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Swamped Temple

] Swamped Temple [


Map Specifics


Creep Camps
13 10 1

Neutral Buildings

Gold Mines



Scientists, excavating a sunken temple soon discovered long lost ancestral artifacts. When the greedy goblins realised what these ancient ruins were hiding it was not long before they began to flood the researchers village and claim the sacred grounds


The Tavern is set in the midst of the map and is surrounded by single trees that allow extensive microplay in the earlier stages of the game.



The shop in the middle is one of the key elements of this map. Similar to Echo Isles one single shop creates shortage in items and an increased need for map and shop-control.
Knowing item cooldowns and counterbuys can significantly influence the course of the game



Two Goblin laboratories allow players to buy sappers, goblin shredders and zeppelins and therefore increase the tactical possibilities of the game.
The two Labs are placed in a fair distance of the players starting positions to weaken speedscroll sapperabuse against Undead.
On the contrary the single contested goldmine is in increased danger of being taken down and therefore increases the danger potential of greedy expanding.
The yellow and orange camps can be taken with a risky Ancient of War creep but are in great danger of being creepjacked in a very unfortunate position with barely no escape routes




There are 5 Goldmines in total which means that one of the goldmines is contested. There is one natural goldmine close to each player which is the safe route for a second base.
The contested goldmine on the other hand is easier creepable (lowest level goldmine creepcamp and no casters)and has slightly more gold than the other mines but at the same time is closer to the enemys base and lies between 2 goblin laboratories with widely feared goblin sappers


Natural Goldmine


Contested Goldmine


The two basic Lordaredon Summer Mercenarycamps allow players to add neutral units to their armies.
One of the Furbolg Shamans drops a Rune of the lesser Watcher but has to be pulled strategically to give valuable information on enemy movements.




The single red camp is exceptionally strong and does drop the most powerful items that are available on the map.
With a level 4 charged item, Replenishment Potion and Rune of the lesser Healing the powerlevels of available loot is scaled down in relation to other maps and should not become a game deciding factor. (especially because there is only 1 red camp and players could not neutralize the itemadvantage by creeping another one)



The contested green camp underneath the Tavern has a fixed drop of a Potion of Invisibility so the relatively easy camp can become tactically important and encourage early game skirmishes.



- wide variety of chokes and open fields that make positioning a strong factor in gameplay
- several possibilities to early milita/aow creep
- green camps in the middle to encourage early game skirmishes
- single trees in the middle to allow early and midgame microplay
- symmetrical but organic map with slight and balanced differences
- landscape outside the playable area cannot be used for building structures or other abuse
- recessed creepcamps require smart play and creeppulling or else might be punished heavily


Green camp


Yellow camp on plateau that can be used early for milita/AOW creeping


Green camp


Green camp next to the north base


Green murloc camp located in the flooded village


Updatet Map description

-one neutral critter added for every skeleton creepcamp to ensure UD corpses
-position of starting locations slightly changed so baseblocking becomes possible for UD
-added Rune of the Watcher Ward at the merc camps and Level 2 Power Ups without TOE
-Added KoboldMiner by Callahan as an import to better distinguish from playable units
-solved buggy pathfinding of southeast gnoll creepcamp
-contested goldmine goldamount raised from 12500 to 14000
-cernunnos statue fixed
-updated mapdescription

-updatet unbuildable areas outside of mainly playable area to prevent abuse
-added fog to certain areas
-other small changes

Updated Mapdescription

Coming changes:
-Changed Mapname ingame
-removed cliffbug at the southlab temple
-replaced Kobold on explosive barrel at the waterfall
-added pathingblockers at the temple next to the contested goldmine to reduce siegeweapon and mortarabuse
-the areas behind the goldmines/base and above the red spot are not walkable any more
-reduced the spaces in non-playable areas to reduce abuse
-the entrance to the southlab was changed slightly in terms of terrain to eradicate asymmetrical imbalance for the escape route (in case of getting creep jacked)
-added and changed neutral passive units/critters
-various small optical terrainchanges

Changes Version 3.0


Compressed the map at the outer edges and reduced the playable area size slightly. Moved the Mercenary Camp further up/down and removed the treeline in front of it. The Marketplace (now Goblin Merchant) moved from the red spot to the middle of the map. The red spot moved inwards.

The green skeleton camp (now murloc, skeleton) is rotated slightly to the center.



Replaced Skeletal Orc lvl 3 with Gnoll Brute lvl 3 that leaves an additional corpse for undead players


Lvl 10 poison spider creeps at the merc camp got replaced by a lvl 11 camp with a Skeleton Warrior, Ogre Magi and Kobold Geomancer. Drop changed from lvl 2 charged to lvl 2 perm and lvl 1 powerup. Removal of poisondamage should make the camp more attractive for races and playstyles with many low hp units. The camp is designed to be harder than the lower green Ogre camp which also drops a lvl 2 permanent item due to the gain of access to a neutral building


Lvl 4 Troll Highpriest replaced with lvl 2 Shadow Priest. Inner Fire made the camp too hard and gave a disadvantage to expansionplay


Lvl 2 Makura Tidecaller changed to lvl 2 Makura Pooldweller. Lvl 2 Tome changed to Rune of the Watcherward. Frostarmour made the green camp too time consuming to creep for little benefit. The level 2 tome is replaced with a watcherward which is by itself useless when killed in original position but can be pulled towards the expansion or the red camp to gain better mapcontrol. The green spot might therefore become an unusual point of interest in certain machups


Lvl 8 Murloc camp redesigned to another lvl 8 murloc camp. Heal, abolish magic and slow made the green camp annoying to creep for a low reward. The murlocs now have ensnare and cannibalize instead


Lvl 7 green Skeleton Camp redesigned to lvl 10 orange camp. The camp now drops a lvl 2 charged item instead of a lvl 1 permanent item. Skeleton Archer lvl 1, Skeleton Marksman lvl 3 and Skeleton warrior lvl 3 replaced by 2x Skeleton Marksman lvl 3, Skeleton Archer lvl 1, Murloc Flesheater lvl 3

The stronger and more rewarding camp should better the creepingflow and push the players further towards the middle. Also leaves a corpse for undead players


Level 5 Enforcer replaced with lvl 3 Rogue, Level 2 Brigand replaced with lvl 3 Assasin with poisondamage. Should increase the camps ranged firepower and make it less vulnerable against airunits. Camp level stays the same (22)


Removed Gnoll Brute. lvl 13 camp becomes lvl 10 camp. Should make the contested expansion more attractive and easier to creep in the early game


Camp redesigned so units cant walk through it accidently any more. Changed the importance of the camp due to re-layouting of the map. Lvl 2 charged item becomes lvl 1 Powerup and Rune of lesser healing. The power of the camp is significantly reduced but it might become an interesting point of interest when no healing is available or if there are many low hp units


Lvl 15 Marketplace with lvl 4 Furbolg Shaman, lvl 6 Furbolg Tracker and lvl 4 Furbolg now moved to the middle of the map. The marketplace is replaced by a second shop due to balancereasons and the creeps are replaced with 2 lvl 5 Ogre Maules and a lvl 5 Renegade Wizard. Items stay the same


Renegade Wizard now moved to the lower shop and replaced with a lvl 6 Troll Warlord. Lvl 3 Kobold Tunneler replaced with a lvl 2 Shadowpriest. Camp lvl (15) and itemdrops stay the same.


2x lvl 3 Skeletal Marksman replaced with 2x lvl 3 Burning Archers. The Rune of lesser Resurrection now drops from the lvl 5 Skeletal Orc Grunt instead of the Dragon Turtle

Further changes:

-changed values of the global fog effect for increased visibility from further above which might be relevant for netease

-moved critters so they don’t block AOW creeping. Also reduced the amount of critters and placed creeps which leave corpses instead

-Blight on the trees now also applied at the lower green skeleton/gnoll camp next to the base

Authors Notes

Entry for the Hive/b2w Meleemappingcontest

Thanks to Clan Gym, mafe, Cal-, RehcraM, Uncledjftw, ena1337, AccCreate, Cepheid, IIIIIIIII, floss2xdaily for testplaying and extensive feedback
Hive Mappreview by Zephyrius2412
Resource: KoboldDigger model by Callahan

Swamped Temple (Map)

Swamped Temple (Map)

Swamped Temple 2.1 (Map)

Swamped Temple_v2 (Map)

Username and map author are different. Usually we leave the minimap as the preview image. Doodads made of melee Warcraft III spells/buildings without proper colour/skin whatever editing might be confusing until you get to know the map. Sadly that...
Level 29
May 21, 2013
very nice map, impressive waterfall, I wanted to spot somenthing and I have few things related with the loot.

I think there are to many permanent items level 2, and for example there are not charged items level 3.
The charged items are used in battle while, the permanent no, and to many loots of permanents makes you bag full.

The red creep: a 4 charged level item reward for a 26 level creep is not that good reward. Maybe a permanent level 4 or a charged level 5.

I am rating 4/5 ( I will consider my final rate after reading others reviews or the mod review)

good luck in the contest.
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
very nice map, impressive waterfall, I wanted to spot somenthing and I have few things related with the loot.

I think there are to many permanent items level 2, and for example there are not charged items level 3.
The charged items are used in battle while, the permanent no, and to many loots of permanents makes you bag full.

The red creep: a 4 charged level item reward for a 26 level creep is not that good reward. Maybe a permanent level 4 or a charged level 5.

I am rating 4/5 ( I will consider my final rate after reading others reviews or the mod review)

good luck in the contest.

There are 2 Spots with LVL 2 perm Items on every side and 2 contested LVL2 perm items. I think it is fair for a bm to have 3 lvl 2 per items, otherwise he might be too weak. If a player doesnt want the BM to have too many perms he must see that he challenges the contested spots.
I dont want BM to be too weak and instaveto for orcplayers. Easpecially in OvE, since there are many chokes

Concerning lvl 3 charged items, they drop at the naturals. lvl 2 charged items at the labs

The reason why the red spot is weak is because there is only one red spot on the whole map and I dont want that the Player who gets this spot, automatically win the game.
Especially in mirrors these can make a huge difference so i decided against lvl 4 Perm(scourge Bonechimes and other Auras) and everything above lvl 4.
It was kept low on purpose and is mainly there for experience (and also a quite good, even if weaker than normal item(nevertheless the best one on the map)) but I understand the criticism and I might reconsider

Thank you for your feedback!
Level 29
May 21, 2013
There are 2 Spots with LVL 2 perm Items on every side and 2 contested LVL2 perm items. I think it is fair for a bm to have 3 lvl 2 per items, otherwise he might be too weak. If a player doesnt want the BM to have too many perms he must see that he challenges the contested spots.
I dont want BM to be too weak and instaveto for orcplayers. Easpecially in OvE, since there are many chokes

Concerning lvl 3 charged items, they drop at the naturals. lvl 2 charged items at the labs

The reason why the red spot is weak is because there is only one red spot on the whole map and I dont want that the Player who gets this spot, automatically win the game.
Especially in mirrors these can make a huge difference so i decided against lvl 4 Perm(scourge Bonechimes and other Auras) and everything above lvl 4.
It was kept low on purpose and is mainly there for experience (and also a quite good, even if weaker than normal item(nevertheless the best one on the map)) but I understand the criticism and I might reconsider

Thank you for your feedback!

you couter all my arguments, I am mute mate, I see you know your bussyness
so again I didn´t found nothing to spot, another great map for the contest,
I love the Kobold in the rock near the waterfall.
good luck.
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Hey, put that at preview on the thread :p

View attachment 285082

Haha, Thanks mate! :D

you couter all my arguments, I am mute mate, I see you know your bussyness
so again I didn´t found nothing to spot, another great map for the contest,
I love the Kobold in the rock near the waterfall.
good luck.

Thank you, if you find some more things feel free to write them. I will fix them hopefully in time :)
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Username and map author are different.
Usually we leave the minimap as the preview image.

Doodads made of melee Warcraft III spells/buildings without proper colour/skin whatever editing might be confusing until you get to know the map. Sadly that includes the kobolds on the rocks. Also, no neutral passive units than critters (referring to goblins for instance).
Maybe the lone mine in the south be best protected and have more gold?

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Username and map author are different.
Usually we leave the minimap as the preview image.

Doodads made of melee Warcraft III spells/buildings without proper colour/skin whatever editing might be confusing until you get to know the map. Sadly that includes the kobolds on the rocks. Also, no neutral passive units than critters (referring to goblins for instance).
Maybe the lone mine in the south be best protected and have more gold?

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!

Hello Deepstratz,

I will change back the minimappreview and put the picture in the mapdescription

Is there a problem with having map author and my username here being different. Or do i have to change my hiveworkshop name to my real name?

Also concerning the neutral units. Understandable, but at the same time I dont think it should be a problem. Amazonia also has a Zerg in the forest and if someone really would want to get dark ranger 6, buy a zeppelin and go to the sapper he could gladly do it. It doesn´t change the balance and would be worse than taking enemy units and stuff.

Also the Doodad Kobolds are outside the area where players interact. Surely one could fly over with a zeppelin, but as long as it doesnt interfere with the game i think it shouldnt be a problem. Or did you have the feeling they were distracting the gameplay?

Concerning the goldmine. The contested goldmine has a lot of pros and cons.
The good thing is that it can be creeped easily and taken early in the game, but is at the same time closer to your enemys base who mght interfere.
The Goldmine is also slightly better protected but on the contrary lies between 2 goblin labs which make it vulnerable to sappers.
To make it attractive it was important to make the creeps quite weaker than the naturals. At the same time I have to say im not sure if it might become too easy for human to take it and bring up a fastexe.
In my testgames it seemed balanced but it is quite hard to tell.
I will also check if there should be more gold in this one. Might be a good idea.

I will also add more screenshots and stuff.

Thank you for your feedback!


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Or do i have to change my hiveworkshop name to my real name?
Aside your actual name you could write your Hive name in brackets, for example.
Amazonia also has a Zerg in the forest and if someone really would want to get dark ranger 6, buy a zeppelin and go to the sapper he could gladly do it. It doesn´t change the balance and would be worse than taking enemy units and stuff.
Is that a ladder map? If not, please don't get inspired by that thing from it.
Or did you have the feeling they were distracting the gameplay?
Personally, I have nothing against them. I think it's the contest rules to some extent at least? You could change them with other units, say custom models? Maybe that would be allowed? I don't know.
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Aside your actual name you could write your Hive name in brackets, for example.

Is that a ladder map? If not, please don't get inspired by that thing from it.

Personally, I have nothing against them. I think it's the contest rules to some extent at least? You could change them with other units, say custom models? Maybe that would be allowed? I don't know.

I will write my nick from hive as the author in the mapdescription if needed

Amazonia is one of the most played laddermaps, at least if it comes to competitive 1vs1

I can´t find anything against that in the rules but I will check again and also see if people get distracted by it. I will also check if I can find some other models which normally dont get used.
Not a big fan of custom imports though. I will see with the rules
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007

-one neutral critter added for every skeleton creepcamp to ensure UD corpses
-position of starting locations slightly changed so baseblocking becomes possible for UD
-added Rune of the Watcher Ward at the merc camps and Level 2 Power Ups without TOE
-Added KoboldMiner by Callahan as an import to better distinguish from playable units
-solved buggy pathfinding of southeast gnoll creepcamp
-contested goldmine goldamount raised from 12500 to 14000
-cernunnos statue fixed
-updated mapdescription
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Do you mean a specific part or all of them? It mostly comes from placing them in a dense way to avoid holes in the pathing.

Since the rating is not here I wont upload the new version yet, but I will do immediately after the results are here.

Coming changes:
-Changed mapname ingame
-removed cliffbug at the southlab temple
-replaced Kobold on explosive barrel at the waterfall
-added pathingblockers at the temple next to the contested goldmine to reduce siegeweapon and mortarabuse
-the areas behind the goldmines/base and above the red spot are not walkable any more
-reduced the spaces in non-playable areas to reduce abuse
-the entrance to the southlab was changed slightly in terms of terrain to eradicate asymmetrical imbalance for the escape route (in case of getting creep jacked)
-added and changed neutral passive units/critters
-various small optical terrainchanges
-changed various trees to give the trees a less "squarish" but natural feel
-shrubs, lots of them
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Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Thanks a lot @ W3Sour

Looks quite good. I would avoid allowing players to reach the masking bounds:

View attachment 295870

If you were to chop over there or send flying units it breaks immersion.


I see the point, should have pulled the cliff a bit further in the map. Worked on a new version where the camera and mapbounds changed and made the map more symmetrical but somehow the craze after the contest died and nothing followed so i havent finished :)
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
After countless hours of balancing, testing and nearly rebuilding the layout from scratch I can present a _v2 of the original map.

I would like to thank Clownpooh, W3Sour, Thorzain, Mafe, x3-Demon, Clan Gym, WaN, the participants of the "Back2Warcraft Mappingcontest Cup" and many other players for playtesting and giving extensive feedback.

The presentation will be updated in a while. Both downloads of the old contestversion and new version will be available.

Instead of a changelog I will prepare a completely new presentation in the next days.
Differences in the versions include:

- Completely reworked layout of the map with way stronger symmetry
- Stronger itemdrops that emphasize the characteristic strengths of the game in comparison to other RTS games
- Green contested creepcamp drops a duration-based watcherward instead of an invisibility potion
- Added marketplace as neutral building
- Completely reworked creeps and creeproutes with multiple possibilities for all races

A decent presentation with pictures and description of gameplay elements will be added soon!

Level 5
Mar 1, 2018
Surprisingly V2 is a great improvement on an already awesome map.

Terrain is stellar
Balance appears very good, but can't make any confirmation until it's actually added to the ladder ;)
It's a unique map too, but not so far out that it drifts from a high quality Blizzard map, in fact it goes further than that.
it's probably my favourite community map I've seen!

Glad I could help, 5/5 of course :)
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Wow, at first I wasn´t sure if i interpreted this message right but this is beyond awesome!

Great to see Warcraft supported after such a long time and that you guys are still making big changes to the game.
I am very exited to see people playing on the map and how it will perform on the PTR.

Cheers!! :thumbs_up:
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
I followed the PTR closely and talked to several players. I also checked the Blizzard ladderedit in detail and I have to say thanks again because I guess it was quite some work to remove and replace all the custom models.

There are still some random pathingblockers and things around that are remainders of customdoodads. Also I now detected a lot of floating shrubs and other doodads.

One of the biggest changes of the blizzard version is obviously the lvl 2 charged item which replaced the custom timed watcher ward. There are some concerns with the itemdrop which might be troublesome.

At first there are several MUs where it would be predetermined which race would get the mid creepcamp. This is why the idea was to drop a rune which can only be “consumed locally” and does not give too much of an advantage.

Other than that it is mainly the Lightning Shield which is the biggest concern and makes the LVL 2 charged itemclass difficult. Now there are 3 relatively easy camps which can drop LS. Other maps like EI also drop LS close to the bases (merc) but the camps are harder, thus not attainable in the early game. The easiest fix for this would be to finally balance LS so mapmakers don’t have to worry about removing it from the drops anymore.

The other option that is definitely fun would be adding the invisible potion as a fixed drop again how it was in the first version. It would be a very unique camp which would possibly increase the fun factor of the map since we can see players trying to itemsteal or similar things. It would be an item which is actually interesting when used and actively encourages player interaction. But obviously I understand that it is a highly unique drop that maybe doesn’t fit in the general scheme of Blizzard ladder maps!

I don’t know how much the map is in my hand any more but im still determined to tweak and optimize the map after seeing so many players play and comment on the map.

Since you guys have probably a lot of things to do and cant put the amount of detail and time into the map as I can I decided to fix several things that would IMO further improve the gameplay of the map.

I will talk in detail about the changes of the new Version 2.1 where I mostly tried to also work in the best interest of how Blizzard changed things in the map (for instance no more mixed trees and general approach in the cleanup)

Changes in version 2.1


- The Gnoll greencamp next to the bases is now a stronger green camp with 1 Ogre and 2 Trolltrappers which drop a lvl 2 perm item.

- Spiders at the Merccamp now drop a LVL 2 charged instead of a LVL 2 perm

- Golemcamp direction of the highground ramps changed facing the center of the map now, added 1 additional lvl 3 kobold + 1 additional lvl1 kobold that drop a lvl 3 charged item and lvl2 tome instead of lvl 2 and lvl 2 tome(without TOE). Further the area of the highground increased to allow easier unit movement with bigger armies


The idea was to add options for different creeproutes and races which are based on MU and mindgames.

To further increase the original idea of the map it was necessary to encourage even more more playerinteraction. The options of having stronger and way riskier creepcamps and safe creepcamps should deepen the concept of opportunity cost in the gameplay.

The realignment of the ramps of the golemcamp makes it easier to creepjack and the increased distance makes militacreeping more dangerous. AOW creeping is possible but the low amount of trees can make an engaging opponent an increased risk.

Hurl Bolder, Slow and Bash might allow enemies to pick of hurt units.

At the same time the value of the camp is increased by dropping a lvl 3 charged item and giving lvl 2.2 instead of 1.9.

The Rockgolem is the only high level creep on the map that cant be “coiledjacked” by UD

The green Gnollcamp is now a Ogre with two Troll Trappers which drops a level 2 permanent item. The early game creepcamps are designed that most creeps have abilities like ensnare, poision or slow to punish thoughtless play and making early game harassment more powerful, therefore reducing the “creepcraft” factor of players just clearing their restrictive side of the map.

All early game creeproutes have different advantages and disadvantages and should be chosen wisely according to race, MU, enemies skilllevel and needed items.​

-changed orientation of southeastern murloc greencamp


Incresead symmetry and old layout led to meleeunits getting stuck and pathing not working if the creeps are not pulled accordingly.​

-red creep dragonturtle now additionally drops a rune of lesser resurrection which allows to revive one dead unit. Especially newer players might lose units to this camp. More experienced players might let specific units die to revive them with full hp

Map layout:

-Golemcamp ramps face the other direction now and has two ramps now instead of one.

Further the highground is designed so it cant be effectively abused with siege units to attack the enemys base

-additional space at the lower red camps

-slight movement of the goblin laboratory for full symmetry

-removed a tree here and there close to the bases to ensure symmetrical spacing at the entrances

-moved treeisle in front of the southeast expo a bit more south for symmetry reasons

-green camp skeletoncamp (camp with frost archer) modified so they are completely symmetrical now.


-added pathing blockers at the left outskirts of the map which probably got accidently removed during the cleanup

-removed pathing blockers from doodad cleanup and replaced with fitting doodads or trees

-added various ladderfriendly doodads and effects over the map to compensate for the custom doodads p.e.:

Fixed southeast skeletoncamp pillars and added blockers so no wisps can hide

Added pillars at the red camp and other doodads

Added doodads at the middle green camp to signify the middle and make it more stand out

Cenarion statue realigned and slightly redesigned

Several other small optical improvements all over the map to compensate custom doodad loss. I tried my best to increase the aesthetics of the map and add several small storylines that add to the overall atmosphere​

Hey @Anomines , congrats! It must be a great honor to have your map added to the official ladder.
Amazing that this map is now in the official map pool.

Thank you!
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Level 4
Jul 29, 2006
I have downloaded the map and i wanted to play the Nevest version 2.1 but it looks like i can forget about it because when the game starts all gold mains are missing however when i open your map in the Editor thy are all there so i dont know what is wrong here
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
I have downloaded the map and i wanted to play the Nevest version 2.1 but it looks like i can forget about it because when the game starts all gold mains are missing however when i open your map in the Editor thy are all there so i dont know what is wrong here

Interesting, I havent had this bug and no one reported it to me before

Could you give some more details like:

Did you start the game from the editor or ingame. 1.30/1.29 or custom editor? Does the problem apply on other maps too?

Is it a visual bug or is the goldmine simply not there?
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
You could try using your editor, opening the map, go to Map Properties -> Options -> Game Data Set and try to save the map with different settings. After that you can try to start it from the editor or from within the game having it in the maps folder

I´m using patch 1.30 so its hard for me to recreate this bug
Level 9
Jul 17, 2007
Changes Version 3.0


After seeing hundreds of games and getting feedback from a lot of players I decided that some changes had to be done to Swamped Temple. Version 3.0 should be a huge step towards a more balanced map which is also more rewarding and more casualplayer-friendly than the older versions.

To achieve this many creepscamps are redesigned with less abilities like slow, heal, poison or abolish magic, especially on low reward camps which should also increase the general creepingflow.

Version 3.0 compresses the whole layout and puts focus on the more relevant parts of the map while at the same time keeping its character as a big 1v1 map which puts increased importance on mapcontrol, mindgames and creeproutes.


Compressed the map at the outer edges and reduced the playable area size slightly. Moved the Mercenary Camp further up/down and removed the treeline in front of it. The Marketplace (now Goblin Merchant) moved from the red spot to the middle of the map. The red spot moved inwards.

The green skeleton camp (now murloc, skeleton) is rotated slightly to the center.






Replaced Skeletal Orc lvl 3 with Gnoll Brute lvl 3 that leaves an additional corpse for undead players


Lvl 10 poison spider creeps at the merc camp got replaced by a lvl 11 camp with a Skeleton Warrior, Ogre Magi and Kobold Geomancer. Drop changed from lvl 2 charged to lvl 2 perm and lvl 1 powerup. Removal of poisondamage should make the camp more attractive for races and playstyles with many low hp units. The camp is designed to be harder than the lower green Ogre camp which also drops a lvl 2 permanent item due to the gain of access to a neutral building




Lvl 4 Troll Highpriest replaced with lvl 2 Shadow Priest. Inner Fire made the camp too hard and gave a disadvantage to expansionplay


Lvl 2 Makura Tidecaller changed to lvl 2 Makura Pooldweller. Lvl 2 Tome changed to Rune of the Watcherward. Frostarmour made the green camp too time consuming to creep for little benefit. The level 2 tome is replaced with a watcherward which is by itself useless when killed in original position but can be pulled towards the expansion or the red camp to gain better mapcontrol. The green spot might therefore become an unusual point of interest in certain machups


Lvl 8 Murloc camp redesigned to another lvl 8 murloc camp. Heal, abolish magic and slow made the green camp difficult to creep for a low reward. The murlocs now have ensnare and cannibalize instead


Lvl 7 green Skeleton Camp redesigned to lvl 10 orange camp. The camp now drops a lvl 2 charged item instead of a lvl 1 permanent item. Skeleton Archer lvl 1, Skeleton Marksman lvl 3 and Skeleton warrior lvl 3 replaced by 2x Skeleton Marksman lvl 3, Skeleton Archer lvl 1, Murloc Flesheater lvl 3

The stronger and more rewarding camp should better the creepingflow and push the players further towards the middle. Also leaves a corpse for undead players


Level 5 Enforcer replaced with lvl 3 Rogue, Level 2 Brigand replaced with lvl 3 Assasin with poisondamage. Should increase the camps ranged firepower and make it less vulnerable against airunits. Camp level stays the same (22)


Removed Gnoll Brute. lvl 13 camp becomes lvl 10 camp. Should make the contested expansion more attractive and easier to creep in the early game


Camp redesigned so units cant walk through it accidently any more. Changed the importance of the camp due to re-layouting of the map. Lvl 2 charged item becomes lvl 1 Powerup and Rune of lesser healing. The power of the camp is significantly reduced but it might become a point of interest when no healing is available or if there are many low hp units



Lvl 15 Marketplace with lvl 4 Furbolg Shaman, lvl 6 Furbolg Tracker and lvl 4 Furbolg now moved to the middle of the map. The marketplace is replaced by a second shop due to balancereasons and the creeps are replaced with 2 lvl 5 Ogre Maules and a lvl 5 Renegade Wizard. Items stay the same


Renegade Wizard now moved to the lower shop and replaced with a lvl 6 Troll Warlord. Lvl 3 Kobold Tunneler replaced with a lvl 2 Shadowpriest. Camp lvl (15) and itemdrops stay the same.


2x lvl 3 Skeletal Marksman replaced with 2x lvl 3 Burning Archers. The Rune of lesser Resurrection now drops from the lvl 5 Skeletal Orc Grunt instead of the Dragon Turtle


Further changes:

-changed values of the global fog effect for increased visibility from further above which might be relevant for netease

-moved critters so they don’t block AOW creeping. Also reduced the amount of critters and placed creeps which leave corpses instead

-Blight on the trees now also applied at the lower green skeleton/gnoll camp next to the base
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