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Ravager Battleship

This is the fruit of an idea I had originally in 2014. infrenus worked with me to create it. It's a floating battleship for my Lost race.


Edit 1/10/18:

-Removed unused textures
-Fixed holes
-Revised design

Ravager (Model)

General Frank
A nice simple model. Interesting concept. Works in-game.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Best Concept Art -> 3D Model Award
(well, until this sees the light of day... xD)

Pretty cool, and also neat. Would be cool to see an Attack animation for extra usefulness. Perhaps my only beef?... The explosion SFX in the Death animation are right in the middle of the model, which, for this guy, takes place right smack dab in the void (haha) between everything. Might want to move it to the head or rear (or both, duplicating the SFX isn't hard).
It is a great idea and very close following of your concept, but as I said earlier the execution is quite lacking.

Please consider making the following improvements.

- You might want to remove the sandbag particle emitter from the model. You probably based it off the Undead Air Barge, but since you did not have a transport chamber any more you can just get rid of the particle emitter.

- There are many unused textures that could be cleaned up.

- You can probably go without the custom textures. I can help you with that, if you want.
Level 19
May 6, 2007
Sorry for the huge delay, last year I was busy with my health. Then this one I tried doing something completelly different to the model, It ended really ugly and confusing, and in the end I just refined a bit more the old one.

-Removed junk from it
-Added ingame textures
-Worked slightly on it so there was less holes all around
Level 5
May 20, 2013
Kam, when i saw this picture, it immediately reminded me of the ships piloted by the cannibalistic mutant humanoids on the Firefly/Serenity shows Joss Whedon produced some 10 or 12 years back. Pretty cool! ;)
Kam, when i saw this picture, it immediately reminded me of the ships piloted by the cannibalistic mutant humanoids on the Firefly/Serenity shows Joss Whedon produced some 10 or 12 years back. Pretty cool! ;)

Thank you! The inspiration was from the Ori in Stargate SG-1 and the Shadow from Babylon 5.