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Surviving Archimonde Rage

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Surviving Archimonde Rage

Pick your hero to defend the Magical Stone from Archimonde and his 50 waves minions, choose between 36 different heroes to protect the world from danger and build the items you like from the vast number of items and recipes.



  • Mammoth
  • Holy Defender
  • Sea Hunter
  • War Commander
  • Zombie
  • Iron Golem
  • Pandaren Earth Crusher
  • Ancient Protector
  • Stone Golem
  • Brewmaster
  • Butcher
  • Earth Shaker


  • Bronze Dragon
  • Wise Old Man
  • Explorer
  • Engineer
  • Taliban Terrorist
  • Werewolf
  • Ranger
  • Wise Old Man Brother
  • Blade Master
  • Faceless One
  • Flame King
  • Pandaren Sword Master


  • Elder Sasquatch
  • Reaper
  • Demon Lord
  • Forest Spirit
  • Spirit Walker
  • Ghost
  • Hydra
  • Dwarf Tank
  • Draenei Spellcrafter
  • Mage of Secrets
  • Pandaren Storm Wizard
  • Nature's Guard


  • Difficulty
    -you can choose between easy, medium and hard.
  • WTF
    -this mode makes all the game spells has no cooldown and no mana cost.
  • Same Heroes
    -this mode allows all players to choose any hero even if it's picked.
  • Events
    -this mode enables events to occur each (5 waves - 10 waves - 15 waves).
    -there is 5 events:

    1) Santa's Christmas
    2) Penguins Home
    3) Hell's Beasts
    4) City's Gate
    5) Hunting Season


  • You Play with one hero only
  • All Heroes spells are custom
  • The leader will choose the gameplay modes
  • This map is protected
  • There is 50 waves of enemies
  • There is a courier for your items
  • Simple Gameplay

Screen Shots




  • Everything is made by Storm_hih: map, models, icons, textures, etc....
  • Some spell ideas from : DotA

This version is 2.2.

Change Log :

  • Version 2.2
  • Improved Archimonde and now his attack damage increase with players count.
  • Now if Creeps strength is set to hard their damage will increase as well.
  • Fixed Dranaei Spell Crafter Dark Illusion when used on units with Reincarnation.
  • Fixed Nature's Power not working properly.
  • Events:
  • Santa's Christmas: now the gift gives money to all children in range and removed childrens' collision.
  • Hell's Beasts: removed Zerglings' collision and added full vision to the area.
  • Penguins Home: remove penguins collision.
  • Version 2.1
  • Fixed Engineer destroying allied turrets.
  • Fixed Sea Hunter and Werewolf Ultimates trying to flee.
  • Version 2
  • Fixed Spirit Control bugs.
  • Spirit Unleash no more checks cooldown.
  • Reworked Faceless One Time Shift: now it slows all units except the Faceless for a short duration.
  • Sea Hunter ultimate now deals damage depending on strength instead of unit's max hp percentage.
  • Iron Golem ultimate now lasts for 6/8/10 seconds.
  • Fixed Iron Golem ultimate text.
  • Added Creeps Difficulty.
  • Fixed Mage of Secrets bug with Heavy Steps.
  • Fixed some spells which use attacks creating items.
  • Replaced Nature's Power into giving the Magical Stone temporarlily invulnerability.
  • Increased time between waves.
  • Changed Pandaren Sword Master voice.
  • Fixed Stone Golem Dash's angle.
  • Version 1.16
  • Fixed minor bugs.
  • Improved Hydra hatchlings and Engineer Turrets.
  • Version 1.15
  • Global balance fixing.
  • Added difficulty choosing.
  • Version 1.14
  • Fixed Hell's Beasts event.
  • Fixed Hunting Season event.
  • Version 1.13
  • Fixed Scythe spell.
  • Fixed Arrow Shot spell.
  • Replaced Butcher's Hook with Butcher's Cleaver.
  • Version 1.12
  • Fixed Cup of Beer making lightning effects.
  • Fixed Master's Jump spell not dealing damage.
  • Fixed Root spell armor bonus.
  • Version 1.11
  • Fixed Rockets Clear and Mind Control spells making lightning effects.
  • Gojanum item now is castable.
  • Mind control no longer capture bosses or testing objects.
  • Hell beasts now travel to the portals.
  • Running Monster now is more flexible in control but the duration is reduced to 10 seconds.
  • Version 1.10
  • Fixed the hawk giving items to turrets.
  • Fixed Degear's Black Staff, Arcanite Shield and Captain's Holy Armor texts.
  • Fixed Electric Ball text.
  • Fixed Dragon Fist able to target testing object.
  • Version 1.09
  • Fixed WTF mode.
    Version 1.08
  • Fixed Sea Hunter's Ultimate not functioning.
  • Fixed Nature's Call text.
  • Fixed the hotkey of Rage Stomp.
  • When buying manual of health now from Hawk it will be applied to Spirit Control target and the Ghost.
  • Fixed Hunting Season Event.
  • Fixed Orb of Venom and Orb of Lightning Damages.
    Version 1.07
  • Recreated description to the map.
  • Fixed old errors.
    Version 1.06
  • Fixed some spells effects.
  • Fixed the waves get stuck after a special event.
  • Fixed the ability (give items manual) targets allowed.
    Versions before 1.06
  • Description was lost.

If you see any bug and like to inform about it, feel free to comment here or message me on my hiveworkshop account.

Hope you enjoy your experience, and I hope for you to survive Archimonde's Rage.

If you do like it, please rate.

Archimonde, Defense, Hero, Hawk, Vultures, Pigs, Magical Stone, Events.

Surviving Archimonde Rage (Map)

22:57, 28th Jun 2015 Shadow Fury: The map is approved with a rating of 3/5 after several updates. Aesthetics are not the strong point of this map yet it's the gameplay. With a vast range of customized items for each faction and lots of great heroes...




22:57, 28th Jun 2015
Shadow Fury: The map is approved with a rating of 3/5 after several updates. Aesthetics are not the strong point of this map yet it's the gameplay. With a vast range of customized items for each faction and lots of great heroes to enjoy, this map can surely be entertaining to play.
Level 4
May 26, 2015
well i played it. It's just like X Hero Siege or Hero Siege?. The objective is protect the World Tree and prevent Archimonde's Forces to destroy World Tree.

Terrain - Well kinda plain also it's not fitted for protecting world tree for barrens or wasteland. Use grassy terrains.

Gameplay - Well it's just like X Hero Siege that i played before. But too simple add more Events to make more Excitement.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain was far too lacking and unsuitable to the theme. It's the World Tree man! How come you put it in Barrens? It should've been something like Ashenvale or any other foresty theme but certainly not Barrens. In addition, the lack of doodads also makes the scenery inappropriate. It was expectable to see grass everywhere with flowers, shrubs and vegetation all around, not just a flat surface of dirt and rough dirt put in a symmetrical way. When you create such themes, being symmetrical is a bad idea because nothing in nature is like that. Even the area outside the World Tree could be enchanced. If Archimonde is the one attacking, then I'd suggest replacing gates (not the ones in the base) with portals. Instead of making a desert, you could make a blighted region. Put skulls, remains scorched and these undeadish things to give the feeling of an invasion of monsters. Don't forget to raise and lower your terrain, don't leave it flat.


The gameplay was quite enjoyable to some extent but it has a lot of negativity. The heroes had pretty great skills yet one hero I played had a bug. I tried Grom whose passive makes him spin every 4 seconds and damage enemies around him. The problem is that even when he dies, he keeps damaging with the spin! You should trigger the damage only if Grom is alive. Despite that, the core problem is the creeps and the balancing of the game. Some waves were relatively much easier than others. The wave of the Sea Elementals was much harder than the succeeding waves. They keep stunning my hero so frequently that if it wasn't for the passive skill and for the cloak of flames, I would've been stuck in that wave forever. Another absurd wave was the one of the Dark Wizards. They keep Polymorphing me every second that I can only watch them. The cloak damage is even disabled so I can only count on my passive skill (but naturally not all heroes have the luxury of a damaging passive skill). There were other waves with stunners and I encountered the same problem. In another game, I played the Hydra and I reached wave 43/44 (I don't recall exactly which one). In that wave, I couldn't do anything. There were kobolds who had what seemed an infinite stun duration that I couldn't move or do anything, I couldn't even die because I had very strong items and the healing of the World Tree. All in all you have to decrease the duration of the stuns/disables because the game becomes very annoying when you can't even move or attack. Another awkward issue is the items. I really have a few time to buy the items from various distant shops and eventually combine them. Additionally, I lack slots, which means that I have to drop items on the ground to buy others and create a combo item then pick the items I dropped. What I recommend you to do is implementing a courier which can carry and combine items then give it to my hero.


Overall the maps requires much more work and polishing. For now, it gets 2/5 and is set to needs fix.




Review Surviving Archimonde Rage v1.01

Ambience and Aesthetics

The terrain is very basic and simple. While the center area is average designed for a hero siege map, the surrounding gives an awful impression.
It is very empty, uses hardly any doodads.
Barrens is a very difficult terrain to design, nonetheless you could take a very close look on our terraining tutorials ( use ctrl+F to search for keywords like 'terrain').
Storm_hih, although this genre of maps usually uses a low standard of terrain, you could improve this one a lot. Take some time and go through the tutorials, they contain great knowledge.

Gameplay and Features

On the one site I enjoy the great variety of heroes I can choose from. Although some heroes like the 'Taliban terrorist' seems quite strange to me, there is a great variety between them.
On the other site, the gameplay feels quite the same with every hero. I played with several heroes, but there wasn't much variation. Don't get it wrong, the different heroes, like Engineer or Zombie offer great strategically options, but overall the gameplay is very simple due to the less options I have, for example, in the item build. Storm_hih, I enjoyed you added a lot of items, but there are basically only damage items, except shield and cloak and maybe Lord's Hand. You could think about adding more defensive and more unique items which allow players do decide between a tank, a caster and a damage dealer item build.


Surviving Archimonde Rage is an interesting hero siege game which offers interesting concepts and many heroes to check out, but it lacks structure and an appropriate design.
Storm_hih, you should continue working on this map, as it has interesting game mechanics and some interesting hero ideas. It basically lacks some structure, as I said, try to improve the terrain and maybe give some variety to the item build.

I vote for Needs Fix.
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 12
Apr 28, 2012

Review Surviving Archimonde Rage v1.01

Ambience and Aesthetics

The terrain is very basic and simple. While the center area is average designed for a hero siege map, the surrounding gives an awful impression.
It is very empty, uses hardly any doodads.
Barrens is a very difficult terrain to design, nonetheless you could take a very close look on our terraining tutorials ( use ctrl+F to search for keywords like 'terrain').
Storm_hih, although this genre of maps usually uses a low standard of terrain, you could improve this one a lot. Take some time and go through the tutorials, they contain great knowledge.

Gameplay and Features

On the one site I enjoy the great variety of heroes I can choose from. Although some heroes like the 'Taliban terrorist' seems quite strange to me, there is a great variety between them.
On the other site, the gameplay feels quite the same with every hero. I played with several heroes, but there wasn't much variation. Don't get it wrong, the different heroes, like Engineer or Zombie offer great strategically options, but overall the gameplay is very simple due to the less options I have, for example, in the item build. Storm_hih, I enjoyed you added a lot of items, but there are basically only damage items, except shield and cloak and maybe Lord's Hand. You could think about adding more defensive and more unique items which allow players do decide between a tank, a caster and a damage dealer item build.


Surviving Archimonde Rage is an interesting hero siege game which offers interesting concepts and many heroes to check out, but it lacks structure and an appropriate design.
Storm_hih, you should continue working on this map, as it has interesting game mechanics and some interesting hero ideas. It basically lacks some structure, as I said, try to improve the terrain and maybe give some variety to the item build.

I vote for Needs Fix.

Thank you, although I don't see any need for very detailed terrain as the map is based on being near the stone. While I think you're right about the items I think I will make another shop with more items, I'll see but my problem is I'm working on another map now so I don't know what to do.




Thank you, although I don't see any need for very detailed terrain as the map is based on being near the stone. While I think you're right about the items I think I will make another shop with more items, I'll see but my problem is I'm working on another map now so I don't know what to do.

You don't have to asap work on it, of course. I don't know how long it is going to take until a new moderation is going to be set up.

If you don't have the time to work on it regularly, then don't push it to 'Pending' with new updates, please. Every time you push it, we reviewers have to write a new review in our free time and we do not gain anything for it.

If you don't want to work on the terrain anymore, then don't do it, but I can tell you it surely affects the moderator rating and resulting from that users view on your map. At least some basic terrain would be nice, it is very easy and takes not much time whereas it improves your map a lot.
Level 12
Apr 28, 2012
You don't have to asap work on it, of course. I don't know how long it is going to take until a new moderation is going to be set up.

If you don't have the time to work on it regularly, then don't push it to 'Pending' with new updates, please. Every time you push it, we reviewers have to write a new review in our free time and we do not gain anything for it.

If you don't want to work on the terrain anymore, then don't do it, but I can tell you it surely affects the moderator rating and resulting from that users view on your map. At least some basic terrain would be nice, it is very easy and takes not much time whereas it improves your map a lot.

I didn't mean to say I'm busy and don't have time, I'm working on it but I can't get what the terrain want more. help me please.




Continuous Review Surviving Archimonde Rage

Visuals - Ambience and Aesthetics

You greatly improved the terrain, Storm_hih, it looks much better now.
Except the odd water fall it looks overall good.

I would recommend you to 'close' the left bottom base site, too, so that it does not look as if one could walk through it.


You executed my suggestion with the defensive items and although I don't understand why there are three different items giving the same stats and being crafted with the same materials, I would say you did a good job with them.

Something your map lacks a bit, that's balance. I imagine it is very easy in multi player to survive the waves, even with multiple spawn from different sites.
Maybe you could think about adding different difficulties.


The improvements are visible, they greatly improve your map.

Tho, compared to other X Hero Siege maps it lacks gameplay features ( like Special Events, additional challenges and such). Of course, you shouldn't take other hero siege maps as a direct comparison, but their overall quality fights the one of yours

I vote for Approval with a rating 2/5 Lacking

Every thing is made by Storm_hih.

You made the custom models for the turrets of the engineer ? I doubt it.
Please fix your credits list.

Also, add a change log to this thread and a version number to the thread and the map itself.




Yes I did, and I use War3 model editor, Mdlvis, photoshop and warcraft 3 viewer so don't just judge like that, you don't know how much I worked ok.
Well, it is kind of unbelievable. There is so much custom content you would have to created yourself.
All the units, like the Dwarf Tank, the turrets, the reaper and his scythe and so on.
All the spells, the custom ones.

You know, even if you modify resources you still have to give credit for the original one.
So, I apologize for not believing you, but this is incredible.
Level 12
Apr 28, 2012
Well, it is kind of unbelievable. There is so much custom content you would have to created yourself.
All the units, like the Dwarf Tank, the turrets, the reaper and his scythe and so on.
All the spells, the custom ones.

You know, even if you modify resources you still have to give credit for the original one.
So, I apologize for not believing you, but this is incredible.

no problem, but I really worked so much time for this.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011

The terrain was far too lacking and unsuitable to the theme. It's the World Tree man! How come you put it in Barrens? It should've been something like Ashenvale or any other foresty theme but certainly not Barrens. In addition, the lack of doodads also makes the scenery inappropriate. It was expectable to see grass everywhere with flowers, shrubs and vegetation all around, not just a flat surface of dirt and rough dirt put in a symmetrical way. When you create such themes, being symmetrical is a bad idea because nothing in nature is like that. Even the area outside the World Tree could be enchanced. If Archimonde is the one attacking, then I'd suggest replacing gates (not the ones in the base) with portals. Instead of making a desert, you could make a blighted region. Put skulls, remains scorched and these undeadish things to give the feeling of an invasion of monsters. Don't forget to raise and lower your terrain, don't leave it flat.


The gameplay was quite enjoyable to some extent but it has a lot of negativity. The heroes had pretty great skills yet one hero I played had a bug. I tried Grom whose passive makes him spin every 4 seconds and damage enemies around him. The problem is that even when he dies, he keeps damaging with the spin! You should trigger the damage only if Grom is alive. Despite that, the core problem is the creeps and the balancing of the game. Some waves were relatively much easier than others. The wave of the Sea Elementals was much harder than the succeeding waves. They keep stunning my hero so frequently that if it wasn't for the passive skill and for the cloak of flames, I would've been stuck in that wave forever. Another absurd wave was the one of the Dark Wizards. They keep Polymorphing me every second that I can only watch them. The cloak damage is even disabled so I can only count on my passive skill (but naturally not all heroes have the luxury of a damaging passive skill). There were other waves with stunners and I encountered the same problem. In another game, I played the Hydra and I reached wave 43/44 (I don't recall exactly which one). In that wave, I couldn't do anything. There were kobolds who had what seemed an infinite stun duration that I couldn't move or do anything, I couldn't even die because I had very strong items and the healing of the World Tree. All in all you have to decrease the duration of the stuns/disables because the game becomes very annoying when you can't even move or attack. Another awkward issue is the items. I really have a few time to buy the items from various distant shops and eventually combine them. Additionally, I lack slots, which means that I have to drop items on the ground to buy others and create a combo item then pick the items I dropped. What I recommend you to do is implementing a courier which can carry and combine items then give it to my hero.


Overall the maps requires much more work and polishing. For now, it gets 2/5 and is set to needs fix.

That is seriously very generous of you.
Level 1
Feb 12, 2012
i found something bugs in map
1) Tomaha Jenko (wise old man) 3rd skill "wise and wisdom", if you upgrade skill on skill active, lasts 15s, agi down. Ex: Agi origin: 28, upgrade "wise and wisdom" to lvl 2 on skill active, lasts, agi: 10
2) Ghost, if other player not host use Spirit Unleash, him lost all items
3) Lerop's Staff, if other player not host use spell, can't clear wave
sorry, my english it very bad, I hope you can understand my thinking ._.

btw, can you should add more new items?
Level 5
Jun 18, 2009
Found quite a lot of bugs, but seeing the last time it was updated i'm not sure it's worth the effort to elaborate here. PM me or something if you'd like me to.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Nice and all...

-Captain's Holy Shield has the same requirements as the Arcanite Shield, at least the descritptions are the same. If the Holy Shield is bought using those items, it doesn't work. On second thought even Degear's Black Staff has those requirements...
-playing the no cooldown mode will result in enemy infinite Reincarnation

There are also other bugs with some spells some heroes have that either take them into buildings and can't get out until casting those spells again, dying or taken out by the spells of allies.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
cool map, sry dont have much time to write a proper review, but the wtf mode is pretty great and it is fun that a lot of spells destroy the environment.

some bugs:
- in wtf mode is impossible to advance past the centaurs, because they revive forever
- some heroes cause the game to crash sometimes, like the tidelord upon use of his tidal move.
- the random ability hero is awesome and a lot of fu, but some abilities do not work on him as they seem to be "hard coded" to other heroes.
Last edited:
Level 12
Apr 28, 2012
cool map, sry dont have much time to write a proper review, but the wtf mode pretty great and that a lot of spells destroy the environment.

some bugs:
- in wtf mode is impossible to advance past the centaurs, because they revive forever
- some heroes cause the game to crash sometimes, like the tidelord upon use of his tidal move.
- the random ability hero is awesome and a lot of fu, but some abilities do not work on him as they seem to be "hard coded" to other heroes.

Thank you for your review, I can fix the centaurs but I need more info on the other two bugs because I didn't find an error with either sea hunter( I think) and Mage of secrets.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Thank you for your review, I can fix the centaurs but I need more info on the other two bugs because I didn't find an error with either sea hunter( I think) and Mage of secrets.

My bro and I played the sea hunter and the Pirate (if I remember correctly), and when he used the tidal move ability, the game crashed occasionally, but not at all times.

With that mage of secrets, it seemed like there were abilities that only work for the original heroes, that they were made for. Unfortunately I forgot which ones they were. Sry for that! :( Maybe forget about this point....

I just remember another thing now btw. That Draenei mage has to charge an ability by attacking enemies, which is in turn needed to unlock other abilities. When we tried this hero, it was impossible to charge unfortunately.
Level 12
Apr 28, 2012
My bro and I played the sea hunter and the Pirate (if I remember correctly), and when he used the tidal move ability, the game crashed occasionally, but not at all times.

With that mage of secrets, it seemed like there were abilities that only work for the original heroes, that they were made for. Unfortunately I forgot which ones they were. Sry for that! :( Maybe forget about this point....

I just remember another thing now btw. That Draenei mage has to charge an ability by attacking enemies, which is in turn needed to unlock other abilities. When we tried this hero, it was impossible to charge unfortunately.

Hehe well thank you but can I know the spells for the mage of secrets?. also the Dranaei charges when stealing spells not by attacking :D, so for now I still have no clues..
Level 4
Apr 24, 2017
i played this map like a month ago is a good map but is little repetitive still is a good def survival. 4/5 improvents new thing like others maps just to add more playability wich for me is very important to this class of mapp. have a excelent day sir.:goblin_yeah::thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up:
Level 12
Apr 28, 2012
bug report:

I have encountered this bug once: after the penguin event, 3 out of 6 of our players disconnected. And new wave didn't start.

Thank you for notifying me, I will check the waves and events problems, and for the disconnection I used to have this problem with my friends but we all copied the same war3 patches and seemed to work after that, have you considered doing that?
Level 3
May 26, 2017
Thank you for notifying me, I will check the waves and events problems, and for the disconnection I used to have this problem with my friends but we all copied the same war3 patches and seemed to work after that, have you considered doing that?

Hi the event was the penguin. It happened twice to me.
I dont know if we have the same patch. I played with random people
Level 3
May 26, 2017
Another bug: engineer build more than 3 turrets.

When Draenei Spellcrafter steals Engineer's spells and summons turrets, Engineer can remove those turrets. After this, Engineer can build more than 3 turrets.