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Taking attachment requests.

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Level 2
Jul 31, 2008
i have 2 requests please.
well 1 of them u made, but i was wondering if u could also send me the Sword of a Thousand Truths please, i wanted it for awhile now and i saw some1 requested it so if u still have it can u send to me too. for the other attachment can you make me a shotgun please? like a riflemans gun but not so thick at end and so it looks a bit like a shotty?

thx in advance

email: [email protected]
i have 2 requests please.
well 1 of them u made, but i was wondering if u could also send me the Sword of a Thousand Truths please, i wanted it for awhile now and i saw some1 requested it so if u still have it can u send to me too. for the other attachment can you make me a shotgun please? like a riflemans gun but not so thick at end and so it looks a bit like a shotty?

thx in advance

email: [email protected]

The sword question has been answered, now for your request.
I don't do modern attachments, however my co-modeler does. As soon as Madcd gets back, he will more-than-likely take up your request. Check in tomorrow.
Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
I also have a request that i need fairly soon, it is 2 weapon attachments both are variations of missile launchers for command and conquer images below (sorry if they are a bit small) The weapons are going to be attached to my variations of GDI and NOD Trooper


If at all possible could you have them done by tomorrow (i am going on holiday) if not don't worry i will be back on sunday (GB).


  • g_missile_squad.jpg
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  • n_militant_rocket_squad.jpg
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I also have a request that i need fairly soon, it is 2 weapon attachments both are variations of missile launchers for command and conquer images below (sorry if they are a bit small) The weapons are going to be attached to my variations of GDI and NOD Trooper


If at all possible could you have them done by tomorrow (i am going on holiday) if not don't worry i will be back on sunday (GB).

If my other modeller get's on, I'll see what he can do. I doubt they will be done by tomorrow though.

Grishnakah, Your halberd was completed last night, but when I tested it this morning, i found out it was bugged =[. So I will probably have to reattempt it if no one can fix it for me. I think it has something to do with me removing animations. But anyways, I'll try to have it today or tomorrow.

Water_Bender, This morning I finished your Face wrap. I am emailing it to you now. =]
Grishnakah, I finished the halberd. This one doesn't look like the picture, but i'm making the one in the picture based on this style, if you like it.
(That way I don't have to make a skin)

Also, I am trying to get an animator to shrink the size a bit, so there may be an update on this model. I'll let you know when


  • ArchangelHalberd01.mdx
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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
They're both Remmington M500's ^^ One with Full stock and flat pump, one with pistol grip and fore grip

If anyone fancies making me a texture for these it'd be great ^^

Just need a barrel oustide texture, barrel inside, wood for stock, receiver, trigger and moulded plastic for grips

If I don't hear anything by tomoz I'll just use a photograph of one as a stand-in texture.
Jaijaibinx, I have finished your model. I have also made recolored the cape in your texture. I will post it right after I get it animated. A friend is going to animate it for me so if you could, send the rep his way is well. The items being posted will include:
Animated blood elf cape, Blood elf texture (*blp), and Blood elf texture (*tga). Also, the top of the cape uses the ingame blood elf texture.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Your new model/skin for The Sword of a Thousand Truths has been done! Your newly redone model/skin is here. I have question though:

Why do you need both the footman skin and a custom skin? Just compact them both into one thing... D:
Saves a lot of space! D:


  • Swordofathousandtruthsredone.rar
    124.3 KB · Views: 61
Your new model/skin for The Sword of a Thousand Truths has been done! Your newly redone model/skin is here. I have question though:

Why do you need both the footman skin and a custom skin? Just compact them both into one thing... D:
Saves a lot of space! D:
Dang, I thought I removed it.. Oh well lol.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Me? It's the first thing I've submitted to the Hive.

I had almost NO time whatsoever to do this... It was a quick 5 minute edit. In Irfanview, not PS. Roflmao. But, however bad the blp looks, it actually looks unnoticeable on the model itself. The model also has a bit more resemblance to the original which is what some people want.
Level 2
Jul 31, 2008
I like this one, looking down the business end of a remmington :)


or a CQB variant?


whoo wow those are really amazing, cant wait to see the finished product. i like the first one, the cqb is very nice indeed but i enjoy flat pump shottys more. cant wait for the finished product its looking great <3
Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
Jaijaibinx, I have finished your model. I have also made recolored the cape in your texture. I will post it right after I get it animated. A friend is going to animate it for me so if you could, send the rep his way is well. The items being posted will include:
Animated blood elf cape, Blood elf texture (*blp), and Blood elf texture (*tga). Also, the top of the cape uses the ingame blood elf texture.

I would send rep but unfortunately my rep will count for little (it is still neutral rep...) However if u want it i am happy to give it.
Me? It's the first thing I've submitted to the Hive.

I had almost NO time whatsoever to do this... It was a quick 5 minute edit. In Irfanview, not PS. Roflmao. But, however bad the blp looks, it actually looks unnoticeable on the model itself. The model also has a bit more resemblance to the original which is what some people want.
Lol all that was for tarthis, but I was a little disappointed with the model. You make mine sound like crap, but your's, imo, didn't really beat mine. I had the normal colors like you did, but I didn't like the color scheme. It was a lot of different bright colors. Also, I would have made the spikes on the blade reversed, but I didnt want the face to go under the other faces (like they did in yours). In order to make it look like it is in the descripton, I would have had to use another texture and added many more materials. 7 was enough for me honestly.

I would send rep but unfortunately my rep will count for little (it is still neutral rep...) However if u want it i am happy to give it.
I am having the model animated as we speak. And yes, I don't expect 100000 points lol, but i'm sure he would appreciate it as much as I will.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
minimods these days...
well anyways, its not exactly a ripped texture if you texture it by hand now is it?
@Archangel: is it possible so that the flag is always upright? so it doesnt sway with the arm? it just looks kinda funky if it does

It all depends on what unit you do it but should be the same for all. I created my own animated flag and luckily managed to place it correct from first try when the handle is long and continues to his second hand too (using it on konstrukt marine). And he holds it diagonally \ and waving it sometimes straight upward - it isn't funny, actually realistic and nice. For a horsed knight, well it may be better to stay straight yes ^^
It all depends on what unit you do it but should be the same for all. I created my own animated flag and luckily managed to place it correct from first try when the handle is long and continues to his second hand too (using it on konstrukt marine). And he holds it diagonally \ and waving it sometimes straight upward - it isn't funny, actually realistic and nice. For a horsed knight, well it may be better to stay straight yes ^^

Lol thanks?
Yeah my flag was supposed to be for a horsed Knight
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
thnx for the models guys. love the halberd. if u end up making the one in the pic, just use the same texture. man I love the detail, including the leather wrapping at the bottom of the handle. and Hero_lief, although u remade the sword, I cant quite open the file and save. my comp has always had problems with .rar files. can you save full file in models section, or get archangel to replace the model with yours. it will be alot easier, and my comp wont have problems. thnx guys.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Here, if you want to try it, I'll save it in a .zip.

You can't open .rar without WinRAR. Google it and get the trial. It says it expires, but when the notice comes up, hit the X in the top right corner of the notice and it doesn't expire. It's glitched, roflmao.
hmm, about that flag. are you still working on it?

I haven't quite started yet. You see, School starts for me tomorrow so my model-making will slow down a bit.

I have finished the Blood Mage Cape!!
(Ghost, yours is next on my list only because I have no idea wth a tabbard looks like lol)
Credit not only goes to me, but my friend apaka as well be sure rep goes to us both.
The "*.tga" is the editable texture, and the "*.BLP" is the file needed to open the model itself. When you edit the tga, just overwrite the blp during conversion.
This model belongs to ME and is only editable with my given permission.
Also, this model was animated by apaka, and if it is used/modified (with permission), credit should be given to him.

As of now, only Jaijaibinx and apaka have my permission to edit this model/skin.

Link to apaka's profile. ^


  • ArchangelBECapeAN.mdx
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  • BloodElfTexture.tga
    256 KB · Views: 69
  • BloodElfTexture.blp
    52.4 KB · Views: 67
Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
thanks arch definatly worth rep its actually better than i wanted so thanks and my thanks also go to the animator xD uv both done a terrific job guys. If u get the time can i ask you to have a look at my other request coz its kinda important but thanks for this one anyway its wicked!
thanks arch definatly worth rep its actually better than i wanted so thanks and my thanks also go to the animator xD uv both done a terrific job guys. If u get the time can i ask you to have a look at my other request coz its kinda important but thanks for this one anyway its wicked!

Well thank you.
Your other request was the halberd in the picture?
Whatever it is, i'll get on it after I fix up my Trainingsword and create Ghost's Back-attachable flag.
Level 3
Apr 17, 2008
Im looking for some Dranai hero units, or mounted Dranai units, like on a wolf or a netherdrake or something. And I'm talking about WC III Dranai, not WoW Dranai. If all you are doing is attachments maybe Dranai archers or Dranai spearmen would be good. The main thing I'm looking for is heros, if you know someone who takes hero requests pm me por favor.
Im looking for some Dranai hero units, or mounted Dranai units, like on a wolf or a netherdrake or something. And I'm talking about WC III Dranai, not WoW Dranai. If all you are doing is attachments maybe Dranai archers or Dranai spearmen would be good. The main thing I'm looking for is heros, if you know someone who takes hero requests pm me por favor.

I can add hero glow to a unit for you.
As far as the heroes go though, My attachments really couldn't do much for a unit without proper animation. I mean, maybe I could add some different weapons to a dranei unit but that would have to be after I complete my other requests (Estimated this weekend)

JaijaiBinx: Your model request depends on madcd. As far as I know he is still working on that combat shotgun looking for a skin.
Then again, I could be wrong.
Level 3
Apr 17, 2008
I can add hero glow to a unit for you.
As far as the heroes go though, My attachments really couldn't do much for a unit without proper animation. I mean, maybe I could add some different weapons to a dranei unit but that would have to be after I complete my other requests (Estimated this weekend)

JaijaiBinx: Your model request depends on madcd. As far as I know he is still working on that combat shotgun looking for a skin.
Then again, I could be wrong.

It all woked out anyway, I figured out the model editor finally, Im still not that hot at skinning and editing, but practice makes perfect eh
Thanks arch and madcd then xD
Maximus i dont think u should be posting that stuff here its only for requests (i think) forgive me if im mistaken but it would be best to take your queries elsewhere.
and by the way ur doing a great job here arch.
Correct. I'm tired of getting these kind of posts. please
and I have finished your flag ghost. I just have to have it animated.

And yes, I can take the weapon off of a unit. but it wont have animations
Level 3
Aug 23, 2008
Can you make me something like Poison sword for an example make it look like the blood sword that kitabite or whatever his name is and make it green and light green instead of red and light red also add your something cool to it to make it uniqe
Mr. Goblin: I could probably do that, but I'd need a skin. Also what model could I attach it to?

i was wondering if it might be possible for one of you to make a winter jacket attachment perhaps in a few colors to fit over the villager model here are some pictures
I could also probably do that but I'm not able to make custom skins atm.
Maybe madcd will consider this one

Kirbydude: Let me figure out how Kitabatake* did his poison sword and ill see what I can do. Did you want this to have a custom texture?
And is there a specific unit you want this on?
Last edited:
welll the attachment could be a attach to the --> Chest (like if he was olding it on the back) or --> Hand right

i could make you the texture for the instrument if you want.. i just need the model first..

Ok, I'll make you a lute. You just send me the skin that you want (converted to a .BLP) and I'll skin it.

Same goes for you Gallin.

Also, it might be a good idea to check out the Skins section to get an idea of what the skin should look like.
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