- Joined
- Sep 5, 2004
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- 334

Hello Everyone,
I want to introduce you my project called Sea of Chaos. It's a SPRPG map in Forgotten Realms world.
- New Inventory system
- New Spells, Sounds, Music, Models,
- Huge Map
- Lots of NPC, Monsters, Bosses
- Nice enviroment (Forest, Prison, Dungeons, Castle, Arenas, Underground, etc.) and secret places
- more than 20 subquests
- Good Story
- Special Events (Riddles, Battles in tavern, Drinking Battle, Secret places etc.)
- Main character comments
- And more
After many years a half-elf Melsana Vel'Dyr comes to her native village of Westbridge to visit her adoptive father Sorgan and tell him about her strange visions.
But ruler of Westbridge Ghaliver Longstocking has been poisoned and her father is in prison. Melsana believe that her father is innocent and she wants to find the true and a traitor, but strange things happened in village, some people are missed and someone attacked the caravans. Villagers saw some groups of orcs and bandits.
Half-elf soon discover that the net of these events will not be easy to untangle and see what is actually happening will require all her skills and experience.
Melsana Vel'Dyr - Main character

Melsana is charismatic young half-elf, whose parents were killed in combat against drows. Her father was a human, wise wizard who loves elves. Her mother was an elven cleric. After their death, Sorgan, their best friend was fleeing with Melsana to his native village, Westbridge.
In adulthood Melsana is feeling the emptiness and is eager to see the world and she is looking for an adventure. While wandering around Faerun, she found the Knights of Mystical Fire and she is welcomed among themselves.
In Order she generally was allowed to hunt demons and undead. Thanks to these experiences, she has become a great fighter with the abilities of cleric.
Melsana found a lot of faith in the Mystra,godess of magic, which gave her favor and Melsana's inner strength was increased.
Class: Knight of Mystic Fire (something like paladin)
Race: Half-elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Mystra
Primary Attribute: Strenght
Favorite Weapon: Bastard Sword
Favorite Enemy: Ghoul

Map Status: 75%
Special thanks to rednek, Emental, Hecky and Ariagil for helping me.
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