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Rainbow Dash

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Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
1. fluttershy.
2. twilight (because she resembles my personality the most)
3. rainbow dash.
4. apple jack
5. pinkie pie (GOD I HATE HER VOICE)
6. rarity (because of the newest episode ofc :D)
1: Either Rainbowdash or Fluttershy
Sexual connotations aside, RD is entertaining mainly in her often complete abandonment when it comes to the consequences of her actions and thus charges blindly into anything, often resulting in a pretty entertaining outcome.
On the other hand, Fluttershy is essentially the opposite as she'd rather not rush into any situation, and is reluctant to do anything - the result though of what happens when she does actually do something is always really unexpected since it's so deeply in contradiction to the rest of her character - essentially the main humor from her comes from juxtaposition.

2: Pinky-pie or Twilight
Essentially dealing with opposites again, ADD is often quite humorous, which PP is essentially the embodiment of - she's like the summation of popular youtube videos into one random, non-sequitor happening.

On the other hand Twilight over-thinks everything but always misses the point because of it, essentially a "smart fool:" everything's supposed to happen for a reason and yet the main thing that's supposed to happen doesn't because she had missed it earlier, way earlier.

3: Rarity or Apple-jack

Really they're all grouped into opposites, each contradicting each other - this makes for the obvious pairing in episodes that normally focus on one, they tend to bring the opposite in to augment the characteristics of both of them. Rarity and Applejack's opposite personalities just aren't as entertaining as the others, but nevertheless is still humorous. The one's attention to detail is essentially paralyzing while the other's lack of tact often ends up in foolish mistakes.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Now here's someone who knows their ponies.

My rankings are less analytical; based on character more than the character's interaction with happenstance due to plot.

I don't know where mare is coming from though. I can never forgive Twilight for being the most similar to me. @_@

(In truth, Rarity is my least favorite.)
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
hey, im a nerd, when i read books (which happens rarely), i read only comics and books that contains facts. I dont read fantasy books at all. to be honest, i have never finished reading a normal fantasy book in my life :D

...and yes i hate myself for liking the ponies :/
Level 5
May 13, 2010
1. Twilight (IZA ME)
2. Fluttershy
3. Applejack/Rarity
Pinkie was awesome for a while, then I got bored with her.. "OMAGAD PARTIES AND CUPCAKES" :v
Rainbow dash... I don't like people like her in real life, so yeah.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
1.Twilight- she's adorable!
2.Pinkie Pie- too much randomness made me laugh all the time
3.Fluttershy- she's quiet, patient, but has the ability to own some episodes!
4.Rarity- the Whinning! real talented
5.Ranbow Dash/Applejack- The muscle women of the group, but still I like them!
The problem is defining who's the highest class - Unicorn of Pegasus
Pegasus is the most literal upper class, as they live in clouds isolated from the others - basically like a gated community the others can't come in whether they want to or not.

Unicorns on the other hand control magic, and thus can obviously do anything the others do better - the problem being that most of them only hold fairly weak magic beyond just some slight telekinesis. Thus while one could essentially force any other to do all their work for them, most of them are incapable of such - so even they'd probably develop subclasses.

I guess it'd probably end up:
-Pegasi - military - obviously military class, they are the fasted and most maneuverable, there's really little use for ground combat when flight is so easy for so many of them.
-Weaker Unicorns - business class/bureaucracy - they're control of telekinesis makes writing books and keeping track of things much more efficient then the other alternative (the only one that's been shown writing other then a unicorn was Apple Bloom, who wrote with a pencil in her mouth which should be obviously slower and less precise then magic). It also provides a sort of barrier between them and the lower class as it's like fighting brute force with an arrow, lower class rebellion would be difficult.
-Regular Ponies - peasants - obvious work horses

(word limit made me split this into 3 posts)
It's obvious dragons aren't common, otherwise the fully grown one wouldn't be that big of a deal. As for why he follows Twilight around isn't really certain, though he does serve a useful purpose - maybe the bureaucracy hatches them to be used for communication purposes, though fully grown ones wouldn't be very practical for use - you can probably either see this in some dark malicious way as interpretations from the internet normally go, or perhaps that they just found the egg and it turned out he was useful for something so they assigned him there - whatever the nature of his occupation may be, it's obvious Twilight is his main caregiver so that could lead to other possibilities: orphan?

Let it be known the Rainbow Dash is God
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
Meh, I guess the order would be for me:

#1 Twilight, her personality I can relate to.
#2 Pinkie Pie, I love her insane side.
#3 Rainbow Dash
#4 Applejack
#5 Fluttershy
#6 Rarity


#1 Scootaloo
#2 Applebloom
#3 Sweetie Belle

Side Characters / Background Characters

#1 Luna
#2 Trixie
#3 Derpy
#4 Berry Punch
#5 Any others
#6 Celestia, Trollestia ruined her image for me, permanently.
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
Here's for me... ^^

#1 Fluttershy (So cute :cgrin:)
#2 Pinkie Pie (Her voice! ^^)
#3 Twilight Sparkle (Don't ask why :p)
#4 Rarity (Oh no no no no no)
#5 Applejack (She like apples! :cgrin:)
#6 Rainbow Dash (Can't say anything XP)

For the additional characters:

#1 Scootaloo (She's my avatar!)
#2 Applebloom (She likes to dance...)
#3 Sweetie Bell :)cgrin:)

Background Characters:

#1 Princess Celestia (She's the princess :p)
#2 Bon bon :)cgrin:)
#3 Princess Luna (Nightmare!!)
#4 Zecora ("Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!")
#5 Derpy (Derp derp derp derp...)
#6 Any others :)cgrin:)
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