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Table Flip Moments

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Feel free to post your "table flip moments" here to vent your frustration and receive sympathy from your peers. Basically, any fail/frustration you had today (or previously).

Today I got a 16/16 van cleef. I was ready to one-shot the enemy. He already used 2 silences, and there was a low chance that he had a neutralize or anything...

but then he dropped a keeper of the grove and silenced my van cleef. 16/16 to 2/2. :( I won that game, but that sort of thing hurts your morale. :p

And 2/3 of the last warriors I faced won by mortal striking me to finish me off (when they were below 12 hp, so they got 6 damage). The woes of playing a lock--you spend the game spending your hp and right when you get serious momentum, you die. xD
Decided to go Warrior (I play Mage usually) one day and played against a Mage.

Got the Mage down to 1 hp at turn 8ish and I had full 30 + some armor, next 10ish or so turns he successfully keeps blocking all my attacks and drops me to about 8, next turn Pyro. Completely lost my shit.

That sounds awful. Getting killed by a spell is literally the most depressing feeling. You'll lay down a bunch of awesome high tier units, but then a mage comes in: "Don't mind me. I'ma just slip past you guys and kill this mofo".


As for me, today I was playing hunter arena, and I was at 7-2 Win-Loss. I played against a druid. We both got down to 9 hp after many turns (he had about ~6 or so cards left, I had ~10 or so left). He had a stormwind champion + sunfury protector up against my hyena and cult master. I played a stormwind champion + hounds, and killed his champion and his sunfury protector to clear the board. It looks like I was in the clear. But then, this guy got the luckiest top deck draw ever:

He got a druid + savage roar (not sure which one he drew). It was just enough to finish me off. Not only that, but he also took like 30 seconds to move, so he left me in suspense for the longest time.

It was sad, to say the least. :(


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Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
This battle was about 3 days ago, my Mage against Warlock.
He keeps spamming the shit outta his Hero Power and gets wonderful cards and all, but I managed to fend of his minions with spell cards here and there.

And finally, as my Mage only left with 9 HP and his was around 15-16 I think, and he planned to finish me off.

But luckily he spam his Hero Power so much, that his card is finished, therefore takes extra 1 damage per draw a blank card (this damage stacks, therefore, I'm in a luck!)

As turn goes by, his damage increased from 1 damage per draw, to 6 damage per draw, I win by his fatal draw, HAHAHA.

My HP was 2 at that moment and by the last turn, he drew his final fate, a 6 damage draw, and I won @@.

Ah yeah forgot to mention, my cards went out too @@, I took damage up until 2 draw blank card damage only.
Level 2
Feb 17, 2014
i was a shaman and i was againest a mage. i had a powerful board and like 9 hp and he played a secret. Just as I was about to end his life with my Epic ragnaros. It was an ice block. Next turn he plays another secret which was an ice block aswell. Then he top decks a pyroblast and kills me (Rage)
@Chaosy: Lucky. :p That board looks scary.

As turn goes by, his damage increased from 1 damage per draw, to 6 damage per draw, I win by his fatal draw, HAHAHA.
Haha, it is always so sad to die of fatigue. It happened to me before. Fun fact: you can actually force it. Check this out, 2:33, for an interesting use of fatigue to kill an enemy:

i was a shaman and i was againest a mage. i had a powerful board and like 9 hp and he played a secret. Just as I was about to end his life with my Epic ragnaros. It was an ice block. Next turn he plays another secret which was an ice block aswell. Then he top decks a pyroblast and kills me (Rage)

:( That makes me cringe. I haven't seen ice block pay off yet, but I guess it did for that guy.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Some bounce rogue decks use card draw cards and things like King mukla to fill the opponent's hand and then vanish the opponent's board which will then be wiped.
Personally I had once fought a priest who stole buzzard and uth from me and played them, obviously not thinking straight as it triggered a ton of card draw for him filled his hand immediately and made him throw away a bunch of cards including Hogger.
FUCk. I was playing arena as a hunter, and I had the worst deck ever. I was 3-2 at the moment, facing a shammy. I was kinda multi-tasking so I wasn't paying attention to the game much. On the last turn, he had the setup below, with an earth totem 0/2. After that procced, I thought it was gg. I had just my rhino, he was at 6 hp. Then I top decked a tiger. I stupidly didn't realize that my tiger got charge from the rhino, so when I placed it, I just clicked "end turn" just as I noticed he became green.

So I lost. That is literally the stupidest moment I had in hearthstone, ever.
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
I was up against a Shaman, when he had like 7 HP left and mine was 15.
I was so focused on rushing to attack his Hero while ignoring all his totems (4 Hero Power totems), and my attack landed on him was 6 damage in total, leaving his HP left to 1, and I can think I can finish him off the next turn.

And for the next turn, he dropped Bluegill Warrior and used... Bloodlust.
His passive totem is available for attacking, and ends the game with his Healing Totem.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
The entire game is a table flip moment because of how RNG and draw based it is.
Today I just conceded like 10 times because I got no flipping murlocs in my hand from a deck full of murlocs and with only about 6 spells yet the game never failed to give me that hex twice in a row and then I finally get to play with actual cards only to fight a paladin that pulls a light's justice and smacks my murlocs one by one, yeeeh !
I was up against a Shaman, when he had like 7 HP left and mine was 15.
I was so focused on rushing to attack his Hero while ignoring all his totems (4 Hero Power totems), and my attack landed on him was 6 damage in total, leaving his HP left to 1, and I can think I can finish him off the next turn.

And for the next turn, he dropped Bluegill Warrior and used... Bloodlust.
His passive totem is available for attacking, and ends the game with his Healing Totem.

Yeah, shamans are really annoying when you're rushing. The totems are weak, but they play a huge factor. You always have to watch out for wrath of air because it buffs lightning storm to essentially be a cheap-flamestrike. And if there are a lot on the board, then it usually means inc bloodlust (or warlord). Same goes for druids with savage roar.

The entire game is a table flip moment because of how RNG and draw based it is.
Today I just conceded like 10 times because I got no flipping murlocs in my hand from a deck full of murlocs and with only about 6 spells yet the game never failed to give me that hex twice in a row and then I finally get to play with actual cards only to fight a paladin that pulls a light's justice and smacks my murlocs one by one, yeeeh !

It is. Either way, someone flips a table.
Level 8
Oct 12, 2011
A while ago I was playing Priest vs Priest, and at the end of the game, I had 3 Northshires, one from yolo mind control, with 5 minions total. The other guy used Holy Nova + Circle of Healing, so I died by fatigue with like 30 overkill.
Just lost to mage with 4 flamestrikes spread across 6 turns.

It is pretty ridiculous. I'm always sitting there thinking, "hmm. He probably won't have another flamestrike". After the second one, I was just thinking "He DEFINITELY doesn't have another flame strike." I had a tiger, warlord, + something else. He had an archmage still up so it dealt 5 damage, and eh it was just sort of gg from that point on. I feel your pain. :(
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Yeah, bullshit "hearthstone rules" at their finest. There is a plethora of completely nonsensical rules that are not explained by the game.
Or cards that have the exact same text but their rules are different.

The explosive trap will also enrage enemies before they hit you.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
Today I played a game in arena, opponent had only 2 hp. He cleaned most of my board and summoned enough minions to kill me next turn. He had six minions on board, two taunted. My only minion left on the board was demolisher. You can guess what happened ))
Level 8
Oct 12, 2011
Well, my new rage story is that I was playing as Rogue against Warlock:

On my turn, he's at 13 life and I have a 1/1, a 7/2 and a dagger, so I Sprint into a Perdition's Blade, 1 short of lethal damage and only have 3 life left, so I kill off his minions and I'm left at 1, and him at 6. Then he taps, and top decks Infernal.

And just the next game, a Hunter top decks a Freezing Trap and sends back my enraged Worgen when he's at 7 and I'm at 2.
Well, my new rage story is that I was playing as Rogue against Warlock:

On my turn, he's at 13 life and I have a 1/1, a 7/2 and a dagger, so I Sprint into a Perdition's Blade, 1 short of lethal damage and only have 3 life left, so I kill off his minions and I'm left at 1, and him at 6. Then he taps, and top decks Infernal.

And just the next game, a Hunter top decks a Freezing Trap and sends back my enraged Worgen when he's at 7 and I'm at 2.

Nothing is worse than a top deck loss. At least you can feel comfort that there was nothing you could've done to prevent it (I assume). The best case scenario would probably be a draw, unless you had a taunt on the board.

But I really feel for the freezing trap one. It is a somewhat rare secret, but it literally can kill all momentum. Playing around secrets is so difficult, especially when you're up against a hunter. You'll spend so long trying to avoid attacking just so you can send a smaller unit, but by then he's already gotten enough damage off to screw you over--or he'll keep killing your new spawns and leave the big guy to suffer from the trap.

I had a similar issue with redemption today (in arena). This guy gave a scarlet crusader might and used it to kill one of my big units. Not only that, he bubbled it again with argent crusader. I popped an abomination to get rid of some of his units, but after killing it, he popped redemption and left his scarlet crusader at 6/1. I finally put a minion on the board, but he had another response for it, and for some reason he popped his hero power. So I used my hero power to kill it to trigger redemption, but I was left with no choice but to fireball the 6/1 down. By then, I was so far behind and I had gone another turn without any minions on the board, and I was so low in hp from taking damage from the 6/1. I didn't want to kill it because he would respawn as a bubbled 3/1, which I really had no answer for. :\ I suppose I should've killed it earlier when I had the chance rather than putting up minions--oh well. Bubble is just so annoying, as are secrets.

EDIT: Just lost my 12th (technically, 14th match) round in arena. This happened to me twice already in the last two runs as rogue. I get to 11-2, and then poof I lose the last one. This time it was against a shaman. He had a very solid deck (earth elemental, 2 overload axes, earth shock, overload elemental, lightning bolts, forked lightning, mana tide totem, hex, etc.). My deck was very bad in draws, so once I got AoE'd down, I had no turnaround and he was able to flood. I'm still happy with 11, it is just painful when you're so close. It is not nearly as painful when you lose at 9 or 10. But the rewards were awful too. Just a ton of gold and one pack with 1 rare 4 uncommons.
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Level 9
Sep 15, 2012
Arena game playing against a warlock, we both had 4 minions on the floor, no tanks. I was 16 hit points he was 5. He had 2 cards on his hand.
It's his turn. He draws a card.
He attacks me with his minions, I am reduced to 11 hit points.
He plays a Mad Bomber:
1st bomb hits me. (Yes, 8 other mobs on the floor)
2nd bomb hits him.
3rd bomb hits me. (Yes, 8 other mobs on the floor)
I am at 9 hit points.
He plays a Reckless Rocketeer (5/2 - charge)
He buffs it with +4/+4 and kills me.

I was one second away of adding him and losing my account due to harrassment. :|
Level 7
Jun 21, 2011
This one is one table flip moment the opponent had in arena.
I was down to 6hp,next turn lethal.I have 3 cold bloods in my hand and a deadly poison for my already equipped assassins blade.Well from 18 hp he was he went to -1.
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
A guy used 2 lightning storms on me in arena, next turn I played rest of my little cards and he played a 3rd lightning storm, come on it is a rare card :D
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Well, I can't remember any serious table flip moment that I myself experienced, but...
I did do this to a guy.
Oh God I wish I took a screen shot of when I black knighted a Tirion and then played Ooze the same turn. I almost felt bad.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I just hex Tirion, or silence him. Frankly I have probably never seen him do anything for the opponent but draw a removal.
I think the card is just bad.

My most recent table flip moment was power overwhelming my Doomguard only to find I was one short of lethal. Lesson learned kids, pay attention while playing don't watch youtube !
Level 3
May 2, 2013
The most rage battle I've ever encountered was with a Mage. I was using a Priest. Priest got really good supporting cards. Like the one that doubles the health of a minion. I use two of it on Lightspawn whose damage is always equal to its health. Lightspawn is originally 5/5 x4 health that will become 20/20. I smashed every minion she summoned and healed Lightspawn simultaneously. But, the Mage polymorped it. I'm so angry that I try to save the sheep for my final blow against her. Luckily, I got Arena Champion, whatever the name is, to protect me and the sheep. Then, she took advantage, she used rocketeer to destroy my taunt minion, and she attacked me with knight and squires and didn't care about my sheep. The mage's health is really low, as well as mine. Luckily, I got Holy Nova Card, destroyed the minions, and i summon more minions and attacked the mage. And i suse the sheep as the final blow. I was like, "don't underestimate the power of the sheep."
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