Suggestion 1.
I was just looking for skins and I saw a great skin:

It's not the best... but it could be very usefull!
And I think the most users just search only at the 5 first pages.
So this is the possibility to get such resources in the spotlight!
Just one window with the title "Random resource", and that counts for models/icons/skins etc.
With that window... I mean the same as the "New Model" window thingy, at the front page below the title "Newest Resources".
Suggestion 2.
Some resources are very nice, but after a day they will get less attention because there are alot moar uploads.
I thought like... maybe it would be funny to do this the same as the random resource one, but then give it a colored name for a week.
Just the same window but then with the title "Resource of the Week!".
If the week is over, it will be normal again.