Fine looking skin and nice model edit.
Fine looking skin and nice model edit.
(8 ratings)
Now we need a hexed Pirate transport ship, using the skin from joes quest.
You are a liar sir!!! You did not make that skin!!! I made this skin on 8/3/2005 for -=13attleships=- [pro] maps!!!
If anyone would like to look at my collection of skins I can make them available so you will know that this is one of many pirate skins I made for that series!!!
Read my response before sounding like a retarded monkey. I MADE THAT SKIN NOT DRAECON!!! And as for this hexing nonsense, I haven't even begun to look into your model, but I will now. Thief.
You are a liar sir!!! You did not make that skin!!! I made this skin on 8/3/2005 for -=13attleships=- [pro] maps!!!
Oblivion9 said-
You are a liar sir!!! You did not make that skin!!! I made this skin on 8/3/2005 for -=13attleships=- [pro] maps!!!
You did not make that skin, Dreacon did for "joe's Quest". You can check the credits in several places:
1. the mod itself (first episode)
2. in the 13attleships map made by ipeonrush(you'll notice he mentions dreacon in the credits)
3. in the following link: where it clearly states that "Dreacon" made this skin for "joe's Quest"
That was the original link for this submitted resource, submitted by Dreacon in which he states "Pirat ship skin. Use in Med.Mapguys Joe's Quest Gold"
5. anyone can view the skin in wc3viewer and they'll notice it's the same(minus the hexing)
6. notice it was submitted September 30th, 2004 also.
so personally the fact that you not only claim you made this skin, claim you made a map (which was created by breden and ipeonrush), and then flame another member of this forum is reason enough for a ban. 3 strikes and you're out.
That is if moderators do their job, so we'll have to wait and see on that. I personally know medmapguy and didn't need any of that info to know Dreacon made it but at least now everyone else knows too.
You Oblivion9 are the liar.
I had to export the waterwake2.blp from my war3x.mpq to get it to work for it to work on roc. Alls well that ends well.
You are a liar sir!!! You did not make that skin!!! I made this skin on 8/3/2005 for -=13attleships=- [pro] maps!!!
If anyone would like to look at my collection of skins I can make them available so you will know that this is one of many pirate skins I made for that series!!!