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Regarding Doodad scaling + pathing

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Level 2
Dec 22, 2011

So.. when a doodad is scaled, it increases in size, but the pathing remains as it was. As a result, units can move through scaled large doodads with ease.

This is originally fixed via placing pathing blockers in doodads to make them un-walkable.

However, when it comes to gates... scaling makes them large, but pathing remains the same. however, one cannot fix it via pathing blockers as originally done. So my question is, how do you make a large um-walkable gate that becomes walkable upon opening?

I thought of a solution, that is to place pathing blockers but to use triggers to remove them while opening the gate at the same time. would it work out fine?
Level 8
Sep 23, 2007
The pathing is a texture file composed of 2 colors, one of which shows the walkable parts of the area around the model and one of which shows the unwalkable parts around the model.

To create your own pathing map use this tutorial:

Once you have a pathing map for the new size of the gate, when the gate opens it will either have a blank pathing map, or the original pathing map file has pathing for the open gate aswell.

I would suggest you just make a pathing map for the new gate size and see if that works
Level 2
Dec 22, 2011
I went to that thread but I've no idea what's it talking about o.o

I downloaded the software, and has it open now. Do I load a file from WC3? or what there's absolutely no instructions on how to use it in that thread >.<

oh ya, there's a second question. I'm making a fortress in one of my map using Icecrown Glacier tileset. The inbuilt cliffs work nicely for a forbidding fortress stuck in the middle of winter, but so does the doodad "stone wall" <<this is where the pathing issue comes in.
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