[Suggestion] Random Resource! | Resource of the Week!

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Level 13
Apr 15, 2008

Suggestion 1.

I was just looking for skins and I saw a great skin:

It's not the best... but it could be very usefull!

And I think the most users just search only at the 5 first pages.
So this is the possibility to get such resources in the spotlight!
Just one window with the title "Random resource", and that counts for models/icons/skins etc.
With that window... I mean the same as the "New Model" window thingy, at the front page below the title "Newest Resources".

Suggestion 2.

Some resources are very nice, but after a day they will get less attention because there are alot moar uploads.
I thought like... maybe it would be funny to do this the same as the random resource one, but then give it a colored name for a week.
Just the same window but then with the title "Resource of the Week!".
If the week is over, it will be normal again.

What do you guys think about this?

Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Good, this is really good and I wanted this idea quite some time ago but don't know what anyone would think of it... +Reputation

Also, could you add like, a Blizzard Resources & Discussion Sub-Forum?
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
The idea of random resource button is good as it will help getting the resources which were uploaded before get attention. But if someone actually is looking for a random resource wouldn't they just click on a random page number?

The second thing should be implemented but it shouldn't be randomly chosen. More like if a moderator finds something nice while moderating then it should be made the resource of the week.
The current top 10 isn't the ideal means for finding high quality resources as it is based purely on the number of downloads.
This is useless and it doesn't help ressource browsing at all.
Even wc3c random highlight is useless imo.
When you search something use keyword but a random function is pointless.

Unless you're bored and are such a no-lifer that you want to spend your time browsing random ressource just to watch the preview screenshot without downloading them.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Callahan said:
Even wc3c random highlight is useless imo.
The ironic thing is that just two days before this thread existed, I found a resource in the WC3C models database I had no idea we had because of the random highlight, downloaded it out of interest, and am now planning on using it in a future map of mine.

It's not useless, it's quaint and doesn't hurt anyone. If people only added features to a website based strictly on need and not what's cute, then these websites truly would suck. I do oppose the random highlight because I'm sick of the Hive doing everything WC3C does, but I can't argue against the addition on principle. It's cool. It's probably useless at the Hive, though, because there are so many shitty resources that you'd never find anything useful in the highlight. At least at WC3C, the stuff you find is always "Oh, cool, I actually want to click that picture."
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Sometimes when I search for aw sum heroes, I dunno what to search...
And with that random resource it might be very usefull!

So no... it's not useless! rawr ;3
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
how about like ... we only highlight resources that were rated 4/5+? Else ... we'd highlight a lot of sucky old resources too.
Devine, it kinda kills the purpose. Many wc3sear.ch resources weren't rated at all.
User rating don't mean much. As some are overrated while others are underrated.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
It's not useless, it's quaint and doesn't hurt anyone. If people only added features to a website based strictly on need and not what's cute, then these websites truly would suck. I do oppose the random highlight because I'm sick of the Hive doing everything WC3C does, but I can't argue against the addition on principle. It's cool. It's probably useless at the Hive, though, because there are so many shitty resources that you'd never find anything useful in the highlight. At least at WC3C, the stuff you find is always "Oh, cool, I actually want to click that picture."
At least it'd be a truly remarkable moment when that one hidden gem pops up!

Anyways, I think this is a good idea.
But the bar on the side of the front page is getting longer and longer.
I doubt that even the "Most downloaded resources" are really checked.
Not mentioning a possible random resource.

It would be better to highlight the section-specific resource in its section by displaying it with a link "Random resource" on the top. Could be rather annying as well, i'm just throwing in.
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