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🏆 Hive's 7th HD Modeling Contest: Icecrown Creature is now open! The frozen wastes of Icecrown are home to some of Azeroth’s most terrifying and resilient creatures. For this contest, your challenge is to design and model a HD 3D monster that embodies the cold, undead, and sinister essence of Icecrown! 📅 Submissions close on April 13, 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to let your creativity shine! Enter now and show us your frozen masterpiece! 🔗 Click here to enter!
-Traditional RTS style, similar to WCIII Melee games.
-Has no Heroes and Creeps.
-3 unique races to choose from, each with it's distinct features.
Humanoids who worship the 'Celtic Flames' as the purest of elements that existed to destroy evil. The Terraformers were their long-time enemies as they exist to destroy all life. They use fire as their weapon and call upon holy servants of the 'Celtic Flames' to fight for them.
-Focuses on aggressive tactics.
-Units are powerful but are expensive.
-Focuses on AOE attacks.
-Uses fire as their weapons.
-Certain units can be equipped with runes to boost their stats.
Alien plant-like creatures from outer space. These things exist only to destroy everything. They infest planets by planets to absorb all nutrients required for them to survive and grow. These things will never stop at their goal.
-Typically focuses on rushing and swarming.
-'Grow' some of their buildings so that they lose their workers.
-Units have low hp but high hp regen.
-Corpses can be recycled to further strengthen the army.
-Uses alot of debuffs such as poison that can deal damage over time.
A group of religious and high-tech aliens that are mysterious but wishes to help the Celtic Angels to defeat the Terraformers for unknown reasons. They use magic and high-tech machines to destroy their enemies.
-Focuses on stealth and guerilla tactics.
-Mostly ranged units.
-Units have low hp but high damage.
-Workers summon buildings.
-Buildings have low hp.
General Frank
Mr. Bob
Dark Hunter1357
Deep Sea Kraken
This is the 12th update of the map. A few major changes such as the terrain and the preview screen.
-Changed the terrain of the whole map.
-Added 2 extra gold mines beside each gold mine and changed their models.
-Reduced the cost for most units.
-Reduced gold collection for each worker to 5.
-Changed the Preview Screen.
-Increased food cap to 125.
Celtic Angels:
-Changed the name of Sky Protector to Angel of Fury and increased the Flame Strike spell duration to 30 seconds.
-Changed the Consume ability of Fire Djinns.
Consume: Consumes 100 hp from an allied unit, healing the Fire Djinn's life by 200. Manacost: 50.
-Added special effects for the Flamecaster's "Immolate" ability.
Shadow Cult:
-Increased the build time of Resource Deposits to 30 seconds.
-Increased the Cultist's Dark Bolt ability mana cost to 85.
-Drones now can only be produced at Cult Councils.
-Removed the "Invisibility after 7 seconds" from the Archon and Cultist.
-Removed Permanent Invisibility from Stalker and added the "Invisibility after 7 seconds" to it.
-Changed the ability of the Gate of Souls to: 70% chance to spawn a Spectre on the corpse of a dead Cultist, Stalker,
Channeler, Deconstructor, Bladekin, Spyder Bot and Archon.
-Gatherers can only gather 5 lumber per load now.
-Changed the Imbue Poison ability of the Gene Manipulators to Thorn Mutation.
Thorn Mutation: Mutates a target allied unit and causes it to grow thorns, permanently increasing its damage by 5. Does not stack. Manacost: 65.
-Wisps now harvest gold and lumber.
-Wisps can only gather 5 lumber per load now.
-Removed upkeep from the game.
-Changed the decay time of bones to 10 seconds.
-Increased the cost of Stalkers by 5 gold.
-Increased build time of Resource Deposits to 10 seconds and changed its armor to Heavy.
Celtic Angels:
-Slightly increased the movement speed of Guardians and increased damage by 1.
-Increased hp of Acolytes to 200.
-Changed the hp regeneration of Sprouts to hp degeneration.
Shadow Cult:
-The Homing Bomb ability now requires an upgrade that can be researched at the Signal Beacon.
-The Cripple ability that Shadow Cultists have is now replaced with Engulfing Darkness; A channeling ability like Aerial Shackles.
-Increased the speed of Homing Bombs.
-Hp of Mana Devourers is reduced to 750. Mana Devourers now also have slight mana degeneration.
However, Mana Devourers now have Spell Immunity.
-Some target point support powers(Shadow Decay, Earthquake, Deploy Drones, Avatar of Warran, Volcano) now require the target point
to be visible in order for the abilities to activate.
---------------------- - -
- Guardians - 2
- Missionaries 30-32 4
- Magma Fiends 23-25 4
- Fire Djinns 26-28 0
- Searinghawk Raiders 19-21 1
- Sky Protectors 49-53 1
-Attack speed of Fire Djinn is decreased.
-Food cost of Guardians, Flaming Souls has been reduced by 1.
Shadow Cult
-Removed hp degeneration from Spectres; they neither degenerate or regenerate now. In addition,
they now use the Basic Cult Training Program upgrade and the Carbonite Armor upgrade.
-Increased the cost of Stalkers to 145 gold and 45 lumber.
-Increased the cost of the Bladekin to 135 gold and 60 lumber.
-Slightly increased the attack speed of Pulverizers.
Celtic Angels:
-Fixed a bug where Arcane Net can be used without upgrading first.
-Reduced base armor of Missionaries by 1.
-Reduced hp of Sky Protectors to 885.
-Removed the Alva-Zyx for balance reasons.
-Increased the hp of Mana Devourers by 100.
-Increased the hp of Pulverizers by 35.
-Drastically decreased the attack speed of Poison Walkers, increased damage of Poison Walkers.
-Increased the hp of Sprouts to 115.
Shadow Cult:
-Slightly reworked Spyder Bots: hp increased to 675, reduced movement speed, greatly increased damage, changed missile art
,increased base armor to 4, slightly increased its gold cost and reduced its lumber cost, greatly reduced attack speed.
-Added score screen icons for Superweapons.
-Changed the map terrain.
-Removed some unneccesary triggers.
-Extended the time length to choose a race to 20 seconds.
Celtic Angels
- Replaced the Searinghawk Raider's Invoke Fire ability with the Arcane Net ability.(The ability still needs the
upgrade to work)
-Reduced the gold costs of the Terraformer buildings that use up workers.
-Reworked the Mana Burst ability. The ability now drains all mana and deals (1.5xmana) damage to all nearby enemy
units. The ability still retains the 1.5 second stun.
-Increased Tremor Slam ability damage from 20 to 35.
-Slightly reduced the attack speed of Poison Walkers.
-Reduced Sprout's hp by 5.
-Increased the hp degeneration of Sprouts to -4.5 per second.
-Increased the range of Gene Manipulators by 150.
-Decreased food cost of Pulverizers by 1.
-Decreased Lumber Production time of Spore Genetic Churners and Spore Converters to 10 seconds.
-The Terraformer Commander's Roots of Wrath ability can now also affect mechanical units.
Shadow Cult
-Replaced the Shadow Swiftness upgrade with the Shadow Empowerment upgrade, which improves the 1st and 2nd
abilities of the Cultists and the Archon.
-Slightly reduced the lumber cost of the Bladekin.
-Reduced the movement speed of Invaders.
-Reduced the damage of Invaders. Now, Invaders can attack up to 3 units.
-Increased the speed of Homing Bombs.
-Reduced mana cost and cooldown of the Laser Cannon ability to 90 mana cost and 90 sec.
-Reduced costs of Bladekin Mastership upgrade. Now, Bladekin Mastership can only be researched when Cult Temples
are built.
-Fixed the tooltip saying that the Impervious Shields Superweapon ability only lasts for 10 seconds. The real
duration is 15 seconds.
-Nerubian race removed.
-The 3 races have now been split into two sub factions.
-The Sub Factions are:
Celtic Angels: The Order and The Fallen.
Terraformers: The Horde and The Ancients.
Shadow Cult: Robotics and Zealous.
-Cost of Invaders have been reduced and attack speed has been slightly increased.
-Destroyers have a new ability: Laser Cannon.
-New units have been added in this version:
Celtic Angels: Fallen Mutants, Sharpshooters, Magma Fiends.
Terraformers: Pulverizers, Mana Devourers.
Shadow Cult: Bladekin, Spyder Bots.
-Not all units, abilties and upgrades will be available in a specific faction.
-Here are the units that are only available in a specific faction:
Celtic Angels:
The Order: Guardians, Sharpshooters, Missionaries.
The Fallen: Fallen Mutants, Magma Fiends.
The Horde: Vine Berserkers, Mana Defilers, Wooden Idols, Pod Stalks.
The Ancients: Pulverizers, Mana Devourers.
-The Deconstructor's Nanite Surface ability(the renamed Armored Surface) is now only available
if the Robotics sub faction is chosen.
-Improved tooltips abit.
-Changed the build time of quite a number of buildings.
Celtic Angels
-The Searinghawk Raider's ability "Invoke Fire"'s mana cost has been reduced from 75 to 55.
-Reduced Volatility's speed boost from 1000% to 300% bonus.
-Increased base armor of Saplings to 3 but reduced defense upgrade bonus to 2.
-The Poison Walker has been reworked; its Spore ability has been removed. It now has a new ability, Spawn Sprout,
which causes it to create a Sprout everytime it attacks. Also, it now has a very small splash attack. Its attack
speed has also been reduced. Also, it now has no mana and the cost to train it is slightly raised.
-Gene Manipulators now lose their "Recycle" ability. Instead, the ability has been replaced with Spore. Also,
Toxic Blast now deals 2 damage per 0.5 seconds instead of 10 damage per 3 seconds and the duration of Toxic
Blast has been reduced to 10 seconds instead of the original 15.
Shadow Cult
-Invaders can now only attack up to 2 units instead of the original 4. However, they now have a new ability,
called the Homing Bomb. Well, you can tell what does it do.
Nerubian Empire
-Fixed the Locust Nest's Locust Swarm bug, which causes the locusts to stay at one place.
-Reduced the number of locusts spawned by the Locust Nest's Locust Swarm from 7 to 5.
-Brood Queens now have the ability "Spider Egg Mine", which deploys an invisible egg that explodes when enemy
units are near, damaging them.
-Fixed some descriptions.
-Slight terrain changes.
-Added a new race: The Nerubian Empire
-Changed the Acolyte's lumber gathering system. It is now it's own lumber deposit. Also added attachments
to the Acolyte, increased it's cost price and increased it's build time from 7 to 10.
-Added attachments to the Flamecasters.
-The Alva-Zyx now has only 1 attack, which is the one with the chaos damage.
-Bot Squad's attacks can now target air.
-The "Rain of Fire" ability now lasts 3 waves instead of the original 9. Also, it's damage per second has been
reduced from 20 to 15, it's cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 and it's mana cost has been reduced from 120 to 110.
-Slightly reduced the attack damage of Missionaries and Fire Djinns
-Increased the lumber cost of Flaming Souls.
-Added the "Magic Resistance" upgrade to the Shadow Cult.
-Increased the hp of Invaders from 450 to 550.
-Slightly increased the damage of Spectres.
-Increased the Archon's base armor from 0 to 1.
-Increased the cost of the Commander Evolution upgrade.
-Slightly decreased the cost of Stalkers.
-The mana cost of the "Imbue Poison" ability has been reduced from 125 to 65.
-Cultists and the Archon now can turn invisible after 7 seconds.
-Shadow Cult mechanical units now only require roughly half of their costs to be fully repaired.
-Increased the health of Flaming Souls to 515.
-Decreased the range of Thorn Fletchers to 650.
-Changed the model of the Signal Beacon.
Other details:
-The AI chooses it's race randomly.
-The AI is quite buggy(trying to fix that) due to the new stuff implemented
-Please rate my map and give comments and feedback. They would be really appreciated.
-The map is PROTECTED.
-Any problems and bugs please report to me at [email protected]
War,Altered Melee,Races,At,Races At War, Terraformers,Celtic Angels,Shadow Cult, Alien, Futuristic,RTS
Doesn't seem to want to work... were there any errors in the triggers? That could be causing the issue...
Well, even though I disapprove of having to choose a melee race in order to select entirely new ones (use a dialog box and let them choose ingame!), I sort of like the idea... a little sceptical of the Terraformers, though... I hope you didn't just use Fern doodads and the likes to make units...
I checked it, it works fine, did u select random? Cuz i haven't created a race for the orcs yet, so there's a chance that u might select orc n u might lose because there r no units.
Altered Melee:
1 - 10 points go on originality √
1 - 10 points go on terrain √
1 - 10 points go on bug free √
1 - 10 points go on gameplay/fun factor √
1 - 10 points go on lag √
1 - 10 points go on balance √
1 - 10 points go on drops
1 - 10 points go on Object editor work √
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting √
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on camera work
1 - 10 points go on music and or voice acting
1 - 10 points go on dialog
0 - 34%
35 - 49%
50 - 64%
65 - 79%
80 - 89%
90 - 100%
The table may vary if needed.
Originality: 5/10 √
Well an altered melee always goes for me. Your choice of races was, well okay. I like the Night Elf replacements however I didn't like the humans. I haven't played with undead.
Object editor work: 5/10 √
Working hotkeys, okay descriptions, however you haven't added enough buildings and units in the game.
Bug Free: 8/10 √
Besides the fact that the AI isn't working, which isn't really a bug, the game should run fine.
Terrain: 3/10 X
Poor terrain, should be done much better:
- Less blizzard cliffs
- More tiles
- More vegetation of all kind
- More dodads
Balance: 5/10 √
The races are rather different so that makes it a bit unbalanced. But the concept of the entire map is quite symetrical so its fine.
Gameplay/Fun Factor: 1/10 X
Very boring and bad, suggestions:
- Heroes, how can you have a melee without heroes :/
- More buildings, there are maybe 8 per race
- AI - you need AI to make the map better
- Neutral creeps, how can you not have them?
Lag: 8/10 √
Okay loading time, no lag ingame.
Proper submission and crediting: 5/10 √
More info and images...
In overall: 40 / 80
50%minimal 50% met.
For the hive grade: 2/5 I suggest this map for: Rejection
In overall it is not a good altered map. It misses so much things and should be improved a lot before another attempt of submission. I have said a couple of things to improve, you try and give your best shot. Don't let the "high" 50% confuse you, there is too much space for improvements.
Good Luck, bounty hunter2 I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
You have some interesting ideas, but seem to be somewhat shy when it comes to reaching out for the full potential of the idea itself. You have created 3 races for what appears to be a game close to the melee one. If you are going to have less races than the original game, might I suggest some new gameplay? It seems a little boring having so little units too when you have less races. I am not making the comparison of your map to the melee game, you have by setting up like any other.
Now, having a race that is not working is not a great way to form a map. Might I suggest creating the option of selecting races ingame? It just seems so much better than way, and it would give you the option to have a random race.
Hm... I see you got rid of heroes. That would be fine if you were creating a whole new aspect of gaming or even just basing your ideas off of an old style. However, if you base a map off the old-school Warcraft melee style, there's going to be a need for heroes. However, I seriously don't like the concept of heroes being mixed up with an idea like this, for I have an awesome suggestion for you to take its place.
I like the super-weapons idea. It is awesome! But I also like the idea of having a tab on the side of the screen which allows quick access to such an ability. So, if you're going to continue not having heroes (which would be great with a different style of gameplay), you could base your super-weapons buliding off a hero and disable it from leveling up. You'd also be able to set all its attributes to 0 (shift - enter on the stats area) so they don't interfere. That way, you'd be able to simply go to the top-left of the screen and click on the tab to then order your super-weapon to do its stuff.
At the moment, however, I am in total agreement with Bounty Hunter 2: This map is boring. Great ideas, interesting concept but terrible gameplay. Don't give up on the idea, plz, but rather present it differently. Good luck!
Thx for the comments! I really appreciated it. I'm designing this map to be different from war3 melees (no heroes n creeps) n also added the superweapons. I'll try to fill in the buildings, reduce all training n build time, n change the terraining. Oh rite, I'm testing this map as a beta(I'm sry that I didn't mention it).
Lol, probably should have mentioned it was a beta. That's a relief, seeing as how it implies you were intending on changing it a lot anyway.
Well, I might as well mention what I thought of some of the units. First of all, there's a lack of upgrades in some unit-producing buildings, but they are present in other unit-producing buildings. I think it might be a good idea to try and get a bit of a system going where there's a level of consistency.
As for the units themselves, there were some units that seemed completely useless. As the Terraformers (and I am relieved that it's actually got a good look to it ) I had one of those things with the Satyr Trickster icon... can't think of the name, sorry. But it does 3-3 damage. When fighting another Terraformer, the hit-point regen is just way to fast for there to be any effect. I think it would be great to leave the attack how it is, but add an ability based on feed-back or something, so it damages casters more (that's kind of what the name implied, of that much I'm sure).
I love the Robot Squad idea! It is unique, awesome and has some handy strategic value. The extra fire-power would be a great addition to any army . The Terraformers are quite interesting, too. They have low health, but very fast regeneration. I like it, but please be careful not to make it op .
Well, the only other thing I can think to mention is this piece of advise: Play your own map. If you don't want to play it, why are you continuing it? Furthermore, playing your own map allows you to sort out bugs and imbalances and what not and kick them hard in the ass and balls before posting your product to the public. All in all, not bad at all for a beta, though one of the first things I would have done would be to sort out the gameplay. Either way, great idea, and the best of luck to you and your project!
I'm adding new units/buildings and balancing the map and also taking a few ideas by the commentors. The oni problem now is the AI (errors). Btw, the map terrain isn't done by me. This is a map based off of 1 of Blizzard's maps, Stone Cold Mountain.
It wouldn't be incompatible, nothing created on older versions of Warcraft would be purely because it's being updated. Much like Java programming: an int (a primitive number type variable) can be converted to a double (a more advanced number type variable) without any loss of data, but converting from a double to an int can not gurantee that all the information will be kept. In other words, it will work.
It wouldn't be incompatible, nothing created on older versions of Warcraft would be purely because it's being updated. Much like Java programming: an int (a primitive number type variable) can be converted to a double (a more advanced number type variable) without any loss of data, but converting from a double to an int can not gurantee that all the information will be kept. In other words, it will work.
Did it happened when u just started? U hav only 10 seconds to pick your race, if not, u'll lose. Did u use an older version? I'll check it out again. Maybe something wrong happened when I optimized it. I am really sorry for the inconvenience.
Edit: I checked out the optimized version. Seems fine. I was playing against AI. Was there any specific race that you chose? I played with my friends before and there was no problem. I'll try to check out the triggering again.
Edit2: I checked out the triggers. Nothing seems to be wrong. I even set the trigger to only activate the Victory and Defeat Conditions 10 seconds after the game starts. So, it's kinda impossible for u to lose during the very start of the game.
Here is my humble review:
Terrain: 6/10
Nothing special about the terrain, but it's not bad either. That's why I gave it 6, not a 5.
Concept: 7/10
An altered melee map, with no Heroes or Creeps. Some people reviewed this is bad... More about this in gameplay.
Plot/story: 7/10
It's hard to make an original story these days, be it fantasy or Sci-fi... Or a mix of the two. Anyways, O.K. ideas about the races and their concepts.
Gameplay: 7/10
An altered melee map, with no Heroes or Creeps. Some people reviewed this is bad... This is AWESOME, in my humble opinion. Personally, I never liked the Hero concept in an RTS game: It is either all heroes (RPGs, DotA...) or all units (CnC). This is more or less why I don't like WC3 melee so much. You removed them, and added specific super units for each race, which are all somewhat different in concept. But isn't it the same as having heroes? Maybe it should be, but it certainly doesn't feel like it. No neutrals is so-so, no experience for heroes, no need for neutrals... But some extra cash could be good. Regarding the rest of the gameplay: O.K. Terraformers are strong and even if the fail to rush, they can still be strong in late game. Celtic Warriors... Hmpf. Turtling and defending? They end up rushing with their very powerful units, who they gain quickly even if they are expensive. Shadow Council is the weakest IMO, the guerrilla thing isn't working. They have strong air units, but not much more. Only their superweapon can save them in combat... Overall, Celtic Warriors are too strong, Shadow Council is to weak, and the Terraformers are just right. The whole superweapon concept is O.K., but they aren't really necessary for winning. Hm... Quite in contrast with what others said, I don't find the map neither boring nor slow... Quite the opposite. Also, I won't tell you to add more units and more buildings, just to be malevolent to the former reviewers. You people claim that this map has to few units and buildings? The numbers seems quite similar to regular melee, if I do so say myself. I suggest 1 more units per race, 2 at most. Instead, you could redesign some, make them more original, give them a more specific role.
Triggers: 9/10
Do not know what to say... Not much complex triggers hear, no? Still, the ones there are fine. Hmpf... One thing though: If you don't choose a race, you should get a random one, not loose. It would be 10/10 if it wasn't for this.
Other: 7/10
In this case, I'm mainly talking about the AI. It's O.K., seems to now how to make anything, but, somehow, Celtic Warrior AI always does better (Do not mix this with my saying that the C.Warrior race is to strong: I played myself). The 2 main problems are that AI usually leave the enemy base semi-destroyed, and they are REALLY annoying since they start to run with low HP units.
Total score: 43/60
Mostly focus on balance between races. Redesign some stuff, add a few units, give a few new things to the terrain... As for a 4th race: Why not.
This is how I would do it:
1. Balance the races and add a few things, and patent it as the first official version.
2. A whole new map, terrain in other words, and a new, 4th race (hm... Don't make it Orcs).
Wow, thx, Zankman Jack. It's been very long since someone gave a full extensive review. Well, i'll balance the Celtic Angels and Shadow Cults. I'll make the Celtic Angels more expensive and will also make them take a longer time to train. About the Shadow Cult, I think I'll create an upgrade for them to slightly reduce spell damage cuz I noticed that there are no anti-spellcasters in their race. Moreover, about the AI, I'll definitely fix the irritating AI retreating when they have abt 50% hp left and also the "leaving bases half-destroyed" bug.
I've created a new map with a very different terrain, which I hope will be nice, but am planning on remaking it.
Also, I've started on creating the 4th race. Don't worry, it definitely won't be orcs.
I think there is a field about the AI retreating units to heal. I'm not sure whether you can adjust the percentage though. Maybe if you used conditions? Like the town hall conditions which I'm SURE you used....
I also had an idea about a "superbuilding once", it was an observatory, that was able to cast stuffs from rain of fire to tornado
And this map worked for me well, btw.
ok great map dude,but i found one hefty bug(causes game to crash)
i was the terraformers,against the shadow cult,i had 4 archers and 4 soldiers and a commander,they all had the perminant envenomed weapons ability and i went and attacked the shadow cult and when i hit one of those squads it crashed
ok great map dude,but i found one hefty bug(causes game to crash)
i was the terraformers,against the shadow cult,i had 4 archers and 4 soldiers and a commander,they all had the perminant envenomed weapons ability and i went and attacked the shadow cult and when i hit one of those squads it crashed
Hey, thanks. Crash u say? I've been experiencing those too. But after optimizing, there seems to be no crashes so far for me. I'll try testing it out a few times more. Thx for the report.
Consider starting a changelog. BTW, the so called underground web for the nerubians is kinda weird because its above ground and it bounces here and there... And the nerubians food supplier's halfway burrow is also kinda weird.
I like these kinds of maps. I know they trake a ton of work but altered meele maps are by far the best. This has 4 races who are fairly unique. Nice work. =] Also, I love the whole idea of superweapon buildings. THAT was a great toutch, but I dislike the nerubians because the effect is so short and I think they should take longer to charge up but be much stronger than they currently are. Oh and I LOVE having no heros and no creeps. Honestly I like the thing you did where you can make hero tpe units but no xp and no maltarts and stuff like that. No real problems eiather.
I am intrigued by the addition of an extra race, but aren't the Nerubians what the Terraformers were meant to be? Just wonderin', 'cause it's kinda odd that you have the Terraformers, a race that exist through infestation of other races/planets (a little Zerg-esque), then you have the Nerubians, a race that had a 'natural evolutionary boost' (a little Zerg-esque once again).
However, I will try out this extra race when I get a chance, sounds interesting xD
I am intrigued by the addition of an extra race, but aren't the Nerubians what the Terraformers were meant to be? Just wonderin', 'cause it's kinda odd that you have the Terraformers, a race that exist through infestation of other races/planets (a little Zerg-esque), then you have the Nerubians, a race that had a 'natural evolutionary boost' (a little Zerg-esque once again).
However, I will try out this extra race when I get a chance, sounds interesting xD
Well, the Terraformers and the Nerubian Empire are very different. As you know, the Terraformers infest planets to suck them dry of any nutrients. But they don't incorporate genes of other creatures into their race. They observe other lifeforms and try to copy their characteristics and appearance by changing their genetic 'blueprints'. Because of that, all of the different types of Terraformers are actually the same, only with different genetic structures.
However, the Nerubian Empire is like, for example, all different species of spiders working together to dominate the world. They are split into different castes based on their species and each caste does different tasks.
This map is 1 or maybe the best i ever played....U just need to add more races!!!
Oh and i dont like that shadow cult has robots...Rename their fraction name to techologist or something else and put all robot units ^^
I just dont see how undead make robots,kinda lame...all other fractions r kickasss
This map is 1 or maybe the best i ever played....U just need to add more races!!!
Oh and i dont like that shadow cult has robots...Rename their fraction name to techologist or something else and put all robot units ^^
I just dont see how undead make robots,kinda lame...all other fractions r kickasss
The Shadow Cult is not undead actually. The race has highly advanced technology which is used to construct the robots. The whole race is then ruled by the Shadow Cult. The members of the Shadow Cult, called Cultists, are only those skilled in shadow magic. Then, the Shadow Cult is headed by the Archon.
More races? That's gotta be (no offense intended) the most ridiculous idea ever. In fact, adding the Nerubians (in my opinion) was a mistake. 3 races is more than enough, if you feel you need to add more, add more to the currently existing races.
And Shadow Cult is a fantastic name, don't dis them (lol)! But you don't see how undead make robots? Maybe because, believe it or not, they aren't Undead (Oh no he didn't!), but are in fact (as in the description) based around technology of stealth and stuff like that.
All in all, your suggestions are somewhat unneeded, mainly because they either entail including things that would make the map go down the wrong path or they simply change some super awesome idea with the right amount of complexity yet with enough simplicity for it to work in our human minds with comfort into something incredibly simple with extra lameness. No offense, but that's how I see your ideas.
I just checked out the Nerubians, gotta be honest with you, I don't like them one bit. The building models are kind of... awful. The whole race feels like a cliche and brings you back to the cold harsh reality that you are playing Warcraft 3 as opposed to the other races which feel like a unique environment created around the Starcraft formula (that is, the races roughly following the basic principle of Humans [Terran], Technologically Advanced Aliens [Protoss] and Natural-esque Alien Race Which Devours Worlds For Stuff [Zerg]. The basic fact is that you seem to have taken that (this is originally) idea and expanded on it, making something unique and brilliant. You took the Human idea and made them a little more alien with the addition of Celtic Angels and stuff like that. VERY NICE! You took the idea of the [Protoss] and made them somewhat more human with robots and stealth (kinda still Protoss-ish when said like that, but they feel completely different), making something very awesome. UBER NICE! And the [Zerg] idea is not even close to the Zerg at all, the Terraformers are very nice, especially that you managed to keep the Zerg-esque rush tactics while making them 100% unique. I LIKE!!!
But the Nerubians... they don't fit in, especially that they use a name unique to Warcraft (as far as I know, I could be wrong about this name factor and if I am, please do inform me). But ultimately, you had things going great until you added this race in my opinion. They don't sit well with me.
I played the map for about 15 minutes , and it looked good , Didn't really notice imbalance in that short time.
Problem was that I got a fatal error ,
* Overal I was playing the cult and it was nice to have invisible units, but they aren't perm invisible even though it says so.. you should change the tooltip for that.
But since I really liked the map, + rep
To Wazzz: I think you're right. I think I'll delete the Nerubian Empire and focus more on the original 3 races instead. That gives me more space to find more models and resources(phew). Thanks for the advice.
When I was reading the map description i was thinking...oh wow 3 uniqe races NOT from warcraft thats cool....and then I saw nerubians and thought...hmmm....not so sure I like this one. I think the 3 original races are very cool. Perhaps you could delete nerubians and then just make each of the races more unique. Oh and mabye you could make the superweapons a bit stronger becuase the shadow cult leader power is not that great in my opinion. Its still a good map. Nice job. Also I agree that when I was reading about the shadow cult I was confused tha they were shadow cultists but built robots....That didn't really seem right to me. THe map should either be midevil modern or futristic. The gameplay is pretty good though.
Well, although it's good to see you agree with me (from a slightly different perspective to me, but I agree with that perspective as well) about the Nerubians, it appears they are already being cut from the map (wise move, avpchin ).
As for being able to get more resources, just a word of warning about some models in particular: Some models are not 100% suited to buildings. They may look good, but the placement kind of goes a bit funny (like, for example, the Web model you used for one of the Nerubian buildings). Now that you can add more resources, you may be able to take the time to find (or even request) a more suited model to replace any other models that do this (I think there was one in the Terraformers, I'll check a bit later).
And glad you agree and like the suggestion, thx
Instead of putting another faction, maybe I'm adding sub-factions instead, like C&C3 Kanes Wrath. It's like the same race, but with 2-3 new units to replace some of the original. I might add at least 1 sub faction for each race.
That sounds pretty cool, I like that idea a lot, actually!
Yea, and make it that the sub-factions can also have unique researches and crap, allowing them to specialize in their individual fields (kind of like C&C Generals: Zero Hour... makes me want to play that now )
You'd have unique attributes for all the races. For example, the Shadow Cult could have a sub-faction specializing in Stealth, one in Electronics and another in Economy or something like that. The Celtic Angels could have one specializing in Assault, one in Economy and another in Defense or something like that. And the Terraformers could have one specializing in Growth/Expansion (could include an extra building that works like a Nydus Canal from Starcraft, only uses the Waygate ability. If you need help with this trigger, I have a working trigger for it that I'm willing to share ;D), another in Infestation (although they don't infest... well, I'm sure you have some ideas, anyway ;P) and another in Air Combat.
Well, these are just suggestions (the Terraformer ideas are really loose in my opinion, but they're a basic guideline of what can be done with such an epic idea ), so it's really up to you what you do in the end. However, I do like my Shadow Cult suggestions, they could work quite well (although, you may want to replace 'Electronics' with another name/field/something )
just recently downloaded this map, and played it. after reading over a few coments i see that im not the only one that had the same feeling of starcraft all over again =) i too didnt think the nerubians fit well in the game.
however i had one bug while playing this with my dormmate, some how he managed to get 2 races instead of just one, he got the terraformers and the celtic angels... i still kicked his butt with the terraformers but not sure how to reduplicate this error, he had an old laptop he was playing on and it always lags for him early game. you could set some kind of a pause for laggers in the begining as he didnt have enough time to choose his race, i think he may have gotten lucky and pushed it right as the menu closed on him resulting in 2 races.. just wasnt good lol
love the map tho cant wait to see these races implemented on bigger maps and such once you get things down the way you want them
Lol, I've removed the Nerubians from this version. I might be increasing the length of the race selection to 20-30 seconds. Bug u say..hmm..i'll check it out. Thx for reporting. Btw, how's the new system/sub faction?
Edit: Most probably, I'll be changing to an 8 player map. I need help(unless I'm using Blizzard's maps) cuz I'm not that good in terraining.
Hey, thanks. Crash u say? I've been experiencing those too. But after optimizing, there seems to be no crashes so far for me. I'll try testing it out a few times more. Thx for the report.
downloading the newest version now looking forward to trying it out.
i hope you eventually make the subfactions more unique over time.
very impressive!
the teraformers were my favorites so i went with them as always, i chose the horde for the subfaction, i got roughly the same type of units from the previous version with the first faction but i took notice of all the new units and special features, i see you have implemented the special abilities (the word has slipped my mind) that allows you to influence the game with weather effects etc. such as the healing rain all over the map, that was cool. noticing the 2nd faction of the teraformers i noticed that certain buildings could be made to produce lumber great idea gives a meaning to the building name now: "spore converter"
(?)do you plan to have different specials for each faction?
(-)only thing that bothered me was the balloon thing for the teraformers, cool model but didnt seem to fit the theme model wise other then its attacks fit in fine
(+)the poison ground thing (sorry i cant remember the names at the moment and im a bit lazy to go back and look) spawns the tiny sporelings, this almost reminded me of the Reaver fromt he protoss, except with the opposite effect very creative
update the map discription on the first page to display right, there are no longer 4 races, i think you removed the nerubians but there is still one error on the text for the description
you've got my approval looking forward to any new updates in the near future.
downloading the newest version now looking forward to trying it out.
i hope you eventually make the subfactions more unique over time.
very impressive!
the teraformers were my favorites so i went with them as always, i chose the horde for the subfaction, i got roughly the same type of units from the previous version with the first faction but i took notice of all the new units and special features, i see you have implemented the special abilities (the word has slipped my mind) that allows you to influence the game with weather effects etc. such as the healing rain all over the map, that was cool. noticing the 2nd faction of the teraformers i noticed that certain buildings could be made to produce lumber great idea gives a meaning to the building name now: "spore converter"
(?)do you plan to have different specials for each faction?
(-)only thing that bothered me was the balloon thing for the teraformers, cool model but didnt seem to fit the theme model wise other then its attacks fit in fine
(+)the poison ground thing (sorry i cant remember the names at the moment and im a bit lazy to go back and look) spawns the tiny sporelings, this almost reminded me of the Reaver fromt he protoss, except with the opposite effect very creative
update the map discription on the first page to display right, there are no longer 4 races, i think you removed the nerubians but there is still one error on the text for the description
you've got my approval looking forward to any new updates in the near future.
Lol, thx. If ur meaning that whether am I adding more specials, then yes. I'm planning on 2 powers for each faction(and sub faction). Abt the spore emitter(the balloon thing), it's supposed to be an inflatable fungus type of creature(like poison walkers). And yes, sorry, I forgot to change some of the description of the map, I'll change it in the next version. Overall, thx for the comment.
Improve the AI! it's just work completely for shadow cult. if celtic angels, it's doesn't harvest lumber. anyway, great map! i think shadow cult it's too powerful, imba
Improve the AI! it's just work completely for shadow cult. if celtic angels, it's doesn't harvest lumber. anyway, great map! i think shadow cult it's too powerful, imba
well, the ai actually doesnt really work for the shadow cult and celtic angels sometimes. I'm still fixing that thing for a long time now, don't noe wat's the problem. Anyways, thx. Shadow Cult imba? Can u explain more abt it? Cuz sum ppl says that shadow cult is too weak.
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