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Survive The Forest

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Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
Survive The Forest - In Progress

well, this is my current project.

I couldnt get a good idea for the map's name yet so ideas are appreciated. Though, i have lots of systems completed, and some systems undone yet.

The game consists almost exactly as the many versions of Troll Tribes or Goblin Exploration Squad and Goblin Experimentals.


The survival will consist of:
Health: The most important one. If it drops to zero, then you die and you lose. It can be affected by illneses, diseases, injuries (as open wounds, or infested wounds), starving, or any factor that could make your health drop down in real life.
Energy: This one is all about sleep when youre tired, and as much effort you do (attack, sprint, cut trees, mine rocks, jump, etc) the faster you will become tired. If it reaches a really low percent, you faint down to regain a little energy before you get up again.
Hunger: Yes, you wont live from air, you need to go outside and hunt, get some fruit, fish, and more in order to get some food. If its percent goes really down, you will start to starve and lose Health.
(Body) Heat: This one is essential; it can be raised by going outside in the sunshine or being near warm places like campfires or inside tents and it drops down in the cold night, swimming in water, or if youre outside when snowing. If its percent goes down, you will be more likely to get ill. Also if its percent goes REALLY down, you go on an hypothermia, losing health and also you will be even more like to catch an illness.


They are the survivors, you can choose the class you want to be, and you could pick the Hunter, Beastmaster, Engineer, Mage, Scout, Shaman, Warrior or Worker.


The 1st unit im fully mapping right now, its somewhat a respected member of the group, and his knowledge is very helpful for the group, making him kind of a leader.
He is one of the most weak members in strength terms, his damage is low and has low resistance (HP). Though, he is a very powerful member due to his shamanic powers to heal, and to manipulate the herblore.
His skills are based on poisons, heals (that goes from antidotes for poisons, to cures for illneses/diseases, and even wounds), magic and everything related to herbalism


Still in progress...


He is the one in charge of bringing the food to the group. A versatile warrior, his reflexes and agility are almost perfect. Also he has a decent damage and great resistance, making him very good at surviving alone in the forest. Thanks to his traps, he can kill any animal without much effort. Stealth is key for success.
The forest is home for him. He is a master in the Animal Hunting and in the use of Traps and Spears. A must for any group if they want to survive at least.


Still in progress...


Still in progress...


Still in progress...


Still in progress...

Special Sections

now its time to see the Shaman's special section: Herbalism

The herbalism is the strongest point on the Shaman, and has a very specific section on this thread due to its complexity.
The herbalism has a lot of uses, they can be Healing, Feeding, Poisoning, and even you could recover your energy or heat! The shaman has the knowledge to use the herbs, and he even can take seeds from grown herbs and plant them for later use.

There are different types of them, and each has different properties and uses... there is the description for the basic herb types:
Healing Herbs
- Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Its a spiky herb, mostly used for its healing properties, and can be used ingame for healing wounds and burns/scalds. It grows at warm habitats, and is easy to find.
- Panax ginseng (Ginseng) Its a rare herb, it grows mostly near mountains and its not common to be found in wilderness. It has great healing properties, and its also used for boosting the body's vital energy.
- Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) Known to be found in the forests and it has good curative properties, mostly for the body's defenses. Great for taking out those colds you can catch out there
- Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel) Grown in wet habitats like swamps, this plant is really good for the skin; it can heal burns, and even heal scabies or almost any dermatologic illness
Poison Herbs
Working on this section...


Screenshots will be available soon, im going fast on this one, so it wont take too much until you can see the screenies ^^


Project by


Da InF
Happy Tauren

Alpha Testers

Special Thanks to
LightSkin (for project ideas)
[DD]Manu (for helping me when im too lazy xD)
hvo-busterkomo (for the Hunter's Trap Skills)
GhostWolf (for help with advanced triggering & JASS)
gadina_prokleta (for the inspiration)
The Hive Workshop (for making me feel like im on a real workshop crafting my map ^^)

Maps that inspirated me
Jungle Trolls Reborn
Troll Tribes Series
Goblin Exploration Squad
Goblin Experimentals

Still looking for Alpha Testers! Interested users add me to XFire (Username = kaiserg)


NOTE: The features on this thread are all the features finished and ready to use. I have lots more in mind yet to do, but i will post them when theyre finished.
i will update more features soon...
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Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Sounds like you have done a good job on how you survive. What with each feature affecting you life and all. I would like to see a lot more description on how you will play, races/classes, systems and the like, to make it look cooler and more presentable. Also, if you can include screenshots, it is always a plus and a lot of people just hit "back" if there is no screenshots.
The only reason I read it was because it was survival genre, and it is one of my favorites, but I am glad I did. I too am making a survival game and you have really inspired me to re-vamp my life/energy decay systems.
Thanks man, and keep this project going, it sounds like you have a lot of good going into it. Nice to see some better variations of the classic survival maps. + REP
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
hehe, thanks, i really appreciate your comments.. btw, i want to say that i had my project abandoned (didnt knew of THW at the moment) and when i played Jungle Trolls Reborn (Jungle Troll Tribes editted by gadina_prokleta) it had inspired me a lot and that made me fell like using the WE again ^^

for the screenies, i'll post them when i have at least more playable features. The map is currently at 10% completion i think, so posting screenies for now would just be for showing systems testing :p lolz
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Looks like the Shaman will be pretty cool.
With his herbalism skills, will each character/class have their own unique profession? Or can you choose?
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
you will be able to choose, but only a certain number of certain classes are available (there cant be 2 shamans, just 1)
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
You need alpha testers? I could help you out. I am also a good terrainer but I am busy with my own project right now. I can alpha test though.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
updated info for users interested in alpha testing...

If anyone wants to join the alpha testing team, get XFire and add me as friend (username: kaiserg)
Level 9
May 27, 2006
This project sounds really cool, as i always enjoyed playing Troll Tribes series :p But this one looks much more complicated than other survival games, and that's what i value. The whole survival system, the health, energy, hunger and body heat is an amazing work. There's so many things that those stats can be affected by... But the classes look a bit... simple.
You should make hunter some-like a rogue in WoW, dealing highest damage on single targets, low hp. It would be a good idea to make only hunter be able to gather skins from animals.
Warrior should have the highest health, as he (as always) will serve as "blocker" for most of the strong enemies.
Engineer should have some unique abilities, that are making the survival much easier - in most games he serves as a junkyard for ideas, that doesn't match the other classes.

And, btw, i'd like to sign in as an alpha tester :p I should have Warcraft again soon, so i'll be able to play again.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
raft_pl said:
You should make hunter some-like a rogue in WoW, dealing highest damage on single targets, low hp. It would be a good idea to make only hunter be able to gather skins from animals.

Well, the hunter places traps, and he WILL be like the shaman with the herbs, instead he will be with the animal hunting. Thanks for the idea ^^

raft_pl said:
Warrior should have the highest health, as he (as always) will serve as "blocker" for most of the strong enemies.

Warrior will be the defender... many monsters from the forest (even other tribes, controlled by a computer user) will randomly attack you or your base, and he will be in charge of the defense (and the smithing of weapons, armor, and all related to smith)

raft_pl said:
Engineer should have some unique abilities, that are making the survival much easier - in most games he serves as a junkyard for ideas, that doesn't match the other classes.

Hehe, just the same thing i said before to a staff member... Engineer will be the inventor, he will make lots of things very useful for surviving, defending, etc. He will also make lots of things that the other classes will be able to use (for example: for the workers, a chainsaw for cutting wood faster, or for the shaman, some kind of system to grow his herbs faster, and lots more.)

I will be accepting ideas for the Engineer's creations like the ones i said on the example. So ideas are appreciated ^^ (and probably u will be in the credits)

Again, thanks for the ideas raft!
Level 9
May 27, 2006
Computer-controlled tribes? Yay... At last there will be large teams, like real tribe :D

KaiserG said:
Engineer will be the inventor, he will make lots of things very useful for surviving, defending, etc. He will also make lots of things that the other classes will be able to use

Towers/walls would be good. Also, some bows or crossbows, 'guns' maybe? But dont include in game tank-like things, this will ruin the gameplay (for me, i dont know how the others think...) :p

KaiserG said:
For the shaman, some kind of system to grow his herbs faster, and lots more.

Shaman will be able to keep plants on a 'farm'? And he'll have to seed/water them up? That would be cool! :D
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
raft_pl said:
Towers/walls would be good. Also, some bows or crossbows, 'guns' maybe? But dont include in game tank-like things, this will ruin the gameplay (for me, i dont know how the others think...) :p
Cool, i like the crossbows, (maybe for the hunter), for the bow... only the hunter can make bows (just like in Jungle Trolls Reborn) and guns would be perfect too... the thing is that if its tank-like, you will have to craft every bullet and powder... so it will be difficult to get the items for it. ^^
raft_pl said:
Shaman will be able to keep plants on a 'farm'? And he'll have to seed/water them up? That would be cool! :D
Kinda... the shaman can take the seeds from the living (grown) plants. Then he can plant them and if you take good care of them, they can grow faster than in wilderness. plants are currently growing in the map, i mean, the system is done, and they grow depending on the habitat they are and the weathers.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
i dont see anyone online on XFire... i have some systems to test in multiplayer but never find anyone online
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
ok, im back! project reactivated and this time i hope i can finish this map! Im now looking for some1 to help me on spell making so i can finish this project sooner. All help/comments/suggestions are welcome! :)
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
the map is already somewhat like alpha playable. but i need to fix some SEVERAL memory leaks before it can be playable for more than 15 minutes :S
i'll be updating as i get more things, think ill go check the leaks thread a little ^^
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