Army-of-Pandas, VEz, Xenophobia, kevonl999, Kupownage, Zrgi-Rox, tonttu-mies, Daedin, Oziris, Moyssy, Mechmap, NightFelix, havefun-, SnakePriest, Kitabatake, UnderATker, X.e.r.e.X, Mechmap, ikoraiza, Killa

Kill3rbeast, LEgu-, Callahan, max_dan, falferi, Yggdrasill, megmaconqueror

If you don't see your name here and you think you deserve to be here, reply to this thread.

AI system for companions added. Credits goes to Chaosy who made the system by my request.
All abilities remade and new abilities: Battle Banner, Fiery Ball, Fire Power, Ultimate Sacrifice, Counter Attack, Energy Shield, High Strike, Crystal Plane, Galeoth's Order, Illusion Army, Magic Convert and Magical Fog.
'Critical Chance' attribute added! It starts from 5% and it can be increased various ways.
Now also Strenght increases Critical Damage just like Agility.
Chapter 5 Pumpking Quest's second cinematic updated.
Chapter 7 Epic Boss removed the terrain deforming to decrease lag.
Fixed a lot of bugs you guys mentioned.

Chapter 1 Epic Boss Golem Event is now fixed.
Fixed Books.
Removed Magic Aura damage boost(remain from Berserk).
Now chapter 2 obelisk puzzle shouldn't give any fatal errors.
Fixed chapters 8 and 9 saving. Now both chapters saves correctly all things, including Colossal Slam.
Fixed Gladiator Arena at chapter 7.
Fixed other bugs I forgot to mention.

Chapter 9 is now available for playing.
Attack and Armor types remade; values are changed and Attack & Armor types are removed. I've made the campaign simpler, easier to learn and more effective this way.
Rebalanced the armor values of all enemy units in all chapters.
Improved chapter 3's ending dialogues (outdated).
Vacuum's area of effect reduced. You cannot grab items from far away anymore.
Background stories and so-called "Books" are completely added to all chapters in this version.
Every single Spell Book spell has been added to the campaign!
Many new items and item changes. For example, superior items, which costs a huge amount of gold, are added to middle chapters; however, they're worth it!
Improved the multiboard a lot. Now it is more informative and better organized.
Combat kings once again rebalanced and changed. The major thing is that now they all cost 2 Honor Points.
Espers improved and made even stronger. Please come and tell me what you think about the Espers now. I've seen that players don't use them and I really want to make them useful.
Many changes to the starting packs! Now they should be balanced, every single one of them!
Stealing improved; now it shows the percentages.
Easter Eggs added; currently just 2 but there will be a total of 12 Easter Eggs. Check them all out!
Mystic Storm and Frost Shard recoded.
From this version onwards, a number of items can only be bought once. Choose wisely and try not to lose those items. You cannot buy them again!
Small changes to abilities, but not much. I plan to once again balance them in the coming minor versions. For example, I was thinking to completely remove Bleed, Brittle and Stagger. What do you think?
Fixed hundreds of major and minor bugs.

Fixed Frost Shard load at chapter 3 and 6
Fixed Freezing Field load at chapter 3 and 6

Fixed Mystic Storm save/load

Fixed Lightning Charge and Lightning Element save/load
Fixed invisible strike
Fixed chapter 5 Soul Stealers
Added new abilities: Freezing Field, Frost Shard and Mystic Storm(thanks to Doomlord for making them)
Now riddle question can give up to 5000 gold.
Fixes all over the campaign!

Fixed chapter 8 riddle quest bug.
Fixed chapter 8 Boss.
Fixed chapter 8 Behemoth.
Fixed give up bug.
Fixed difficulty bug at chapter 1.
Fixed Power Hammer, Life Stone, Aero and many other items...
Fixed lightning orb and many other abilities...
Fixed Berserk and many other combat kings...
Added True Zozi.
Fixes all over the campaign.

Fixed Book descriptions.
Added a custom select effect.
Fixed chapter 5 Fradz spell load.
Fixed give up.
Fixed Combat King - Magic Torment.
Life's Stone improved.
Fixed chapter 6 resource load.
Fixes all over the campaign.

Added hints to the campaign.
Prologue improved.
New abilities: Headbutt, Flame Barrier, Power Orbs, lightning elemenental and Lightning charge.
Improvements to almost all abilities. Also thanks to Doomlord for helping me.
Re-worked all ability descriptions and damages.
Now there are totally of 9 Spell Book Spells instead of 12. Also espers are put to the Spell Book.
Remade Starting Packs.
Potions remade.
Lucky Boxes remade.
New system! Books! Now you can read books that tells background story of the game.
Improvements and changes to items such as Legendary murloc head is now removed and instead there's Damanthe's Set and Battlemage Set. This is just tip of the iceberg.
Chapter 2 Elite Boss remade.
Chapter 2 Epic Boss remade.
Chapter 4 Elite Boss remade.
Chapter 5 Epic Boss remade.
Chapter 7 Epic Boss remade.
Changed abilities hotkeys from "Z, X, C, V" to "Q, W, E, R".
Riddle qustions updated.
Some fixes to chapters 8 to make it work properly(like loading from chapter 7).
Smaller and bigger fixes all over the campaign.

Loading times are now significantly faster. All thanks to Shadow Daemon and Tirlititi for their awesome work.

Added little puzzle for chapter 6 related to Elemental Orbs.
Fixed Chapter 7 Maximillian quest.
Fixed Chapter 6 Forgotten Ones quest.

Fixed health and mana regeneration bug.
Removed quick Eat Button.
Added 50 max mana to all heroes permamently.
Fixed "Arnold's Armor Store" shop at chapter 1.

Improved chapter 1 Elite Boss.
Improved chapter 1 Epic Boss.
Fixed sell gold rate.
Fixed exp cap bug.
Disabled vitality system because it was the reason why gold rates started to bug. I'll either change the system or try to fix the system, if I can.
Added few more items such as Dark Amulet and Poison Knife.

Added a new cooldown system. Thanks to various people helping me to do it such as -Kobas- and Kitabatake.
Enemy experience, gold and levels rebalanced.
Fixed item sell rate bug.
Fixed, remade and made new items.
Counter Attack Combat King is now Retaliation made by Doomlord.
Fixed evasion, works finally!
Fixed critical, works finally!
Instant Slash is now Crissor Stab.
Fixed Soul Burn and made it little stronger. I plan to update it even further in the future.
Fixed a lot of other bugs.

Fixed Experience bug.

These items are edited: Animal Set, Sargatanas, Rikhano's Set, Zyl orb, Blade of Death, Holgro, Crown Of Magic, oelivert and some more items
New items added: Jade Set, Wrytt, Improved Animal Set, Three Ways and some more
These items are temporarily not yet remade: Dragon Buster, Holgro, Aero, Silver Set
Made chapter 3 second epic puzzle easier.
Fixed Critical Strike.
Added Zozi to chapter 6.

The campaign is now optimized and should work faster.

Chapter 8 is now playable
Changed the layout of the whole campaign(interface, mouse, etc.)
Changed difficulty settings and now higher difficulties are a bit harder.
Changed unit classifications, right now updated to chapter 8 only.
Regular: Basic enemies
Empowered: Basic enemies / Mini-bosses
Superior: Mini-bosses / Bosses
Mighty: Mini-bosses / Bosses / Elite-bosses / Epic-bosses
Added Ultimate Sets.
Reworked some items like Magma Set and Elexorien.
Vitality system upgraded in various ways and I've some plans to upgrade it even further in the future. One big note is that now max vitality will only increases when an item is in a character's inventory.
Now every fourth ranked synthesis Item will require a Zozi to reduce player from getting too many powerful items at early chapters.
Now each STR gives 20 health instead of 25.
Now each INT gives 10 mana instead of 15.
Chapter 4 Wisps are now easier to catch
Black merchant can only be seen between 24:00 to 6:00 o'clock.
Fixed Instant Slash
Fixed Power Heal
Fixes and small changes all around the campaign...

Added new ability for Phodom: Power Heal.
I made some changes to items(Cripple Triple Axe, Tera Ring...).
Fixed Meditate.
Fixed Instant Slash.
Fixed boss archievements.
I removed Berserk Combat King because I relised it can't be fixed(If you have ideas for high tier physical Combat King enter the competition).
Elite and Epic quests are from now on counted as optional quests also.
Fixed save/load espers.
Rearranged ability positions and hotkeys. Now categories goes like in this order: Single(Z), Aoe(X), Heal(C) and Element(V). Special(S) and Ultimate(D) abilities stay where they were before.
Rebalanced ability damages.
All recipes cost now 50% less.
Fixed item & split system.
Fixed bugs from chapter 5 Elite Boss(over half of his moves were not enabled).
Remade chapter 5 Vampire Lord battle.
Remade chapter 6 Xada second battle.
Removed a lot of useless things around the campaign.
And fixed a lot of minor bugs around the campaign.

Fixed combat king load bug from Fradz and Galeoth

Chapter 4 boss remade
Remade the ending cinematics of chapter 4
Remade chapter 5 beginning
Added new abilities: Defensive Roar, Soul Burn, Spinning Death, Colossal Slam, Instant Slash and Seal of Resurrection
Fixed save/load bug
Fixed some bugs
Fixed some more bugs
And fixed tons of other bugs

Fixed Combat King Bug
Fixed a lot of other bugs

Fixed shovel bug

Remade Opportunist starting pack for Galeoth
Added Sunrise Item set
Added stealable items to chapter 1
Added stealable items to chapter 4
Fixed Phoenix Strike(no more invulnerable bug)
Fixed save/load combat kings
Fixed save/load alchemist
Remade Chromatic item
Fixed shovel bug
Re-checked Black Merchants
Fixed Heaven's Bless ability
Fixed alchemist description bugs
And fixed tons of other bugs

Chapter 7 is now opened.
Boss points are now removed from the game. You can still change your Boss points to Honor points by writing this code: "-change".
Remade all item, ability, spell, esper and all other descriptions: they are now shorter and easier to read.
There is only fire, ice, and lightning spells now.
Improved multiboard by a lot, added some new stats to it also.
Added new combat kings and new spells. Combat Kings now only go up to level 5.
Added some more tactical meaning to the battle: some abilities can do or use buffs called Brittle, Stagger, and Bleed. For example some other abilities can use these buffs to deal increased damage.
Now Special abilities will increase by every level instead of every fifth level.
All professionals are now universal.
The Critical Damage bonus starts from 100% instead of 0%. The chance to do a Critical Hit is still 10%.
Once again, more items.
New Spell System: Instead of spell books you can easily use spells from left corner just like potions.
The file size is now bigger because I imported some resources to the campaign. The expected file size in the end will be about 120mb to 140mb. I hope the file size won't be a problem.
New balanced attack and armor types: Sharp, Blunt, Magic, Light, Medium, Heavy, Sturdy and Elemental.
Now some enemies are categorized as Summoned, Undead, Drgon and Monster. Some items and abilities can do extra effects to them.
Now enemies won't do their abilities while stunned.
The campaign is now optimized and protected. All thanks to Shadow Daemon for creating the awesome "campaign optimizator" program".
Fixed some bugs.

New Steal System.
Most of the item descriptions are updated.
Some of the items are remade.
Upgraded Lucky Boxes and put new unique items.
And a lot of bug fixes.

Fixed a starting bug from chapter 3. It should now work properly.
Added proper descriptions to the difficulties.

Removed some test items from chapter 1 beginning.

Chapter 6 is now opened.
Now Item Sets have own unique icons.
Honor Shop Disabled. "Ability Bonus" system will be added later to the campaign that replaces Honor Shop Items.
Remade Esper System.
Remade Summon System.
Remade some of the spell book spells.
Chapter item descriptions to easier to read.
Now there are only two magical balls instead of three. Also now they give solid magic bonus instead of percent.
Removed Phodom's speciality that gives plus one Dig Power every 10th level.
Also changed Professions bonuses.
Some of the spell book spells are remade and balanced such as first Fire Spell.
Added Game Panel where you can for example eat food, move your boxes and cast espers.
And many, many other changes. Once again so many changes I simply cannot remember everything.

Save & load combat kings and spell book spells are fixed.
Restore Panel fixed.
Fixed vitality system.
Six new Galeoth abilities: Chill of the Frost Master, Frozen Storm, Icy Barrage, Inner Light, Mesmerizing Ice Crystal and Piercing Shard.
Combat Kings are remade. All high tier combat kings aren't remade yet.
After every cinematic units you had selected before will be selected for you automatically.
Now quests will give experience like before.
Fixed chapter 5 ending.
Chapter 1 Boss, Chapter 1 Elite Boss, Chapter 3 Boss and Chapter 3 Elite Boss battles are now improved.
Fixed Code Puzzle.
Fixed Kaza Leader Dialog.
Remade Chapter 5 Elite Boss Fight and fixed few problems of it.
Now Main Quest 3 can be completed right after watching The Bridge Cinematic at chapter 5.
Fixed many more minor bugs...

Chapter 5 is now open.
Fradz model is now changed. Thanks to Kitabatake who made it from the beginning to the end.
Galeoth model is now changed. Thanks Fan for starting the model and making most of it and Kitabatake for finishing it.
Whole stats based systems combined to one big, simple and more powerful system. Credits to Kitabatake for helping me creating this new system.
A new system! Boss status system. All thanks for Maker who created this system.
Now Agility Stat will give critical dmg and evasion chance.
Chapter 1 Boss and Chapter 1 Elite Boss are now slightly stronger and they have some new special abilities.
Multiboard is now slighly different.
Fixed a large amount of smaller and bigger bugs.
And many, many more changes...

Added new starting packs.
Fixed(hopefully) loading problems with combat kings and spell book spells at chapter 4.
Fixed saving and loading professions.
Fixed a bug in chapter 4 that didn't load Heaven's Bless ability.
Fixed Synthesis item descriptions and fixed some problems players couldn't create some of them. Also removed the ones who I have not yet remade. Don't worry, all of them will come back at later versions.
Fixed bug that players couldn't create alchemist potions.
Fixed Silver and Thief Set combination.
Edited Restore Panel system. Added restoration potions.
Increased Mini-Bosses hit point regenerations.
Chapter 1 Mini-Bosses are now a little stronger than before.
Added 2 low magic orbs to chapter 1. Now you can create Zwill Blade or Aerial Shoes at chapter 1.
Fixed a lot of minor bugs.

Chapter 4 is now opened.
Credits are now updated.
Illusory Double illusions now will take 500% damage compared to Fradz from 1000% damage.
Dozens of changes in items, for example Miraga's Set can now be found from chapter 1 and Silver Set can now be found from chapter 2.
Fixed Zwill Blade's synthesis, now it should be able to create.
Increased Phodom's base movement speed from 250 to 275.
Spell book spells are cooldown are now changed. Here are the cooldowns from first to fourth 90/180/300/once per chapter.
Dozens of smaller and bigger bug fixes.

Fixed a bug and now Black Market sells the correct item: Third Hand. Now you finally can actually get the Thief Set at chapter 2.
Fixed Anthenex Esper's attack type.
Fixed Bronze Shovel bug and the dig power at multiboard.
Now Lightning Orb's buff should not give any advance to enemies.
Fixed Omega Orb and now it should summon Elemental Golems every 15 to 90 seconds.
Items Zwill Blade and Aerial Shoes are now made stronger

Chapter 3 is now open.
Fixed Combat Kings where they were always rested to level 1 after loading.
Fixed a difficulty settings in chapter 2 as they were too weak for the stronger difficulties. Now enemies are stronger as they should be(ATK: 0%/0%/10%/20%/30% & HP: 0%/0%/15%/45%/75%).
Changed Ground Zero's cooldown from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
Edited Aura Of Fire, now it also do damage per second.
Fixed chapter 2 epic boss' passive spells. Now there's something actually.
Fixed Alchemist bug that didn't allow Phodom to reach further levels.
Fixed Bless Of Lightning attribute bug.
Fixed hotkeys in Command Panel.
Fixed bug that boxes could also learn spells.
Fixed tons of other minor bugs I have forget to add here.

Fixed a major bug that freezes the game when entering to honor or combat shop
FIxed multiboard a little: Now honor points show honor points and boss points shows boss points, before they were mixed up
Correct Treasure Hunter abilities are now shown
Correct Battle Thief abilities are now shown
Fixed Alchemist Potion creating
Fixed problem where enemies didn't have items at all(chapter 2)
Fixed some ability descriptions
Changed chapter 1's puzzle reward
Increased Heaven's Bless' cooldown from 6 seconds to 12 seconds
Fradz's starting items are now sligtly stronger

Fixed a problem where chapter 2 started instead of 1 after prologue

Beta 1.0a to Beta 1.1

Opened chapter 2
Added a puzzle to chapter 1
Increases Chapter 1's Epic Boss' Basic hit points from 15,000 to 20,000
Created two new spells for Chapter 1's Epic boss
Increases Chapter 1's Epic Boss' Special Spells' damage
Made stronger some of the Mini-Bosses in chapter 1
Changed chapter 1's Boss' wall to different looking
Azureus Set can now be obtained in chapters 1 to 7 instead of 5 to 11

Installed "Game Point" System
Added a new heal ability for Phodom: Heaven's Bless
Fixed Combat King Bug Shop where combat kings are teleported to middle of the map
Elite Boss' "Cave Collapse" event no longer deal damage to Elite Boss and its warriors
Phoenix Strike: Attack damage increased from "(strx1)x12" to "(strx3)x12"
Fixed texts from dig rewards.
Added a new mini-boss: "Habtat Spider Mother"
Added four recipes to chapter 1: Potion Of Strength, Potion Of Agility, Potion Of Intelligence" and "Potion Of
Added and removed some spells for Epic Boss in chapter 1
Chapter 1's Epic Boss second stage is now a bit easier
Removed Inta-Sell
Remade Great Mana Gem

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and interludes 1 and 2 are closed for now
Now only Prologue and chapter 1 available to play
The whole game-play is remade
A new system, Professions: Each character will have a primary and secondary profession
A new system, Gold: Now items and abilities can increase the gold amount from enemies
A new system, Experience: Now items and abilities can increase the experience amount from enemies
Total remade of spell books: Less spells, but more tactical, unique and practical. 4 spells for each element.
Doubled the maximum level of characters in each chapter to the maximum of 100 levels
Remade almost all the bosses of the campaign
Espers remade
All items are remade and added about 50 items more
Remade vitality system, now items can increase the maximum vitality

The Chosen Ones, RPG, Single, Campaign, Dragon, Dragons, Aeroblyctos, Aero, Phodom, Fradz, Galeoth

The Chosen Ones 1.0 (Campaign)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Feb/11 11:05:00 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object...
Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
EDIT: Well then it seems that I am just stupid. I tried running the game as admin and guess what? Game is working fine. Thanks for all the help.
Kinda odd that this campaign requires administrator privileges to run. I thought it would only be required for installing and updating. Glad it solved it though. I'll try keep a mental note about it in case anyone has this problem.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
It's amazing how many things this Campaign include. You might reach a point thinking that you discovered everything, but there is always something you gonna miss. An Epic story indeed, with small stories within it. So many items and sets that needs to be combined, with the feature of crafting items to legendary equipment. Definitely The greatest RPG/Campaign i played so far since i joined the community. It somehow reminds me of Final fantasy RBG games in terms of digging, items and all. Music choice was splendid. Returned so many Naruto memories and boos fights are challengable.
Makers of this campaign, I salute you:D:D
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
what's the secret of defeating the ghosts in chapter two? Two ghosts keep ressurecting themselves each time you kill them. It says, there is a secret to killing them. any ideas?
reply fast please
Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
what's the secret of defeating the ghosts in chapter two? Two ghosts keep ressurecting themselves each time you kill them. It says, there is a secret to killing them. any ideas?
reply fast please
If it's where I think it is. Kill them both at the same time or near same time as possible.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
If it's where I think it is. Kill them both at the same time or near same time as possible.
I've tried that. They just respawn again.. What you're refering is, before the fight of elite or epic boss. not sure which one, anyway before that there are two golems must be close together and be killed at the same time. I already finished that, and tried it with ghosts didn't work :((
any other ideas??
Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
I've tried that. They just respawn again.. What you're refering is, before the fight of elite or epic boss. not sure which one, anyway before that there are two golems must be close together and be killed at the same time. I already finished that, and tried it with ghosts didn't work :((
any other ideas??
I'm not sure, sorry.

If I recall. Some ghost enemies only die with certain abilities being the last hit I think. It's been a little while since I played. Maybe you don't have an ability that works on them, when you choose your characters learning path at the start of the campaign.

On a much later chapter, there was some enemies I wasn't able to permanently kill either and couldn't find anything in the area that could help.

Just to let you know. This campaign isn't bug free. There was a few issues in my play through roughly between chapter 7 and 8 that had heavy lag, probably an uncaught memory leak or loop.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
If it's where I think it is. Kill them both at the same time or near same time as possible.
I've tried that. They just respawn again.. What you're refering is, before the fight of elite or epic boss. not sure which one, anyway before that there are two golems must be close together and be killed at the same time. I already finished that, and tried it with ghosts didn't work :((
any other ideas??
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
The combining/forging of 3 lesser magic orbs + basement key + crystal isn't working :eek:. And the forging of 5 lesser magic balls + sapphire isn't working as well :(.
This means that i can't have Master key and Greater magic ball...
someone can help me fix this?
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Really good game, clearly a lot of effort put in, very strategic and no abilities completely fall off, 5 stars, is there a wiki on this game?
THere's a hosted Project forum with loads of information. :)
And the forging of 5 lesser magic balls + sapphire isn't working as well :(.
That actually does work, but if you have more than 5 stacked lesser magic balls, it doesn't work, unfortunately. :/
Same thing to the basement key thingy. I managed to Craft that, I Think.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
oh darn, i have almost 18 stacks of lesser magic balls together...what a waste:(. After it didn't work, i actually thought that might be the cause..
Oh well, maybe next time i play it again i'll not do the same mistake :)
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Level 2
Mar 28, 2016
Here is a useful information : Play at low resolution and video settings. This way game loads a lot faster and gets less buggy. Most known bugs does not happen at low settings. Try it and see it yourselves. Good luck
Level 5
May 25, 2012
Here is a useful information : Play at low resolution and video settings. This way game loads a lot faster and gets less buggy. Most known bugs does not happen at low settings. Try it and see it yourselves. Good luck
So the Dark Messiah bug will be fixed at med or low settings?
Level 2
Mar 28, 2016
So the Dark Messiah bug will be fixed at med or low settings?

I finished the game completing all missions(optional missions included) at low settings at normal difficulty.It has been more than a year since last time I played. I can't recall Dark Mesiah mission. I did not notice considerable bugs during boss fights. Another point I noticed was that It was buggier when I reload from a saved point. What I mean is: If you finish the game in one go, You will probably have a smoother game. Another suggestion I could give would be reading bug thread before playing the game at community page at tcocampaing.createforum.com because If you know the threat you will face beforehand, you may avoid them or take precautions like not stacking more than five spheres.
Level 5
May 25, 2012
I finished the game completing all missions(optional missions included) at low settings at normal difficulty.It has been more than a year since last time I played. I can't recall Dark Mesiah mission. I did not notice considerable bugs during boss fights. Another point I noticed was that It was buggier when I reload from a saved point. What I mean is: If you finish the game in one go, You will probably have a smoother game. Another suggestion I could give would be reading bug thread before playing the game at community page at tcocampaing.createforum.com because If you know the threat you will face beforehand, you may avoid them or take precautions like not stacking more than five spheres.
Playing on med settings , now dark mesiah spawned, thanks!
Level 2
Dec 31, 2012
I just finished the campaign on hardcore mode, but I cheated, yeah shame on me. I got to say, it is just magnificent, 5 stars all the way, although sometimes i felt that most of the cinematic is a bit too long. And I have a few problems,
  1. I can't find Diamaranh on Chapter 9, I've scoured the map several times already
  2. I can't finish the mission "Iibot's Missing" or something like that because I can't find Iibot anywhere after I killed the Madoz Queen
  3. I start a new game from The End, and it seems that I can't get any experience from monsters, and the galaxy orb works fine at first but then it stopped working, the insta-kill for regular and empowered units are not working somehow.
Back in the previous versions, I've forgotten which one, perhaps 1.9, we could create items the master key, which requires 3 Lesser Magic Balls + Basement Key, or a Greater Magic Ball which requires 5 Lesser Magic Balls (if I'm not wrong) + Sapphire, from a stack of let's say 100 lesser magic balls, but in the new version, we can't. Although it is only possible since chapter 6 and after.
And really, you need to make the heroes invulnerable for like a second after revival. I was curious about how strong the Reaper would be, so I used the hourglass, and it killed me instantly, can't even react, can't do anything.
All in all, I really like this campaign, the storyline, the development of the characters, the plot twists, the only problems might be the bugs which I'm not surprised to have in such a complicated campaign.
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Level 2
Jun 20, 2017
I've made an account here to give my two cents.

I love hard games and I love challenges, so naturally I started this game on hard. It's fun but it has one MAJOR problem:
Usually when something kills me it's a 1 shot spell attack by a boss, then when my guy revives he immediately dies again because he's respawning in the same spot where the attack is still happening. You get no invincibilty frames or time to react because it deselects them when they die. And then I have to reload my save file for 3 minutes. That is bullshit. That's just bad game design. Invincibilty frames after a death exist for a reason.
Level 1
Jun 21, 2017
Guys, anyone please tell me how to defeat Xvareon (i.e. main boss chapter 10).

I don't know how to survive when he casts the ultra spell that would kill all three characters at the same time, and it says game over even though I still have a lot of lives.

I spent two days on this battle but still failed to overcome that. I want to finish the campaign so badly!

Level 2
Jun 26, 2017
Music, please, what's the music in this game? I found only "settings" (pick spells) music. But what about the rest? (I mean of course elite and epic boss battles)
Level 2
Jun 26, 2017
  1. I can't find Diamaranh on Chapter 9, I've scoured the map several times already.
You need to have true sight item to see her (Scope of Magic or Dust of Appearance or something like that). She stand right there where you killed big golem (and i suppouse only before obelisk fight).
Level 2
Jun 26, 2017
I don't know how to survive when he casts the ultra spell that would kill all three characters at the same time, and it says game over even though I still have a lot of lives.
Burn his mana to 0 when he start casting that or just dont let him get full mana (which means you have to burn it anyway).
Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
Music, please, what's the music in this game? I found only "settings" (pick spells) music. But what about the rest? (I mean of course elite and epic boss battles)
  • Cid's Theme - FF7
  • Boat Theme - FF7
  • Kuja's Theme - FF9
  • Lindblum - FF9
  • Mountain Path - FF9
  • Arcadia Cave - FF12
  • Necropolis - FF12
  • Seeking Power - FF12
I recognise these but I don't know the other songs. FF is short for Final Fantasy by the way.
Level 2
Jun 26, 2017
  • Cid's Theme - FF7
  • Boat Theme - FF7
  • Kuja's Theme - FF9
  • Lindblum - FF9
  • Mountain Path - FF9
  • Arcadia Cave - FF12
  • Necropolis - FF12
  • Seeking Power - FF12
I recognise these but I don't know the other songs. FF is short for Final Fantasy by the way.
Ooooooh. Thank you.
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Level 2
Aug 20, 2016
Hell guys and ladies. I hope there's still someone knowledgeable reading this thread from time to time as I am FREAKING STUCK on Galeoth's set item in Chapter 8. That whole Jakob dude ain't appearing for me again with "ice mountains" quest and I don't know why...I tried first progressing with main quests, or going to trolls, or both, or none and looking for him immediately after completing his Otzi horn quest, but he's sitll not there that jerk. Please, help :(
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Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
Hell guys and ladies. I hope there's still someone knowledgeable reading this threat from time to time as I am FREAKING STUCK on Galeoth's set item in Chapter 8. That whole Jakob dude ain't appearing for me again with "ice mountains" quest and I don't know why...I tried first progressing with main quests, or going to trolls, or both, or none and looking for him immediately after completing his Otzi horn quest, but he's sitll not there that jerk. Please, help :(
I'm not sure. I think I had issue getting the travelling merchant guy to appear again after refusing his offer but I already had Galeoth's cloak. Also, I was unable to complete the extra quests even after barely exploring around that cave with the re-spawning giants.

I'm actually doing a new game and currently on chapter 2 at the moment. Be a few days before I reach chapter 8 again.
Level 2
Jun 26, 2017
Hell guys and ladies. I hope there's still someone knowledgeable reading this threat from time to time as I am FREAKING STUCK on Galeoth's set item in Chapter 8. That whole Jakob dude ain't appearing for me again with "ice mountains" quest and I don't know why...I tried first progressing with main quests, or going to trolls, or both, or none and looking for him immediately after completing his Otzi horn quest, but he's sitll not there that jerk. Please, help :(
You may forget to talk to him in chapter 7, where he asking you a question about the secret of icy mountains (it's like a start for that quest chain). In chapter 7 he stands on the main (middle) road to south from castle.
Level 2
Aug 20, 2016
You may forget to talk to him in chapter 7, where he asking you a question about the secret of icy mountains (it's like a start for that quest chain). In chapter 7 he stands on the main (middle) road to south from castle.
Oh my goodness, you're right, I'm pretty sure I did forget. I'll try to remember this time xD Thanks!
Level 1
Jul 25, 2017
Hello guys, it's my second playthrough and for the second time i encountered the same issue in the final chapter: i can't find Iibot after killing the madoz queen. I learned that he should be in the mushroom forest, but he's not. Maybe i have to go there in a specific time? i don't know.
Please help me, i need that mystique knife :(
Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
Hello guys, it's my second playthrough and for the second time i encountered the same issue in the final chapter: i can't find Iibot after killing the madoz queen. I learned that he should be in the mushroom forest, but he's not. Maybe i have to go there in a specific time? i don't know.
Please help me, i need that mystique knife :(
I think someone mentioned there's an invisible unit in the final chapter. However, I wasn't able to get past chapter 9 on my first play through and I'm currently on chapter 7.


How can anyone beat chapter 7 epic boss with all the game-play lag? The game is freezing so much that I'm struggling to keep anyone alive due to it. I've tried setting the speed to slow in options but the speed is being forced to fast every few seconds when I resume the game which isn't helping and it's occurring every moment during the battle.
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Level 2
Jun 21, 2017
How can anyone beat chapter 7 epic boss with all the game-play lag? The game is freezing so much that I'm struggling to keep anyone alive due to it. I've tried setting the speed to slow in options but the speed is being forced to fast every few seconds when I resume the game which isn't helping and it's occurring every moment during the battle.
i had lag too at the elite and mighty boss in that chapter i solved the elite boss lag by attacking him when chapter started if you are smart enough you can kill him with out preparations and the epic one i used espers against him for fast killing
Level 2
Aug 20, 2016
Hello guys, it's my second playthrough and for the second time i encountered the same issue in the final chapter: i can't find Iibot after killing the madoz queen. I learned that he should be in the mushroom forest, but he's not. Maybe i have to go there in a specific time? i don't know.
Please help me, i need that mystique knife :(

I can't find that sh*thead either :/ Ran around the whole map using dust of appearance anywhere i read he should be, but nope. Maybe the quest is broken in the latest version? :(
Level 2
Mar 28, 2016
Hello guys, it's my second playthrough and for the second time i encountered the same issue in the final chapter: i can't find Iibot after killing the madoz queen. I learned that he should be in the mushroom forest, but he's not. Maybe i have to go there in a specific time? i don't know.
Please help me, i need that mystique knife :(

I will tell you this one. There is an area behind "Angel Boss Area"(I dont remember names. It has been a long time.) at south west of the map. You need jump over the river to reach the other side so that you can see Iibot. There is only one spot to be able to jump to other side so dont get discouraged if cant do it at first try. Just change your spot and try again. Good luck
Level 2
Mar 28, 2016
I can't find that sh*thead either :/ Ran around the whole map using dust of appearance anywhere i read he should be, but nope. Maybe the quest is broken in the latest version? :(

I will tell you this one. There is an area behind "Angel Boss Area"(I dont remember names. It has been a long time.) at south west of the map. You need jump over the river to reach the other side so that you can see Iibot. There is only one spot to be able to jump to other side so dont get discouraged if cant do it at first try. Just change your spot and try again. Good luck
Level 2
Nov 13, 2013
nope can't find Iibot at that place too usually he should me there may be a bug tried restarting and loading but still can't find him.... also in my last play through he appeared in few other place places apart from the one across the river
Level 2
Oct 10, 2010
Anyone manage to beat yugrimmar "The Bone Dragon" In chapter 9? Hard mode

Damage him about 100k everytime he will fly up and heal to max or close to it before coming down. Then as the battle goes he does it more and more often so he is literally max everytime he comes down.

My Party already have most of the myth and legendary items such as super holgro, fradz set and etc But i cant damage him fast enough. Is there a trick to it??

I finally decide to summon nyx it killed it in 3 sec i dno how. But during the cutscene i keep getting damage and lost 15 life from it lol, Which i had 18
Level 2
Mar 28, 2016
Anyone manage to beat yugrimmar "The Bone Dragon" In chapter 9? Hard mode

Damage him about 100k everytime he will fly up and heal to max or close to it before coming down. Then as the battle goes he does it more and more often so he is literally max everytime he comes down.

My Party already have most of the myth and legendary items such as super holgro, fradz set and etc But i cant damage him fast enough. Is there a trick to it??

I finally decide to summon nyx it killed it in 3 sec i dno how. But during the cutscene i keep getting damage and lost 15 life from it lol, Which i had 18

He is summoning some sort of creature that looks like forgotton one's minions. They keep casting area stun, which hurts you hard. That causes your loss during cut scene. You need to kill those minions as soon as they are summoned becase they also prevent your fight against Yugrimar.
Level 2
Jun 21, 2017
Anyone manage to beat yugrimmar "The Bone Dragon" In chapter 9? Hard mode

Damage him about 100k everytime he will fly up and heal to max or close to it before coming down. Then as the battle goes he does it more and more often so he is literally max everytime he comes down.

My Party already have most of the myth and legendary items such as super holgro, fradz set and etc But i cant damage him fast enough. Is there a trick to it??

I finally decide to summon nyx it killed it in 3 sec i dno how. But during the cutscene i keep getting damage and lost 15 life from it lol, Which i had 18
during the cut scene when you damage yurgimar first he says how dare you use one of my creation against me, that means you are meant to use an esper to kill him the first time and you must have all full item sets and jade and many other strong items to get through this fight to finish him off fast,however when i played it the second time i easily killed him with out any esper but i had a problem in the next phase due to my laggy pc yet i did beat yurgimar 3 times in his rooms but the fourth time it lagged as hell and i started to die alot i couldnt just do a shit because it was very very fucking laggy when ever i use the 3 heroes together at fight but luckily an bug accured and he stopped attacking any of them while they are killing him and i got over this phase like this the next phase this bug didnt happen how ever, galeoth is usually unkillable with me because i did put the mana crystal and used his full set mana armor so he technically couldn't die with out a full damaging hit so you better consider again what is an powerful team+super holgro sucks tho
Level 2
Oct 10, 2010
during the cut scene when you damage yurgimar first he says how dare you use one of my creation against me, that means you are meant to use an esper to kill him the first time and you must have all full item sets and jade and many other strong items to get through this fight to finish him off fast,however when i played it the second time i easily killed him with out any esper but i had a problem in the next phase due to my laggy pc yet i did beat yurgimar 3 times in his rooms but the fourth time it lagged as hell and i started to die alot i couldnt just do a shit because it was very very fucking laggy when ever i use the 3 heroes together at fight but luckily an bug accured and he stopped attacking any of them while they are killing him and i got over this phase like this the next phase this bug didnt happen how ever, galeoth is usually unkillable with me because i did put the mana crystal and used his full set mana armor so he technically couldn't die with out a full damaging hit so you better consider again what is an powerful team+super holgro sucks tho

Whats the build your party have? I do have the jade set and the rest all in the boxes xD
Level 2
Nov 13, 2013
Update on libot missing quest. Here are some things I did different
1...dont skip the cinematic both before or after queen bug thing
2... I usually cast frost armature on libot but this time I DIDN'T and it work so try not to cast any support spell on him
1. near cave puzzle entrance
2. across the river in the secret place only accessible by using teleport
3. near the other end of the river the side near to the popag area
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Level 2
Aug 20, 2016
Update on libot missing quest. Here are some things I did different
1...dont skip the cinematic both before or after queen bug thing
2... I usually cast frost armature on libot but this time I DIDN'T and it work so try not to cast any support spell on him
1. near cave puzzle entrance
2. across the river in the secret place only accessible by using teleport
3. near the other end of the river not the side near to the pope area

Mhm, gonna check this out as soon as I get to chap 10 again (out of boredom, I started the campaign all over again; it's toooo good :D)
Thanks for this info, man!
Level 2
Jun 21, 2017
Whats the build your party have? I do have the jade set and the rest all in the boxes xD
i played it 2-3 months ago i dont remember everything now but ill say the fewi remember
shadow set/fradz set/that armor forged in the market by quest/maybe i had shard of shadow as well i kept it for most of game with him and maybe i did put the slith of annihliation which is taken by john or jake forgot his name that epic boss in chapter 5 it does give chance to kill yurgimar minions with 1 hit/fradz had high regeneration of both hp and hitpoint im not sure if he had that vampire fang upgrade or the set you find through 2 generals of this city of demons i forgot its name
phodomset/that demon sword upgrade"looks like golden sword"/this legendary item that forges of archeon mirga margath sets/this item that has II and III and gives massive regenaration + gives more hp par lvl by 1000 or something par lvl and can be activated to cast revalution that gives you hp/eternal set
galeothset/ blue crystal eye/aerial set/maybe zocom/battle mage set/this mix item that gives 10-20% of mana as damage and staff of netherworld taken by jurxy epic boss "im not sure i had them both equipped but most likely i did
i dont remember if fradz or galeoth had the jade but absolutely not phodom my phodom was very tanky and had great regeneration

edit: tho phodom had 1 stun spell and fradz had 1 and galeoth had 2 area stun spells in addition to his ulti and that was very helpful keeping him chilling when i focus him
Edit: i still have the game saves i guess but it takes long for them to open like 8min my pc is wooden but if you give me some upload link i may give you the saves that concerns it i had a save even at the last epic boss fight leader of the shadow knights in his last dragon form phase with many lives and great items i couldnt play it because game crashed 3 times when i tried to play it so i stopped playing it and in that save yes i killed yurgimar and have an item by him thats chapter 12
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Level 1
Jun 21, 2017
Hi guys,

The game keeps crashing after being played in some minutes.
Do you know which version of warcraft III is recommended for this campaign? (i.e. 1.23, 1.24b, 1.24c, 1.24d, 1.24e ...)

Thanks a lot!
Level 2
Mar 28, 2016
Hi guys,

The game keeps crashing after being played in some minutes.
Do you know which version of warcraft III is recommended for this campaign? (i.e. 1.23, 1.24b, 1.24c, 1.24d, 1.24e ...)

Thanks a lot!

decrease video settings on last warcraft version, then, you should be able to play. Saved games crushes very often. Dont load a saved game as long as you can. Try to finish each chapter at one gaming session.