desert is my home
unit begins casting a spell
spell equal to desert is my home (dummy spell will need to be able to ONLY target allies not enemies)
create special effect at point - position of unit - casting unit (this being a sort of dusty looking animation as if digging under ground ofc)
unit move (instantly) - move casting unit (instantly) to target of spell being cast
create special effect at point - position of unit - casting unit (same animation as the first)
(or u can do the 2 special effects first then move the unit just making the second one 'position of unit - target of spell being cast' i dont know which one would look better..if it would look any different at all)
for this ill use 2 triggers, a 'every .5 (or so) second periodic effect' and a wait trigger (i know people dont like these in multiplayer cause they are leaky and waits can last longer in multiplayer? (ive heard) but i only create single player maps ;p so this is just how i would do it as i dont know any other way.)
unit begins casting a spell
spell equal to sandstorm (dummy unit just needs collision off/invincible (or the locust ability though ive had some problems with that included in spells) and needs a model of a sandstorm which im guessing you already have..or planned on getting, also give the dummy the spell slow with a mana cost of 0 and a cool down of 0, rest of it should be modified to however you want the spell to work (ie speed reduction, duration) --- dummy spell needs to be a one click activate like thunderclap, dont pick a channeling spell)
variable set SSCASTER to casting unit (this will be needed to allow the casting unit to be the unit dealing the damage to the enemy units, therefore getting the experiance/killing blows on the scoreboard - as it seems this is the kind of map you are making)
create one 'sandstorm dummy' for owner of casting unit at position of casting unit
variable set last created unit to SSDUMMY
trigger turn on 'sandstorm dummy effect'
wait 'duration of spell'
trigger turn off 'sandstorm dummy effect'
trigger 2
sandstorm dummy effect (initially off)
every .5seconds
pick every unit in unit group and do multiple actions - units within range matching condition - 500 (you test to find the setting you want at a guess 500 should be fine and ill use 500 for this example) of position of SSDUMMY matching - matching player not equal to owner of SSDUMMY and do actions (loop)
unit issue order targeting a unit - Order SSDUMMY to human sorceress slow picked unit
unit damage target - cause SSCASTER to damage picked unit dealing (however much damage you want it to do every .5seconds) X damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
phew, see how that goes ;p
~only problem i can see happening with this spell is the slow only being cast once every .5 seconds rather then all at once, if however your map is based on a hero per player, and there are few computer controlled units running around, this should be barley noticable.