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Stygian Arena - Project (shooter game)

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Level 8
Jul 4, 2008

-12 Player game

Stygian arena is a game where you play different heroes. Elimination Tournament (ET)- and Warlock players will enjoy playing this game especially. Not only that the hotkeys were adjusted right for warlock players we have also developed a hotkey tool.
This game includes an advanced 3D physics- and various other systems all written by us. At the moment we have 5 heroes, 4 modes and 6 maps. For ET players we have of course brought back the rifleman. We will update of course other heroes.

Also we have a -save/-load system. For what? The system allows you to save your stats(for example "kills") as well as related items that you won. Items? Exactly, but not items that make your hero stronger. Only the clothes and effects adorn the hero. You get an Item when you have someone hunted down. The chance to get an item at about 0.7-1.0

Capture The Flag (CTF)
- Each team has a flag.
- To gain score you have to capture the enemy flag
- Bring the enemy flag to your own base
- You can only score when your flag is at your base too

Deathmatch (DM)
- Kill your Enemies to gain score

Last Man Standing (LMS)
- Kill your enemies
- The last player/team on the field scores
- You won't respawn before only one player/team is left.

Headhunter (HH)
- A random Headhunter gets chosen in the start
- Only the Headhunter can score with kills
- If the Headhunter is killed the killer will be the new Headhunter

Vindicator (melee, high hp), Firemage (caster), Rifleman (ranged), Engineer (ranged, support), Assassin (melee, low hp, high dmg)

-->Download map<--
(Latest map always available at getsta.tk)


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Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Stygian arena is a game where you play different heroes. ET and Warlock players will enjoy playing this game especially.

Leave it to the players please to decide whether it is enjoyful.

This game includes a functional 3D physics - and Damage Detection System.

Saying it this way gives me the feeling that you were hardly able to achieve it. Please describe how they serve the gameplay. What is a Damage Detection System for example. What is its use in your map?

Also we have a -save/-load system. For what? The system allows you to save your stats(for example "kills") as well as related items that you won. Items? Exactly, but not items that make your hero stronger. Only the clothes and effects adorn the hero. You get an Item when you have someone hunted down. The chance to get an item at about 0.7-1.0

Do you not think that some other games and toys are better fit if you wanted to dress figures? Seems a bit ridiculous to save for this reason and you actually wanted to create a uniformed environment in an arena map. In soccer games after players exchanged tricots, it is not like they would put them on during their next games as this would be distracting.


Explanation please.

Other than that, I already gave the map a shot in a test round and found it to have some potential. It holds more flexibility than Elimination Tournament with wide-ranging space and contains enough abilities. I hope that you will mature the design and maybe extent the tactical gameplay/depth a bit, so the game has more development over the length, which is hardly the case with ET/Warlock.

And why Stygian Arena? You have not told about the exposition and it did not seem as frightening.
Level 5
Nov 2, 2008
Explanation of modes copy and pasted from the ingame explanation:

Capture The Flag (CTF)
- Each team has a flag.
- To gain score you have to capture the enemy flag
- Bring the enemy flag to your own base
- You can only score when your flag is at your base too

Deathmatch (DM)
- Kill your Enemies to gain score

Last Man Standing (LMS)
- Kill your enemies
- The last team on the field scores
- You won't respawn before only one team is left.

Headhunter (HH)
- A random headhunter gets chosen in the start
- Only the headhunter can score with kills
- If the predator is killed the killer will be the new headhunter
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