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Sycophants in the Hive.

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Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
Ive noticed there's a lot of suck ups kissing mod ass for rep and usually these people are the first to jump on band wagons and the first one to break the insulting rule. Ive also noticed certain mods not acting like mods.

My question to this is why is this tolerated? There's a limit of whistle blowing and why are mods allowed to run rampant when they act like morons who flame users?
If the average user who doesn't care about being a mod shunned this type of behavior and thought before they leap into everything the big rep names do (which Ive noticed happen to be some of the dumbest people I've seen on the internet) these sycophantic suck up trolls would be forced to either change to their new environment or simply be forced to leave. This applies to the sycophant users who became mods as well. if the users shun them at every turn they will be removed unless the management on this site is broken.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Question 1: How can one be the "first to jump on the bandwagon"? The fact that they're first contradicts the fact that they're joining the crowd.
Question 2: Why, exactly, should mods be intolerant of people agreeing with them?
Question 3: Where is this "limit to whistle-blowing" you speak of? In fact, why should there be a limit in the first place? Should we be angry at the fact that people are making our job easier?
Question 4: You seem to have said a lot without really saying anything. You've mentioned that mods just run rampant. Care to elaborate?
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
Question 1: How can one be the "first to jump on the bandwagon"? The fact that they're first contradicts the fact that they're joining the crowd.
My statement implies that the bandwagon has been established already and they are latching onto a general idea for popularity.
Question 2: Why, exactly, should mods be intolerant of people agreeing with them?
Its easy to tell the difference between someone who is agreeing because they agree and someone who agrees for the sake of kissing mod ass. This is about the latter group of people.
Question 3: Where is this "limit to whistle-blowing" you speak of? In fact, why should there be a limit in the first place? Should we be angry at the fact that people are making our job easier?
Again, this is easy to distinguish between whistle blowing that is constructive and whistle blowing that serves as yet another way to suck up to the mods or establish a sense of superiority. Unless the rules broken are major the trade off for mods getting help on moderation is allowing creates a festering ground for the sycophants which I have mentioned and which can possibly allow them to get into a position of power.
Question 4: You seem to have said a lot without really saying anything.
In a metaphorical nutshell: Why do users tolerate suck ups on this forum when it will ultimately lead to very bad things in the future?
You've mentioned that mods just run rampant. Care to elaborate?
I've seen mods make fun of people for typos. I've talked to users who have messages concerning issues or questions ignored my mods. Of course this isn't something that every mod does but when its found that mods have lost their capacity to moderate either due to the fact that they simply don't care or due to the fact that they have ass-kissed the general public why don't the users boycott them?

This thread is about awareness since that is the first step in dealing with these types of people.
You've obviously been offended by this post so I request you don't come into this thread again since your judgment has been compromised this way my topic retains its dignity.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
You know what I can show?
I'm sick of people like you, go fuck yourself because obviously no one would touch your over weight nerdy ass.
and this
Thank you. The rest of you can go fuck yourselves because no one else will touch your anal retentive nerdy asses.
and this
You know what? Now that I know how this site works I'm going to go ahead and simply say whats on my mind: Go fuck yourself.
Does this make you a troll?
Lemme guess.... yes?
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
then stop being a drama llama and leave
By leave I mean only submit material here since this site is a good place for resources.
I'll "leave" when I'm ready to leave. Until then shut up and ignore me.

You know what I can show?

and this

and this

Does this make you a troll?
Lemme guess.... yes?

#1 was my fault. That comment was totally uncalled for.

#2 was thanking the one person in a thread who helped me while the others made fun of a typo. Even a mod was doing it so it was more than deserved.

#3 A user was being passive aggressive and rude to me so I told him to go fuck himself.

2/3 were deserved and the 1st one was a mistake on my part.

Next lets look at the definition of a troll:
Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]

#1 Irrelevant? Nope it was in response to off topic posts which would make the others trolls.
#2 Controversial...well sometimes but again its a controversial thread like this one which is ON TOPIC.
#3 Provoking Emotional response? Quite frankly you have no clue about my motives for posting and the 3rd insult I gave was for someone presuming to know my motives for posting. Rest assured I don't care about emotional responses I'd prefer it if people wouldn't get emotional so topics like this could be taken seriously.

Now according to the definition lets see if YOU are a troll.

#1 Irrelevant? yep this had nothing to do with the subject matter of the thread.
#2 I don't know if I'd call this controversial but it seems like a poor attempt to label me as a troll.
#3 Intent to provoke an emotional response? Well this post serves absolutely no other purpose.

At minimum you're 2/3rds troll and you have the audacity to call me one? Go fuck yourself :)
Level 8
Mar 20, 2007
(he's passive aggressive)

A user was being passive aggressive and rude to me so I told him to go fuck himself.

go fuck yourself

furthermore, all your points towards squiggy being a troll are completely invalid

1. him pointing out that you are a troll is related to the subject matter, as because stated in your first post:

Ive noticed there's a lot of suck ups kissing mod ass for rep and usually these people are the first to jump on band wagons and the first one to break the insulting rule.

and him proving that you are a troll; therefore proves that you are a hypocrite to your own point

2. "controversial and irrelevant"; this could be classed as controversial; but it is not irrelevant

3. the intent is to make you look like the idiot you are
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Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
go fuck yourself

furthermore, all your points towards squiggy being a troll are completely invalid

1. him pointing out that you are a troll is related to the subject matter, as because stated in your first post:

and him proving that you are a troll; therefore proves that you are a hypocrite to your own point

2. "controversial and irrelevant"; this could be classed as controversial; but it is not irrelevant

3. the intent is to make you look like the idiot you are

I thought I told you to shut up and ignore me (seriously there's a function you can use to ignore me and I WANT you to use it right now). I could pick apart your post but I'm better than to play into your stupid little games. So unless you have something to say about the OPENING POST don't address me directly again...oh just so you know I'm not passive aggressive. I'm aggressive. Here's the definition to passive aggressive.
Passive-aggressive behavior refers to passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to following through with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations. It can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible. It is a defense mechanism, and (more often than not) only partly conscious. For example, suppose someone does not wish to attend a party. A passive-aggressive response in that situation might involve taking so long to get ready that the party is nearly over by the time they arrive.

Don't use big words you don't understand. :)

Now that Ive dealt with the little boy I don't want anymore distractions. Please only post ON TOPIC.
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
He's being all QQ because I made fun of him because he used the word 'Pompressor' in a thread title.

Q fucking Q little girl. Grow up will you? You have to bring the whole Staff under question with this drama-tastic thread because you can't handle a little fun at your expense?

Furthermore, as Anarki has stated, you are passive aggressive as hell, and as such you troll the shit out of everyone around you.


It's your choice. Either cut the shit or get out. Telling everyone to go fuck themselves isn't going to help things any.
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Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
many people know that the mods here are nothing special, and users too, banning for nothing bad and not banning when it is necessary.

for example, Anarki, you really should reserve neg rep for this, but I see you dont have any, i dont know why it is so, maybe you are just defending mods or whatever...

and again, telling him to leave only cos he doesnt like this "site life" is invalid argument. Do you find your own country as perfect? If yes, tell me where u live, i will move there. If no, why do you live there? Thats the same thing.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Now according to the definition lets see if YOU are a troll.

#1 Irrelevant? yep this had nothing to do with the subject matter of the thread.
#2 I don't know if I'd call this controversial but it seems like a poor attempt to label me as a troll.
#3 Intent to provoke an emotional response? Well this post serves absolutely no other purpose.

At minimum you're 2/3rds troll and you have the audacity to call me one? Go fuck yourself :)
Well, kid, get a life.
Who even gave you the permission to insult me?
Noone, so shush, will ya?

By the way, hit dogs yell..
  • Angry
Reactions: Rui



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
He's being all QQ because I made fun of him because he used the word 'Pompressor' in a map title.

(...) You have to bring the whole Staff under question with this drama-tastic thread because you can't handle a little fun at your expense?
Even though it's not my way of expression, if what brad is saying is true then he has made a pretty valid point.
And I know this is his area of moderation, but since he didn't close the thread, I will – the thread is obviously on the dark path.
~Thread Cleaned & Locked


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
Ive noticed there's a lot of suck ups kissing mod ass for rep and usually these people are the first to jump on band wagons and the first one to break the insulting rule. Ive also noticed certain mods not acting like mods.

My question to this is why is this tolerated? There's a limit of whistle blowing and why are mods allowed to run rampant when they act like morons who flame users?
If the average user who doesn't care about being a mod shunned this type of behavior and thought before they leap into everything the big rep names do (which Ive noticed happen to be some of the dumbest people I've seen on the internet) these sycophantic suck up trolls would be forced to either change to their new environment or simply be forced to leave. This applies to the sycophant users who became mods as well. if the users shun them at every turn they will be removed unless the management on this site is broken.

Instead of just causing bad atmosphere why not report them assholes?

And the rest of you (including me) go fuck our/your -selves!
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
Sycophants in the Hive

Since my other thread was closed down and AWARENESS needs to be brought up and since its clear that this management system is broken for closing down this thread and for mods acting like children I'm reopening it: why you might ask? To promote empathy so this retarded bullshit doesn't keep happening.

If the mods feel like neg repping me again just do yourself a favor and ban my account. I won't go away and I'll keep causing waves until this account is disabled. But then again you're just going to be furthering my point about how broken your system is. Essentially I'm "pissed" that there's morons in power and I want them removed from power.
Like the last post in the original thread said: just report the prick which I have ad guess what nothing happened. What a shock.

So go ahead and ban me or neg rep me or whatever you want to do because I won't stop making waves until the major flaws in your mod system are fixed and you can have a PROPER discussion with the user of the forums on ways to fix any grievances they have.

That's a place to start: LISTEN TO THE USERS. Don't get defensive and push past the "fuck you" response and deal with what I perceive to be a major issue and what seems to be a major issue that other users acknowledge. Go ahead and make fun of me all you want I really don't care but don't except any response from me.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
There is a lovely section where all your concerns are to be heard with proper protocol.

This ever so secret forum, this paradise of proper protocol placed precariously in a position positively punctual, and plump full of plucky posts, positioned ever so purposefully where you may post postumously with pompous pride...or perhaps piss off our presumed presidential principalities...

..can be found here

This thread...seems to belong there, doing otherwise is one of several things:




-Drama Llama


-An afront to FSM

-An afront to proper protocol

-...a rather dumb idea...


Making a second thread that was already closed:

-All of the above

-MORE trolling

-MORE drama

-disrespecting the rule of the moderators

-disrespecting the order of the site

-causing disorder and chaos

-making us sad...oh so very sad...and popping our ego bubbles. Which is the worst offense of them all... :(
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
In fact, it only makes me want to ignore you on the basis that you think so.
its clear that this management system is broken
This is news?
for closing down this thread
Oh I see, it's only broken due to your annoying narcissism.
mods acting like children
You're the one crying. About a thread. On a modding community.
And we're the children?
I won't go away
Because you're being ignored. On a modding community.
furthering my point
Your point that we shouldn't use our powers to silence idiots?
there's morons in power
There's morons in the community. The need for me to respond to this is a proof of that.
Like the last post in the original thread said
If I felt inclined to read it, I would have read it. Thus the point of this thread is moot.
just report the prick which I have ad guess what nothing happened.
Oh noes, we can't devote every minute of our lives to this site! Seriously, just because we can't attend to your every need doesn't make us "morons", it only makes you one since you make that assumption.
So go ahead and ban me or neg rep me
Your retardation is too amusing :)
major flaws in your mod system
Yay vagueness. Try saying what they are in your opinion? Stating the problem is easy, diagnosing it is what separates the intelligent contributors to.. well, you.
PROPER discussion with the user of the forums on ways to fix any grievances they have.
We have had them? Yours isn't the only one that has ever occurred, you know.
Don't get defensive
You're the one defending your thread to the bitter end.
deal with what I perceive to be a major issue
Your perception is far from reality, as we can see throughout this entire post.
major issue that other users acknowledge
The ones of dire attention have been brought up and resolved, the moderately large ones are considered, and then there's your concerns.
Go ahead and make fun of me all you want
Really? Sweet.
don't except any response from me.
Hot damn, even better, where's the downside?

In all seriousness, if you have a problem with a mod for closing your thread, talk to them, don't bitch about it and whine to the entire bloody forum.
Thank you for your waste of time,
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
See that's my point. I have contacted mods and made threads in Admin Contact. Not one mod replied (4 views) in admin contact in 24 hours and my messages go ignored...I don't even get responses. This isn't me screaming "waaaaaah! give me attention" this is a last resort effort to fix SERIOUS problems. I don't hate the forums and some of the mods are really cool. But there's a lot of deficiencies that I'm bringing up and unfortunately I'm bringing them up all at once. To most mods this is like me giving their first born child a loaded gun at the age of 3 and saying "have fun"! hence the massive negative reaction I'm getting from the Admin CP and I always expected this to really show the sycophants since they're the ones screaming Drama and troll the loudest.

In closing because I don't know that all of you are familiar with the term sycophant I'd like to post a definition.
A sycophant (from the Greek συκοφάντης sykophántēs) is a servile person who, acting in his or her own self interest, attempts to win favor by flattering one or more influential persons, with an undertone that these actions are executed at the cost of his or her own personal pride, principles, and peer respect. Such a manner is called obsequiousness.

Sycophant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
See that's my point. I have contacted mods and made threads in Admin Contact. Not one mod replied (4 views) in admin contact in 24 hours and my messages go ignored...

How many of those views were your own dare I ask? Also, it defently wasn't 24 hours, because when I last checked Admin Contact yesterday, I didn't see that thread there, so I'ma call your bluff on that one

Anywho, I'm just going to close this shitstorm before I decide to ban a few people for whatever reason

{Rui's Edit}
~Threads Merged
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