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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
HERE'S THE FIRST SKIN OF MY NEW SERIES!! Hero's of Azeroth...but during their chiledhood?

i'm planning on make all the aliance heros! (male)
and all the Orc heros (male also)

really usefull for cinematics and campagne.. i'm shure you will appreciate them sooner or later :D


Rexxar, baby, children, kid, Child, Baby Rexxar, Hero children, lol, campagne, warrior, orc, villagerkid, villager,

Rexxarbaby.blp (Texture)

19:20, 5th Jul 2009 Hawkwing: Lighten up the mask a bit. It's much darker than the real Beastmaster's. It is really noticeable. Please make this change.




19:20, 5th Jul 2009
Hawkwing: Lighten up the mask a bit. It's much darker than the real Beastmaster's. It is really noticeable. Please make this change.
Level 3
Dec 2, 2008
Looks neat, could be useful, though one thing that i think would make it just that little bit better is to (if possible) make tiny little fangs coming up from the lower lip. doesn't really matter, though. Looks great, pretty useful, also made me lol, I grant this skin a 5/5 that comes with free rep. :)wink: I give rep with good reason. Its free and shiny, plus tastes good.:xxd:) Keep up the good work, Mr. Goblin!
Edit:Forget the fangs, the actual Rexxar model doesn't have fangs.
Last edited:
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
The muscles look a little weird, especially if it's supposed to be a kid. Looks more like an adult Rexxar crammed into a child's body. The legs look massive in comparison to his arms and torso as well, gives him an awkward look. You should make his loincloth and boots bigger so it looks more like he is wearing baggy clothing than injecting steroids in his legs. The color of his hat is a little off to, though that's not much of an issue. Fix his legs.
What the hell?

You should better make not childrens of everything. Make more epic heroes, instead childrens.

  • You can only have one skin of the childrens at once
  • The children looks awful
    • The head is bigger as the adults head
    • It looks like a stupid indiana jones
    • Its to naked for a child. (It doesn't look good)
  • Childrens are not that useful for most maps
  • You made to much of them. The quality disappeares.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
  • You can only have one skin of the childrens at once
    Not if you import two models, then you can have an infinite amount of them at the same time if you know how.
  • The children looks awful
    Its not that awful when ingame.
    • The head is bigger as the adults head
      You would think of it when you play ingame :p
    • It looks like a stupid indiana jones
      Not really, i have seen all indiana jones movies two times xP
    • Its to naked for a child. (It doesn't look good)
      I think its the muscles that causes it, to strong for a child.
  • Childrens are not that useful for most maps
    Its becouse there is not enough of them to make maps with only childs.
  • You made to much of them. The quality disappeares.
    does it?

:p I think this can come to use, specially if there is more child hero skins.
Then there could be a map that has to do with their childhood.
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Err...mkay. he had muscles just as a kid?.. also armor and stuff. :/ it's nice skin. but the idea sucks. lol sorry for being direct. 4/5 i guess -1 for the idea :S.
Making skins of kids is NOT a good idea AT ALL!.. they have stupid animations, also they don't look good.. :S. just.. why wasting time making something not useful?. :/
  • [*]You can only have one skin of the childrens at once
    Not if you import two models, then you can have an infinite amount of them at the same time if you know how.
    Yeah, but not all know that. You wouldn't know how to make non-mui-spells mui, when I give you a fucking stupid single-instance spell. Atleast, you don't want to work for something the author should have done.

    [*]The children looks awful
    Its not that awful when ingame.
    I tested it, and it does.

    • [*]The head is bigger as the adults head
      You would think of it when you play ingame :p
      Well, how did you scaled him?

      [*]It looks like a stupid indiana jones
      Not really, i have seen all indiana jones movies two times xP
      It actually was a joke, but the child really looks stupid.

      [*]Its to naked for a child. (It doesn't look good)
      I think its the muscles that causes it, to strong for a child.
      Well, maybe that too... I guess you should give him more clothes, goblin!

    [*]Childrens are not that useful for most maps
    Its becouse there is not enough of them to make maps with only childs.
    Its because you don't need them. Its simple: Wc3 needes strong warriors, and childs aren't. Mainly because they are weaker as adults and need to lear everything the adults can maintain.

    [*]You made to much of them. The quality disappeares.
    does it?
    Yeah it does, don't you see that?

:p I think this can come to use, specially if there is more child hero skins.
Then there could be a map that has to do with their childhood.
If he would make about 100 skins and adds 100 models, then maybe. But, to be serious, its my opinion. I don't think this are good skins. If you think you have to go with the folk, do so. Its my critism and opinion. And I think its not good.

Err...mkay. he had muscles just as a kid?.. also armor and stuff. :/ it's nice skin. but the idea sucks. lol sorry for being direct. 4/5 i guess -1 for the idea :S.
Making skins of kids is NOT a good idea AT ALL!.. they have stupid animations, also they don't look good.. :S. just.. why wasting time making something not useful?. :/

Whohoo, not only I think so.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007

  • Yeah, but not all know that. You wouldn't know how to make non-mui-spells mui, when I give you a fucking stupid single-instance spell. Atleast, you don't want to work for something the author should have done.

    I tested it, and it does.

    • Well, how did you scaled him?

      It actually was a joke, but the child really looks stupid.

      Well, maybe that too... I guess you should give him more clothes, goblin!

    Its because you don't need them. Its simple: Wc3 needes strong warriors, and childs aren't. Mainly because they are weaker as adults and need to lear everything the adults can maintain.

    Yeah it does, don't you see that?

If he would make about 100 skins and adds 100 models, then maybe. But, to be serious, its my opinion. I don't think this are good skins. If you think you have to go with the folk, do so. Its my critism and opinion. And I think its not good.


Whohoo, not only I think so.

Okey i dont really like this too.. im just trying to sound nice, lol.
The thing is, that its the model that is awful, and not the skin.
If someone could fix the model, i think this could look good aswell (without all the muscles ofc).

BTW, Its not that wierd that he has armor as a child, i mean, look at orc childs for example, i cant find orcs that doesnt wear armor.
Haxxor (yeah.. i was suppost to say that..) is suppost to look badass with the armor, child or not! >:D
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
BTW, Its not that wierd that he has armor as a child, i mean, look at orc childs for example, i cant find orcs that doesnt wear armor.
Haxxor (yeah.. i was suppost to say that..) is suppost to look badass with the armor, child or not! >:D

..I don't remember seeing any Blizzards child orc with armor.... your point again?.
Okey i dont really like this too.. im just trying to sound nice, lol.
The thing is, that its the model that is awful, and not the skin.
If someone could fix the model, i think this could look good aswell (without all the muscles ofc).
But in the last post, you said you think its awesome. Well, you should have your own opinion. I don't care if you agree with me or not. But I never thought changing your opinon. Really.

To stay on topic, the skin is awful too, because its based on model. If the model would be nice, the skin could be better. So he should've made something other.

BTW, Its not that wierd that he has armor as a child, i mean, look at orc childs for example, i cant find orcs that doesnt wear armor.
Haxxor (yeah.. i was suppost to say that..) is suppost to look badass with the armor, child or not! >:D
I never seen any orc child, and I don't think you should make childrens of muscle heroes, they will look badass. Maybe jaina childrens or the princess would be good, but this looks awful. To make this an end, I don't think you should make more children models.
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
this made me ROFL. i think the concept is hilarious and awesome. the only thing wrong is the legs, they are seriously messed up. extend the loincloth or give him long fur pants, the legs are completely out of proportion :p. otherwise superb work as usual mr.g. It is an odd concept but no one could pull this off better than you
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
i like that one a lot!
have to agree with you all, go make baby misha :D

for you 67chrome

That's freaking hilarious.

One of his legs still isn't the same size as his torso though - the villager kid model really was going off of baggy pants and shorts - I think one leg is even bigger than his chest, and with both of them that size it makes the muscle tone look out of place their.

off topic - I think someone just posted a bear cub model that you could use for Rexxar's pet Misha, idk if their are any WC3 models you could re-skin as a bear cub, well - besides the bear XD
hello everyone, for the legs i will fix them.. for the abs and the arms.. well dude, don't forget that in warcraft3 everybody is TOO STRONG! and it,s far to be realistic..

and don't forget also that Rexxar is Half-orc, half-ogre so he lives in the wild of barrens...

anyway will see what i can do for now..