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Siege of Dun Segul (Or maybe a other name)
Current Stage:
Beta right? Not yet published.
It's quite simple. It's a 6v6 medium map with a authentic wall and such. Team One, the Good guys, have to siege the castle from Team Two, the Bad guys, and kill their king, wife, son and general. It's half train and half spawn but mostly spawn - what you see in LoTR maps - Every minute 12 units: 6 melee - 4 ranged - 2 horses. Or just go the normal Melee-map way training them. Maybe there will be siege units in it, like battering rams and catapults but the ladder would be deffelitny in it.
You can choose various setups, like no rams or no catapults and such like that. The game is simple: Team Two: Hold for 30min - 1hour. Team One: Kill their king, son, wife and general. Will using skins and models and such. The ladder system comes from the Helmsdeep map where the Uruks use them and such. And if the wall falls then you can retreat to the city or the castle (which is a inside). In the city you can hide in allys and ambush the attackers. But this stragedy can be used also against. The Map is splitted in sections; 3 in the city, 1 at the barracks, 1 at the wall (splitted in half and no horses), 3 at the castle and 6 all the way south and one hidden). Just think it's like Risk or something. And siege like battering rams or catapults can't pass the gate (since they're too big) but ladders can be used for the castle.
Additional Info: Well I hope this would be THE map I would work on, but since I've got school and such I think the productivity would be slowed with 50%. So it will take awhile
Btw I still got a unfinished American Civil War map here, who wants it?
Units+Heroes: IIIIIIIIII
Edit: Changed the whole report. Changed the attachies. Didn't knew it were BMPs. Apologize.
Siege of Dun Segul (Or maybe a other name)


Current Stage:
Beta right? Not yet published.

It's quite simple. It's a 6v6 medium map with a authentic wall and such. Team One, the Good guys, have to siege the castle from Team Two, the Bad guys, and kill their king, wife, son and general. It's half train and half spawn but mostly spawn - what you see in LoTR maps - Every minute 12 units: 6 melee - 4 ranged - 2 horses. Or just go the normal Melee-map way training them. Maybe there will be siege units in it, like battering rams and catapults but the ladder would be deffelitny in it.

You can choose various setups, like no rams or no catapults and such like that. The game is simple: Team Two: Hold for 30min - 1hour. Team One: Kill their king, son, wife and general. Will using skins and models and such. The ladder system comes from the Helmsdeep map where the Uruks use them and such. And if the wall falls then you can retreat to the city or the castle (which is a inside). In the city you can hide in allys and ambush the attackers. But this stragedy can be used also against. The Map is splitted in sections; 3 in the city, 1 at the barracks, 1 at the wall (splitted in half and no horses), 3 at the castle and 6 all the way south and one hidden). Just think it's like Risk or something. And siege like battering rams or catapults can't pass the gate (since they're too big) but ladders can be used for the castle.

Additional Info: Well I hope this would be THE map I would work on, but since I've got school and such I think the productivity would be slowed with 50%. So it will take awhile
Units+Heroes: IIIIIIIIII
Edit: Changed the whole report. Changed the attachies. Didn't knew it were BMPs. Apologize.
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