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Resource Is in Moderation Queue

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Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I have a suggestion that might improve the rate at which resources are moderated. My suggestion is simple, and should be very easy to code with php.

Ok, I'm not sure if this has already been implemented, but here it is anyway.

Whenever a resource is uploaded and placed in the pending section, a PM should be automatically sent to the usergroup in charge of moderating that section.

It may bug the moderators a bit, but perhaps it's needed to get resources through moderation faster.

Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Noooo. You have any idea how many are uploaded a day?

All we have to do is go into Moderation Queue, and it's sorted into oldest pending maps.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Dude, the resource approving is a very tough job.
Don't knock it till you tried it.
There is at least 10 map summitted into map section in a day and to give a accurate review about it, sometimes it could took at least 1-2 hour to do it.

And we mod have our life to attend as well, don't wish a instant approval from us.

If you never try to mod, you would never knew what it was.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
You obviously have no idea what he is saying. He is the site owner of WC3Creations, and albeit small, it's not like he has no idea. He doesn't have any specific resource that he is submitting that he wants approved. He was simply suggesting an idea to possibly help speed up the process. Not saying you guys are doing a bad job or anything.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Septimus, I'm pretty sure that I have much more moderating experience than you. I know what it's like, and how time consuming it is. I have at least 3 years of experience as a staff member on multiple forums.

Anyway, it was just an idea.

Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Then perhaps the lazy resource mods should be removed and replaced with those who are willing to properly perform the duties that being a resource mod entails. I'm sure there are quite a few who would be willing to help. I myself offered multiple times, and I essentially received the same message, "More resource mods will be hired when we think more are required."

Maybe 1 pm per resource is a bit extreme, perhaps a pm should be sent whenever 10 resources have been uploaded.

Level 31
May 3, 2008
Septimus, I'm pretty sure that I have much more moderating experience than you. I know what it's like, and how time consuming it is. I have at least 3 years of experience as a staff member on multiple forums.

Anyway, it was just an idea.


Having more experience compare to the other means nothing.
Resources have to be check carefully before approval to ensure it is 100% free of bug, useful and etc etc...

The time it took to review some resources depends on what type of resources it was and how hard the author have work on it.

For example, there is vast different of the time it consume to review a map of cinematic type and LOAP type.

Cinematic might took 5-15 minutes to review depends on it's content. But, LOAP is not that easy as you think since a mod have to check through everything as detail as possible to ensure it is at acceptable level.

Finding a bug such as malfunction hotkey, green icon and etc etc is not easy. It could took a mod at least 3 hours+ to review even 1 map.

And don't forget, we have our own life to attend as well.

Anyway, having it at pending status doesn't mean it is garbage. Approval is more like indicate it is safe and usable.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Septimus, this is the last time I will say this. I DO have experience with moderating resources, I KNOW how time consuming moderating is. I know all of this because of past experience. I'm not completely unaware of a moderators duty, and both FamousPker and Void have vouched for me. So stop trying to make myself appear as a "noob" per se, that has no idea what he's talking about, the fact is simple, I know the challenges that come with the moderator position.

But this is getting OT. Back on topic.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Septimus, this is the last time I will say this. I DO have experience with moderating resources, I KNOW how time consuming moderating is. I know all of this because of past experience. I'm not completely unaware of a moderators duty, and both FamousPker and Void have vouched for me. So stop trying to make myself appear as a "noob" per se, that has no idea what he's talking about, the fact is simple, I know the challenges that come with the moderator position.

But this is getting OT. Back on topic.

Nobody is making you appear like a noob, only you the one who think so. As I have said, having more experience and knowledge compare to the other means nothing.

And this suggestion of yours won't be helpful at all cause the capability of mod/admin of reviewing files depends on their free time.

Some mod/admin ain't lazy, but they have their own life to deal with as well. And appoint a new moderator is quite time comsumption as well as we cannot simply just choose 1. Some moderator might just approve a bugged resources after testing it for 5 minutes, which is quite unprofessional.

Anyway, having it at pending status doesn't mean it is garbage. Approval is more like indicate it is safe and usable. That's the different between it.

With the pm system you suggest, it won't help at all as the mod would simply delete it just like pyritie have said.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
That is what I trying to tell him.

Also, some users have been very abusive with some function we provide to them such as delete function.

They delete their resources and re-upload it once it been approve by mod just because of low rating/negative review of it.

That is another main reason why we had many pending resources as well.
Dudes, the system won't change. I am aware of models being uploaded everday. So what? They are download able even in pending section, people can try them out, they DON'T have to be moderated immediately. We are not fucking robots so we can moderate resources 24/7, we all have lifes, and lazyness. However, septimus, you are saying that it doesn't matter if someone has more skills than the other person. It DOES matter. I am pretty sure death could own you in just about anything you chose.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2007
We are not fucking robots so we can moderate resources 24/7,

I've never said that, i just got the idea if Hive has more moderator, the moderation moves faster and moderators have to work less and uploaders get their rasources approved.
less problem, more joy, greater Hive
Level 6
Dec 28, 2007
then moderators should leave a post when they start to moderate something, signing other moderators that tha resource is in moderation
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
How hard can it be to approve/reject models/textures? If you demand an in-game screenshot (Which you always should), all you have to do is open the thing in whatever program you want and make sure it works and looks half decent. Wow, 2 minutes of your life gone, end of the world.

About the only resource mod jobs I can understand being a pain in the ass are code, tools, and maps. Code because it's no trivial thing to go through that 600 line system and make sure it's efficient, clean, readable, useful, and properly documented. Tools are similar, and maps are the worst. Maps require you play the dumb thing and then write a review for it that is longer than "What the hell were you smoking when you opened the world editor?". Half the time, it takes longer to write a strong review than it did for that asshole to make the map. I appreciate the work those 3 types of resource mods have to do, it's not easy, not at all.

But other than that, I've got no mercy for resource mods. I could moderate the whole damned texture/model/icon pending list in an hour tops, so I damned well expect anyone that has those jobs to be able to do the same.

Sending a PM actually would be a great idea for a site like MySpac--the Hive. Since everyone always checks their PMs, getting a PM would notify them immediately. Now, ignoring the fact that it's a good idea, it'd be annoying as hell considering the sheer quantity of things submitted on a daily basis. For that reason alone, I can see this becoming a problem, especially with things like the mod cp and mod queue already in existence for such an informative purpose.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Sending a PM actually would be a great idea for a site like MySpac--the Hive. Since everyone always checks their PMs, getting a PM would notify them immediately. Now, ignoring the fact that it's a good idea, it'd be annoying as hell considering the sheer quantity of things submitted on a daily basis. For that reason alone, I can see this becoming a problem, especially with things like the mod cp and mod queue already in existence for such an informative purpose.
Finally something we can agree on. Damn myHive.

Oh and my Reviews aren't that lengthy. If they make a shitty map they get a shitty review. If they make a good map, I spend more time reviewing and also testing the map. As you said, why waste my time when they obviously didn't waste any of theirs making it. I can (used to more like it) moderate a map in about 10 min.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Gilles said:
Oh and my Reviews aren't that lengthy. If they make a shitty map they get a shitty review. If they make a good map, I spend more time reviewing and also testing the map. As you said, why waste my time when they obviously didn't waste any of theirs making it. I can (used to more like it) moderate a map in about 10 min.
Well, that works for most resource types, but for maps you can miss a huge chunk of the strategy or intricacy of the map by not testing in the environment it was made for for the time it was intended to last. I, for instance, am certain that my own work is pretty lame if you only test it for 3 minutes, whereas if you play a whole game it's ridiculously fun.

I mean, sure, if it's a "maze" map or a map of a generic archetype, you can usually classify it outright. But be careful, as a map reviewer it's important to know as much about the map as you can when writing the review, otherwise you look like a real prick when you miss key components.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Well, that works for most resource types, but for maps you can miss a huge chunk of the strategy or intricacy of the map by not testing in the environment it was made for for the time it was intended to last. I, for instance, am certain that my own work is pretty lame if you only test it for 3 minutes, whereas if you play a whole game it's ridiculously fun.

I mean, sure, if it's a "maze" map or a map of a generic archetype, you can usually classify it outright. But be careful, as a map reviewer it's important to know as much about the map as you can when writing the review, otherwise you look like a real prick when you miss key components.
You can usually tell a maps quality from the get-go. I'll admit I wasn't impressed with AotZ from the moment I started it, but there were no green icons, items were all properly described and, holy crap, you actually took the time to change items effects. You'd be (maybe not though) surprised how many people just use the normal wc3 items because they are too lazy to change them. Also once I read the spell descriptions, I knew it would be worth one good play at the very least. So generally you can tell what's good right from the start.

We are derailing this a bit. Better get back on-topic.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Icons you can't even post an ingame screenshot to show that it works, and also, sometimes a model can be faulty even with an ingame screeny.
Improper attachment points, sometimes unassigned verts will cause the model to bug, anims/geoset anims don't always work ingame like the War3 Model Editor says, and everything like that.
Also, if you're saying 2 resources per minute, the models section currently has 43 pending models. That's 86 minutes, which, for pure moderation, gets quite tedious.
Depending on the complexity of the model, it takes about 2 minutes minimum (if it's like a doodad) to 10 minutes maximum (lots of animations, attachment points, etc.) Taking the average, that's 6 minutes per model, times 43 models, which makes over four hours of work.
Taking the average, that's 6 minutes per model, times 43 models, which makes over four hours of work.

Four hours which most of us just don't have. I've gone through and moderated every single model two or three times, and I've seen some others like donut do that too, but now that summer's over nobody really has the time to do a sweep like that.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
If it takes you ten minutes to look at all of a model's animations, I debate any claims that you've completed the sixth grade. Seriously, it shouldn't take you ten minutes. Ever. Even six minutes is pushing it... Maybe if you like, go take a shit halfway through looking at it or something.
Gilles said:
We are derailing this a bit. Better get back on-topic.
Yes, yes we are. I think that's my queue to forget this topic existed.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Well hey, that's why there is more than one of you resource mods. If there were only one of you, I might feel your sentiment. Besides, the only real thing that matters is the endgame result of the model. You could always import all 86 of them at once into a map and check them all over the place in 20 minutes.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
And I have before, when moderation is the most productive use of my time, and so has Py, as he said.
Oh, and a lot of the pending models will actually have reviews, so it looks like there's a lot more that's unmoderated than there actually is.
Back on topic: We don't need to know that there are new resources, it can essentially be assumed.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Actually, more moderators, people rely on each other, so nobody does anything. Wouldn't work quite well :/

Which is why communism fails. Good intent, bad consequence.

Anyway, I completely agree with Rising_Dusk's comments. Honestly how hard is it to moderate icons and textures? If you have an eye for art, you can look at the resource, determine it's quality, test it, and voila, you've successfully moderated a skin or icon in under 2 minutes.

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