old formula:
basecast - basecast*(haste/100) = timecast
50% haste reduces cast time by 50%. 3s > 1.5s
new formula:
basecast/(1+haste/100) = timecast
50% haste reduces cast time by 33.333%. 3s > 2s
converting new value to old value (for comparison)
100*[1 - 1/(1+new value/100)] = old value
converting old value to new value (for comparison)
100*[1/(1 - old value/100) - 1] = new value
for example:
your current haste is 40
100*[1 - 1/(1+40/100)]= 28.5714
it means the 40% haste value you have now is just the same as having 28.57% on the old version.
your old haste is 60
100*[1/(1 - 60/100) - 1] = 150
it means you need 150% haste to have the same cast speed as the old 60%
*Yellow represents 1.2A(8) value
*Lime represents 1.2A(9) value
basecast - basecast*(haste/100) = timecast
50% haste reduces cast time by 50%. 3s > 1.5s
new formula:
basecast/(1+haste/100) = timecast
50% haste reduces cast time by 33.333%. 3s > 2s
converting new value to old value (for comparison)
100*[1 - 1/(1+new value/100)] = old value
converting old value to new value (for comparison)
100*[1/(1 - old value/100) - 1] = new value
for example:
your current haste is 40
100*[1 - 1/(1+40/100)]= 28.5714
it means the 40% haste value you have now is just the same as having 28.57% on the old version.
your old haste is 60
100*[1/(1 - 60/100) - 1] = 150
it means you need 150% haste to have the same cast speed as the old 60%
*Yellow represents 1.2A(8) value
*Lime represents 1.2A(9) value