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[JASS/AI] Simple JASS tutorial - for beginners

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Last time updated : 21.10.2014


Your guide, la
trustworthy cat!
Required :
  • Jass NewGen WE
  • Knowledge of GUI
  • Time
Recommended :
  • Experience with coding
Table of Contents :
  1. Basics of JASS I
  2. vJASS features
  3. Basics of JASS II
  4. Using JASS/vJASS
  5. Efficient JASS coding tips
  6. End of tutorial

1 : Basics of JASS I

JASS is a scripting language for Warcraft III. It is rumored to stand for Just Another Scripting Syntax, although there's no validation for it. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, which represents basically JASS but in more graphical way. People who have learned/mastered JASS might say: "don't use gui", and call it bad, but it's totally up to you whether you use GUI or not. Do you recognize these GUI lines?
  • Trigger
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: //line
      • Custom script: //another line
      • Custom script: call RemoveUnit(CreateUnit('u000', Player(0), 0, 0, 270))
Yes, custom scripts. Now you might be familiar with call RemoveLocation(udg_p) , call DestroyGroup(udg_ug) and call DestroyForce(udg_pg), especially if you're a spell maker. Now what these do is they release memory held by objects, for example call RemoveLocation() removes Location(x,y) from it, so you can't use it anymore as it doesn't know what you're referring to. This is essential for keeping your RAM free. If you don't do this, it's called leaking. Removing leaks is what mods require from you before you can get your spell approved.

1.1 : Our first JASS trigger
Here's a simple JASS code for you to create:
function myCondition takes nothing returns boolean
    return false

function InitTrig_myTrigger takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition(function myCondition) )
    set t = null
Let's see what I did there. First I converted empty trigger called myTrigger to JASS code via Edit > Convert to Custom text.

Then I removed everything before commented line, and cleared code in InitTrig_myTrigger.

Now let's take a look at local trigger t = CreateTrigger(), we create local variable (not accessible outside the function) trigger t, and assign function CreateTrigger() to it. Why can we assign function to it? Because native CreateTrigger takes nothing returns trigger returns trigger. We don't need any arguments to this function because it says it takes nothing (only fill parentheses when the function asks for it). Simple, isn't it?

Then comes the next line call TriggerAddCondition( t, function myCondition ), it's another function which does what it says: assigns a condition to a specific trigger. We tell it to assign function myCondition, which we have above, to trigger which we just created locally. Condition of course has to return a boolean, so we make myCondition return false. Why? Because if a condition (any of them) returns false, it'll not trigger the actions. And since we have no actions, we'll simply return false.

As a side note, JASSers often put all their "Actions" into the condition function, instead of creating one function for a condition and one function for actions. It saves handles and is faster.

You might wonder, why do we create trigger locally? The trigger isn't actually local, we can't decide (in vanilla JASS), whether trigger is local or not, it's just the variable which is local, trigger stays trigger. If you're confused, let's make it more simple:

Let's imagine there's a variable type "door". We create new variable of door called handle. If we use set handle = null, we don't actually remove the door. The door still exists, but we just removed our way of using the door, by removing a handle for it. This is the reason why you need to use call RemoveLocation(udg_myLocation), even in gui, because if you just assign myLocation to new location, you have a leak in your code.

Hive user chobibo explained this further, expand this if you want to study the role of variables a bit more:
Variables are really just identifiers, so when you create a new variable, it really points to nothing [useful] (null on global handle types but undefined on local handle types), now when you create an "object" (an object is a data that we use, like regions, units, etc.) using a "function" (CreateUnit, etc..) you use data, that data can be "linked to" by a variable. e.g.:
local location point // This is a declaration, it tells the compiler
                     // (warcraft) to create a variable. The variable
                     // is empty, it does not link to anything useful.
local location point = Location(0,0) // This time, the declaration
                                     // and use is done simultaeneously
                                     // The variable now links to
                                     // something useful.
Now, that "point" uses memory, if were done with it (no longer need it) we must destroy it to free the memory space it uses. The first step is to tell warcraft that we no longer need it using a function Blizzard supplied.
call RemoveLocation(point) // This function tells warcraft that the
                           // object linked to by "point" is no longer
                           // useful. This is the first step to remove
                           // this unuseful data.
Now, the variable links to (or points to) something useless, to avoid errors, Blizzard made it so that when a variable still links to something in memory (the now useless data, subjective of course), that said memory will not be freed. The next, albeit important and last, step is to make our variable point to "null".
set point = null // This tells warcraft to make the variable
                 // point link to the "null" value. This in
                 // effect allows warcraft to recycle the
                 // memory that the previously pointed object
                 // by the variable "point" is linking to
                 // (pointing to).

Failing to do this crucial step will result in the memory being used by the object our variable links to (points to) unreachable, hence it will not be recycled by warcraft, *cue scary music ♫dum dum dumdam ♫* that is called a "memory leak". Too much memory leaks will cause your map to lag and eventually crash the game...

Now that we've done that, warcraft will recycle that chunk of memory for us!

Now, we've just freed a memory block thanks to that!

So after we've done assigning condition to the trigger, we can nullify the variable, without touching the trigger itself. We do this by typing set t = null.

1.2 : Functioning Trigger
Now let's make the trigger actually do something:
function myCondition takes nothing returns boolean
    call BJDebugMsg( "lol" )
    return false

function InitTrig_myTrigger takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 0, false )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition(function myCondition) )
    set t = null
Let me clear the functions I added for you:

call BJDebugMsg( "lol" ) this will outprint message lol.

call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 0, false ) let me get the declaration for you: native TriggerRegisterTimerEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, real timeout, boolean periodic returns event we just connect things together by using values we want as arguments. We want it to affect trigger t, timeout at 0 seconds, and not loop itself. This is pretty self-evident.

You may test the trigger in your map now. If it doesn't print out lol after 0 seconds of game-time, make sure the trigger name is myTrigger and repeat the steps if necessary.

2 : vJASS features

vJASS stands for very-JASS. It was made by Vexorian, who is a god of vJASS who you'll never outperform. vJASS syntax adds additional features to JASS, this is why you'll need your own syntax checker for it. Make sure you have your JNGP (jasnewgenpack) working and ready before going further in this section. Remember because it uses its own syntax checker, you need to save your map before testing it.

2.1 : How to get vJASS
Download link for user made WE: http://blizzardmodding.info/4263/the-jass-newgen-pack-jngp-2-0/
  • Extract jassnewgenpack2XX.7z to somewhere on you PC
  • Start NewGen WE.exe, if it doesn't boot up, try to contact the program creator
  • (optional) Attach the New WE to your Start Menu for faster access

2.2 : Scopes and private functions
Hopefully you haven't removed myTrigger which we made in the last chapter, we're going to transform it to vJASS world :)
scope myScope initializer init
    function myCondition takes nothing returns boolean
        call BJDebugMsg( "lol" )
        return false
    function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 0, false )
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, function myCondition )
        set t = null
We added scope <name> initializer <function name> to the top row and endscope to the bottom row.

Initializer is function that's ran in the loading screen, just like Map Initialization Event in GUI.

Scope is something I recommend you to use when you're making a code which is not used elsewhere, a code which you want to work as an individual. Scopes can have private members, let's explore that feature now.

If you save and test (Ctrl + S and Ctrl + F9) the map, it does exactly the same thing, outprints lol. Why? Because vJASS is just like JASS, the syntax is just a little bit more advanced. Here's a situation where in normal JASS would happen a collision: We create a new trigger myProof:
scope myProof initializer init
    function myCondition takes nothing returns boolean
        call BJDebugMsg( "lol" )
        return false
    function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 0, false )
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, function myCondition )
        set t = null
If we try to save it the syntax checker will nag at us about redeclaring and stuff like that. To prevent it, we make functions inside these two scopes local to them. Just make function myFunction --> private function myFunction, add private in front of each function. Now you can't use the function outside it. But what if we want to, but not to cause collisions?

2.3 : Libraries and public functions
Make the triggers look like this (the function lines):
scope myScope initializer init
    public function myCondition takes nothing returns boolean
        call BJDebugMsg( "lol" )
        return false
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 0, false )
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, function myCondition )
        set t = null

Try to save it. It should not nag about functions, even when we made them public. Calling the functions outside them is not that simple, you need to do it in syntax of scopeName_functionName. Here's an example trigger:
  • asd
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: call myScope_myCondition()
      • Custom script: call myProof_myCondition()

Libraries are scopes which can require other libraries. Libraries are directly connected to the map header code, and requiring means simply this: If lib A requires lib B, computer puts lib B above lib A in the map header code. Let's make our first library:
library myLib initializer init
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("hello!")
Save and test the map, you should see hello! , lol , lol , lol and lol printed on the screen.

As libraries are inserted to the map header code and scopes' role is to be "individual", scopes can use any non-private function of any library in your map.

For library to use other library's functions you need to use library <name> requires <name>, as explained before.

2.4 : Globals and private variables
Local variable is private to that function by default, but what if we want to use our variable in another function? You can use udg, which stands for user defined global. But this is slow and requires you to use GUI's interface. This is why I suggest you to use globals, variables which are defined like GUI's variables, at initialization. They are linked to your map via your trigger, so you don't need to remove them manually after you've quit using a system, unlike GUI's variables. Let's practice:
scope myGlobals initializer init
        string MYSTRING = "asd"
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg(MYSTRING)
Its name is written in caps lock for clarity. Your possible questions reaching your mind might be: 1. Where do I place them? 2. Do I have to assign them to something? 3. How to make array?
1; You place globals on top of your trigger 2; You don't have to assign them to anything (you can just define MYSTRING like string MYSTRING) 3; You make array like this: string array MYSTRING, but then you can't assign them at globals section.

We talked about collisions between triggers in out previous segment. There can be collisions between globals too. To prevent this, type private in front of your global. Now your trigger should look something like this:
scope myGlobals initializer init
        private string MYSTRING = "asd"
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg(MYSTRING)
You can use non-private globals outside your trigger. This is because they're generated on top of map code:
    // User-defined
string udg_MYSTRING

    // Generated
string MYSTRING= "asd"

Above you can see map code going through syntax checker. I have global variable MYSTRING in my scope, and GUI's variable MYSTRING in GUI. They're created at the same segment in reality, but in our editing environment they're placed elsewhere.

2.5 (optional) : Structs
Structs are inspired by object oriented programming (OOP). They can make your life a lot easier.

Here's some concept explanations:
struct is an object defined by coder
instance is an individual object of struct made with allocate()
member is a variable which is used by struct
method is a function which belongs to struct
static means same amongst all instances of struct
allocate means giving instance its own index
deallocate means destroying an instance
extends is something I'm not gonna cover
extends array is awesome

Let's make trigger which does absolutely nothing in game:
scope myScope initializer init
    struct myStruct
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local myStruct A=myStruct.create()
        call A.destroy()
myStruct is the name of our struct type. In function init we create a pointer, and instantly issue it to point to newly created struct of type myStruct.
<structtypename>.create() gives our struct a unique id. Structs use arrays, with maximum of 8191 values. This is actually 8190, index of 0 is used for null.
You can use structs as globals, but you can't initialize them in globals section. You need to do this in init function.
Let's create a member str for our struct:
scope myScope initializer init
    struct myStruct
        string str
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local myStruct A=myStruct.create()
        set A.str="lol"
        call BJDebugMsg(A.str)
        call A.destroy()
When I added string str in the struct, I added a member for it. Then we declared it in our init function. After that we called the member via BJDebugMsg using <pointername>.<membername>. Let's give our struct a function which runs on creation:
scope myScope initializer init
    struct myStruct
        string str
        static method create takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype returned = thistype.allocate()
            set returned.str = "lol"
            return returned
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local myStruct A=myStruct.create()
        call BJDebugMsg(A.str)
        call A.destroy()
thistype = is the name of the struct. But you can use your struct's name (myStruct in this example).

Static methods can't be called with <instance>.<method>(), they must be called with <structtype>.<method>().
We can use keywords private and public in structs too. Try to add keyword public in front of static method create, it doesn't nag about it. But when we add private, we can't use the method outside of struct anymore. Let's modify the struct so that its str can be private:
scope myScope initializer init
    struct myStruct
        private string str
        public static method create takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype returned = thistype.allocate()
            set returned.str = "lol"
            return returned
        public method debugMsg takes nothing returns nothing
            call BJDebugMsg(str)
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local myStruct A=myStruct.create()
        call A.debugMsg()
        call A.destroy()
I made a new method in our struct which is no static, so we can call it in out init function with <instancename>.<methodname>.
Now, members can be static (non-indexed) too:
scope myScope initializer init
    struct myStruct
        private static string str = "lol"
        public static method create takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype returned = thistype.allocate()
            return returned
        public method debugMsg takes nothing returns nothing
            call BJDebugMsg(str)
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local myStruct A=myStruct.create()
        call A.debugMsg()
        call A.destroy()
It doesn't nag about declaring static member in our create method, but it makes no sense to do so. So we simply declare it in the members section.
If you want to go more in-depth about them, follow the link at the last chapter.

2.6 (optional) : Textmacros
//! textmacro is your personal CnP tool made possible by vJASS. Let's imagine you want to loop different texts many times:
scope myScope initializer init
    //! textmacro LoopText takes STR
        call BJDebugMsg("$STR$")
        call BJDebugMsg("$STR$")
        call BJDebugMsg("$STR$")
    //! endtextmacro
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        //! runtextmacro LoopText("asd")
        //! runtextmacro LoopText("lol")
Textmacros are begun with //! textmacro <name> takes <parameter>, <parameter>, and ended with //! endtextmacro, the parameters are attached to the macro via $-marks. Textmacros are called with //! runtextmacro <name>(<parameters>)

Attaching textmacros to your code is made first on progress of converting your vJASS code to something WC III can handle. Now, you can even create scopes with textmacros:
//! textmacro NewScope takes NAME, STR
    scope $NAME$
            private string STR = "$STR$"
        public function loop10 takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
                call BJDebugMsg(STR)
                exitwhen i == 10
                set i = i + 1
//! endtextmacro

//! runtextmacro NewScope("asd","lol")
scope myScope initializer init
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        call asd_loop10()
This loops "lol" 10 times for you. There's so much you can create with textmacros, explore the features yourself and you can become the next JASS god :p

3 : Basics of JASS II

We've learned functions, scopes, libraries, locals, globals, privates and publics. That's a lot of coverage, but there's a lot more to be covered. We'll now learn a couple of new events and how to use them.

3.1 : Periodic Loop
Let's make a looping trigger which prints out "hi" every 2 seconds:
function myFunc takes nothing returns boolean
    call BJDebugMsg("hi")
    return false

function InitTrig_myTrig takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 2, true )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function myFunc ) )
    set t = null
You can recognize a function call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( t, 2, true ) which we used in part 1 also. Part 1's trigger didn't loop itself, however. Let's take a look at the declaration: native TriggerRegisterTimerEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, real timeout, boolean periodic returns event we changed timeout from 0 to 2 and boolean from false to true. This way we got ourselves a 2 second loop.

3.2 : Timer Loop
Do you know how you can create timers and timer windows in GUI? We can use those timers in JASS to trigger functions. Let's modify our trigger by adding globals, which we learned from previous chapter:
    timer TIMER = CreateTimer()

function myFunc takes nothing returns nothing
    call BJDebugMsg("hi")

function InitTrig_myTrig takes nothing returns nothing
    call TimerStart( TIMER, 2, true, function myFunc )
Timer can be stopped, so it's more advanced. You can stop the timer by calling call PauseTimer( TIMER )

3.3 : Ability Event
Just like in GUI, you can get event for ability cast. In GUI it'd be like this:
  • GUI
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Thunder Clap
    • Actions
      • Custom script: call BJDebugMsg("lol")
In JASS the equivalent of this would be:
function myFunc takes nothing returns boolean
    if GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AHtc' then
        call BJDebugMsg("lol")
    return false

function InitTrig_JASS takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function myFunc ) )
    set t = null
'AHtc' is a rawcode, I'll cover it up later in "4.5 : Unit IDs".

There's a couple of new functions for me to cover:
GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AHtc' this is a boolean, the real function here is;

GetSpellAbilityId(), this is a native which gets the ID of an ability, which triggered the function.

I'll talk about if then endif tags and 'AHtc' ID in the next chapter more.

call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT ) when there's a BJ at the end of a function, it means there's a script connected to it. For example the function here is actually the script below:
function TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ takes trigger trig, playerunitevent whichEvent returns nothing
    local integer index

    set index = 0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(index), whichEvent, null)

        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
This loops the event (unit owned by <player> casts a spell) for every player.

Place a Mountain King on the map, give him thunder clap (set the level from 0 to 1 at the terrain editor) and save+run the map. It should outprint "lol" everytime you cast thunder clap. If it doesn't CnP my trigger to your map and make sure you have no other triggers on your map (after all we haven't made it private or anything.)

3.4 : Scope transformation
Let's transform the JASS trigger we made into vJASS:
scope mySpell initializer init
    private function myFunc takes nothing returns boolean
        if GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AHtc' then
            call BJDebugMsg("lol")
        return false
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function myFunc ) )
        set t = null
Now the trigger can't collide with other triggers, as it has private functions. But if you have two scopes called mySpell, you're in for a nagging by syntax checker. Save and test run, it should do exactly same thing as before.

In the next chapter you'll learn advanced methods to use inside functions. Combine them with stuff learned in this section, and you'll able to create full JASS triggers :)

4 : Using JASS/vJASS

You may now remove the triggers you've made before, they're not necessary anymore. Now we'll learn how to use JASS. I will show you multiple functions, which you can combine in different ways for awesome triggers :)

4.1 : Unit Groups
Create couple of footmen and couple of peasants on the map.

In this code I trigger every unit pre-placed on the map editor to be colored blue. I've added comments for clarifying stuff.
scope myScope initializer init
    private function groupAction takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitColor(GetEnumUnit(), PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE) //we change the color for picked unit
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local group g = CreateGroup() //create variable of type group, assign it to newly created group
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, null) //assign units in playable map area to group g
        call ForGroup(g, function groupAction) //we assign every unit in the group through a function
        call DestroyGroup(g) //no use for the unit group anymore, destroy it
        set g = null //nullifying, I've covered this step in chapter 1
We get the picked unit (the unit which is currently going through groupAction) with GetEnumUnit().

Now do notice how I've placed the groupAction above init function. Because we need the groupAction function in init function, we have to place it above it.

4.2 : Loops
Loop is something that repeats given code until it can be concluded.
We use loop exitwhen true endloop tags for this structure;
function GetStrength takes unit u returns integer
    local integer i
    loop //loop, just like in gui
        set i = i + 1
        exitwhen i == GetUnitLevel(u) //exitwhen (true) quits the loop
    endloop //end the loop
    return i
Don't use this function in your map, it's worthless :p Let's use the loop a bit differently.

exitwhen <boolexpr> is necessary for the loop to conclude successfully. If you don't exit your loop, you'll reach OP (operation) limit and crash the thread (simply put a process). exitwhen true works fine if you want to exit the loop without expections.

4.3 : Group Loop
Hope you didn't remove the footmen and peasants, we'll now recolor them via different kind of method :)

scope myScope initializer init
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        local unit FoG //create handler for unit, don't assign it to anything
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, null)
        loop //loop, just like in gui
            set FoG = FirstOfGroup(g) //assign FoG to first unit in g
            exitwhen FoG == null //exitwhen (true) quits the loop
            call SetUnitColor(FoG, PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE) //custom function, not necessary for FoG loop
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, FoG) //remove FoG from g to not to cause infinite loop
        endloop //end the loop
        call DestroyGroup(g) //destroy g
        set g = null //nullify g
Save and test the map, you should see your units turn blue. If they did, good job, you're doing great! :)

But be careful when using this kind of loop, while it has no problems on-demand filled groups (groups that are filled by enumerations within the local block where you perform the FoG iteration), it has issues with groups holding units for a period of time. See GroupUtils for more details.

4.4 : If / Then / Else
if then else elseif endif, these are the elements used for creating conditions inside functions. We'll have native GetRandomInt takes integer lowBound, integer highBound returns integer to do us the condition. Modify the loop part on your trigger to look something like this:
scope myScope initializer init
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        local unit FoG
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, null)
            set FoG = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen FoG == null
            if GetRandomInt(0,1)==0 then //if (true) then
                call SetUnitColor(FoG, PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE) //do this
            else //if not (true) then
                call SetUnitColor(FoG, PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN) //do this instead
            endif //remember to always end your if:s!
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, FoG)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
Again save and test the map, you should see that some of the peasants turned teal instead of blue.

4.4.1 : Elseif
elseif is only checked at if the first if didn't trigger. Example:
if myInt==3 then
    call BJDebugMsg("it's 3!")
elseif myInt==1 then
    call BJDebugMsg("it's 1!")
    call BJDebugMsg("it's alien!")
This will come handy at some point of your code.​

4.5 : Unit IDs
Go to object editor, find footman. Press hotkey Ctrl + D, you should see the name of footman giving you a code "hfoo". This is actually integer. The format in JASS is 'hfoo'. Now did I call it integer, it looks more like a string to us right? call BJDebugMsg(I2S('hfoo')) will print out 1751543663, so it is integer after all, it's just in disguise. Let's turn footmen blue, and peasants teal.
scope myScope initializer init
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        local unit FoG
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, null)
            set FoG = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen FoG == null
            if GetUnitTypeId(FoG)=='hfoo' then //if the picked unit has this integer as id, it'll return true
                call SetUnitColor(FoG, PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE)
                call SetUnitColor(FoG, PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN)
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, FoG)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
Save and test, if footmen turned blue and peasants teal, I'm damn proud of you :D

4.6 : Group filters
Let's fix the null in call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, null). The declaration for the native is native GroupEnumUnitsInRect takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter returns nothing so you can see the null is boolexpr. It filters whether an unit can be added to the group. Let's make a simple filter which checks if unit is dead:
private function groupFilter takes nothing returns boolean
    return not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)
Naturally you need to change the line where you define your group to this --> call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, Filter(function groupFilter))
Save and test, it shouldn't affect the map in any way.

I only scratched the surface of JASS features. Why? Because when you discover stuff by yourself, you get the most out of it. When editing JASS code in JNGP, you should see "Function List" button above your code. Click and explore it well, and you can become the next JASS god :p And I really recommend messing with FoG loop, it's very effective way of browsing through unit groups in a single function.

5 : Efficient JASS Coding Tips

We all know our code can cause major performance impact on the map we work on. Sometimes the performance drop can be felt only after an hour of gameplay, due to thousands of leaks in your map.

I don't want my dear student to make badly written maps, so here's some tips to avoid faulty scripts.

5.1 : Always null abstract locals
Certain non-nullied locals can cause performance impact. Abstract is something conceptual, for example an unit; we define unit by certain properties and unit is always a subject to change in-game.

Something not abstract is integer, we are certain 3 is 3.
To null local use set myLocal = null
For further learning about which variable types should be nullied, open up this page. Null everything which extends widget or agent; these have abstract properties so you need to null them.

5.2 : Avoid extra native calls
Native functions are super useful and without them you basically couldn't do anything visual or physical in-game. But as these are often visual functions, they have their performance impact.

By extra I mean like this:
call BJDebugMsg(GetUnitName(GetTriggerUnit())+" just killed someone!")
call BJDebugMsg("he's level "+I2S(GetUnitLevel(GetTriggerUnit())))
You could just store the result gained from GetTriggerUnit() - native into a variable.

For example, hashtables have more flexible structure than variable arrays or plain variables, but take more memory AND are slower on delivering data.
Everytime you're planning to use only one dimension of hashtable, you should consider; could it be possible with only arrays?
E.g. set myString = LoadStr(HASHTABLE, 0, i) --> set myString = STRING[i]
Other example is hidden native calls. Most often BJs are functions like:
function AttachSoundToUnitBJ takes sound soundHandle, unit whichUnit returns nothing
    call AttachSoundToUnit(soundHandle, whichUnit)
Avoid hidden native calls to ensure efficient code.

5.3 : Pre-calculate for loops
Example right away:
function loop
    set x = GetUnitX(missile)
    set y = GetUnitY(missile)
    set angle = GetUnitFacing(missile)
    set x = x + 5 * Cos(angle*bj_DEGTORAD)
    set y = y + 5 * Sin(angle*bj_DEGTORAD)
    call SetUnitX(missile, x)
    call SetUnitY(missile, y)
function cast
    set missile = CreateUnit(...)
function loop
    set x = x + 5 * Cos(angle)
    set y = y + 5 * Sin(angle)
    call SetUnitX(missile, x)
    call SetUnitY(missile, y)
function cast
    set x = GetUnitX(caster)
    set y = GetUnitY(caster)
    set angle = GetUnitFacing(caster)*bj_DEGTORAD
    set missile = CreateUnit(...)
It's good to reduce function calls for your periodic loops, it makes your spell run smoother and stuff like unit angle, which won't change, can be pre-calculated.

5.4 : Use Proper Indexing
Proper indexing is for example dynamic indexing. It's a bit hard to visualize, so I recommend reading Visualize: Dynamic Indexing by PurgeandFire.

For alternative solution and ease of use, download TimerUtils made by Vexorian.
A quick guide:
local timer t = NewTimer() - creates a new timer
call SetTimerData(t, myInteger) - defines a number you want to attach to a timer
call GetTimerData(t) - obtains the number you attached before
call ReleaseTimer(t) - destroys the timer
Instead of looping through all of the instances via one loop - as you probably got used to in GUI world - use timers which function on their own times. This increases performance too.
Remember to release the timer after you don't need it!

Downside of TimerUtils is that it uses more memory. Downside of dynamic indexing is that it forces the computer to go through all of the instances at once.

5.5 : Use variables efficiently
function myLoop takes nothing returns nothing
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    call GroupEnumUnits(g)
        set FoG = FirstOfGroup(g)
        exitwhen FoG == null
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g, FoG)
    call DestroyGroup(g)
    set g = null
This is a standard FoG loop, what's bad about it? The function name, it's a looping function, and looping functions gotta be as fast as possible.
Avoid 2 native calls by using global group:
    private constant group loopGroup = CreateGroup()
function myLoop takes nothing returns nothing
    call GroupEnumUnits(loopGroup)
        set FoG = FirstOfGroup(loopGroup)
        exitwhen FoG == null
        call GroupRemoveUnit(loopGroup, FoG)
By adding constant in front of the group, you ensure you won't null it in accident.
As a side note, you don't have to null FoG, loop concludes only when the FoG is null so the loop takes care of it.

5.6 : Avoid interfaces
When you call a method of a struct which extends a certain interface, vJass compiler will convert it to TriggerExecute which is another native function, which isn't one of the faster ones.
Avoid interface usage especially on looping functions which are supposed to be fast. I bet you can come up with a workaround, my dear JASS student!

5.6.1 Avoid struct a extends b
You can avoid a major mess by not using extends at all. I recommend you to do so.

5.7 : Use Unit Indexer
I recommend using Perfect Unit Indexing by Cohadar. It indexes only units you need, and is pretty lightweight. There's some other good indexers too.

A quick guide:
local integer index = GetUnitIndex(u) - gets unit's personal number, creates it if not created yet
local unit u = GetIndexUnit(index) - gets a unit bound to a certain number, if there is any
There's a native call behind GetUnitIndex, so I recommend indexing e.g. caster's index number instead of calling it in a looping function

5.8 : Don't do stuff which is already done
Here's libraries (beside PUI and TimerUtils) I often use and recommend you to also use:
GeometryLibBase by moyack - Proper way of getting an angle from point to point
Table by Bribe - One hashtable for your whole map, requires a bit of brainwork to get started
Table by Vexorian - Alternative to the better Table
IsDestructableTree by BPower - depends on your map whether you need it, but is certainly useful
StructuredDD by Cokemonkey11 - Good for certain systems and spells, when you need "is attacked" event

6 : End of tutorial

Hope I taught you something, just PM me if there's something you're having troubles with :) Just remember to complete your map before pumping it to maximum with cool systems, you never know when you're going to lose interest in your project :/ But that's not up to me to teach, go learn about map-making somewhere else ^^

Own experience​

For advanced tutorials, I recommend:
  • Hive user iAyanami has written a very good tutorial about structs
  • Hive user Earth-Fury has made a marvelous explanation of how computer checks your booleans
  • Hive user Silvenon has written very in-depth tutorial about knockbacks, check it out if you're planning on creating a kb system (requires knowledge of structs)

Thanks to:
  • edo494, for fix suggestions
  • Malhorne, for helping to finish the tutorial and teaching me JASS
  • chobibo, for helping with tutorial and fix suggestions
  • Magtheridon96, who reviewed my first GUI spell and gave me motivation to continue learning GUI
  • PurgeandFire, for reviewing this tutorial


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Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
1. Jass is scripting language, not programming

2. TriggerAddCondition(trig, function T) is not valid Jass. Its valid if you have Vexorian's JassHelper(dont know if Cohadars allows this).

This is, because if you pass only function T inside, it must return nothing. If it is meant to be used in TriggerAddCondition, it must be passed to Condition or Filter.

This is implicitly done when your vJass compiles to Jass(you can look at the source, and you will see it will have Condition call)

You could at least mention this, especially because you have it inside Basics of Jass, and this is illegal Jass code.

Condition of course has to return a boolean, so we make myCondition return false, we don't want the computer to continue further in the trigger, so it'll exit the trigger after return false and won't look for actions anymore.

This may sound for new users, as when the end of the function is reached, nothing else is ever checked. All conditions are checked, and if and only if they all return true, the body is checked. You could reformulate that a little bit maybe.

The trigger isn't actually local, we can't decide (in vanilla JASS), whether trigger is local or not, it's just the handle which is local

While right, this kind of masks the real concept of the things. The variable is local, the object is global nevertheless.

You could mention something like this in there(we also null the variable, not the handle, the handle is as local as the trigger object, not at all)

5. You could maybe explain why we must null all local agents, not just say to do that

Vexorian is a god of vJASS who you'll never outperform.

This is very subjective. And since he wrote code that uses inheritance and stuff like that, as long as you dont use that, you outperform his code already. Yes, you dont outperform him directly, but you cant outperform someone who you dont know how good he is at writing stuff. And pretty much noone knows that, maybe someone that knows him IRL or worked with him on something

7. //create handler for group, assign it to newly created group
this is quite wrong. You dont really define handler for group, you define local variable, which points to the newly created group. Pointer != handler

the same goes for //create handler for unit, assign it to nothing, you dont assign it to nothing(null), you dont assign it at all(again, not handler, but pointer)

The handler, pointer thingy is just a play of a word and if you think that new Jassers will understand the jass better by reading it as handler, feel free to keep it there. We dont need to call things exactly for sake of calling it exactly.

I ran out of time, but I dont really see anything that I could nitpick :D

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

It says you need jass newgen we at beginning, sorry this is my first tutorial I'm kind of bad at explaining as of now...

To be honest I don't know what a pointer is. However I've saw a list where wc3 engine defines handle trigger, handle unit, handle location etc. So that's why I thought they're handles, stupid me...

Thanks A LOT for the feedback though, will fix the things you pointed out tomorrow :)
People who have learned/mastered JASS might say: "don't use gui", I say this is wrong, just because GUI is simple and fast way to create triggers. My golden suggestion is to create simple stuff and most of the map events in GUI for simplyness, and create loops and systems in JASS for performance.

GUI is not fast at all when creating triggers.
Most people on here type much faster in Jass than they can click everything needed in GUI. And the ones that can't will learn to very shortly.
Map events in GUI are inefficient and should not be used when using Jass.
The only thing that should ever be done in GUI is configurations. This means anything that is used in a spell or system that would make it easier for GUIers to understand.

Ah, finally :D I shall teach you the secrets of effective GUI! Have you learned libraries, public functions and private functions? Good, because you'll need it a lot when mixing JASS with GUI.

Actually you do not need libraries / structs / scopes at all when mixing GUI and Jass. Most of my systems are in Jass that mix with GUI to make it easy for GUIers and do not require vJass at all.

Also if this tutorial is about Jass it should stay about Jass and not cover vJass at all.

Simple spell example in JASS
Simple JASS/GUI system in JASS/GUI

Just link to spells / jass/gui systems instead of making new ones. There are several out there. For Example: My spells are in Jass along with a vJass counterpart. Almost all of my systems are in Jass/GUI to allow for easy use of GUIers.

Fix possible mistakes I've made (post first, think later :D )

If you read the rules it says do not post until you think the tutorial is complete. So please follow that next time.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

@edo494 Did the suggestions you posted, thanks for pointing them out :) Just say if I missed any! Also added couple of things.

@deathismyfriend ;
GUI is not fast at all when creating triggers.
Most people on here type much faster in Jass than they can click everything needed in GUI. And the ones that can't will learn to very shortly.
Map events in GUI are inefficient and should not be used when using Jass.
The only thing that should ever be done in GUI is configurations. This means anything that is used in a spell or system that would make it easier for GUIers to understand.
This is meant for GUI users who want to learn JASS. I don't want to say that they can't use GUI anymore, after all I enjoy using GUI for simple triggers in my project :)

Actually you do not need libraries / structs / scopes at all when mixing GUI and Jass. Most of my systems are in Jass that mix with GUI to make it easy for GUIers and do not require vJass at all.
You're 100% right about this one, I fixed that sentence in the tutorial now :)

Also if this tutorial is about Jass it should stay about Jass and not cover vJass at all.
But I hate vanilla JASS... D:

Just link to spells / jass/gui systems instead of making new ones. There are several out there. For Example: My spells are in Jass along with a vJass counterpart. Almost all of my systems are in Jass/GUI to allow for easy use of GUIers.
No no, I want to be able to explain everything and use my own format of doing stuff. After all, the people who learn from this should be presented to JASS as a tool which makes things simple, I want to show it via simple system/spell or equivalent.

If you read the rules it says do not post until you think the tutorial is complete. So please follow that next time.
I read that post, if you're referring to this. I thought it would be good to get feedback as the tutorial is in development, but okay won't do so again ^^

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Is it enough if I change the title to
Simple JASS tutorial - for beginners --> Simple vJASS tutorial - for beginners

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

That's why I have that disclaimer on top ^^ "NOT FINISHED YET"

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Oh okay :D
Thanks for feedback, will add more content tomorrow.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
• Section 4's mastering Jass should be changed to mastering vJass
• Be careful when using FoG loops, while it has no problems on-demand filled groups (groups that are filled by enumerations within the local block where you perform the FoG iteration), it has issues with groups holding units for a period of time. See GroupUtils for details
• Your description of native functions are a bit off (minor).
  • native GroupEnumUnitsInRect takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr is the declaration of the native function.
  • call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(parameters) is the native function itself.
Done! The tutorial is great, not much technical terms, newb friendly.
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

@chobibo thanks for review, will fix those later today

@adiktuz I'm planning on adding pointer tags here and there ^^

Edit: fixes applied, made the last chapter, added pointers
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Thanks, just tell me if you get lost on some section, so I can change or add info to it.
JASS stands for Just Another Script Syntax.

[citation needed]. It was just a guess/rumor that was spread around the mapping community. There isn't any proof of it though.

I say this is wrong, just because GUI is simple and fast way to create triggers. My golden suggestion is to create simple stuff and most of the map events in GUI for simplyness, and create loops and systems in JASS for performance. When I say using GUI, I mean using a hybrid between JASS and GUI, it's GUI which uses a lot of these:

That feels a little off-topic. I would probably remove it. It seems more like you're forcing your agenda in this part. Ultimately, it is up to you, but it is best to keep everything relevant to the topic at hand: learning JASS! :)

After all, you have a section that later explains your technique. It is a bit weird to have that in your introduction.


"Our First JASS Trigger" starts off rather quickly. When someone converts a blank trigger, they'll end up with a trigger action and an initialization function. But you changed it to a more "modern" trigger style. However, the issue with it is that you end up jumping to a whole bunch of new concepts at once: locals, returning a value, nulling, natives, etc.

Generally, JASS tutorials are heavily dependent on structure. You must give simple examples to start off so that people get the concept down. From there, they can move on to creating "efficient" or "modern" JASS-type codes. See Ghan's tutorial: it starts off by explaining every aspect of an empty converted trigger. Or look at GhostWolf's, his starts off with an isolated function and goes through the process of explaining the entirety of what functions are about.

Even though we use combined conditions and actions in our current scripts, GUI users won't necessarily understand that right away. They might question: "why are our actions placed inside condition functions?" You have to make sure you explain that properly.

vJASS syntax makes JASS more modifiable, this is why you'll need your own syntax checker for it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "more modifiable". It'd probably be better said as "it adds additional features to JASS" (which is why it needs its own syntax checker).

Drag the contents of jasshelper.7z\executable to vexorianjasshelper

jassnewgenpack 2.0 already has the latest jasshelper, so you don't have to do any of that. That used to be a required step because the JNGP on wc3c had an older jasshelper, so people had to replace it with the latest jasshelper 0.A.2.B. 2 years ago, Mag uploaded the "standard" updated version to our tools section "JassNewGenPack 5d", and that problem has generally subsided since then. JNGP 2.0 also came out, which has the latest jasshelper, so that step isn't necessary (as long as they download it from our site or moyack's version).

2.2 : Scopes and private functions

You have to be sure to both show and explain. You showed scopes and an "initializer", but you didn't mention it in the text. You have to explain what scopes are used for and what initializers are. It is good that you explained encapsulation (private/public), but I might add a little more information on it. Right now, you show what causes an error, but you need to give it some context in order for it to make sense. For example:

"Normally, JASS won't allow you to have two functions with the same name. Scopes (and libraries) allow you to encapsulate them by adding the keyword "private" or "public". This will allow you to have common names such as "Act", "Init", etc. without worrying about colliding with other functions' names. However, those keywords have additional purposes: "private" will prevent the function from being called outside the scope. "public" will allow the function to be called outside the scope, but you must add the scope name as a prefix, followed by the underscore."

Then you could provide examples or whatever. That is a rough example of a thorough explanation. There is quite a bit of information that can be covered. (you did a good job of covering the "public" keyword though, so you don't need to change much of that)

Simple, but makes coding, yet again, easier, as you no longer need to write functions again and again.

It might be better if you explain a little bit more about how libraries are useful. This is how I always thought of it: in normal JASS, if you wanted to call a function from any trigger, you would have to place that function in the map's header. That can be inconvenient, unorganized, and it can clutter the map header really quickly. vJASS's libraries move those functions to the top of the script for you, allowing you to use them anywhere!

Then you could explain a bit more on what "requiring" does. It allows you to "order" libraries, so if you want to use a function from library "A" in library "B", you simply need to add "requires A" to library B's declaration.

but then you can't define them at globals section

Change the word "define" to "assign".

2.5 : Structs

This section suffers a bit from information overload. So many concepts are thrown out so rapidly, but the user won't know how to do anything with any of it. He will know what a struct looks like, but where should he use it? What is it used for? What are instances? What does it mean to overwrite the "create" method?

Structs are a rather large topic, sufficient for an entire tutorial. There is so much to them.

GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AHtc' this is a boolean, the real function here is;

You should explain what rawcodes are. GUI users won't be familiar with it (most likely).

4.2 : Group Loop

You should go over loops in a much earlier section. Just the general syntax of looping. In GUI, you're familiar with loops (e.g. 1 to 10), but JASS behaves differently, particularly with the use of exitwhen. At this point, users might not know how to do a simple loop, so you should go over that first before showing a first of group loop.

loop exitwhen true endif

endif -> endloop

Also, in the first of group loop section, you should mention that it empties the group. If you want to preserve the units in the group, you should use ForGroup (in general). If you just need to perform an instant action over some group of units (where you don't need the units stored later), you can use the FirstOfGroup loop.

4.3 : If / Then / Else

You should show the syntax of elseif. It will be a new feature to GUI users, and since it has its own syntax, you should include it in the example.

4.4 : Unit IDs

It is good that you made a section for it. I think you should link to this section or write "see below" from the GetSpellAbilityId() == 'AHtc' line, otherwise readers might be confused.

Naturally you need to change the line where you define your group to this --> call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, function groupFilter)

You should change the last part to Condition(function groupFilter). Yours won't cause an error in vJASS (because jasshelper will automatically wrap it in Condition() for you. it is a weird feature), but it will cause an error in regular JASS.


Ultimately, I agree with edo and death's reviews. You try to cover everything, but by being too ambitious with the topic, you end up having only a little information in each section. It is nice as a "light" tutorial, or an overview, but IMO this wouldn't help new JASSers much. It would serve as a reference for beginner JASSers so they can look back and see how to do things.

If I were you, I'd try to just stick with basic JASS or basic vJASS. Doing both is a ton of information.

Sorry if this review was a little harsh at times. As such, I want to let you know that this tutorial still has a lot of redeeming qualities. The layout of the tutorial is great and pretty. The code examples are pretty good. Sometimes I like that it is brief. It serves as a good reference to check back on how to use particular features. In fact, I used a similar tutorial when I was learning vJASS. The manual is rather dense and technical, so I just needed a quick overview so I could get the gist of things (it was this tutorial to be exact).

Still, this tutorial needs to decide what it wants to be. Does it want to be a reference? Does it want to be an in-depth tutorial? Does it want to cover JASS or vJASS (or both?)? Is it for moving on to JASS, or is it for mixing JASS with GUI? It is important for tutorials (and any writing in general) to have a clear focus. Being too broad and far-reaching is usually detrimental.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

That wasn't too harsh at all ^^ if someone is to learn from this, it needs to be as good as possible :)

Atm I'm doing multiple projects (including the timelined zephyr contest entry) and have work in real life too so update might take a bit long, but please don't but this to graveyard in that time, I've put a lot of time to this.

And thanks for a big review :)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
+1 for amazing layout and structure

however "for beginners" doesn't really suit in my opinion since the tutorial is a f*cking bible I don't know about you but structs are not simple, nor easy to learn so I don't why it is a section in the first place. Same with text macros.

edit: libs shouldn't be there either since they don't give any benefit for starters. I feel kinda the same way about scopes.

edit2: I think a tutorial for starters should include:
1. creating variables
2. calling functions
3. JNGP function list
4. if blocks
5. loops

you're done, with that knowledge you can start to make progress in a map, go and create a SPRPG so you wont have an issue with MUI.

edit3: wow, I sound so negative take it with a grain of salt xd
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I replaced the GUI/JASS chapter with JASS efficiency tips chapter. Thanks to Malhorne for helping with it.

I've not yet fixed the previous chapter which pnf highlighted, it's hard to fix thing instead of just creating.
  • About the Just Another Scripting Syntax thing, it is just a rumor. Whoever wrote that Wiki page didn't cite it. It was a joke that spread over the years, but there is no source. I'd rather not perpetuate that rumor. :p
    So just change:
    JASS stands for Just Another Script Syntax. It's a scripting language for Warcraft III.
    JASS is a scripting language for Warcraft III.
    Or you can say something like "It is rumored to stand for Just Another Scripting Syntax".
  • Now what these do is they release data from variables
    *Release data from objects. Or rather, it "removes memory related to an object". It doesn't actually deal with the variable, since variables are just pointers to objects in memory.
  • Nice diagram. :D
  • As a side note, jassers most often use conditions as their actions, just as we did, just to get that extra bit of speed.
    You might want to rephrase that a little. Maybe:
    "As a side note, JASSers often put all their "Actions" into the condition function, instead of creating one function for a condition and one function for actions. It saves handles and is faster."
  • this will outprint message lol.
    Add: "this will outprint message lol after 0 seconds of game-time has elapsed." It is a nice summary of the trigger as a whole.
  • In the "Scopes" section, add a sentence to explain the keyword initializer.
  • instance is an instance of a struct
    A zebra is a zebra. Maybe change it to something along the lines of: instance is an individual struct "object", created through .create() or .allocate().
  • thistype = struct type name, in case you're wondering.
    A lot of people get confused about "thistype" when they're learning vJASS. Perhaps add a sentence saying that you can also write "myStruct". ("thistype" was originally intended for modules, but it is useful since it allows you to easily change the struct's name in one location).
  • Perhaps in "Basics of JASS", you should add a section that teaches you how to look up a function using TESH's function list. Most people have to use it at some point to become familiar with the natives, and it really helps you find what you're looking for (or if you are converting GUI to JASS, it helps you find the native equivalents).
  • In "Loops":
    loop exitwhen true endif endloop
    Remove the "endif". Also, your function GetStrength has a typo -> endfunciton should be endfunction
  • In "Loops", you should add a sentence to explain "exitwhen". It is a new concept for GUI users.
  • 5.2 : Avoid many native calls
    This is a little bit of a weird tip. I think you should separate it into "Use arrays when you can" and "Avoid useless "wrapper" BJ's".
  • Pre-calculating for loops - that is true, but the example you gave is a little too vague.
  • 5.7 : Use PUI
    PUI isn't for everyone. I think you should probably remove that section, or just change it to "Use Unit Indexers". But that is just fluff. I don't think you need to have that there.
  • Vexorian's table doesn't use gamecache. That is the pre-1.23 version. The post 1.23 version uses hashtables. Bribe extended Vexorian's "Table" to integrate a struct interface for all the hashtable natives.
  • I wouldn't recommend 5.9. It is just bad for beginners. Trying to make your own custom allocation is mostly useless (er.. struct extends array is very useful, but not in the way it is commonly used), and new JASSers won't understand it. It is okay to recommend Alloc, but IMO, it is better to just stick with regular allocation. If they find it to be insufficient, or if they are curious as to why so many resources have "struct extends array", then they can go and learn about custom allocation/deallocation.

Well, that is it for now. It is definitely getting better. ;) I suppose this could be nice as a general overview of things.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Those are good points, I'll update it when I've got time.

Avoid native calls is a good suggestion, but I should change it to "avoid native calls in looping functions". Ye it might sound weird tip but the thing is native calls have their impact.

Well, that is it for now. It is definitely getting better. ;) I suppose this could be nice as a general overview of things.
I'll never get this approved at this rate >_< I've got high school starting next week so the next update comes this week or after a long time ..

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

if you never call native function, you never get to do anything.
"Native functions are super useful and without them you basically couldn't do anything visual or physical in-game."

Also impact of natives is very small, you can even call wrapper with no visible inpact
Ye it is. I just though that if someone is to learn from this tut, he'd better now all these little things told in ch 5.

But the last thing is so geeky I added optional tag to it. But I added it cuz by default structs do security checks on whether they've exceeded the array limit. Jass starter might not know this but now he does.
Haven't read all posts now, but I would wanna know if you're still caring for it?

It's not really "simple" jass tutorial. And also covers vjass. I think the goal should be made clear of what it is about, so you and user can more easy know what to expect.
Macros and other vjass tequniques are not really "basic" jass. There are some other things are could be changed or improved, but we first would need to know what you're currently thinking about it.

I would probably suggest to focus only on some points, which you think are very important.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

This being from 2014, I would rather write it from scratch. But I don't have time. Maybe after I turn in my mini mapping submission.