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[Campaign] Tales of Silventria Mechanics Thread

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Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
No time limit

Besides that mission with the aerial battle where you were required to complete it within 2.5 hours I don't think Blake wanted any timed missions, Both me and Blake hate time limits, it was just necassary for that particular mission because all of us felt that the player could "cheat" by slowly destroying the structure which was not the way the mission was designed to be played. Blitzkrieg means lightening battle remember....
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
we need to focus on developing concepts from there we can develop some very good ideas for missions, characters, story, etc. instead we're arguing/chatting here
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Honestly the development of missions and the cast of characters that you'll be facing, I know you have some of the stories and abilities down, but you could always include extra things to make the player really inversed in the world
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Here's what I wanna stress:

1) depending on various choices (including the time take to complete the previous mission) the weather of the current mission could change, and certain creeps/other events could be added/deleted increasing the replayability to the campaign

2) If you destroy Ghrenis enough times early on, he can be replaced by another hero, this would be intristing and could be viewed as an achievement by the player

3) Dioneve should make a cameo appearing in the initial mission, this would present her to the player and maybe make her ressurect your troops to fight against you

4) The whole rogue general thing needs to be reworked, I think you want it to be like the reckoning, but the eliver mission is already somewhat like that, what if the general thing will be somewhat different?

5) world map needs clarifications

6) Certain heroes needs adjustments

7) Does Owelto stalk you in later missions?

8) Other effects of Grenvess' actions
Level 9
Feb 28, 2017
i dont see anything wrong with the rogue general map idea, in fact its a fine idea if there ever was one, the concept needs to be made into a finely designed map, and the trouble with you guys is that when you have 2 people working on terrain the finsihed work is like a mixed collage, i think it be better if Siler alone works on the terrain, or maybe Rem does it, Rem is really good at terraining certain missions
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
You're referring to the map that me and Aster made? Aster can do terrain but he always goes away from the original plan and puts his own ideas into it, that's why I don't like sharing resources with him. But the map he made so far are good (except for the outskirts thing I mean)
Level 9
Feb 28, 2017
your definition of good is really broad, those maps lack lots of things, they're like when alice went down the rabbithole, one thing appears after another. its good for that forest map because its designed that youre lost in a forest and precisely that, but look at his half finished southerns plains map, wtf is that, come on man, Aster were you drunk when you made it?
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
Oh whatever, its not like we're using those maps, I think he just made them when he was in a huge hurry, you're just gonna upset him by bringing it up, that's all. Rather than collabing as a team we're in-fighting about the quality of maps Aster made ages ago while under an obvious time constraint as well as other circumstances, just let it be, he's part of our team and I'm sure he'll do better this time, I know he can make much better maps.
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
...Let it go, we need to work together, in fighting solves nothing, besides what has he done to piss you off? sure his maps are a little off, but its not like he intentionally makes them that way to piss YOU off, he just has a different way of seeing things and that's all, just trying to point that out, and that's not always a bad thing, some of this idea made our maps, units, story, etc. unique. so just cool it with this
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Let just have Siler and Rem do all the terraining, everyone agrees that Rem is good, and Siler also does an excellent job even though he doesn't exactly like doing it
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
btw I forgot to ask this in chat: how will Ghrenis' hp/level increase as difficulty increases? Or what are you planning to do?
Level 10
Jan 31, 2017
Here's how:
On easy he'll have only an orb item and amulet of spell immunity in his inventory
On Normal it'll be those 2 items plus 2 other items such that he'll have +15 attack damage plus several more points of armor
On Hard he'll have all the items listed above plus another which reduces all attacks by 10 damage, and maybe some other item, also on hard the conditions will be different

He's always gonna be at level 10 with all abilities learned
Level 10
Jan 31, 2017
Maybe, I love the notion of adding extra items to heroes to increase difficulty, it makes things more challenging without really changing the gameplay. Howver if you add troops, abilities, or whtever else it may change the gameplay thus give the player a different experience if hes playing on normal as opposed to easy
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
I hear you, but you could also reduce ability cooldown, make them cost less mana, or simply give the hero more mana to work with as levels increase, I've seen it done, it works very effectively
Level 10
Jan 31, 2017
While I wont deny that the things you mentioned are a good idea, technically speaking they will require much more work then simply giving a hero some items. For instance if you want to reduce cooldowns or decrease mana costs you would have to have 3 sets of abilities, and either 3 heroes, or have the hero learn different engineering upgrades depending on the difficulty level, this is really time consuming, but yes it can work. Increasing total mana is a breeze to do, but it may not accomplish much.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
Might I suggest that instead of lowering the mana cost for spells u could simply increase a unit mana regeneration by giving it abilities that hasten this, or alternatively items that do this (sobe mask i believe)
Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
Lets see. You could make Ghrenis have cleaving attack I think that would make him really op but at the same time prevent the player from using a simple melee rush on him

For the map where you have to fight the rogue Milrein (i dont know if i spelled that right) general you could design it so that the general uses different strategies depending on where you attack 2) you could have the general turtle inside his base and just attack u with flying forces 3) have the general try to evaculate so that you have to catch him within a given amount of time (if he is a coward)
Level 10
Jan 31, 2017
Ghrenis is already too powerful, im afraid giving him a cleaving attack will simply make him super OP and the battle really unfair

as far as the rogue general map, the general is no coward I'll give you a much better descripition of what we have in mind so that you can make suggestions, but you can read what some plans were in this thread a few pages back (pg 42 I believe, look for Siler's post)
Level 10
Jan 31, 2017
We had that island map, I was gonna modifiy it, but now that I think about it, it would be better to make a completely new one.

3 levels, the 1st the same level as the player's base and is guarded by regular troops, 2nd one the same, but lots of towers, 3rd level guarded by a bunch of elite troops (Milreavers, Alphas, & others) and contains several heroes, If you remember I send you a map awhile ago called King of Rhine (I believe that's the name) well it would be like that map divided in half.
Level 10
Jan 31, 2017
Think of the Eliver map combined with the reckoning minus all the infernal summoning, and with the enemy having more air units as well as various other specialized units, on and plz send me that model you talked about last week in chat
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Thanks Lord Siler

I would like to wish everyone here happy holidays as well, although my schedule has been busy I will be back on here making the campaign as soon as I get my some free time, remember I'm always with you in spirit, and also a very happy new year to everybody, now just my team members but also others like @Mechanical Man @pyf @Azarus1 @San @deepstrasz @-Phoenix- who check on the project from time to time, so yeah guys, best wishes in the upcomming year!
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Ghrenis the Cruel


Centuries ago Ghrenis along with many others was send on a crusade into the frozen northlands of Thrinea. Ghrenis was one of a few knights who survived both the harsh perilous journey though the frostlands as well as an enemy ambush which claimed the lives of many of his remaining comrades. When him and a few hundred knights finally reached their destination, the city of Rhumel, the knights fought viciously and slaughtered the city defenders and all who stood in their way, however instead of merely taking the city’s gold and valuables and installing one of their own as the ruler Ghrenis proceeded to mercilessly slaughter the city dwellers and burned the city to the ground. Ghrenis’ fate was unknown after those events. Now centuries later Dioneve has raised Ghrenis to fight by her side as one of her trusted generals.

(Lore by Colonel Aster)

This guys abilities are:

Frost nova – Unmodified

Wane – Reduces all hostile units attack by 30% and armor by 5 for 30 seconds

Critical strike – Unmodified

Vampiric Aura (Ultimate) – Restores 90% of each attack

Also the guy always carries a Necklace of spell immunity making him immune to all spells and magic attacks except for ultimates.

Note that the model for Ghrenis will be replaced once we find a more suitable knight model…
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