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- Aug 23, 2014
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I just want to clarify the game mechanics. Correct me if wrong.
Attack Speed
General mechanics. Is it correct?
- Warcraft 3 operates with attack cooldowns. So unit with 2.0 attack speed will do 5 attacks during 10-second interval.
- Total attack speed value is additive. So buffs +20%, +30% and debuff -40% will give you 10% attack speed increase.
- Attack speed formula looks like:
Attack_speed = Base_attack_speed / (("Percent increase or decrease" / 100) + 1)
Thus we obtain: 100% - 1 extra attack within fixed interval or 50% attack cooldown reduction, 200% - 2 extra attacks or 67% cd reduction, etc. Therefore, damage bonus diminishes with each additional attack speed %.
Conversely, a decrease in attack speed will strongly influence total damage: -50% - attack cooldown doubled, 80% - attack cooldown increased five times (with 2.0 example it will be 1 attack during 10-second interval).
Now Gaias mechanics.
- 100% attack speed will add 1 extra attack like standart mechanics?
- All equipment/skill/talent attack speed bonuses are additive, or some of them multiplicative? (side note: idea for talent - increase ASPD gain from item bonuses by 50%)
Spell Haste
Cast system is awesome. But it leaves some questions about balancing.
- Spell Haste directly reduces spell casting time? For example: 10 sec casting time of Resurrection reduced to 7 sec with 30% haste and to 2 sec with 80%?
- Each additional % in spell haste is more valuable? With 30% haste you can cast 8,5 resurrections over 1 minute (42% additional casts) and with 80% it increases to 30 resurrections (400% additional casts, five times more than base spell).
- With 100% spell haste will all casts become instant? What will happen if you collect 101% spell haste?
- At Spell Haste values close to 100% instant casting is limited with spell cooldowns. But what will happen if you use successively several 0.5 sec cd spells? (fireball + water globes + lightning charge)
- Does this make high level item balancing harder?
I want to say that in its current form spell haste can be very overpowered. Yes, it is limited by the amount of mana, but opportunities for burst damage increases very fast after 50% spell haste.
What if use attack speed formula for spell haste? Yes, this will require increase spell haste at items and in AGI formula at least twice. But this will make casters more balanced and cast times more important part of the game. Also, it will make cast speed reduction skills more efficient.
Attack Speed
General mechanics. Is it correct?
- Warcraft 3 operates with attack cooldowns. So unit with 2.0 attack speed will do 5 attacks during 10-second interval.
- Total attack speed value is additive. So buffs +20%, +30% and debuff -40% will give you 10% attack speed increase.
- Attack speed formula looks like:
Attack_speed = Base_attack_speed / (("Percent increase or decrease" / 100) + 1)
Thus we obtain: 100% - 1 extra attack within fixed interval or 50% attack cooldown reduction, 200% - 2 extra attacks or 67% cd reduction, etc. Therefore, damage bonus diminishes with each additional attack speed %.
Conversely, a decrease in attack speed will strongly influence total damage: -50% - attack cooldown doubled, 80% - attack cooldown increased five times (with 2.0 example it will be 1 attack during 10-second interval).
Now Gaias mechanics.
- 100% attack speed will add 1 extra attack like standart mechanics?
- All equipment/skill/talent attack speed bonuses are additive, or some of them multiplicative? (side note: idea for talent - increase ASPD gain from item bonuses by 50%)
Spell Haste
Cast system is awesome. But it leaves some questions about balancing.
- Spell Haste directly reduces spell casting time? For example: 10 sec casting time of Resurrection reduced to 7 sec with 30% haste and to 2 sec with 80%?
- Each additional % in spell haste is more valuable? With 30% haste you can cast 8,5 resurrections over 1 minute (42% additional casts) and with 80% it increases to 30 resurrections (400% additional casts, five times more than base spell).
- With 100% spell haste will all casts become instant? What will happen if you collect 101% spell haste?
- At Spell Haste values close to 100% instant casting is limited with spell cooldowns. But what will happen if you use successively several 0.5 sec cd spells? (fireball + water globes + lightning charge)
- Does this make high level item balancing harder?
I want to say that in its current form spell haste can be very overpowered. Yes, it is limited by the amount of mana, but opportunities for burst damage increases very fast after 50% spell haste.
What if use attack speed formula for spell haste? Yes, this will require increase spell haste at items and in AGI formula at least twice. But this will make casters more balanced and cast times more important part of the game. Also, it will make cast speed reduction skills more efficient.