Fight with three different races and three different gametypes on a variety of maps with up to four players.
The playable races are:
The Alliance of Free Systems - easiest race to play (most completed)
The Empire of Humanity - harder race to play
The Coalition of Alien Races - hardest race to play (least completed)
And the gametypes are:
Normal - combination of team and FFA games, depends on map
Survival - fight with up to four players against wave after wave of imperial forces while simultaneously trying to destroy their teleport pads (impossible alone, or is it?)
Infection - fight against an unidentified race that infests people (actually their not unidentified their just !CLASSIFIED!)
Important gameplay mechanics which I only include here because new people either ignore the in-game tips or just want to know how the map is like before actually trying it:
Limited buildings and specific base places - each base structure increases you maximum build limit by five and buildings can only be placed on specific pads (except in one map)
Income - you get income by building one of two resource structures
The alien coalition - relies on special units in order for their air units to be of any real use
Credits can be found in-game
Planetary, Warfare, empire, human, alien,