Sages of Dustwallow 1.8

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Sages of Dustwallow is a spawn based strategy map centered in the region of dustwallow marsh.

It is created by XX_Noob.

This map is protected.
Team One - The Alliance
Theramore City

Theramore City controls obviously Theramore city, their main enemies is Defias and Nagas, they are the strongest player ingame, excluding Black Dragonflight, they can take 2 players down if they are strategisk, but so can they be taken down by 2 players if they are strategisk.

Theramore Docks.
Theramore Mage Tower.
Theramore Barracks.
Theramore Arcane Sanctum.
Theramore Blacksmith.
Theramore Lighthouse.
Sentry Point.
Swamplight Manor.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Ruler of Theramore.
Garran Vimes, Captain of Theramore.
Archmage Tervosh, Jaina's Assisant.
Aegwynn, Chamberlain of Jaina.

-Gainable Heroes-
Lorena, Colonel of Theramore.

Quagmire Population

The Quagmire Population is far away from Theramore City and Theramore Brigade, they lie spread out in the Quagmire, they have one spawn at the start, Tabetha's Farm, they get Nat's Landing 10 minutes into the game, first becomes active 10 minutes later if it survives, their main enemy is the Deserters, they will try to destroy Shady Rest Inn, if Quagmire Population does not defend it, it will fall into the deserters hands.

Tabetha's Farm.
Inspector Camp.

-Gainable Bases-
Nat's Landing.
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Tavern.
Shady Rest Farm.

Tabetha, Mage of the Swamps.
Inspector Tarem, Agent of Theramore.

-Gainable Heroes-
Nat Pagle, Master Fisher.

Theramore Brigade

Theramore Brigade is focused on defending much in the start, if they make any offensive moves, it can resolve in their own destruction, they are weak at the start, but have good defensive positions and can easily trap enemies in the swamps. Their main enemy is the Grimtotem Taurens, they can however be disturbed by the defias and/or nagas, but then Theramore City should come to the rescue. Theramore Brigade has control of the SI:7 and the most outer watch tower in dustwallow occupied by theramore.

North Point.
SI:7 Expedition Point.
SI:7 Outpost.

Private Hendel, Commander of North Point.
Calia Hastings, SI:7 Agent.
Andello Porter, SI:7 Agent.

-Gainable Heroes-
Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind.

Team Two - The Horde

The Goblins of Mudsprocket is based in the most southern parts of the Quagmire, They should do a lot of hit n' run attacks on the black dragonflight, however, their passage is limited, only after 10 minute can they get direct passage to Onyxia's Lair, untill then they need to go through the Den of Flames and Stonemaul Ruins, which wont be done easily, they are heavily in need of Brackenwall, or else they will be destroyed. Their main enemy is the black dragonflight.

-Starting Bases-
Mudsprocket Headquarter.
Mudsprocket Smith.
Mudsprocket Engineering Shop.

-Gainable Bases-
Beezil's Wreck.
Emberstrife Research Facility.

-Starting Heroes-
Brogg, Stonemaul Survivor.
Drazzit Dripvalve, Leader of Mudsprocket.
Axle, Archivist of Mudsprocket.

-Gainable Heroes-
Moxie Steelgrille, Crash Survivor.

Brackenwall Village

Brackenwall Village is the remaining ogres from the stonemaul clan, assisted by the orcs and trolls, they have built a new base, they control Ogres, Trolls and Orcs, They need to use the Brackenwall Zeppelin to get to Mudsprocket Zeppelin to help them withstand and destroy the black dragonflight, whom are their main enemy, attacking the black dragonflight without Mudsprocket is very unwise.

-Starting Bases-
Brackenwall Barracks.
Brackenwall Ogre Mound.
Brackenwall War Mill.
Brackenwall Hall.

-Gainable Bases-
Stonemaul Ogre Mound.
Stonemaul Fortress.

-Starting Heroes-
Overlord Mok'Morokk, Chieftain of the Stonemaul.
Balai Lok'Wein, Master of Healing.
Nazeer Bloodpike, Master Spy.

Team Three - Enemies of Theramore

The Deserters of Theramore control Lost Point and can gain Shady Rest Village if they can capture it within 10 minutes of the game start. Also if Private Hendel dies, he will be captured by the theramore brigade and after 5 minutes he will flee, creating the village of Lordamore and joining the deserters. Their main enemy is the Quagmire Population.

-Starting Bases-
Lost Point Tower.
Lost Point Tent.

-Gainable Bases-
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Town Hall.
Shady Rest Farm.
Lordamore Barracks.
Lordamore Inn.
Lordamore Lumbermill.

-Starting Heroes-
Balos Jacken, Leader of Lost Point.
Gavis Grayshield, Leader of Theramore Deserters.

-Gainable Heroes-
Private Hendel, Grand Betrayer.


The Defias sailed to Kalimdor and captured Varian Wrynn, yet he escaped and he is being held captive somewhere unknown, the defias are focused on destroying and sabotating Theramore, they have bases and outposts along the coast, their main enemy is Theramore City, however, recently Edwin VanCleff and his loyal tauren, Smite has arrived, it turns out that he is not dead afterall.

-Starting Bases-
Defias Outpost.
Defias Shipyards.
Defias Encampment.

-Gainable Bases-
North Point.

-Starting Heroes-
Edwin VanCleff, Mastermind of the Defias.
Garn Mathers, Mastermind of Dustwallow Defias.
Smite, Leiutenant of VanCleff.


The Nagas are focused on attacking theramore, mostly by sea as they have their biggest advantage there, but battleships can seriously destroy the nagas. They control the nagas on Alcaz Island, far away from everyone, they also have 2 islands of Murlocs. Their main enemy is Theramore City.

-Starting Bases-
Alcaz Island.
Murloc Outpost.
Murloc Encampment.

-Gainable Bases-
Makrura Shipwreck.

-Starting Heroes-
Razorspine, Leader of the Murlocs.
Tidelord Rrurgaz, Leader of the Nagas.

-Gainable Heroes-
Lord Angler, Leader of the Makrura

[size=large]Team Four - Unalligned Forces[/size]

The Grimtotem taurens control two bases, Blackhoof Village and Direhorn Village, they can get allied to black dragonflight or the horde, depending on which base gets destroyed first. Their main enemy is Theramore Brigade, they should strike fast and hard, and try and take down the lonely SI:7 Outpost.

-Starting Bases-
Blackhoof War Mill.
Blackhoof Main Building.
Blackhoof Totem.
Blackhoof Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Main Building.
Direhorn Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Totem.

-Starting Heroes-
Magatha Grimtotem, Leader of the Grimtotem.
Arnak Grimtotem, Chieftain of Blackhoof Village.

Black Dragonflight
The Black Dragonflight is centered in the most southern part of the Quagmire, they are the strongest team ingame, they start with 1 heroes and Onyxia comes after 10 minutes, she is the strongest hero ingame currently, and Emberstrife, 15 minutes ingame. Their main enemies is Goblins and Brackenwall, although they are sealed off from the rest of the world for the first 10 miutes, so they should try to weaken the goblins, or possible kill them.

-Starting Bases-
Den of Flames.
Stonemaul Ruins.
Dragonflight Outpost.

-Gainable Bases-
Onyxia's Lair.

-Starting Heroes-
Smolderwing, Voice of Onyxia.
Etherstrife The Drakonid, General of the Flight.

-Gainable Heroes-
Onyxia, Queen of the Black Dragonflight.E]
Team One - The Alliance
Theramore City

Theramore City controls obviously Theramore city, their main enemies is Defias and Nagas, they are the strongest player ingame, excluding Black Dragonflight, they can take 2 players down if they are strategisk, but so can they be taken down by 2 players if they are strategisk.

Theramore Docks.
Theramore Mage Tower.
Theramore Barracks.
Theramore Arcane Sanctum.
Theramore Blacksmith.
Theramore Lighthouse.
Sentry Point.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Ruler of Theramore.
Garran Vimes, Captain of Theramore.
Archmage Tervosh, Jaina's Assisant.
Aegwynn, Chamberlain of Jaina.

-Gainable Heroes-
Lorena, Colonel of Theramore.

Quagmire Population

The Quagmire Population is far away from Theramore City and Theramore Brigade, they lie spread out in the Quagmire, they have one spawn at the start, Tabetha's Farm, they get Nat's Landing 10 minutes into the game, first becomes active 10 minutes later if it survives, their main enemy is the Deserters, they will try to destroy Shady Rest Inn, if Quagmire Population does not defend it, it will fall into the deserters hands.

Tabetha's Farm.
Inspector Camp.

-Gainable Bases-
Nat's Landing.
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Tavern.
Shady Rest Farm.

Tabetha, Mage of the Swamps.
Inspector Tarem, Agent of Theramore.

-Gainable Heroes-
Nat Pagle, Master Fisher. (Not Yet Implented)

Theramore Brigade

Theramore Brigade is focused on defending much in the start, if they make any offensive moves, it can resolve in their own destruction, they are weak at the start, but have good defensive positions and can easily trap enemies in the swamps. Their main enemy is the Grimtotem Taurens, they can however be disturbed by the defias and/or nagas, but then Theramore City should come to the rescue. Theramore Brigade has control of the SI:7 and the most outer watch tower in dustwallow occupied by theramore.

North Point.
SI:7 Expedition Point.
SI:7 Outpost.

Private Hendel, Commander of North Point.
Calia Hastings, SI:7 Agent.
Andello Porter, SI:7 Agent.

-Gainable Heroes-
Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind. (Not Yet Implented)

Team Two - The Horde

The Goblins of Mudsprocket is based in the most southern parts of the Quagmire, They should do a lot of hit n' run attacks on the black dragonflight, however, their passage is limited, only after 10 minute can they get direct passage to Onyxia's Lair, untill then they need to go through the Den of Flames and Stonemaul Ruins, which wont be done easily, they are heavily in need of Brackenwall, or else they will be destroyed. Their main enemy is the black dragonflight.

-Starting Bases-
Mudsprocket Headquarter.
Mudsprocket Smith.
Mudsprocket Engineering Shop.

-Gainable Bases-
Beezil's Wreck.
Emberstrife Research Facility.
Mudsprocket Outpost

-Starting Heroes-
Brogg, Stonemaul Survivor.
Drazzit Dripvalve, Leader of Mudsprocket.
Axle, Archivist of Mudsprocket.

-Gainable Heroes-
Moxie Steelgrille, Crash Survivor. (Not Yet Implented)

Brackenwall Village

Brackenwall Village is the remaining ogres from the stonemaul clan, assisted by the orcs and trolls, they have built a new base, they control Ogres, Trolls and Orcs, They need to use the Brackenwall Zeppelin to get to Mudsprocket Zeppelin to help them withstand and destroy the black dragonflight, whom are their main enemy, attacking the black dragonflight without Mudsprocket is very unwise.

-Starting Bases-
Brackenwall Barracks.
Brackenwall Ogre Mound.
Brackenwall War Mill.
Brackenwall Hall.

-Gainable Bases-
Stonemaul Mound.
Stonemaul Fortress.

-Starting Heroes-
Overlord Mok'Morokk, Chieftain of the Stonemaul.
Balai Lok'Wein, Master of Healing.
Nazeer Bloodpike, Master Spy.

Team Three - Enemies of Theramore

The Deserters of Theramore control Lost Point and can gain Shady Rest Village if they can capture it within 10 minutes of the game start. Also if Private Hendel dies, he will be captured by the theramore brigade and after 5 minutes he will flee, creating the village of Lordamore and joining the deserters. Their main enemy is the Quagmire Population.

-Starting Bases-
Lost Point Tower.
Lost Point Tent.

-Gainable Bases-
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Town Hall.
Shady Rest Farm.
Lordamore Barracks.
Lordamore Inn.
Lordamore Lumbermill.

-Starting Heroes-
Balos Jacken, Leader of Lost Point.
Gavis Grayshield, Leader of Theramore Deserters.

-Gainable Heroes-
Private Hendel, Grand Betrayer.


The Defias sailed to Kalimdor and captured Varian Wrynn, yet he escaped and he is being held captive somewhere unknown, the defias are focused on destroying and sabotating Theramore, they have bases and outposts along the coast, their main enemy is Theramore City, however, recently Edwin VanCleff and his loyal tauren, Smite has arrived, it turns out that he is not dead afterall.

-Starting Bases-
Base of Operation

-Starting Heroes-
Edwin VanCleff, Mastermind of the Defias.
Garn Mathers, Mastermind of Dustwallow Defias.
Smite, Leiutenant of VanCleff.


The Nagas are focused on attacking theramore, mostly by sea as they have their biggest advantage there, but battleships can seriously destroy the nagas. They control the nagas on Alcaz Island, far away from everyone, they also have 2 islands of Murlocs. Their main enemy is Theramore City.

-Starting Bases-
Alcaz Island.
Murloc Outpost.
Murloc Encampment.

-Gainable Bases-
Makrura Shipwreck.
Altar of Zelfrax.

-Starting Heroes-
Razorspine, Leader of the Murlocs.
Tidelord Rrurgaz, Leader of the Nagas.
Zelfrax, Demon of the Swamp.

-Gainable Heroes-
Lord Angler, Leader of the Makrura. (Not Yet Implented)

[size=large]Team Four - Unalligned Forces[/size]

The Grimtotem taurens control two bases, Blackhoof Village and Direhorn Village, they can get allied to black dragonflight or the horde, depending on which base gets destroyed first. Their main enemy is Theramore Brigade, they should strike fast and hard, and try and take down the lonely SI:7 Outpost.

-Starting Bases-
Blackhoof War Mill.
Blackhoof Main Building.
Blackhoof Totem.
Blackhoof Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Main Building.
Direhorn Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Totem.

-Starting Heroes-
Magatha Grimtotem, Leader of the Grimtotem.
Arnak Grimtotem, Chieftain of Blackhoof Village.

Black Dragonflight
The Black Dragonflight is centered in the most southern part of the Quagmire, they are the strongest team ingame, they start with 1 heroes and Onyxia comes after 10 minutes, she is the strongest hero ingame currently, and Emberstrife, 15 minutes ingame. Their main enemies is Goblins and Brackenwall, although they are sealed off from the rest of the world for the first 10 miutes, so they should try to weaken the goblins, or possible kill them.

-Starting Bases-
Den of Flames.
Stonemaul Ruins.
Dragonflight Outpost.

-Gainable Bases-
Onyxia's Lair.

-Starting Heroes-
Smolderwing, Voice of Onyxia.
Etherstrife The Drakonid, General of the Flight.

-Gainable Heroes-
Onyxia, Queen of the Black Dragonflight. (Not Yet Implented)

World Map.

Shady Rest Village.

Lost Point.

Lordamore Village.

Zeppelin Crash Site.

Brackenwall Zeppelin.

Brackenwall Village.

Random Swamp.

Direhorn Village.

SI:7 Outpost.

Two Random Camps.


Sages of Dustwallow 1.8 (Map)

06:42, 4th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
do not try it before i get it fixed, i will post again once its fixed.

And thats just one long discription i copied from my forum that i wrote when i didnt have anything else to do, you can just skim it.
Level 5
Sep 27, 2008
screenshot 1: what is the meaning of these tree's?
if it is to blokade the road it doesn't work because units can walk over the mountains pass it.
screenshot 2: units can walk over the mountains.
screenshot 3: ''
screenshot 4: this camp changed control to me but i didn't attack it.
and the game is laggy but i think you already knew that.
and share units with empty ally spots is strange.


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Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
screenies 1-3# i said int he above posts, this map got fucked up by some optimizer, and therefor much of it is bugged
screenie 4# thanks!

also the map got a bad trigger, else it hardly creates any lag.
and why is strange that you can control of people who aint in the game?
Level 4
May 1, 2008
downloading .....

( I have already see your name somewhere ... I think it's on Corruption of Sargeras .. maybe..)
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Uhm. Does this map have bad scripting? Cus thats really a bad thing for spawn based maps... Think you should improve it. Septimus have made some nice guides, else you can use leak check if you want, tho i dont think its that good a program. Its better to be able to find the bugs yourself.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Okay gonna check it out. think im gonna play it with someone in my clan :D We love spawn based games ;D

EDIT: OMG. I hosted this map online, and no one joins :S It else looks so awesome and nice :D I just wish there was a way to make this popular so more people would join. I havent even tried it myself yet :S It just sucks so much that no one wanna play it :S :cry:
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Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
It doesn't suck, it's a new map, let people get a chance to know, it make the game something like "Spawnbase" at the end or something.

It is not even a week old, how can everyone hate it? on europe, try to go to clan SMEG, they play spawn/strategy games.

And on east check out Clan EQE/SQE/LSI/QUAM/GoTE, i'm sure if people in the channels are there, they will join.

Also, if you wanna play it, try to go to there you can also find some other players that want to play the map aswell, organize some games perhaps? Although most of the people there are from U.S. East, don't know where you are from.

PS: Not advertising, just showing where peoople maybe can better organize some to play the game.
Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
Well, no idea what causes it, sometimes it does, sometimes it dont, but most of the games I play it dont.

So, finally its here, check the changelog, its gigantic!

Balance Issues:

- Siege units now have 3.5 seconds cooldown on their attacks, was 4 seconds before
- Nerfed the “Thunderclap” ability to 70/90/110/130 damage, was 70/90/130/150 before.
- Buffed Darill’s “Lightning Shield” by 5, now it deals 15 damage per second, was 10 before.
- Buffed all heroes mana regeneration to 0.50 mana per second, was 0.01 before.
- Nerfed Tabetha’s “Flame Strike” and *Onyxia’s “Nether Strike” *it now deals 5/10/15/20 damage per 0.75 seconds and 2.5/5/7.5/10 damage per 2 seconds to *all enemy units in a targeted area of 100/125/150/200, was 5/10/15/20 damage per 0.33 seconds and 5/10/15/20 damage per 2 seconds to all in a targeted area of 150.
- Decreased the number of starting units for red.
- Decreased the number of starting units for yellow.
- Decreased the number of starting units for pink.
- Decreased the number of starting units for brown.
- Opened pathing at Lost Point and Swamplight Manor.
- II towers now only shoot one additional arrow.
- Nerfed heroes maximum damage.
- Nerfed Tabetha’s Elite Mages maximum damage but increased their attack rate to 1.5, was 2.0 before.
- Removed two towers from Swamplight Manor.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed Siege units, they now can attack buildings.
- Fixed Onyxia’s “Nether Strike” animations.
- Fixed the bug with peasants being stuck after training at “SI:7 Outpost”.
- Fixed Tabetha’s Ultimate, it now only targets enemy units.
- Fixed pathing above mudsprocket, at tabethas farm and at the defies encampment, you can no longer walk over the mountains.
- All towers now have fortified armor.
- Tress can no longer be killed.
- Researching the upgrade to tabethas mages now takes 90 seconds, before it took only one minute.


- All towers and healing buildings upgrade now require 150% of the gold cost of building a tower.
- All Mercenary units now have leather armor except the rider and chaplain.
- Leather armor now takes 130% damage from pike, 90% damage from physical and 110% from piercing.
- SI:7 Outpost now comes into the game 10 minutes into the game.
- SI:7 Expedition Point now comes into the game 10 minutes into the game.
- Moved “SI:7 Outpost” under “North Point Tower”
- Changed the names of SI:7 Outpost to SI:7 Expedition Point, and changed name of SI:7 Expedition Point to SI:7 Encampment.
- Goblins food limit is now 55, and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- Replaced the goblin hero “Axle” ultimate with “Summon Dragon Mech” which will summon a Dragon Mech, with a 2 minutes and 30 seconds/1 minute and 30 seconds cooldown.
- Changed the “Chaplain” model to Reign of Chaos Priest.
- Creeps should no longer grant expirence when killed, they are mainly for the purpose of guarding.
- All heroes with heals have been put number 1 in the unit group.
- All Ranged agility heroes now start with 24 agility, 15 intelligence and 12 strength, they gain 1.75 intelligence, 1.25 strength and 3 agility per level. Exceptions may be made with specific heroes.
- All melee agility heroes now start with 24 agility, 12 intelligence and 12 strength, they gain 1.5 intelligence, 1.50 strength and 3 agility per level. Exceptions may be made with specific heroes.
- All melee strength heroes now start with 13 agility, 17 intelligence and 22 strength, they gain 1.5 intelligence, 3.40 strength and 1.10 agility per level. Exceptions may be made with specific heroes.
- Brown now starts with Onyxia.
- All ranged intelligence heroes now start with 17 agility, 21 intelligence and 14 strength, they gain 3.5 intelligence, 1.50 strength and 1 agility per level. Exceptions may be made with specific heroes.
- All melee intelligence heroes now start with 15 agility, 19 intelligence and 17 strength, they gain 3 intelligence, 1.75 strength and 1.25 agility per level. Exceptions may be made with specific heroes.
- Hero expirence gain decreased to 20%, was 25% before.
- All heroes were close together.


- Added a new base, Stonemore Keep, the one who don’t gain Shady Rest Village (Purple & Blue) will gain Stonemore Keep, its spawns are weaker but still useful. Stonemore Keep can be captured once by blue or purple.
- Added a new “Build Plot” on land that come once you kill a building at an outpost or a mercenary camp (Sentry Point aswell), it will leave a new build plot behind after killed, where you can construct towers for 33% of the wood cost but 250% of the mineral cost and healing buildings for 50% of the wood cost but 200% of the mineral cost. However upgrading them costs the same as normal.
- Added a new Mercenary Camp, Camp Seasight at where SI:7 Outpost used to be.
- Brackenwalls food limit will be increase to 85 if Stonemaul Ruins are destroyed, and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- Grimtotems food limit will be increased to 85 if North Point Tower & Tent is destroyed, and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- Theramore Brigades food limit will be increased to 75 if Camp Torwalo is destroyed, and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- Goblins food limit will be increased to 65 if dragonflight outpost is destroyed, and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- Quagmire Populations food limit will be increased to 75 if Lost Point Tent & Tower is destroyed, and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- Theramore Deserters food limit will be increased to 75 if Tabetha’s Farm is destroyed.
- Defias Food limit will increase to 70 if they capture Swamplight Manor, *and to spawn again they have to go below 45.
- All lumbermills and mines have received a number of mercenaries, 2 “Mercenary Warriors” 2 “Mercenary Spear Thrower” 2 “Mercenary Pikemen” and 2 “Mercenary Chaplains”, If a place have 1 mine and 1 lumbermill, it will have 3 of each of the units listed before plus 2 “Mercenary Riders” and an additional “Mercenary Warrior”.
- All mercenaries now have a spawn limit, if the owner of the camp goes above 65 then they will first spawn once he goes below 45.
- Added Zelfrax to nagas as a hero.
- If Swamplight Manor dies, Dark Green gains Altar of Zelfrax which spawn undead units.
- Added a new lumbermill on the small isles southwest for North Point.

SI:7 Expedition Point (Formerly known as SI:7 Outpost).
Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
Nice screenshots.

Yay, tested. I played as Dragonflight, and after 5 minutes i got owned by like million ogres. Ogres have a large spawn or something? The terrain was well-made and there were no typos. It was also lagless. The map was fun to play, too.
Not my type of maps though.

Nice map with good gameplay and terrain.
Rating: 3/5.
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Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
My rating: 2/5.
I played as red and i was easily overran by the naga alone,thats just insane!
Seriously, when i had the biggest army i could get, they had like 2x bigger, thats just lame!
Other than that, nice terrain and good system.
DEFINATELY not my type of map.
Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
Well, Black Dragonflight have bad chances of survival right now, i'm throwing around with the placement, entrances and what now needs to be fixed so black dragonflight gets a bigger chance to survive and kill Mudsprocket.

The map is as much about choosing the right position to fight as it is about unit control, check out the stances on units, if used properly, they can turn the tide of a battle.

All but brown and red have 65 spawn limit, red and brown have 110, however most races have an event to get increased their limit, orange and brown gets that by destroying Swamplight Manor, gives them 75 spawn limit.

Version 1.4

Well, here it is!

And here is the changelog.

-=Balance Issues=-
- Removed that ugly 35% chance to stun from Goblin Rifleman.
- Decreased the number of starting units for blue so purple got a chance.
- Decreased the number of units spawned for pink and teals extra bases.
- Camp Seasight now transfer properly.
- Mercenaries now cost food.
- Decreased the range of siege units to 400.
- Decreased the damage dealt by siege units by 30.
- Fixed the bug with naga spawning his current level plus level four on Alcaz island.
- Sealed a passage to the black dragonflight from blue, solely for balance purposes.
- Reduced the effect of Draconid Disease by 1 damage per second, its now 2 damage per second.
- Nerfed pinks ranged units.

-=Bug Fixes=-
- Siege units no longer require a specific building
- Siege units no longer costs foods.
- Stonemore Keep no longer spawns once its destroyed.
- Apothecary Cylla now scales with upgrades.
- Zelfrax now scales with upgrades.
- Siege units now scales with upgrades.
- Fixed stances.
- Andello Porter no longer costs 2 food.
- Trapper now cost 1 food as all other units.
- All heroes *should now give 10 bounty and all units should now give 1 bounty.
- Camp Seasight now changes owner.
- Camp Seasight and RIverflight’s towers now turn into build plots.
- Fixed Calia Hastings ultimate.
- Fixed all the bugged icons on hero spells.
- Removed Critical Strike from Siege Engine, it shouldn’t be there.
- Demi heroes, tabethas elite mages and siege units can’t be charmed anymore.

- Changed all main buildings hit points to 7500, was 5000 before.
- Minor revamps down at the Mudsprocket area to give brown a better chance.
- Replaced the priest defies had with “Priest of Discipline” whom have an area of effect heal.
- Replaced the bots fortified armor with Platemail and gave them a lot more hit points.
- All mechanical units are now classified mechanical, meaning they are immune to most spells, including heals.
- Moved all potions to slot 1.
- Removed Varians two swords for the time being.
- Reduced the number of starting units at Camp Seasight.
- Fixed pathing around Camp Seasight.
- Replaced purples ranged unit with “Rifleman”, different units makes balancing easier, and then I really like the model they have.
- Pinks south bases now have first spawn priority.
- All start with 250 gold now instead of 500.
- Private Hendels prison cage has been moved much closer to the quagmire, and it will now be owned by blue.
- Updated all start texts.
- Mercenary camps no longer spawn for neutral hostile.
- Changed the icon of Magatha Grimtotem.

- New base for dark green, Tethyr, if killed red will gain it and Lorena.
- Murlocs now require naga to research “Murloc Alliance” which cost 1000 minerals, however, he will still start with the hero, this can only be done from Alcaz Island.
- Added a third entrance to Mudsprocket.
- Added a new part to Mudsprocket, “Mudsprocket Duplicator” which spawns mechanical dragon units.
- North Point Tower spawn now moves up into the tower if North Point Tent is destroyed by light blue or brown. (They gain Camp Merenajo if they destroy it)
- You can now buy “Marshland Potion” from Mercenary camps, marshland potion restores 375 hit points instantly, they cost 50 gold each.
- Added a new Black Dragonflight player, he controls Den of Flames & Dragonflight Outpost while the other controls stonemaul ruins and Onyxia’s Lair.
- Added a new base for pink, Horde Watch Tower, it lies west of Mudsprocket.
- When your spawn limit increases it now shows it in the food limit.
- Emberstrife Research Center and the rest inside the cave is now gained if teal researches “Emberstrife Expedition” for 575 minerals, this can be done from all parts of Mudsprocket.
- Private Hendels prison cage now spawns 1/2/3/4/5 “Marshland Captains”.
- Varian Wrynn now starts level 3.
- Lorena now starts level 3.
- Private Hendel now starts level 4.
- Red now have to research to get Lorena, the research costs 500 gold, this can only be done from Theramore Docks, it costs 500 minerals.
- Mercenaries can now be trained from Mercenary Camps for minerals.
- You can now type “–info” without the “” to be shown your start text again.
- Added Passive Stance to “Black Dragonflight Consumer”.
- Added 6 more starting units for teal.
- Added an ultimate for Magatha Grimtotem.
- Added an ultimate for Axle.

Horde Watch Tower.
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