BoST (AoS)

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Well, they were made for an arena map which i need to dig up from the depths of my warcraft folder. I'll get them later :3

Did you check out the hero?

No worries m8 :)

Yeah, it was really cool, will keep him this way :) just one thing, with the ability which comes from every 5/4/3 strikes, using the trigger event "A unit is attacked" is bugged :/ you can spam click Stop or "S" button and the effect will take place even if the Hero doesn't really hit and damages the target.

It wasn't a big deal, it is most likely not worth losing the normal attacks to get the procs faster, just a notice :)

There is supposed to be a way to make some kind of check or something so procs only go off when the attacked unit is damaged, but I have no idea how to do that. But as stated before, it isn't a big deal :) thanks alot for the help
Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
Sorry Peacehagen to get this delayed 1 week. I'm kinda busy with my project but now, it doesn't matter. Here's it, your Warlock. Tell me if you've any bug found(since I haven't tested it for bug).

The Summon Felguard doesn't supports multiple use in a map, means it will only work if there's only 1 Felguard in the map.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Sorry Peacehagen to get this delayed 1 week. I'm kinda busy with my project but now, it doesn't matter. Here's it, your Warlock. Tell me if you've any bug found(since I haven't tested it for bug).

The Summon Felguard doesn't supports multiple use in a map, means it will only work if there's only 1 Felguard in the map.

Thanks m8, no problem it took a while :) tested it and it worked very well, thanks alot for taking time to make this :)

EDIT: Actually I noticed one bug now when I implemented all the spells into the map. When resummoning the Felguard, it creates duplicate of all items. If I have 4 items in its inventory and it dies, when I resummon it, it has the 4 items in its inventory but all 4 items also lands on the floor under the Felguard. If you know what could be wrong please let me know. Thanks :)
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Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
Thanks m8, no problem it took a while :) tested it and it worked very well, thanks alot for taking time to make this :)

EDIT: Actually I noticed one bug now when I implemented all the spells into the map. When resummoning the Felguard, it creates duplicate of all items. If I have 4 items in its inventory and it dies, when I resummon it, it has the 4 items in its inventory but all 4 items also lands on the floor under the Felguard. If you know what could be wrong please let me know. Thanks :)
Okey, I'll take a look.
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
Ok, I was out of town and I was thinking of something... and this is what I came up with -

1st spell - Teleports to the target area and deals damage.
2nd spell - Knocks the target back.
3rd spell - Makes the hero invisible and gives him max movespeed for a short duration.
Ultimate - Flies in the air for a second (becoming invulnerable for the duration) and at the end of the duration, falls down and damages people.

So yea, a hero mostly about mobility and CC. Not much damage but can chase and get away easily.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Ok, I was out of town and I was thinking of something... and this is what I came up with -

1st spell - Teleports to the target area and deals damage.
2nd spell - Knocks the target back.
3rd spell - Makes the hero invisible and gives him max movespeed for a short duration.
Ultimate - Flies in the air for a second (becoming invulnerable for the duration) and at the end of the duration, falls down and damages people.

So yea, a hero mostly about mobility and CC. Not much damage but can chase and get away easily.

Cool, just some questions :)

1st spell: Will it be like a blink teleport or longer?
2nd spell: AoE knockback, single target knockback, ranged or melee cast? :p

Some info about Hero: Which model were you thinking? And perhaps you had some thought on an element? Could work with lightning, teleport just moves to target destination at lightning speed, second spell some kind of lightning spell with knockback, the invisibility I'm not sure, but the move speed involved works as lightning is often used for speed. Ultimate could be some kind of charging spell, and then he releases the lihtning charged upon all nearby enemies.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
the link to it is just a few posts up you made here :) im not sure I have it so I can reupload it again

edit: ah, the link didnt work :/ I will check in a few days if I have it, Im away atm
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
Ok, sry for the late update, but a random chain of events made me quite busy >.>

Speaking of events, something bad happened, and I need to do something about it. Sadly, that does not include gaming and wc3 modding.

So yea, I can't finish the hero nor can I create other new heroes :/

Hopefully someone else will create it. Good luck with the map, pm me when it's done so I can check it out :3
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Peacehagen, i have hero idea for you
Hagen, the peace keeper :)p using your name as a hero doesn't look bad at all)
Skill 1
Hagen use his gigantic halberd to crushdown his enemy, dealing a 400 AoE damage, and stunning the primary target
After the cast, hagen moved to the back of the primary target
Fatal blow
the halberd of hagen, is transfered to the peace keeper from generation to generations, and now it come to hagen, the halberd it self can 'detect' where's the enemy weakness, and strike it right, dealing hagen str targeted enemy int pure damage
Peace keeper
the 'peace keeper' was not an ordinary title, it granted after a long journey to make all people live in peace between them, hagen is one who takes the trial, and so, he learn many things, he learn that all beings had a small blind point, and he can strike the blind point with ease, dealing minor damage, and slowing the enemies for 3s, the damage will double if hagen attack from the back
Using all the power he has, hagen can make the earth tremble, destroy everything, and stunning any enemy that fools enough to stay in the aoe
The earth shakes, slowing down all enemies in 650 aoe, after 2s, an avalanche come, stunning all enemies for 1.5s, after the avalanche done (2s later) a magma erupts from the depth of the earth, again, stunning the enemy that fool enough to stand still attacking hagen
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
I will most likely finnish this at some point, but atm there are so much irl going on and I feel I want to put more effort into the Campaign with the free time I got. But I do feel I want to finnish this at some point, yes :D
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Hmm, so its not possible to remove the duplication of items? because if there is an item on the ground when summoning the fel guard those items will be removed aswell or?
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