StringStorm's Voice Acting and Music thread! (Requests also accepted!)

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Level 5
Sep 24, 2016
I'm StringStorm. I'm a voice actor, sound designer, and a musician. I'll be dumping some of my voice work, sound effects, or music for you guys to give a listen, comment on them or maybe use in your projects. Maybe you'll like it and consider having me onboard your project or something.

If you, however, need songs or perhaps some quick lines for any characters and stuff? Don't hesitate to ask! Just drop a comment and I'll see to it when I'm available!

Now, for my samples!

+++Trailer voice:
This is a before and after take. The first one is where I would simply just read the lines using my natural talking voice. The second take, however, is me deepening my voice just a little bit and using some of that bassy trailing off kind of technique you commonly hear from trailer voice over guys.

+++Big Bad Guy Filter:
I was commissioned to voice the main bad guy for this VR video game. The effect I'm using is basically my go-to filter if I need a really quick big bad voice. Its a combination of my trailer voice along with super exaggerated readings going through a filter to make it sound very demonic.. or something.

+++Dragon Filter:
Me experimenting with REAPER's default plugins.

+++Generic Protoss Filter:
Benevolent Ghost
Just chorus, echo, and a reversed reverb.

+++Pompous Villain + Effects
Vile Pompous
I don't always rely on filters for my voices. But I do when I'm presented the opportunity because they're so fun to do! This is a line from an episode of "TTS Shorts", specifically one about Sly Marbo.

+++Monster/Beast Filter:
Monster Roar
Monster Growl
Dehumaniser is a fun program. You don't even need to shout to get it to sound like you're growling! Only using the demo since I can't afford the full. I can still get by with the limitations as if I'm using the full, though. >:D

I think that would be enough introductory samples for the voices. Now onto the music!

+++Symphonic Metal
Symphonic Metal
My favorite genre! This is an old song, actually, but its still one of my favorite creations since it was the first proper symphonic metal song that I could produce using high quality plugins for my DAW!

Stringstorm - inception
My second favorite genre to do! This was supposed to be an opening for some Jackass-like show but the pilot got rejected then the project was dropped and it was never used altogether. :(

+++I dunno bc its just loud drums! @~@
Loud percussions
Commissioned! When I made this, all I had in mind during the process was "Curry." Don't ask. I have weird composition processes. But yeah, from the sound of it, its more or less a battle theme for.. iunno something savage?

Tcft theme revamp
The genre I mostly dabble with! This was commissioned by Too Cool for Tabletop, as an intro for their podcast! This is the second version since I liked the first but were still using poop plugins back then. Just decided to revamp it all!

Stringstorm - lux aeterna
I seriously don't know what genre this is. Its something you'd mostly hear as background music to games or movies. And this is the genre that I've been leaning towards to mostly since its what my clients often look for.

This is the genre that I've been focusing much lately. Not quite sure what the appeal is but I find it rather fun to make!

Not sure if dubstep would fit in anywhere here. But if you need it, I can certainly do it.

+++Epic(?) Orchestra
Epic Orchestra
First one is a cover for Stardew Valley. Really struggled with that one because the song was in a 1/3 signature! Second one is an original composition. I didn't have a proper sample to showcase so I made that out instead!

And that should be enough for the music aswell! Now onto the request part!

If you would like me to do voices for your project, just leave the following details in your reply.

  • Name of character
  • Tone of voice (Old, Adult, etc)*
  • Attitude (Pompous, Arrogant, etc)
  • Role of character in the project (Major, Secondary, Supporting)**
  • Attach the lines in a .docx in your comment! Don't forget to tag me!
* - Due to my low pitched voice, I can only do a limited number of voices. I am best suited for antagonists, narrators, or trailer voices. But you may try and experiment with my voice as you see fit.

** - I will definitely do major characters without hesitation. The same with secondary characters but I might put it behind other requests. Supporting minor characters.. I might. But don't get your hopes up.

NOTE: I do not EVER do screaming, shouting, or the likes due to my lung problems. Thought I'd point that out just in case anyone asks me to do some really loud screams or shouts.

If you would like me to do songs for your project, just leave the following details in your reply.

  • Genre*
  • Tempo (Slow, Moderate, Fast, etc)
  • Setting and Description**
  • Extra direction of the song***
  • Don't forget to tag me in your reply!
* - If I cannot do a genre you specified, I will notify you so that we can come up with a compromise!

** - Explain in great detail what the song is for! What's going to happen when the song plays and all that good stuff! Basically, tell me what you want the song to sound like.

*** - Any specifics you want the song to have? Do not that I will consider this one optional and will only take it into consideration if it aligns with the description you've presented!

That's pretty much all of the details you need!

You might be thinking that I might charge you for the things you guys might need but rest assured, I will offer my services for free here! Though, please be understanding that I have to prioritize clients that are paying me so you'll have to be a bit patient with me. But still, FREE SONGS AND VOICE ACTING!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Also also, you don't need to ask permission to use the stuff here! You'll notice that I haven't put up download links to some of the songs. I'm sure you guys can download them without the need of a link (I'm just too lazy to put up links for them all >~>). But yeah, just download them, use them, but be sure to credit me!

Anywho, that should be enough, I think. More posts to come!
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
What programs are you using for voice modulation, very pretty please?

About the music:
-Symphonic Metal: quite a mix of metal, orchestral and some other stuff like E.S. Posthumous.
-Lux Aeterna has feeling; although not especially musical, it has atmosphere and keeps the listener on the theme. It reminded me of this song: Dominus, Ascendant Theme
-Loud Percussions; a bit too long but as the above stays true to its purpose and also reminded me of this: Safri Duo - Played-A-Live

My favourites are: Lux Aeterna & Loud Percussions.

I also want to commend your dedication to help the Hive community.
Level 5
Sep 24, 2016
New Song! May or may not remind of Dance of the Manwhore. :p

What programs are you using for voice modulation, very pretty please?

Alot, actually! Adobe Audition for recording, then I transfer the file over to Izotope RX5 for cleanup, then back to Adobe Audition for the filtering, then onto FL Studio for mastering. Finally, back to Adobe Audition for some final touches.
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Alot, actually! Adobe Audition for recording, then I transfer the file over to Izotope RX5 for cleanup, then back to Adobe Audition for the filtering, then onto FL Studio for mastering. Finally, back to Adobe Audition for some final touches.
Sorry I asked. That sounds like a lot of time. Thanks for the knowledge.




@StringStorm: Raf, you giggle me sooo much, But I really want you to commit this request: Try to act like you're being tortured or a Bloody gargling sound for my Personal horror project pleaaaaaasee.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Lol, this is amazing. I was just talking to my wife about the dearth of vocalists on the Hive, suggesting she join & share her talents, and now it's like everyone is coming out of the woodwork to do the same thing; you've got to be, like, the 4-5th person. This is great. : )

Welcome to the Hive! Even with everything I just said above, the "sound" part of our community is still woefully under-represented, so your talents are greatly appreciated!

For myself personally, I would love to hear your take on the classic Warcraft "Jungle Troll". Let me know if you need some references, but basically most of them have some form of Jamaican/Caribbean accent; often rich & rolling (but your delicious bass will handle that no probs).

Lemme know!

@StringStorm: Raf, you giggle me sooo much, But I really want you to commit this request: Try to act like you're being tortured or a Bloody gargling sound for my Personal horror project pleaaaaaasee.
Man, you ask that of every voice actor... S'kinda weirding me out. o_O




Man, you ask that of every voice actor... S'kinda weirding me out. o_O
I've been asking many voice actors to do my request cause I need to find the right scream and the Tone of the tortured person.. It's much like a voice audition.
Level 5
Sep 24, 2016
Added some details on the main post that should be taken into consideration when requesting! It'll make things smoother and a whole lot more efficient for everyone! :D

I've been asking many voice actors to do my request cause I need to find the right scream and the Tone of the tortured person.. It's much like a voice audition.


Gave it a shot. Hope its good enough. Had to stop at the fourth take because it started itching my throat.

Just slipped my mind, one important thing: what do you use to master/equalize your music?

Mainly just Adobe Audition's default mastering plugins. Don't really use any third party plugins when it comes to mastering and equalization. As for songs, I similarly stick to FL Studio's default plugins aswell.

For myself personally, I would love to hear your take on the classic Warcraft "Jungle Troll". Let me know if you need some references, but basically most of them have some form of Jamaican/Caribbean accent; often rich & rolling (but your delicious bass will handle that no probs).

Lemme know!

Sure, I can give it a shot. Not really sure about the accent but should be fun trying it out. Just send me the lines when you can!
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Added some details on the main post that should be taken into consideration when requesting! It'll make things smoother and a whole lot more efficient for everyone! :D
Sure, I can give it a shot. Not really sure about the accent but should be fun trying it out. Just send me the lines when you can!
Alright-y then, I'll give it a whack. While I have loads of Trolls (& only a handful of existing sound-sets), I'd say your voice (as you described it) would be the best fit for:

Name of character
(Jungle Troll) Warbringer

Tone of voice (Old, Adult, etc)

Attitude (Pompous, Arrogant, etc)
Fearsome, Violent, Calculating, Primitive

Role of character in the project (Major, Secondary, Supporting)
Um... Important I guess? He's one of the 4 Heroes for the custom Troll faction I'm designing, and features prominently in the (eventual-someday-hopefully) campaign for the faction...

"Original" Idea (Greyall)

Concept Art #1 (Stein123)

Concept Art #1 (Stein123)

Concept Art #1 (Stein123)


Model WIP #1 (Hayate)

Model WIP #2: Closeup (Hayate)

Chieftains of their respective Troll tribes, the Warbringers gain their name & fame by bringing the pain. Trained not only in combat but also in tactics & strategy, these vicious but cunning warlords preside over their tribesmen, sovereign in all affairs but the spiritual. In this they 'reign' hand-in-hand with the more spiritual Medicine Mon. Riding their monstrous 'tyraptosaurus' mounts into battle, enemies know fear and then, quickly, know nothing at all.

Primary melee 'bruiser/off-tank' Hero for the Trolls, outfitted with vicious & forceful abilities that deal damage, enhance his warriors, and mobilize his troops. Slashes at enemies with razor-sharp claws and brutish macauhuitl, they rain death upon their foes.

//EDIT// - Holy COW I'm amazing. I wrote everything else but totally forgot the lines.
(NOTE: These are just WIPs off the top of my head; subject to change but hopefully get the idea across. Feel free to ad-lib)
Lines that should be said:
- "Time to feed!"
- [Strangled Yell] //Yeah I know it's bad for your throat, so maybe make a moan & scale it up, or just skip this one : P
- Hm?
- Give me counsel.
- Blade honed; teeth sharp!
- They will not survive, no!
- etc
- I lead; you follow
- My darling hungers!
- My forces will not falter
- We do not surrender, we conquer!
- We move, hYeeesss...
- etc
- A ripe target!
- Feast, my darling!
- Take their heads!
- Tonight, men, we dine on cowards!
- Terrorize!!
- etc
- Gurubashi! Gurubashi! //"goo-roo-bah-shee" - Like a chant, emphasis on the "guru'BA'shi"
- The union of two perfect life forms: raptor and troll
- Elephants over the Alps? What an idiot!
- Why does my mount have such tiny arms?
- ... And such a big head?
- etc

Don't feel like you have to do all of these; just suggestions to get a feel for your voice in that role.


StringStorm said:
- Due to my low pitched voice, I can only do a limited number of voices. I am best suited for antagonists, narrators, or trailer voices. But you may try and experiment with my voice as you see fit.
Geez man, what luck... I've wished for years to have a nice resonant bass, but have been stuck with my high-pitched, nasally tenor all my life... *sigh*.

At a certain point one begins to wonder if you simply have a troll fetish....
You still wonder? : D
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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004

I'm putting the final touches on my campaign that I've been working on since... dear god, 2004. Anyway, my goal is to have it finished by May of next year. I have finished maps before (see my Battle for Tatooine maps for example), and I will finish this one as well. It's finally fully playable, but I still need a lot of voice acting. Some of the others here have very generously offered to help.

I'm wondering if you would be willing to take a look at a script or two from some of my villains? There's two in particular I think you could do well:

1. The primary villain: Tirshata. He's from a savage, raiding, people, but has been educated so he speaks well. He's physically strong, threatening, but still human. He shouldn't sound like a giant or a cackling cartoonish villain. He's in control and plotting most of the time. About 2750 words. He has several speeches with some dramatic acting.

2. Secondary villain: Vrag & Kotar. These two are giants and should sound very physically imposing and brutish. I intend to use a speech by one of the giants as the voice in the trailer. I want him to sound like a giant, but not so booming that you cannot understand what he’s saying, or cannot still indicate emotions and give speeches.

Anyway, if you're interested, let me know which you'd like and I'll send the script and pronunciation guide.

Thanks, I wish I had that kind of talent. I sound like Kermit the Frog got punched in the balls.

Level 5
Sep 24, 2016

I'm putting the final touches on my campaign that I've been working on since... dear god, 2004. Anyway, my goal is to have it finished by May of next year. I have finished maps before (see my Battle for Tatooine maps for example), and I will finish this one as well. It's finally fully playable, but I still need a lot of voice acting. Some of the others here have very generously offered to help.

I'm wondering if you would be willing to take a look at a script or two from some of my villains? There's two in particular I think you could do well:

1. The primary villain: Tirshata. He's from a savage, raiding, people, but has been educated so he speaks well. He's physically strong, threatening, but still human. He shouldn't sound like a giant or a cackling cartoonish villain. He's in control and plotting most of the time. About 2750 words. He has several speeches with some dramatic acting.

2. Secondary villain: Vrag & Kotar. These two are giants and should sound very physically imposing and brutish. I intend to use a speech by one of the giants as the voice in the trailer. I want him to sound like a giant, but not so booming that you cannot understand what he’s saying, or cannot still indicate emotions and give speeches.

Anyway, if you're interested, let me know which you'd like and I'll send the script and pronunciation guide.

Thanks, I wish I had that kind of talent. I sound like Kermit the Frog got punched in the balls.

Sure, I'll give it a shot. I'd like to do the primary villain if that's alright. Though be reminded: No screaming and shouting for me.

Hit me up on Discord or Skype. My Discord ID's #6306. My skype's 'stringstorm' without the commas.
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