[Strategy / Risk] Realm of Carnage

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In the world of Aerros, the human kingdom of Talyros invades the continent of Aldumar. However the native factions of Aldumar, the Shandari and the Dreadwood, will not give up their homeland so easily. The invasion sparked the War of the Three Kingdoms, which would send the entire world into a Realm of Carnage..,
RoC takes place in Aerros. In this 4-player Real-Time Strategy map, you may command one of the three warring factions, each with a unique arsenal of troops and abilities at the player's disposal. The map seeks to blend in elements of melee Warcraft 3 with the more pure strategic depth of StarCraft, whilst incorporating aspects of squad-based gameplay from the likes of Dawn of War and Battle for Middle-Earth.

Planned list of features:
- A smooth squad system, with a Dawn of War style of reinforcement
- Balanced and chanceless unit attributes; no attack ranges and no chance-based abilities
- A working trackable-based in-game menu that features race selection, team selection, and gameplay settings
- Excellent audio and graphics with quality models and textures, all in a less than 5mb map
- High quality, atmospheric terrain that immerses the player within the world whilst providing balanced gameplay
- Three unique factions, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and special mechanics
- Inspired techtrees with each faction having a unit for any purpose, but no unit for every purpose

The following provides information about the gameplay of the map.

Before the game starts, all players are prompted to a custom in-game menu. Players can vote for the Respawning Creeps (enabling Creeps to periodically respawn) and the Extra Resources settings (allowing each player to start with 1000 gold and 500 lumber), with the majority vote deciding whether the setting is in effect or not. Hovering the cursor over certain icons and knobs will bring up information onto the right side of the screen. The player must choose a faction by clicking one of the faction icons. A yellow glow will highlight the faction you have chosen(currently only Talyrions are available). Teams, to a maximum size of 3, are chosen by players in the in-game menu. Clicking a team will let you join it; the flags represent each player. Once you are ready, tick the 'Ready to Play!' checkbox. When all players are ready, the game begins!

The essentials are similar to melee WarCraft 3. The resources are Gold, Lumber, and instead of Food, Command. Gold is harvested from Gold Mines, Lumber from trees, and Command generated by certain structures like the Talyrion Garrison. Buildings are built in the same way as they are in WarCraft 3, however hotkeys are instead based on the QWER method of hotkeying. There will be creeps on the map that respawn every so often. Creeps do not drop items, but do reward the player with gold when killed. Creeps add depth to the metagame, and can be manipulated by a player if he is skilled enough. Do note that creep camps are much stronger than in default Wc3 and you will need a sizeable army to take them out. However, they all yield hefty rewards in gold.
Note that positioning is especially important, and should take priority over individual unit micro. Ranged units on noticeably higher ground will do 1.3x attack damage bonus to attack targets, so position them effectively. Units can enter the cliffsides of the terrain, but have less space and vision.

The squad system is similar to that of Dawn of War's. Basically, there is one squad leader, that when given an order, the entire squad also receives the same order. This squad leader is indicated by a swirling orange effect (also known as the Spirit Link buff). Squad leaders also have a floating text constantly above their heads to show the current number of members in their squad. When a squad member dies, the player can reinforce the squad with a replacement member on the battlefield. To do this, click on the flag icon where the unit's inventory is. Adjacent to that icon is also a small info box that shows which unit it is, how much it costs to reinforce a new member, and the cooldown time of reinforcement. When transporting squads, rather than a single unit, the entire squad enters the transport, represented by one of the squad's members. Certain abilities will affect a whole squad whilst others affect only single targets. To add an element of micro, an individual unit control system has been added. Selecting a single unit of a squad that is not the leader allows it to be individually ordered.

Units have hopefully been made as balanced as possible; nearly everything is determined by player decisions rather than chance-based abilities like Critical Strike. Attack ranges have also been removed, and attack upgrades give static damage bonuses. I have attempted to make units take inspiration from certain games, whilst keeping them holistically original and balancing them. There is a countering system somewhat similar to Rock-Paper-Scissors. Essentially:
- Melee infantry (eg. Vanguard) beat archers
- Heavy units (eg. Overlord) beat melee infantry and siege units
- Magic units (eg. Warlock) beat melee infantry and heavy units
- Siege units (eg. Siege Machine) beat structures and archers
- Archers (eg. Riflemen) beat most units with positioning, except for structures of course
The lack of 'hard-counters' in Warcraft 3 was annoying and felt like it removed a large part of the strategy of getting the right build. It led to certain units being a jack-of-all-trades, such as Spell Breakers, Raiders, and Crypt Fiends (whose supposed counters are footmen and the like, which were essentially useless by late-game). In RoC, no unit is safe from any other unit. Also, no unit will be obsolete at any time of the game. When a player reaches tier 3, his basic tier 1 units will still have a role on the battlefield.

A vast human empire that primarily worships the Daemon-god Gothros. Different from the traditionally light-oriented humans of high fantasy, the Talyrions are the cause for the War of the Three Kingdoms. They have versatile foot soldiers, and great frontline support. In the late-game, they gain access to powerful daemons. Talyrion troops are generally good quality, and can easily win in straightforward battles with rigid discipline and training.
Racial characteristics:
-Small amount of units in the techtree, but most units are versatile
-Great support and high tier units, with generally consistent quality of all troops
-Multiple servitors can build a single structure, speeding up the process
-Technological levels are gained by building Altars of Power. Maximum level of 5. Tech levels unlock new units and upgrades within the techtree
-Zeppelin airship, available in Tech Level 4, allows effective harassment tactics
-Reliquary is a unique building that sells items to squads and can trade resources
-Easy to tower rush with the unique repair, and the Garrison coupled with Battlements upgrade

THE SHANDARI (not completed)
Shandari hail from the badlands of Shandar, the centre of the continent of Aldumar. The Shandari are akin to Dark Elves or Drow, and are a particularly vain and sadistic race. Following no single king, the disparate covens of Shandar follow either the Dogma of Dischord, the Dogma of Venom, or the Dogma of Umbra. Shandari have great ranged and aerial units. Their armies are highly mobile and stealthy, but do not excel in battles of attrition.
Racial characteristics:
-A majority of the units are highly mobile and/or stealthy, but are not effective in upfront engagements
-Units are effective at weakening the enemy and causing suffering
-The Tormentress summons slaves and structures; it is the backbone of a Shandari army
-Mines can be Spellbound to automatically harvest gold without the need of workers
-The Shadow Temple houses the three Dogma upgrades, each unlocking access to new units and upgrades
-All buildings have mana, and all summon units at the cost of mana instead of training them
-Gateways allow units to teleport to a specific location

THE DREADWOOD (not completed)
The native Drae of the Dreadwood are reminiscent of Wood Elves. But they are not serene guardians of the forest, they are the stuff of nightmares. The Drae seem to sprout from the ground like the roots of trees, and constrict and consume all that opposes them, like a vicious vine. Dreadwood units are primarily powerful forest beasts, however their infantry, the Timbargard, are numerous and able to overwhelm enemy forces.
Racial characteristics:
-Units change from weak and numerous to powerful and singular as the techtree tier increases
-The early tier Timbar units are very effective when en masse or in combination with the Dreadknight
-The Grovekeeper can purchase Drae Souls, which can be summoned onto the battlefield from wherever the Grovekeeper is
-Mines must be entangled by a Grovekeeper before workers can harvest gold from them
-The Dreadstalk upgrades itself to access the next techtree tier, much like normal Wc3
-All buildings can Uproot themselves, allowing them to move albeit at a very slow pace
-The Tree of Silence is a structure which generates a field of stealth, making nearby allies invisible












- DungeonM, FreiBier, Born2Modificate
- unwirklich, 13lackDeath, Anachron
- NFWar, Peekay, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Palaslayer
- Weep, D4RK G4ND4LF
- Deolrin, Kwaliti, Mephestrial, PheonixIV
- 67chrome, Red, TurieL, Frankster
- Mr. Goblin, Wandering Soul, Tarrasque
- Cookie Vashard, infrenus, CloudWolf
- PeeKay, L_Lwaliet, Dentothor, Suselishe
- zadelim, levigeorge1617, antihero
- sPy, shiik, -Grendel, Thrikodius
- ikillforeyou
- RiotZ lord of the gays

I am a supporter of open-source material. Thus, I give everyone permission to take and use any resources I've made SO LONG AS CREDIT IS GIVEN. If you are extracting resources I haven't made from my map, credit the original author or so help me God I'll destroy your face. I also hate JASS and think it's a huge waste of time, so everything in this map is GUI, with the exception of some custom scripts here and there.

If you would like to support my map, simply put this code into your signature:

Any feedback appreciated, but note it's an alpha version; it ain't finished. Also looking for potential playtesters. Send me a VM/PM if you want in.


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-finalised Talyrions
-fixed a bug that tempered with squad selection
-added proper reinforcement system for squads
-added special effects building animations for Zeppelin and Altar
-polished in-game menu
-finished terrain; yet to be playable
-fixed a few more squad system bugs
-added creeps
-fixed incendiary bullets issue
-made respawnable creeps option work
-terrain is playable
-addded bonus damage on higher ground
-fixed a tech level bug
-made several polishes
-fixed a debug message left in by accident
-optimized the map to 2.7mb
-added a Cannon Tower for Talyrions
-uploaded to maps section

-There being only one race
-Possible imbalances with Talyrions as I haven't tested them out yet in a proper MP game
-Certain buildings lacking a construction animation
-Bad tooltips

Checklist of things to come in next version (completed things will be crossed out):
-Shandari race
-further polishing


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behold, the first ever screenshot for this project!!!! meant to showcase the creeps and also a sneak peek of terrains.

A little backstory behind this particular terrain;
Eretholde was one of the first fortifications built by the Talyrions in Aldumar. It is situated in the South coast, where the Talyrions first invaded. Although small, it acted as an operations and recuperation base for the larger part of a year since its construction. However, soon the men, under the command of Captain Haldeon grew tired of fighting the War, and abandoned the Talyrion empire to become renegades. Now Eretholde is known for its mercenary camp situated within the walls of the forte, lending arms to the highest bidder.


The region known as Aerros is about 3 times the size of Britain. Talyros is the smallest island/continent, but the Talyrions also are the most technologically and militarily advanced. The Shandar Badlands are inhospitable, and often grey clouds cover the land in darkness. The Dreadwood borders Shandar, and consists of thick ancient forests home to many mysterious and dark things. Little is known about the desert in the north, or the lands beyond it. Currently, the War of the Three Kingdoms has been ongoing for 7 years. The Talyrions have had some success in conquering the land, but they've also sustained heavy losses.


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BIG update

-finished terrain and creep placements

I've yet to make the terrain playable (no pathing blockers), or the creeps respawnable. Btw the creeps are pretty strong, I'd recommend getting at least a 10 command army to take the orange ones out, and a 15 command army to take out the red camps.

shitton of added screenshots of terrain as well

also sadface coz its over 4mb :(


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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Hmmmm, the max size is 8 Mb so I don't see a reason to be worrier. Also, you may want to work a bit on creep camps as from what I've seen in the screenshots, skeletons and bandits don't make sense together. Maybe add zombies to the skeletons or mages?
Well, the lore behind it is that a Talyrion (human) captain abandoned allegiance with his kingdom, and founded a mercenary camp in the map. The troops under his command became renegades, whilst the mages became necromancers. Hence bandits and skeletons being hand-in-hand.

4mb is just a nicer and more accessible number is all.

If anyone has actually played the map, I wouldn't mind some feedback.
Update to v0.4a
-fixed incendiary bullets issue
-made respawnable creeps option work
-terrain is playable
-addded bonus damage on higher ground
-fixed a tech level bug
-made several polishes

Terrain is fully playable, and all systems and data are pretty polished. I've also introduced a system where units will do 1.3x bonus attack damage to attack targets that are on noticeably lower ground. This encourages positioning your valuable archers onto the high ground to rain fire on the infantry below.

It is possible to drop units onto the cliffsides of the terrain via the Zeppelin. However, though this may shield them from melee units it also restricts their mobility and vision.

EDIT: Woops seems I left in a debug message in version 0.4a. If 'weal' happens to appear on your screen whenever a squad captain dies, please ignore it and rest assured it will be gone in future versions :3

On the plus side, more screenshots, including a screenie of the custom ingame menu.

please comment and play the map guys, im in desperate need of feedback. the map's not corrupted or anything, so dont be afraid to download
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