// Dark Dragon Library Code v1.3
// * Made on Warcraft III v1.30.4
// Installation:
// 1) Export instantdummy.mdx from this map and import it to your map, leave path at "war3mapImported/instantdummy.mdx"
// 2) Copy this trigger to your map, save your map and then change below line "// external ... " or copy "DD Dummy" and paste it in your map
// 3) Copy and paste "Unit Chill" ability from this map to your map
// 4) Match the rawcodes below to your map or use same ones as below
// Credits:
// ('Vexorian' - dummy.mdx)
// *** Change "// external" to "//! external", save your map, close map, change back from "//!" to "//" and save map again.
// *** This will create dummy in your map
// ==================================
// external ObjectMerger w3u ushd dumy uabi "Aloc,Amrf" uble 0 ucbs 0 ucpt 0 umxp 0 umxr 0 umdl "war3mapImported\instantdummy.mdx" ushu "None" umvh 0 umvs 1 umas 1 umis 1 ucol 0 ufoo 0 uhom 1 umpi 10000 umpm 10000 usid 1 usin 1 unam "DD Dummy"
// ==================================
//! zinc
library DDLib requires optional TimerUtils, optional GroupUtils
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** Lib constants ***
public {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Start modify/match rawcodes to your map
constant integer DD_DUMMYCODE = 'dumy';
constant integer DD_ABILITY_CROWN_FORM = 'Amrf';
constant integer DD_CHILL = 'Achl';
constant integer DD_CHILL_BUFF = 'Bfro';
// * End modify
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
constant integer p_null = (0x0);
constant real DD_INTERVAL = .017;
// map min and max coords
real DDMinX = 0.;
real DDMinY = 0.;
real DDMaxX = 0.;
real DDMaxY = 0.;
private {
constant integer HARVEST_ID = 'Ahrl';
constant real TRIGGER_REFRESH_RATE = (60.)*3.; /// damage detection trigger
unit TreeChecker = null;
trigger TempTrig = null;
integer NTrig = 0;
trigger DmgTrig[];
p_real EnumVec = p_null;
boolexpr EnumFilter = null;
sound ErrorSound = null;
timer GameElapsedTimer = null;
constant integer RND_INT_MAX_ARRAY_N = 100;
integer RndInt[], RndIntWriteN = 00, RndIntReadN = 00;
trigger TrigMouseEvent = null;
force RndGenForce = null;
real RndElapsedTime = 0.;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// * types
public {
// *** pointer to list of data ***
type p_integer extends integer[8];
type p_real extends real[8];
type p_unit extends unit[8];
function H2ID(handle h) -> integer {
return GetHandleId(h) - 0x100000;
function New_pInteger(integer i) -> p_integer
{ p_integer p = p_integer.create(); p[0] = i; return p; }
function New_pReal(real r) -> p_real
{ p_real p = p_real.create(); p[0] = r; return p; }
function New_pUnit(unit u) -> p_unit
{ p_unit p = p_unit.create(); p[0] = u; return p; }
function pVector(real x, real y, real z) -> p_real {
p_real v = p_real.create();
v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z;
return v;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function DDMsg(string str) {
DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 30., str);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function DisplayErrorMsgPlayer(player p, real dur, string msg) {
if (GetLocalPlayer() == p) {
DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(p, 0., 0., dur, "|cffffcc00"+ msg +"|r");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -> ***** private globals *****
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
private {
location TempLoc = Location(0., 0.);
timer TimerStack[];
integer TimN = 0;
group GroupStack[];
integer GrpN = 0;
unit DummyStack[];
integer DumN = 0;
integer TimTicks[];
integer TimData[];
timer TimTim1[];
timer TimTim2[];
integer UnitStackData = 0;
unit UnitStack[];
integer US_N = 0;
public hashtable DDHT = InitHashtable();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
public {
// *** Global funcs
function Pw_2(real x) -> real {
return x*x;
function DDHypot(real x, real y) -> real {
return (x*x) + (y*y);
function DDTerrZ(real x, real y) -> real {
MoveLocation(TempLoc, x, y);
return GetLocationZ(TempLoc);
function DDWidgetTerrZ(widget w) -> real {
MoveLocation(TempLoc, GetWidgetX(w), GetWidgetY(w));
return GetLocationZ(TempLoc);
function DDEffectTerrZ(effect e) -> real {
MoveLocation(TempLoc, BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectX(e), BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectY(e));
return GetLocationZ(TempLoc);
function DDGetUnitZ(unit u) -> real {
return BlzGetUnitZ(u) + GetUnitFlyHeight(u);
// =================================================================
// *** Save Handle data ****
// =================================================================
function DDSet(handle h, integer id, integer val) {
SaveInteger(DDHT, id+1, GetHandleId(h), val);
function DDGet(handle h, integer id) -> integer {
return LoadInteger(DDHT, id+1, GetHandleId(h));
function DDHas(handle h, integer id) -> boolean {
return HaveSavedInteger(DDHT, id+1, GetHandleId(h));
function DDFlush(integer id) {
FlushChildHashtable(DDHT, id+1);
// =================================================================
// *** Timer Handling ****
// =================================================================
// -> check if timer is recycled
function DDIsTimRecycled(timer t) -> boolean {
integer i;
for(i=TimN-01; i >= 00; i-=01)
if (TimerStack[i] == t)
return true;
return false;
// -> Load timer for recycling
function DDLoadTim() -> timer {
static if (LIBRARY_TimerUtils) { return NewTimer(); }
else {
if (TimN > 0) {
TimN -= 1;
return TimerStack[TimN];
return CreateTimer();
// -> recycle loaded timer
function DDRecycleTim(timer t) {
static if (LIBRARY_TimerUtils) { ReleaseTimer(t); }
else {
static if (DEBUG_MODE)
if (DDIsTimRecycled(t)) {
DDMsg("Multiple recycle of timer!");
TimerStack[TimN] = t;
TimN += 1;
// ** Get data stored on expired timer
function DDTimData() -> integer {
return TimData[H2ID(GetExpiredTimer())];
// *** Custom timer tick
function DDCTimTick(timer t) -> integer {
return TimTicks[H2ID(t)];
// *** Gets current tick and adds next one ***
function DDTimTick() -> integer {
integer id = H2ID(GetExpiredTimer());
TimTicks[id] += 01;
return TimTicks[id];
// ** start timer with data storage
function DDStartTim(real secs, boolean looping, integer pdata, code func) -> timer {
timer t = DDLoadTim();
TimData[H2ID(t)] = pdata;
TimerStart(t, secs, looping, func);
return t;
// ** start timer with data storage, and launches it instantly
function DDStartTimInst(real secs, boolean looping, integer pdata, code func) -> timer {
timer t1 = DDLoadTim(), t2 = DDLoadTim(), t3 = DDLoadTim();
TimData[H2ID(t2)] = pdata;
TimerStart(t2, 0., false, func);
TimTim1[H2ID(t3)] = t1;
TimTim2[H2ID(t3)] = t2;
TimerStart(t3, .005, false, function() {
timer t = GetExpiredTimer();
integer id = H2ID(t);
static if (LIBRARY_TimerUtils)
else {
TimerStack[TimN] = t;
TimN += 1;
t = TimTim2[id];
if (DDIsTimRecycled(t))
t = TimTim1[id];
TimTicks[H2ID(t)] = 00;
static if (LIBRARY_TimerUtils)
else {
TimerStack[TimN] = t;
TimN += 1;
TimData[H2ID(t1)] = pdata;
TimerStart(t1, secs, looping, func);
return t1;
// *** Quit expired timer ***
function DDQuitTim() {
timer t = GetExpiredTimer();
TimTicks[H2ID(t)] = 00;
static if (LIBRARY_TimerUtils)
else {
TimerStack[TimN] = t;
TimN += 1;
function DDQuitTimEx(timer t) {
TimTicks[H2ID(t)] = 00;
static if (LIBRARY_TimerUtils)
else {
TimerStack[TimN] = t;
TimN += 1;
// =================================================================
// *** Group Handling ****
// =================================================================
// -> Load timer for recycling
function DDLoadGroup() -> group {
static if (LIBRARY_GroupUtils) { return NewGroup(); }
else {
if (GrpN > 0) {
GrpN -= 1;
return GroupStack[GrpN];
return CreateGroup();
// -> Recycle group
function DDRecycleGroup(group g) {
static if (LIBRARY_GroupUtils) { ReleaseGroup(g); }
else {
GroupStack[GrpN] = g;
GrpN += 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// -- Quick filter area
private integer GroupFilterData = 00;
function DDGroupFilterArea(real x, real y, real radius, integer data, code func) {
group g = DDLoadGroup();
GroupFilterData = data;
GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, x, y, radius, Filter(func));
// --------------------------------------------------------
// -- Quick filter rect
function DDGroupFilterRect(rect r, integer data, code func) {
group g = DDLoadGroup();
GroupFilterData = data;
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, r, Filter(func));
function DDGFilterData() -> integer {
return GroupFilterData;
function DDGFilterDataSet(integer data) {
GroupFilterData = data;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// *** Filtrates and fills units in to memory
function DDGroupFillMemArea(real x, real y, real radius, integer data, code filter) {
group g = DDLoadGroup();
boolexpr exp = And(Filter(filter), Filter(function() -> boolean {
UnitStack[US_N] = GetFilterUnit();
US_N += 1;
return false;
US_N = 0;
UnitStack[0] = null;
UnitStackData = data;
GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, x, y, radius, exp);
exp = null;
function DDGroupFillMemRect(rect r, integer data, code filter) {
group g = DDLoadGroup();
boolexpr exp = And(Filter(filter), Filter(function() -> boolean {
UnitStack[US_N] = GetFilterUnit();
US_N += 1;
return false;
US_N = 0;
UnitStack[0] = null;
UnitStackData = data;
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, r, exp);
exp = null;
function DDMemUnitN() -> integer { return US_N; }
function DDMemUnitData() -> integer { return UnitStackData; }
function DDMemUnit(integer index) -> unit {
if (US_N == 0) return null;
debug {
if (index < 0) {
BJDebugMsg("DDMemUnit: index less than 0");
index = 0;
} else if (index >= US_N) {
BJDebugMsg("DDMemUnit: index greater than units alloc size");
index = 0;
return UnitStack[index];
// --------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------
// ***
// =================================================================
// *** Dummy Handling ****
// =================================================================
// -> Load dummy for recycling
function DDLoadDummy() -> unit {
if (DumN > 0) {
DumN -= 1;
PauseUnit(DummyStack[DumN], false);
return DummyStack[DumN];
return CreateUnit(Player(0xF), DD_DUMMYCODE, DDMaxX, DDMaxY, 0.);
// *** prepares/setups dummy for spell casting
function DDLoadSpellDummy(player owner, real x, real y, integer abil, integer abilLevel) -> unit {
unit dummy = DDLoadDummy();
SetUnitOwner(dummy, owner, false);
SetUnitX(dummy, x);
SetUnitY(dummy, y);
if (abil != p_null) {
UnitAddAbility(dummy, abil);
SetUnitAbilityLevel(dummy, abil, abilLevel);
return dummy;
// -> Recycle dummy
function DDRecycleDummy(unit u) {
PauseUnit(u, true);
DummyStack[DumN] = u;
DumN += 1;
// -> Recycle dummy timed
function DDRecycleDummyTimed(unit u, real secs) {
DDStartTim(secs, false, New_pUnit(u), function() {
// *** shares vision for timed amount, usually for dummy casting
function DDUnitShareVisionTimed(unit u, player toP, real secs) {
p_integer pi = p_integer.create();
pi[0] = New_pUnit(u);
pi[1] = GetPlayerId(toP);
UnitShareVision(u, toP, true);
DDStartTim(secs, false, pi, function() {
p_integer pi = DDTimData();
UnitShareVision(p_unit(pi[0])[0], Player(pi[1]), false);
p_unit(pi[0])[0] = null;
// *** Remove ability timed ***
private struct uratimed {
private {
unit u;
integer abil;
static method create(unit whichUnit, integer id, real time) -> uratimed {
thistype this = allocate();
u = whichUnit;
abil = id;
DDStartTim(time, false, this, function() {
thistype this = DDTimData();
UnitRemoveAbility(u, abil);
return 0;
function DDRemoveAbilityTimed(unit u, integer abil, real secs) { uratimed.create(u, abil, secs); }
function DDSpellDamage(unit u, unit v, real dmg) {
real life = GetWidgetLife(v);
real dmgfactor = 1.;
if (IsUnitType(v, UNIT_TYPE_HERO)) {
if (UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(v, 'brac'))
dmgfactor = .5;
dmgfactor = .75;
if (life > dmg*dmgfactor) {
SetWidgetLife(v, life-(dmg*dmgfactor));
} else
UnitDamageTarget(u, v, 99999., false, true, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** Chills target unit
private struct chill {
unit u, dmy;
real dur;
static chill Data[];
//static key CHILL_KEY;
function DDUnitChill(player p, unit u, real dur) -> boolean {
//chill c = DDGet(u, chill.CHILL_KEY);
chill c = chill.Data[H2ID(u)];
unit d;
real rad;
if (c == p_null) {
c = chill.create();
c.u = u; c.dur = dur;
chill.Data[H2ID(u)] = c;
//DDSet(u, chill.CHILL_KEY, c);
d = DDLoadDummy();
c.dmy = d;
rad = GetUnitFacing(d) * bj_DEGTORAD;
SetUnitOwner(d, p, false);
UnitAddAbility(d, DD_CHILL);
SetUnitX(d, GetUnitX(u) - 20.*Cos(rad));
SetUnitY(d, GetUnitY(u) - 20.*Sin(rad));
if (IssueTargetOrder(d, "frostnova", u)) {
DDStartTim(.1, true, c, function() {
chill c = DDTimData();
c.dur -= .1;
if (c.dur <= 0. || GetUnitAbilityLevel(c.u, DD_CHILL_BUFF) == 00) {
UnitRemoveAbility(c.u, DD_CHILL_BUFF);
UnitRemoveAbility(c.dmy, DD_CHILL);
chill.Data[H2ID(c.u)] = p_null;
//DDSet(c.u, chill.CHILL_KEY, p_null);
c.u = null;
return true;
return false;
c.dur = dur;
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct fade {
unit u;
real trans;
real rate, e_trans, dur;
static constant real INTERVAL = .1;
static method create(unit u, real dur, real s_trans, real e_trans) -> fade {
fade this = allocate();
this.u = u;
this.trans = s_trans;
this.rate = ((e_trans-s_trans)/dur)*fade.INTERVAL;
this.e_trans = e_trans;
this.dur = dur;
return this;
// *** Fades unit over time ***
public function DDFadeUnit(unit u, integer from_alpha, integer to_alpha, real duration) {
fade f = fade.create(u,
SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, from_alpha);
// --- Start thread ---
DDStartTim(fade.INTERVAL, true, f, function() {
fade f = DDTimData();
f.trans += f.rate;
f.dur -= fade.INTERVAL;
SetUnitVertexColor(f.u, 255, 255, 255, R2I(f.trans*2.55));
if (f.dur < 0.) {
SetUnitVertexColor(f.u, 255, 255, 255, R2I(f.e_trans*2.55));
f.u = null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if unit is invulnerable
function DDIsUnitInvulnerable(unit u) -> boolean {
unit d = DDLoadDummy();
real hp = GetWidgetLife(u);
boolean flag;
UnitDamageTarget(d, u, 1., true, false, null, null, null);
flag = GetWidgetLife(u) == hp;
SetWidgetLife(u, hp);
return flag;
// *** check if unit is ward
function DDIsUnitWard(unit whichUnit) -> boolean {
return GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(whichUnit) == 0.;
// =================================================================
// *** Effect Handling ****
// =================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------
// *** Define movable effect
struct ddeffect {
private {
effect e;
real fac; // facing angle in radians
real effZ; // pitch in radians
real decay;
real stepTrans, cTrans, eTrans;
static constant real EFFECT_DECAY = 5.;
// =========================================================================================
// =========================================================================================
static method create(string mdl, real x, real y, real facRad, real size) -> ddeffect {
ddeffect this = allocate();
this.e = AddSpecialEffect(mdl, x, y);
this.fac = facRad;
this.effZ = 0.;
BlzSetSpecialEffectRoll(this.e, facRad);
BlzSetSpecialEffectScale(this.e, size);
return this;
static method createZ(string mdl, real x, real y, real z, real facRad, real size) -> ddeffect {
ddeffect this = allocate();
this.e = AddSpecialEffect(mdl, x, y);
this.fac = facRad;
this.effZ = z-DDTerrZ(x, y);
BlzSetSpecialEffectRoll(this.e, facRad);
BlzSetSpecialEffectScale(this.e, size);
BlzSetSpecialEffectZ(this.e, z);
return this;
// -----------------
method destroy() {
this.e = null;
// *** destroys effect timed
method destroyx(real decayTime) {
DDStartTim(decayTime, false, this, function() {
ddeffect se = DDTimData();
BlzSetSpecialEffectPosition(se.e, DDMaxX, DDMaxY, 0.);
se.e = null;
// =========================================================================================
// =========================================================================================
method operator Z=(real z) { BlzSetSpecialEffectZ(this.e, z); }
method operator X() -> real { return BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectX(this.e); }
method operator Y() -> real { return BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectY(this.e); }
method operator Z() -> real { return BlzGetLocalSpecialEffectZ(this.e); }
method operator WZ() -> real { return DDEffectTerrZ(this.e); }
method operator Height() -> real { return this.Z-this.WZ; }
method operator Facing=(real facRad) { BlzSetSpecialEffectRoll(this.e, facRad); this.fac = facRad; }
method operator Facing() -> real { return this.fac; }
method Position(real x, real y) { BlzSetSpecialEffectPosition(this.e, x, y, this.effZ+this.WZ); }
method PositionZ(real x, real y, real z) { BlzSetSpecialEffectPosition(this.e, x, y, z); }
method Animation(animtype at) { BlzPlaySpecialEffect(this.e, at); }
method AnimationSpeed(real animSpeed) { BlzSetSpecialEffectTimeScale(this.e, animSpeed/100.); }
//method operator Pitch=(integer pitch) { SetUnitAnimationByIndex(u, pitch); }
//method Face(widget w) { Facing = Atan2(GetWidgetY(w)-Y, GetWidgetX(w)-X)*bj_RADTODEG; }
method Fade(real startTransparency, real endTransparency, real duration) {
this.cTrans = startTransparency;
this.eTrans = endTransparency;
this.stepTrans = .1*(endTransparency-startTransparency) / duration;
BlzSetSpecialEffectAlpha(this.e, R2I(startTransparency*2.55));
DDStartTim(.1, true, this, function() {
ddeffect dde = DDTimData();
dde.cTrans += dde.stepTrans;
if (dde.stepTrans > 0.)
if (dde.cTrans >= dde.eTrans) {
BlzSetSpecialEffectAlpha(dde.e, R2I(dde.eTrans*2.55));
if (dde.cTrans <= dde.eTrans) {
BlzSetSpecialEffectAlpha(dde.e, R2I(dde.eTrans*2.55));
BlzSetSpecialEffectAlpha(dde.e, R2I(dde.cTrans*2.55));
private type timedeffect extends effect[01];
function DDDestroyEffectTimed(effect e, real secs) {
timedeffect te = timedeffect.create();
te[00] = e;
DDStartTim(secs, true, te, function() {
timedeffect te = DDTimData();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** Main damage detection function, registers any damage dealt to units ***
public function DDTriggerRegisterAnyUnitDamaged(trigger t) {
DmgTrig[NTrig] = t;
NTrig += 1;
function InitDamageDetection() {
code c = function() {
if (TempTrig != null)
TempTrig = CreateTrigger();
TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple(TempTrig, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea);
TriggerAddCondition(TempTrig, function() -> boolean {
integer i;
// *** Check if we need to exec triggers or register an unit ***
if (GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED) {
for(i=0; i < NTrig; i+=1)
if (IsTriggerEnabled(DmgTrig[i]))
if (TriggerEvaluate(DmgTrig[i]))
// *** Register new unit ***
return false;
DDGroupFilterRect(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, 00, function() -> boolean {
TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(TempTrig, GetFilterUnit(), EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED);
return false;
trigger t = CreateTrigger();
TriggerAddAction(t, c);
TimerStart(CreateTimer(), TRIGGER_REFRESH_RATE, true, c);
t = null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** Main enum dests in range function ***
public function DDEnumDestsInRange(p_real vec, real radius, boolexpr filter, code pfunc) {
rect r = Rect(vec[0]-radius, vec[1]-radius, vec[0]+radius, vec[1]+radius);
EnumVec[0] = vec[0];
EnumVec[1] = vec[1];
EnumVec[2] = radius;
if (filter != null) filter = And(EnumFilter, filter);
else filter = EnumFilter;
EnumDestructablesInRect(r, filter, pfunc);
if (filter != EnumFilter) { DestroyBoolExpr(filter); filter = null; }
r = null;
function InitEnumDests() {
EnumVec = p_real.create();
EnumFilter = Filter(function() -> boolean {
return Pw_2(EnumVec[0]-GetDestructableX(GetFilterDestructable())) + Pw_2(EnumVec[1]-GetDestructableY(GetFilterDestructable())) < Pw_2(EnumVec[2]);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** checks is destruct tree ***
public function DDIsDestructableTree(destructable d) -> boolean {
if (d != null) {
PauseUnit(TreeChecker, false);
if (IssueTargetOrder(TreeChecker, "harvest", d)) {
PauseUnit(TreeChecker, true);
return true;
PauseUnit(TreeChecker, true);
return false;
function InitDestTreeCheck() {
TreeChecker = CreateUnit(Player(bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_EXTRA), DD_DUMMYCODE, DDMaxX, DDMaxY, 0.);
UnitAddAbility(TreeChecker, HARVEST_ID);
PauseUnit(TreeChecker, true);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function DDNewTextTagUnit(unit whichUnit, string text, real dur, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) {
CreateTextTagUnitBJ( text, whichUnit, 0., 11.00, red, green, blue, transparency );
SetTextTagPermanentBJ( bj_lastCreatedTextTag, false );
SetTextTagVelocityBJ( bj_lastCreatedTextTag, 48.00, 90 );
SetTextTagFadepointBJ( bj_lastCreatedTextTag, dur-1.25 );
SetTextTagLifespanBJ( bj_lastCreatedTextTag, dur );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct cameranoisedata {
player p[12];
integer n=00;
public function DDCameraSetSourceNoiseForPlayers(real x, real y, real mag, real vel, real maxDist, real duration) {
integer i;
real d;
cameranoisedata cnd = cameranoisedata.create();
for (i=00; i < bj_MAX_PLAYERS; i+=01) {
if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) {
d = SquareRoot( Pw_2(GetCameraTargetPositionX()-x) + Pw_2(GetCameraTargetPositionY()-y) );
if (d < maxDist) {
cnd.p[cnd.n] = Player(i);
CameraSetSourceNoise(mag-(d*(mag/maxDist)), vel-(d*(vel/maxDist)));
CameraSetTargetNoise(mag-(d*(mag/maxDist)), vel-(d*(vel/maxDist)));
cnd.n += 01;
DDStartTim(duration, false, cnd, function() {
cameranoisedata cnd = DDTimData();
while(cnd.n != 00) {
cnd.n -= 01;
if (GetLocalPlayer() == cnd.p[cnd.n])
CameraSetSourceNoise(0., 0.);
CameraSetTargetNoise(0., 0.);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hashtable GenSndTable = null;
public function DDGenericSound(string file, real vol, real x, real y, real mxDist, real pitch) {
sound s;
real d;
integer i;
integer snd_n, sh;
// Play sound and shake camera for players within spell cast range
for (i=00; i < bj_MAX_PLAYERS; i+=01) {
if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) {
d = SquareRoot( Pw_2(GetCameraTargetPositionX()-x) + Pw_2(GetCameraTargetPositionY()-y) );
if (d < mxDist) {
sh = StringHash(file);
snd_n = LoadInteger(GenSndTable, sh, 04);
s = LoadSoundHandle(GenSndTable, sh, snd_n);
if (s == null) {
s = CreateSound(file, false, false, false, 10, 10, "");
SaveSoundHandle(GenSndTable, sh, snd_n, s);
} else if (GetSoundIsPlaying(s)) {
StopSound(s, false, false);
SetSoundPitch(s, pitch);
SetSoundVolume(s, R2I((vol-d*(vol/mxDist))*1.27));
snd_n += 01;
if (snd_n == 04)
snd_n = 00;
SaveInteger(GenSndTable, sh, 04, snd_n);
public function DDGetGameElapsedTime() -> real {
return TimerGetElapsed(GameElapsedTimer);
public function DDGetRndReal(real min, real max) -> real {
real rnd = ((max-min)/1000000.)*I2R(RndInt[RndIntReadN]);
debug if (max > 1000000.)
DDMsg("ERROR: \"DDGetRndNumber\" - 'max' variable is greater than 1000000!");
RndIntReadN += 01; if (RndIntReadN == RND_INT_MAX_ARRAY_N) RndIntReadN = 00;
return min + rnd;
public function DDGetRndInt(integer min, integer max) -> integer {
return R2I( DDGetRndReal(I2R(min), I2R(max)) );
// ====================================================================
function onInit() {
DDMinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea);
DDMinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea);
DDMaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea);
DDMaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea);
GenSndTable = InitHashtable();
ErrorSound = CreateSound( "Sound\\Interface\\Error.wav", false, false, false, 10, 10, "" );
SetSoundParamsFromLabel( ErrorSound, "InterfaceError" );
SetSoundDuration( ErrorSound, 614 );
SetSoundVolume(ErrorSound, 127);
GameElapsedTimer = CreateTimer();
TimerStart(GameElapsedTimer, 10800., false, null);
for(RndIntWriteN=00; RndIntWriteN < RND_INT_MAX_ARRAY_N; RndIntWriteN+=01)
RndInt[RndIntWriteN] = GetRandomInt(00, 1000000);
RndIntWriteN = 00;
RndGenForce = CreateForce();
TrigMouseEvent = CreateTrigger();
ForForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS, function() {
if (GetPlayerController(GetEnumPlayer()) == MAP_CONTROL_USER)
TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(TrigMouseEvent, GetEnumPlayer(), EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_MOVE);
TriggerAddCondition(TrigMouseEvent, Condition(function() -> boolean {
real mouseN;
boolean xFirst = GetRandomInt(00, 01) == 01;
if (!IsPlayerInForce(GetTriggerPlayer(), RndGenForce)) {
// example: input x = 578.4571496
// output rnd n = 4571498
if (xFirst)
mouseN = RAbsBJ(BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseX()) * 100.;
mouseN = RAbsBJ(BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseY()) * 100.;
if (mouseN == 0.)
return false;
//mouseN *= 100.;
RndInt[RndIntWriteN] = R2I((mouseN - I2R(R2I(mouseN))) * 1000.);
//RndIntWriteN += 01; if (RndIntWriteN == RND_INT_MAX_ARRAY_N) RndIntWriteN = 00;
if (xFirst)
mouseN = RAbsBJ(BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseY()) * 100.;
mouseN = RAbsBJ(BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseX()) * 100.;
RndInt[RndIntWriteN] += R2I((mouseN - I2R(R2I(mouseN))) * 1000.)*1000;
RndIntWriteN += 01; if (RndIntWriteN == RND_INT_MAX_ARRAY_N) RndIntWriteN = 00;
ForceAddPlayer(RndGenForce, GetTriggerPlayer());
if (DDGetGameElapsedTime()-RndElapsedTime > .125) {
RndElapsedTime = DDGetGameElapsedTime();
return false;
//! endzinc