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Some new stuff-:

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Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Just some of my newer experiments; hope you guys like them!


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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I love the idea of the 2nd and 3rd but they don't give off as of a epic feel to me as the others but besides that all of these are nice.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
I love the idea of the 2nd and 3rd but they don't give off as of a epic feel to me as the others but besides that all of these are nice.

Epicness wasn't my intention for those two, nonetheless thank you for the comment :D

Where did you get the models in the 1st one?

Mostly WoW models; I know, shame on me, but I just felt like using their superior shapes. So meh.

If you want a link to their download I can PM you with it.

The first one is bad, the second one shows the worst side of the cloud model, the third one is fishy and the last one made me lol.

I'm sorry they were so utterly disappointing for you.



Level 8
Aug 31, 2005
Oh looks like you understood me wrong, sorry. I like the last two terrains. I called the third one fishy because it includes fish... you know, a pun and all... guess that doesn't go well over the internet.

And the last one is funny, how could you not like moose with laser eyes?

But yeah, the second shot shows that the cloud model is a globe, which you should always try to avoid.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
I was surely not 'damaged' by your comment; I was sure it was all in good fun anyways :p Thank you for clearing up your disagreements with the terrain though, I'll see what I can do about lengthening the cloudmodel in the second too.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Shameful because ripping models and using ripped models are considered illegal and unethical. However, in these days WoW models and other Blizzard models are already over ripped and used by extremely many people.
I honestly dont see any harm at using them, especially for terraining. >.>

But now, onto the terrains. For the first one, I really think it looks very monotonous, I'd recommend you spice it up a little, add more variation to the plant life, probably with a neat and nifty looking center of focus, like some great ruin up front or something, that and you could also fool around with environmental effects, such as rain.

For the second one. I, as opposed to 2-P, really like the fact that the roundness of the cloudsphere is visible, it gives the terrain a rather surreal feeling that I like. Though I'd recommend you fatten up the cloudsphere a little, so that it doesn't seem so stretched in the hight, and move the sun over to be at the center of the top of the cloudsphere. That and work on the lighting on a whole as well, right now it looks far too intense and unrealistic.

The third one I see very much potential in, though I'd have to say the execution of this terrain is rather poorly done. You've zoomed in on doodads with poor textures, making those poor and stretched textures very visible, and very bad looking. I'd recommend you have a look at the wooden doodads in the Refuge in Ruin map by _oGre_ and use them to re-create that mast, then finding some other doodads with better textures to replace the... Decor. As a final say I would also reccomend you move the sun over to be just over the mast, half-covering the mast in sunlight rather than having it behind a cloud which just looks odd.

The fourth one... Well, Ha.

- If I were to suggest anything, I would suggest you move the camera up and clip away some of the foreground, make the foreground entirely black and remove the lazer effect comming from the raindeers, and then work on some cool looking background for the rest of the terrain, possibly with some sun effect and mountains or something.
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