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SIEGE! 2.38d

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Reactions: Usuper_Zant
"The perfect blend of AoS and RPG elements delivered straight to your monitor."

Brought to you by Michael T.E. Gale (bugbear on U.S. East)


[email protected]

The perfect blend of AoS and RPG has been created by combining fan favorite elements from popular PvP scenarios such as AoS, Alterac Valley, and Arathi Basin.

The player's primary goal of SIEGE! is to capture spawn points (13 total) across the vast region of the two feuding kingdoms. These spawn points are captured and recaptured by killing the Boss at them. For example, in the southwestern swamp there is murloc and furbolg spawn points. If you defeat the Murloc King, you can hearth to his location (hearthing mentioned later), purchase from his shop, upgrade him with items found at his nearby shop, the Murloc Fish Boutique, grab a quest item for your golem summoning quest chain (explained later), and he will periodically spawn 2 murlocs into the nearby lane to bolster your kingdom's ranks. The spawn points also offer a periodic income to the heroes of it's owning kingdom.

There are 2 quest chains for each kingdom with similar quest objectives for each: the blacksmith and the goblin engineers. The 2 quest lines are shared by every hero of the kingdom, so teamwork is essential in making sure they are completed in a timely fashion. All quests in both chains are conveniently located, and require little out of the way travel to complete them. In fact, most just require you purchase a quest item from a specific spawn location, which are locations you will be assaulting without the quest. The blacksmith quest chain has 10 steps in it, each completion upgrading your kingdom's AI troops health, defense, and attack power. The goblin engineer quest line has 5 steps, and at the end summons 2 large siege golems to assault your opponents. There is also purchasable light siege golems available from the goblin engineer, with a few minute cooldown between purchases, after the larger golems have been summoned.

Hearth stones are distributed to each new hero, are upgradable, and are a vital tool to treading land quickly. The casting time on these stones is 10 seconds, and if you are attacked it will cancel the hearthing process. Fortunately, there is a small cooldown of only 30 seconds on the item, allowing easy access across the kingdoms from spawn point to spawn point.

Each hero is given a weapon which they can increase the power of (Tiers) by purchasing upgrades in numerical order. Advanced players can use the gems dropped throughout the map by the neutral hostile minor races to decrease the cost of their weapon tiering through Transmutations. There is also a plethora of additional items that upgrade similar to the weapon tiering (without the use of gems), with a much more simple "item tree" type of upgrade method rather than the item combining popular in modern AoS maps. An example of the "item tree" method: If I purchase a pair of Slippers of Agility, I can spend gold and medallions (medallions are gained from doing quests, killing, and selling high level gems) to upgrade these slipper into Murloc Jogging Shoes. I can then upgrade them using the same method into Swift Zebra Kicks, which not only have increased stats, but allow me to wind walk for a short period of time at a large increase in running speed.

There are 4 optional bosses scattered about the world of SIEGE!, each holding a rune of power. These runes are powerful tools used in transmuting Tier 6 weapons, have useful on use abilities, and are dropped when you are slain. The runes can only be used for 1 Tier 6 transmutation, as they are 'tapped' after before used for one.

You can find our forums at:


or visit us in our clan channel on U.S. East at:


This map has been finalized.

siege, SIEGE!, aos, dota, defense, of, the, ancients, rpg, role, playing, game, defense, hero, ancients, of, the, a, new, aeon, strife, aoen, aeon of

SIEGE! 2.38d (Map)

20:07, 27th Feb 2009 by bounty hunter2: This map has five mini moderator votes for approval, thus Approved. I will try to play it and write a review this days.




20:07, 27th Feb 2009 by bounty hunter2:
This map has five mini moderator votes for approval, thus Approved. I will try to play it and write a review this days.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
++new item
++new gameplay system

--new system is pretty confusing
--over 50% of the heroes are only edited wc3 standard ones...
--shops are a bit unclear
--u cant get any exp at lvl 5and above from creeping which makes it even more melee map like..

(btw i found a small bug...ur map description says"spawn points (13 total)"
but your loading screen says only 12)

"the new-age aos you've been waiting for"
no...not with that much slightly edited standard heroes =/

look at maps like "Warlords and Regiments" or "Custom Hero AOS"
...THESE are the aos maps of tomorrow!!!
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Level 3
Jan 4, 2009
Rebuilding the AoS genre and making an "AoS of tomorrow" has nothing to do with new hero abilities. Every game, including the 2 you mentioned, suffer from the same game play of any basic AoS. Hero selection is important, but not as important as a solid foundation of functional, unique game play basing itself apart from the generic guerrilla warfare that every AoS game is bringing to the table.

The game play of SIEGE! is not complicated, but it is not generic. I'm guessing from your mentioning of generic AoS's being the wave of the future you came into the map thinking it would have this same generic concept and it threw you off. This is a common problem, but I'm not here to rehash DotA, I'm here to bring something a little more deep while still maintaining simplicity.

The stock heroes currently being used are temporary place holders for the new heroes we will be adding in soon. The game is only 1 month old, which is the reasoning for the lack of a large variety of custom heroes.

The bug you have found, in the case of the loading screen typo, is present because it will be redone after I have added more heroes and polished the gameplay.

When the new -help system is in the game it should clear up that small learning curve at the beginning transitioning into SIEGE! from the generic AoS styled maps.

Thank you for mentioning the experience problem, it will be fixed in the patch today.
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Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
Rebuilding the AoS genre and making an "AoS of tomorrow" has nothing to do with new hero abilities. Every game, including the 2 you mentioned, suffer from the same game play of any basic AoS. Hero selection is important, but not as important as a solid foundation of functional, unique game play basing itself apart from the generic guerrilla warfare that every AoS game is bringing to the table.

ye but some more "own" heroes would make a better appearance IMO

The game play of SIEGE! is not complicated, but it is not generic. I'm guessing from your mentioning of generic AoS's being the wave of the future you came into the map thinking it would have this same generic concept and it threw you off. This is a common problem, but I'm not here to rehash DotA, I'm here to bring something a little more deep while still maintaining simplicity.

ye some ppl had problems with the system (yeye the tiny battlenet IQ...)
oh and btw...dota sucks so its good u dont want to do that =P

The stock heroes currently being used are temporary place holders for the new heroes we will be adding in soon. The game is only 1 month old, which is the reasoning for the lack of a large variety of custom heroes.
aaaah okay
thats pretty good

The bug you have found, in the case of the loading screen "typo", is present because it will be redone after I have added more heroes and polished the gameplay.
i just wondered why

When the new -help system is in the game it should clear up that small learning curve at the beginning transitioning into SIEGE! from the generic AoS styled maps.
this would be great for the most of those stupid bnet ppl...

Thank you for mentioning the experience problem, it will be fixed in the patch today.

btw i found some other bugs(im not sure if they are supposed to be like that)
some of the minibases(thief and centaur for example) dont give u any additional units
and also their towers dont attack u when their are neutral which makes them very easy to kill
Level 3
Jan 4, 2009
Did you check the vendors with giant gold coins floating above their head all in the same place int own? Did you also try it in multiplayer? I can tell you loaded it up in single player because you mentioned the "4 pallies" which are community paladins given as a handicap for missing slots.

You might want to try playing it in multiplayer with 8-10 players.
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Level 1
Nov 12, 2008
Was fun to play; I liked it overall but quite a bit of balancing needs to be redone. Most specifically the Krunt hero.

Innovate IMO, I've never played an AoS like it. 4/5
Level 2
Sep 16, 2008
Gah, you still need to add general Aspin...
I have to agree with what some people have said, we need to find some custom skins for this map.
Spawns work perfectly still,
Shops are good now,
Terrain is good, still need to make the town/bases look more
Over all, this map is still work in progress, but its looking 110% - - - -
SIEGE > dota

Level 12
Oct 18, 2008
To me this was an enjoyable map. I agree with what some other people have said and I believe with a few more improvements it could become an excellent map.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
the map has been improved alot so i do another review.:

++good terrain
++good item system
++finally enough custom heroes
++good ballanced imo
-- well uhm...the only con is the name...its hard to get enough players with a map named like that (dunno why but it seems the ppl at the northrend server dont like it)

well it has become a very nice map
but it could need some more (different) items
Level 2
Sep 16, 2008
fix that elf and bear hero, massive OP
more terrain fix for the cities - more buildings, roads, dodads
once the enemy breaks through towers its pretty much gg... maybe some more towers near king, or another group of guards?
the walls in front of the main towers for both cities can get killed by siege. Maybe they need to be changed so it's still a choke hold.

4.7963453465362345634659999 / 5
Level 1
Jan 31, 2009
An idea for the towns: Back in the day, castles and fortresses were built ontop of hills because height gave a number of advantages, such as longer range and better visibility. On that note, consider raising the terrain of both towns in order to add to the reality and thought behind the town structuring. =)

Considering you started without the slightest idea what you were doing, the map is coming along very well.

Level 9
Feb 3, 2008
Hmm, i see what you mean about it being unique, but being TOO unique isn't always a good thing, after all `the nail that sticks out is the one that gets hammered back in.` Whilst I salute your uniqueness, this map is FAR to chaotic for most people online I fear, and I dont really see it having a future at this point

Good things
-Unique gameplay
-Original ideas
-Quests and units

A few bad things
-Too chaotic
-Virtually no interesting powers whatsoever
-TOO many creeps

Overall I rate this map 6.5/10
Level 2
Sep 16, 2008
Ouch? 6.5?????

Mike? why have the creeps and units become so weak? they used to have higher hp and damage, along with the heroes, now its like everything has just gotten....well....weaker?
Still waiting on custom skins, maybe those owls shouldn't exist, (the quest ones) and i liked what that other guy said about the terrain and the higher elevated city.
*What happened to the cannon and the magic towers?
Level 3
Oct 15, 2007
As for hard to host, maybe add "this is an awesome AOS" to game titles?

This is the kind of map I would like to make, if I stopped being so damn lazy. Namely the creep setup is what I like, and is much similar to the idea I would have used from Samarai Warriors (as in, stealing gate spawners, rather than destroying them). Each creep base has a purpose of sorts, and without a capture strategy or teamwork to keep them alive can lead to disaster.

Some criticism.

"Teiring" is kind of distracting, but the same time more useful than the other items in it gives mana regen and etc. With all that is going on, I sometimes have to go "Wait, I need to get some gems... OH FRAK I'M UNDER ATTACK" You have seen me in the game giving alot of warnings, but never slowing down to get the gems I need. I kind of like the system at the same time, just not when the opposition is teiring up faster than me.

It is very choatic game like one poster stated, this is a game that NEVER slows down, not even when your dead! However this is an element I like, it is certainly a change from a game like Naruto Vs Bleach, in which after level 10 becomes a gank fest. This game is about PUSHING, and doing the back door thing that is evil in other games, but not so here. There is still skill to the game, just not a hardcore type of hero control that is demanded in Hero Item games (which is kindly reference to Dota games).

The hero setup is something that bumps me in the head, off the bat I thought I should have trigger heroes, and here is another game which has slightly tweaked powers that look good and work good, There are still a few generic heroes however (like the Tauren), as well as issues like Blademaster invulnerable skill that seems a bit unfair.

I'm still on judgement of the creep leader items are worth giving them. They seem to die pretty fast when against 2 heroes at an advanced level.

Heroes specifically

Water Elemental spell for the mage is kind of lame, it's hp or attack needs to be higher in opinion, as heroes will out class it easy by the time she raises it to max level, and for some reason frost shield is only castable on herself, as far as I know.

The ranger.... I think was the anti invisible hero, only has ONE hero to counter, and he doesn't even stealth that much. She needs only one skill to see/deal damage to him, I believe she had 2 for that, which seemed to fill her up too much on skills, especially if the one invisible guy isn't in the round.

All I can think up for the moment, hope you all enjoy reading my rant as much as I had fun typing it!



Map is fun and refreshing thus far, while it has issues, it seems they would be resolved eventually.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
As for hard to host, maybe add "this is an awesome AOS" to game titles?
well i usually write ">> Kingdom Siege <<" and its not a big problem to host with this gamename

I'm still on judgement of the creep leader items are worth giving them. They seem to die pretty fast when against 2 heroes at an advanced level.
depends on the heroes u have

Water Elemental spell for the mage is kind of lame, it's hp or attack needs to be higher in opinion, as heroes will out class it easy by the time she raises it to max level, and for some reason frost shield is only castable on herself, as far as I know.
they were harder but just waaaay too hard
the summons are there to support and defend the hero,not to make all his work =P

The ranger.... I think was the anti invisible hero, only has ONE hero to counter, and he doesn't even stealth that much. She needs only one skill to see/deal damage to him, I believe she had 2 for that, which seemed to fill her up too much on skills, especially if the one invisible guy isn't in the round.

it was the Stalker and yes,she is kinda useless with nearly no real enemies to fully use her skills at them...
she could take a remade IMO
maybe...a bit like the stalker class from "Ragnarok Online"? =3
Level 3
Jan 4, 2009
The Wizard's frost armor cast son herself, and then buffs all nearby water elementals.

The Stalker does have some skills that seem to be more effective toward the rogue, but also remember that every hero can get the Swifty Zebra Kicks, a pair of boots that allow wind walking. Her Keen Eye's active ability also can reveal 1/4 of the map for a prolonged period of time, which is very useful for tactical decision.
Level 3
Oct 15, 2007

From what I can tell, "Siege" typically means "Hero Siege" meaning the random group of heroes fight off near unlimited creep force from all directions. This was the standard since it was the first game type that came from War3, including Tower Defenses.

Therefore, put AOS or DOTA in the title, and players would know exactly what they are getting. Though now AoS generally means hero + creep pushing game, while DotA is more Hero focused, killing and pimping out the hero more over than lane pushing.

This is why some players join then leave the game, assuming it was a type of Hero Siege game, when they join they find out that isn't the case. This is only a theory though.
Level 3
Oct 15, 2007
Also my biggest gripe with summons is that typically they replace what could be a nuke/aoe/or passive skill. Meaning like frost mage has a great 100 damage spell, but her creeps are only doing 20 per hit. It's even more noticeable with Snake Totems, since unless they are stacked, are not going to be doing too much damage wise.

Summon bears was a great idea for Druid, though rejuv I think is superior to the area effect heal, but that's just my play style. Also the rampage spell (with the faries) needs to be nerfed. Yes it's easily stoppable, but not when a tanker is trying to kill him, this spell makes the storm mage look like a wuss.
Level 3
Oct 15, 2007
I agree, it's hard to make a good stampede skill. Or at least from what I have observed. Shino of 3rd shinobi has a combo with the skill, but it's still hard to duel with him.

However the druid's is certainly the most AMUSING use of it.

Actually I haven't seen the spell used often.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008

From what I can tell, "Siege" typically means "Hero Siege" meaning the random group of heroes fight off near unlimited creep force from all directions. This was the standard since it was the first game type that came from War3, including Tower Defenses.

Therefore, put AOS or DOTA in the title, and players would know exactly what they are getting. Though now AoS generally means hero + creep pushing game, while DotA is more Hero focused, killing and pimping out the hero more over than lane pushing.

This is why some players join then leave the game, assuming it was a type of Hero Siege game, when they join they find out that isn't the case. This is only a theory though.

yes i just thought u have no idea how to name the game...
ive hosted it alot of times and really no1 said "omfg its not hero siege,just an aos! fu *leave*" or something like that...all i heared was "nice map" etc.

btw...i really hope you know that dota IS an aos which means both are hero based...-.-
Level 3
Jan 4, 2009
DOTA is more of an arena type game with direct head to head action. SIEGE! is more of an objective type game with teamwork based around those objectives.

Using an analogy to World of Warcraft, DOTA would be the 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 arenas, and SIEGE! would be all the other battlegrounds.

P.S. Thanks for hosting it Fenrir. You should hop over on East sometime and play with us =).
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Level 3
Oct 15, 2007
I was just saying that it was something I had noticed when Bug was hosting it just with SIEGE was people saying they thought it was a hero siege.