if u do that its actually ur disadvantage since the spell is only triggered when attacked by enemy unit. but yeah a DDS will surely fix it.
Accidents happen and sometimes the unit might attack twice just for targeting purposes or stuns.
Like I said about that example, here it is.
Set SA_UG_UnitGroup = (Units within SA_R_AoE[SA_I_Level] of SA_P_AtkPos)
-------- heals the picked units --------
Unit Group - Pick every unit in SA_UG_UnitGroup and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set SA_U_Picked = (Picked unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(SA_U_Picked is dead) Equal to False
(SA_U_Picked belongs to an ally of SA_PL_Player) Equal to True
(SA_U_Picked is A structure) Equal to False
(SA_U_Picked is Magic Immune) Equal to False
(SA_U_Picked has buff SA_BF_Buff) Equal to True
(Level of SA_A_PassiveAbility for SA_U_Picked) Less than 1
Then - Actions
-------- - --------
-------- sets the picked unit into a variable --------
-------- its ok to recycle this variable isn't it? --------
-------- - --------
-------- - --------
-------- Heals the picked unit --------
-------- - --------
Unit - Set life of SA_U_Picked to ((Life of SA_U_Picked) + SA_R_HealAmt)
-------- - --------
-------- Add some visuals --------
-------- - --------
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the SA_S_Attach of SA_U_Picked using SA_S_SFX
-------- - --------
-------- destroy visuals to prevent leaks --------
-------- - --------
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Else - Actions
Set SA_U_Picked = No unit
I have also uploaded the fixed version of your aura if you'd or anyone else would like it.