Team One - The Alliance
Theramore City
Theramore City controls obviously Theramore city, their main enemies is Defias and Nagas, they are the strongest player ingame, excluding Black Dragonflight, they can take 2 players down if they are strategisk, but so can they be taken down by 2 players if they are strategisk.
Theramore Docks.
Theramore Mage Tower.
Theramore Barracks.
Theramore Arcane Sanctum.
Theramore Blacksmith.
Theramore Lighthouse.
Sentry Point.
Swamplight Manor.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Ruler of Theramore.
Garran Vimes, Captain of Theramore.
Archmage Tervosh, Jaina's Assisant.
Aegwynn, Chamberlain of Jaina.
-Gainable Heroes-
Lorena, Colonel of Theramore.
Quagmire Population
The Quagmire Population is far away from Theramore City and Theramore Brigade, they lie spread out in the Quagmire, they have one spawn at the start, Tabetha's Farm, they get Nat's Landing 10 minutes into the game, first becomes active 10 minutes later if it survives, their main enemy is the Deserters, they will try to destroy Shady Rest Inn, if Quagmire Population does not defend it, it will fall into the deserters hands.
Tabetha's Farm.
Inspector Camp.
-Gainable Bases-
Nat's Landing.
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Tavern.
Shady Rest Farm.
Tabetha, Mage of the Swamps.
Inspector Tarem, Agent of Theramore.
-Gainable Heroes-
Nat Pagle, Master Fisher.
Theramore Brigade
Theramore Brigade is focused on defending much in the start, if they make any offensive moves, it can resolve in their own destruction, they are weak at the start, but have good defensive positions and can easily trap enemies in the swamps. Their main enemy is the Grimtotem Taurens, they can however be disturbed by the defias and/or nagas, but then Theramore City should come to the rescue. Theramore Brigade has control of the SI:7 and the most outer watch tower in dustwallow occupied by theramore.
North Point.
SI:7 Expedition Point.
SI:7 Outpost.
Private Hendel, Commander of North Point.
Calia Hastings, SI:7 Agent.
Andello Porter, SI:7 Agent.
-Gainable Heroes-
Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind.
Team Two - The Horde
The Goblins of Mudsprocket is based in the most southern parts of the Quagmire, They should do a lot of hit n' run attacks on the black dragonflight, however, their passage is limited, only after 10 minute can they get direct passage to Onyxia's Lair, untill then they need to go through the Den of Flames and Stonemaul Ruins, which wont be done easily, they are heavily in need of Brackenwall, or else they will be destroyed. Their main enemy is the black dragonflight.
-Starting Bases-
Mudsprocket Headquarter.
Mudsprocket Smith.
Mudsprocket Engineering Shop.
-Gainable Bases-
Beezil's Wreck.
Emberstrife Research Facility.
-Starting Heroes-
Brogg, Stonemaul Survivor.
Drazzit Dripvalve, Leader of Mudsprocket.
Axle, Archivist of Mudsprocket.
-Gainable Heroes-
Moxie Steelgrille, Crash Survivor.
Brackenwall Village
Brackenwall Village is the remaining ogres from the stonemaul clan, assisted by the orcs and trolls, they have built a new base, they control Ogres, Trolls and Orcs, They need to use the Brackenwall Zeppelin to get to Mudsprocket Zeppelin to help them withstand and destroy the black dragonflight, whom are their main enemy, attacking the black dragonflight without Mudsprocket is very unwise.
-Starting Bases-
Brackenwall Barracks.
Brackenwall Ogre Mound.
Brackenwall War Mill.
Brackenwall Hall.
-Gainable Bases-
Stonemaul Ogre Mound.
Stonemaul Fortress.
-Starting Heroes-
Overlord Mok'Morokk, Chieftain of the Stonemaul.
Balai Lok'Wein, Master of Healing.
Nazeer Bloodpike, Master Spy.
Team Three - Enemies of Theramore
The Deserters of Theramore control Lost Point and can gain Shady Rest Village if they can capture it within 10 minutes of the game start. Also if Private Hendel dies, he will be captured by the theramore brigade and after 5 minutes he will flee, creating the village of Lordamore and joining the deserters. Their main enemy is the Quagmire Population.
-Starting Bases-
Lost Point Tower.
Lost Point Tent.
-Gainable Bases-
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Town Hall.
Shady Rest Farm.
Lordamore Barracks.
Lordamore Inn.
Lordamore Lumbermill.
-Starting Heroes-
Balos Jacken, Leader of Lost Point.
Gavis Grayshield, Leader of Theramore Deserters.
-Gainable Heroes-
Private Hendel, Grand Betrayer.
The Defias sailed to Kalimdor and captured Varian Wrynn, yet he escaped and he is being held captive somewhere unknown, the defias are focused on destroying and sabotating Theramore, they have bases and outposts along the coast, their main enemy is Theramore City, however, recently Edwin VanCleff and his loyal tauren, Smite has arrived, it turns out that he is not dead afterall.
-Starting Bases-
Defias Outpost.
Defias Shipyards.
Defias Encampment.
-Gainable Bases-
North Point.
-Starting Heroes-
Edwin VanCleff, Mastermind of the Defias.
Garn Mathers, Mastermind of Dustwallow Defias.
Smite, Leiutenant of VanCleff.
The Nagas are focused on attacking theramore, mostly by sea as they have their biggest advantage there, but battleships can seriously destroy the nagas. They control the nagas on Alcaz Island, far away from everyone, they also have 2 islands of Murlocs. Their main enemy is Theramore City.
-Starting Bases-
Alcaz Island.
Murloc Outpost.
Murloc Encampment.
-Gainable Bases-
Makrura Shipwreck.
-Starting Heroes-
Razorspine, Leader of the Murlocs.
Tidelord Rrurgaz, Leader of the Nagas.
-Gainable Heroes-
Lord Angler, Leader of the Makrura
[size=large]Team Four - Unalligned Forces[/size]
The Grimtotem taurens control two bases, Blackhoof Village and Direhorn Village, they can get allied to black dragonflight or the horde, depending on which base gets destroyed first. Their main enemy is Theramore Brigade, they should strike fast and hard, and try and take down the lonely SI:7 Outpost.
-Starting Bases-
Blackhoof War Mill.
Blackhoof Main Building.
Blackhoof Totem.
Blackhoof Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Main Building.
Direhorn Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Totem.
-Starting Heroes-
Magatha Grimtotem, Leader of the Grimtotem.
Arnak Grimtotem, Chieftain of Blackhoof Village.
Black Dragonflight
The Black Dragonflight is centered in the most southern part of the Quagmire, they are the strongest team ingame, they start with 1 heroes and Onyxia comes after 10 minutes, she is the strongest hero ingame currently, and Emberstrife, 15 minutes ingame. Their main enemies is Goblins and Brackenwall, although they are sealed off from the rest of the world for the first 10 miutes, so they should try to weaken the goblins, or possible kill them.
-Starting Bases-
Den of Flames.
Stonemaul Ruins.
Dragonflight Outpost.
-Gainable Bases-
Onyxia's Lair.
-Starting Heroes-
Smolderwing, Voice of Onyxia.
Etherstrife The Drakonid, General of the Flight.
-Gainable Heroes-
Onyxia, Queen of the Black Dragonflight.E]
Team One - The Alliance
Theramore City
Theramore City controls obviously Theramore city, their main enemies is Defias and Nagas, they are the strongest player ingame, excluding Black Dragonflight, they can take 2 players down if they are strategisk, but so can they be taken down by 2 players if they are strategisk.
Theramore Docks.
Theramore Mage Tower.
Theramore Barracks.
Theramore Arcane Sanctum.
Theramore Blacksmith.
Theramore Lighthouse.
Sentry Point.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore, Ruler of Theramore.
Garran Vimes, Captain of Theramore.
Archmage Tervosh, Jaina's Assisant.
Aegwynn, Chamberlain of Jaina.
-Gainable Heroes-
Lorena, Colonel of Theramore.
Quagmire Population
The Quagmire Population is far away from Theramore City and Theramore Brigade, they lie spread out in the Quagmire, they have one spawn at the start, Tabetha's Farm, they get Nat's Landing 10 minutes into the game, first becomes active 10 minutes later if it survives, their main enemy is the Deserters, they will try to destroy Shady Rest Inn, if Quagmire Population does not defend it, it will fall into the deserters hands.
Tabetha's Farm.
Inspector Camp.
-Gainable Bases-
Nat's Landing.
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Tavern.
Shady Rest Farm.
Tabetha, Mage of the Swamps.
Inspector Tarem, Agent of Theramore.
-Gainable Heroes-
Nat Pagle, Master Fisher. (Not Yet Implented)
Theramore Brigade
Theramore Brigade is focused on defending much in the start, if they make any offensive moves, it can resolve in their own destruction, they are weak at the start, but have good defensive positions and can easily trap enemies in the swamps. Their main enemy is the Grimtotem Taurens, they can however be disturbed by the defias and/or nagas, but then Theramore City should come to the rescue. Theramore Brigade has control of the SI:7 and the most outer watch tower in dustwallow occupied by theramore.
North Point.
SI:7 Expedition Point.
SI:7 Outpost.
Private Hendel, Commander of North Point.
Calia Hastings, SI:7 Agent.
Andello Porter, SI:7 Agent.
-Gainable Heroes-
Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind. (Not Yet Implented)
Team Two - The Horde
The Goblins of Mudsprocket is based in the most southern parts of the Quagmire, They should do a lot of hit n' run attacks on the black dragonflight, however, their passage is limited, only after 10 minute can they get direct passage to Onyxia's Lair, untill then they need to go through the Den of Flames and Stonemaul Ruins, which wont be done easily, they are heavily in need of Brackenwall, or else they will be destroyed. Their main enemy is the black dragonflight.
-Starting Bases-
Mudsprocket Headquarter.
Mudsprocket Smith.
Mudsprocket Engineering Shop.
-Gainable Bases-
Beezil's Wreck.
Emberstrife Research Facility.
Mudsprocket Outpost
-Starting Heroes-
Brogg, Stonemaul Survivor.
Drazzit Dripvalve, Leader of Mudsprocket.
Axle, Archivist of Mudsprocket.
-Gainable Heroes-
Moxie Steelgrille, Crash Survivor. (Not Yet Implented)
Brackenwall Village
Brackenwall Village is the remaining ogres from the stonemaul clan, assisted by the orcs and trolls, they have built a new base, they control Ogres, Trolls and Orcs, They need to use the Brackenwall Zeppelin to get to Mudsprocket Zeppelin to help them withstand and destroy the black dragonflight, whom are their main enemy, attacking the black dragonflight without Mudsprocket is very unwise.
-Starting Bases-
Brackenwall Barracks.
Brackenwall Ogre Mound.
Brackenwall War Mill.
Brackenwall Hall.
-Gainable Bases-
Stonemaul Mound.
Stonemaul Fortress.
-Starting Heroes-
Overlord Mok'Morokk, Chieftain of the Stonemaul.
Balai Lok'Wein, Master of Healing.
Nazeer Bloodpike, Master Spy.
Team Three - Enemies of Theramore
The Deserters of Theramore control Lost Point and can gain Shady Rest Village if they can capture it within 10 minutes of the game start. Also if Private Hendel dies, he will be captured by the theramore brigade and after 5 minutes he will flee, creating the village of Lordamore and joining the deserters. Their main enemy is the Quagmire Population.
-Starting Bases-
Lost Point Tower.
Lost Point Tent.
-Gainable Bases-
Shady Rest Inn.
Shady Rest Town Hall.
Shady Rest Farm.
Lordamore Barracks.
Lordamore Inn.
Lordamore Lumbermill.
-Starting Heroes-
Balos Jacken, Leader of Lost Point.
Gavis Grayshield, Leader of Theramore Deserters.
-Gainable Heroes-
Private Hendel, Grand Betrayer.
The Defias sailed to Kalimdor and captured Varian Wrynn, yet he escaped and he is being held captive somewhere unknown, the defias are focused on destroying and sabotating Theramore, they have bases and outposts along the coast, their main enemy is Theramore City, however, recently Edwin VanCleff and his loyal tauren, Smite has arrived, it turns out that he is not dead afterall.
-Starting Bases-
Base of Operation
-Starting Heroes-
Edwin VanCleff, Mastermind of the Defias.
Garn Mathers, Mastermind of Dustwallow Defias.
Smite, Leiutenant of VanCleff.
The Nagas are focused on attacking theramore, mostly by sea as they have their biggest advantage there, but battleships can seriously destroy the nagas. They control the nagas on Alcaz Island, far away from everyone, they also have 2 islands of Murlocs. Their main enemy is Theramore City.
-Starting Bases-
Alcaz Island.
Murloc Outpost.
Murloc Encampment.
-Gainable Bases-
Makrura Shipwreck.
Altar of Zelfrax.
-Starting Heroes-
Razorspine, Leader of the Murlocs.
Tidelord Rrurgaz, Leader of the Nagas.
Zelfrax, Demon of the Swamp.
-Gainable Heroes-
Lord Angler, Leader of the Makrura. (Not Yet Implented)
[size=large]Team Four - Unalligned Forces[/size]
The Grimtotem taurens control two bases, Blackhoof Village and Direhorn Village, they can get allied to black dragonflight or the horde, depending on which base gets destroyed first. Their main enemy is Theramore Brigade, they should strike fast and hard, and try and take down the lonely SI:7 Outpost.
-Starting Bases-
Blackhoof War Mill.
Blackhoof Main Building.
Blackhoof Totem.
Blackhoof Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Main Building.
Direhorn Spirit Lodge.
Direhorn Totem.
-Starting Heroes-
Magatha Grimtotem, Leader of the Grimtotem.
Arnak Grimtotem, Chieftain of Blackhoof Village.
Black Dragonflight
The Black Dragonflight is centered in the most southern part of the Quagmire, they are the strongest team ingame, they start with 1 heroes and Onyxia comes after 10 minutes, she is the strongest hero ingame currently, and Emberstrife, 15 minutes ingame. Their main enemies is Goblins and Brackenwall, although they are sealed off from the rest of the world for the first 10 miutes, so they should try to weaken the goblins, or possible kill them.
-Starting Bases-
Den of Flames.
Stonemaul Ruins.
Dragonflight Outpost.
-Gainable Bases-
Onyxia's Lair.
-Starting Heroes-
Smolderwing, Voice of Onyxia.
Etherstrife The Drakonid, General of the Flight.
-Gainable Heroes-
Onyxia, Queen of the Black Dragonflight. (Not Yet Implented)