[Spell] Spell Cancels Orders

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Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
Okay... so I am making this map and currently making spells, I am basing this problem ability on the "Channel" ability.

Is there any way to make it not interrupt other commands when cast?

I order the unit to move to some location (order move), and on the way while the unit is moving I cast Channel ability (it has no casting time). When the ability (Channel) is cast the unit stops and does not "remember" the old commands given, so I have to re-order it to move again.

This does not happen with other abilities, like Berserk.
The only way for abilities not to interrupt any other orders is if you base it on an ability that doesn't.

Those are:
berserk, defend, magicdefend, immolation, mana shield, windwalk. I think there was one more, but I can't remember it now.

The problem with these abilities is that they have fixed orderstrings. So as soon as you used all of those abilities on a single unit, you are screwed.

There are no targetted abilities that don't interrupt orders. All these are instant no-target abilities.
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