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Save & Load system
Interact system
Player AI (Bot Support)
4 Game modes (Campaign, Versus, Survival and Infestation)
Over different 40 items
100% changed layout of WarCraft 3
5 different soundtracks


Combat Knife
Double Barrel Shotgun
Glock 17
Revolver ME 38
Sledge Hammer
Stechkin APS


Adrenaline Syringe
Ammo Bag
Ballistic face shield
Bomber Suit
Bomber face shield
Combat Gasmask
Commando Beret
First aid kit
Laserpointer Attachment
Medical Bag
Night Vision Goggles
Signal Flare
Support Radio Device
Tactical Helmet
XM214 Turret

Game Modes:



You will play the role of one from four russian officers of the secret service. Your first impression is that this mission will be just like any other, but you really have no idea what nightmarish future events have in store for you...



Two of the officers from the Spetsnaz encounter a small group of terrorists while advancing through Sector 0. A firefight ensures, but who will ultimately gain control of the sector?



While searching for the Data Core, the Delta Squad took a wrong turn, and ended up in a heavily infested Sector 0. You will play the role of one from four terrorists from the Delta Team to fight for your survival.



You will play the role of one from four scientists protecting Doctor Galina while she tries to save the other files in the Data Core, but some of you have already been infected. Will she save the files in time?

Support Art:


Use our offical Warcraft III Paranoia signature in order to spread the word about this project.




Screenshots (Outdated)










Version 1.0 Beta:


Version 1.1 Beta:

Coming soon.

Version 1.2 Beta:

Coming soon.

Warcraft III Paranoia Developers:

Grievous1 (Leader/3D Art/2D Art/Terrain/Writer)
Modox (Co. Leader/Coder)
Pkw (Animator)


Half Life 1 Paranoia Team (Specialy Buzzer)


Requirements & Information:


Map Version: 1.0 Beta
Map Size: 192x192
Map Player Limit: 4
Map Filesize: 8mb
Map Language: English

Requires the latest version of WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne (1.26 or higher) and high graphic settings or you might encounter graphic bugs.

★ Required WarCraft 3 Addon: The Frozen Throne
★ Required WarCraft 3 Version: 1.26
★ Required WarCraft 3 Graphical Settings: Medium or High
★ Required WarCraft 3 Lightning Settings: Medium or High
★ Required WarCraft 3 Spell Settings: Medium or High

This map is protected! Please don't edit or export files of it. Thank you very much. :)
© Copyright 2012 WarCraft 3 Paranoia

Paranoia, Dark, Action, Tactic, Soldiers, Modern Warfare, Zombies, Survival, Campaign, Infected, Infestation, Shooter, Defense, Versus, Mutants


Vengeancekael Date: 2012/Nov/01 16:36:10 [Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact] Comment:bowser's gonna kill me for rating this first, but oh well, I'll get away with it!!!!! Anyway, check my post in Staff Contact. [tr]Highly...




Date: 2012/Nov/01 16:36:10
[Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact]

bowser's gonna kill me for rating this first, but oh well, I'll get away with it!!!!!

Anyway, check my post in Staff Contact.​
Highly Recommended

Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
Weird, I don't see it on the front page of THW yet. Anyone else have this problem?
Good thing it's finally released to the public! It was difficult playing with massive lag during testing.
Thanks for putting in so much effort to this map...how many years has it been, two?
Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
I tip my hat to the creators of this map. This is definetly original creation and deserves DC. Kael, you gave too low rating again! :D


Thank you for this kind of words its keeps me motivated to continue the work on it and create new stuff. :) I think in its current state it don't deserves a Directors Cut. But maybe one day after we have improved the bad things it could get a higher rating. But who knows it. Btw. I love your project called "Oasis and Desert 2" who haven't check it out you need to try this!

at DrizztDoUrden: Thanks! :D
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
Hmmm... Survival is TOO easy because u can swap equipment at any time. I usually put ammo box and then use laser targeting with my spas-12 (6 lvl hero). With this it's almost impossible to die even without moving. Also it's a bit weird to make the only way to get a first aid pack through dying, u'd better give 0 them and 0 grenades when revived, but drop them in center. And 30-40 seconds pauses between waves for weaporn and equipment switching, but it should be restricted in wave itself.
P.S.: AK-74 - worst rifle in game? Oo That's the most weird thing I saw there...
Level 3
Jul 1, 2012
Nice game modes so far no bugs, but make the campaign longer after you get to the chopper or was that a tank(i cant see it clearly cause its dark in my house) how about set it to a next mission with another map but its ok so i give it 5\5 good map kinda is like left for dead for that zombie that jumps and the zombie who explodes or dies and will deal big damage to the officers. :):):):):):):)
To the Creators of this map i just wanna say this is like the best 1st person shooting map!!!
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Well, well,
I tried this with 3 mates today and I have to say, it doesn't really live up to the hype.

Yes, of course it looks very nice and has a cool style overall, but the gameplay is just mediocre.

I know this is a Beta and I hope some things will still change, but here are small lists of things I noticed (campaign mode only):

  • Nice Look
  • Good terrain (well, mostly interior)
  • custom lighting
  • custom sounds
  • overall high quality with icons, tooltips, etc.


  • The talking parts are too long. Either make them faster or go into some sort of cinematic mode. No one really cares for that bland back story that much, and you don't really notice the text most the time.
  • Why would you ever use the pistol? I don't know if it's because of the easy setting, but you have unlimited ammo and the rifle is much stronger than the pistol.
  • Grenades bounce off way too far. They shouldn't behave like gummy balls. I have to aim the grenade half the way I wanna throw it to hit my target.
  • There isn't any explosion damage indicator? corpses get knock-back, but living zombies don't seem to care at all.
  • There should be an information somewhere that you need a medkit and use interact to revive someone
  • The current goal should be displayed somewhere and you should be notified with a differently colored text message AND sound! Especially at the "defend the Doctor" part, I didn't even notice the timer at first.
  • There isn't much stuff to interact with! Besides talking, opening cupboards or progressing (valve/elevator) there aren't any objects to interact with.
  • Light (flashlight) is kinda useless. You can't sneak around enemies anyway, and you can still see them without it. If it would have some sort of purpose, having switches for all the rooms could be something to interact!
  • You could really do more destructable/explodable objects/terrain. The only thing with an explosion is the grenade :/

  • Sorry, but the game really is boring, especially the first 10-15 minutes, all you do is wait for the guys to finish talking, shooting "dumb" soldiers and not really knowing what to do, other than following the level-path
  • Even if the Zombies appear, after 2 minutes, it's kinda worn out. There isn't much variety and all you do is shoot, reload, shoot, reload.
  • There never is(unless we died before it happening) a real horde of zombies, they just appear single or in groups of too. (again, maybe because of the difficulty setting?)
  • The music gets really annoying, because most the time it's just a 5 second loop. Only at bosses or a different level you get to hear something different

In conclusion, despite the visual aspect, the game doesn't offer much in the campaign mode.
I will try the other modes too and comment about them.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
so far no bugs

Actually there is 1 Near the beginning in the corridor where the special zombie or boss pulls you towards him and grabs you then a few seconds after he throws you, this causes some sort of bug. Sovok was K/O either at the time I was thrown or before, or the fact that he died might of caused it to trigger it while I was being thrown at the same time and while he was, sovok was literally getting thrown/bouncing around the map. I finally was able to find/get his body and used a med kit on him, but the bug/issue still continued, Sovok was still bouncing around the map each time my group was either moving or being attacked.


this is like the best 1st person shooting map!

Really? I don't recall this being first person shooter map

My review: (((Viewer be advised this is a constructive summary withholding my own opinion you've been warned)))

Short Summary:
After the long wait but once again I become "almost" but not quite impressed with your work but I will let you off the hook this time the map overall wasn't in my best interest or hit my taste but for others I'm sure it will, I'm going to go through what I think you did do right and some of the things I think you went in the wrong direction with, I like how the squad stays grouped together although we don't necessarily have any control over them except for getting them back on their feet with a med kit which at least made me satisfied with this proportion the huge backdraw to this is the squad units get in the way or block your movement paths which makes it very frustrating when engaging combat and overly lacking control of the main controller character speaking of the main controller I notice that the special zombies or bosses attack "you" rather than squad mates and it makes me feel like my squad/group is utterly being ignored most of the time. The atmosphere/environment/models were all done quite well everything is well presented and visuals look like they took some time to make the only downside I had with this was the fact that it feels like I'm looking at paper box zombies I think some of them need slight re-work. I do have to say one thing I quite enjoyed the most was the zombies jumping out unexpectedly, but after awhile you kinda get use to it with them being behind doors and such, I thought the destructible wall was a clever idea and made me jump out of my seat once they wall was down to notice a giant looking creature/zombie was there to grab you. The action and how it works isn't quite there yet, grenades in my opinion should not bounce you hardly have enough time to wait for it to go off. The layout on the med kits, grenades, and ammo is a bit refreshing I like how the mana is the ammo I think that works just fine so I recommend to leave it this way but the way guns work needs a change because when I'm in combat I don't feel that fun factor at all I find myself reloading 50% of the time and the delay in guns doesn't feel realistic at all they definitely need re-adjustments, I understand if you're going for a "survival" horror type and not more of the action side but you can equally balance this with other things such as the flashlight that you already have when the battery is out it's hard to see which is a great feature despite that it automatically recharges I never liked this idea you should come up with a way to "recharge" the flashlight battery but this is just my opinion once again still I think you could make something work. My #1 worst complaint I have is the pace of the game, the text scenes are way to long making the replay value almost bare to none and what happens when you die? You start over...going through all of those scenes again (depressing) & quite honestly if I were to rate it right now I would give it a 3.5 but sense it's still beta I will hold off and wait to see what happens next. A final thought I think you have a great lead here if you stay dedicated to it, the horror definitely felt original and I like how the AI works it runs decently well not 100% but good enough to keep me to stay tuned for further updates.

(Overall Score: [X] (Beta - Wants to see improvements)
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
The talking parts are too long. Either make them faster or go into some sort of cinematic mode. No one really cares for that bland back story that much, and you don't really notice the text most the time.

Well that means you're a player who never cares for a story. Sorry but I am. A little bit of patience won't kill you.

Why would you ever use the pistol? I don't know if it's because of the easy setting, but you have unlimited ammo and the rifle is much stronger than the pistol.

Sometimes, reloading takes some times and switching to pistol is way easier.(Critical moment like when you're dying then you run out of ammo.)

Grenades bounce off way too far. They shouldn't behave like gummy balls. I have to aim the grenade half the way I wanna throw it to hit my target.

Sir have you really tested their physic system here? The farther you throw the grenade, the farther the bounce will. The shorter you throw it, the shorter the bounce will be.

There isn't any explosion damage indicator? corpses get knock-back, but living zombies don't seem to care at all.

I hope you know how hard to make a perfect physic system.

Well kinda lazy to answer them all. I'm not the creator anyway but let me answer this one.

Sorry, but the game really is boring, especially the first 10-15 minutes, all you do is wait for the guys to finish talking, shooting "dumb" soldiers and not really knowing what to do, other than following the level-path

Play with a friend god dangit. Its fun to play with real friends not ai. ;p We're screaming and bla bla bla and having fun while playing. ;p
Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
at Frotty: they was never a hype from my side anyway thanks for your feedback the most things are known issues or just a view thing of the players maybe. If I will get a little bit more motivation than currently I will start to work on a update. Btw. please next time use our little forum http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/warcraft-iii-paranoia-132/bug-wrong-translation-report-206953/ & http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/warcraft-iii-paranoia-132/suggestions-ideas-206952/ because I don't want that this download area morphs into a bug report and suggestion thread.

at takezandgoez: Some of them are old known bugs we thought the most of them are already fixed maybe next time we should wait a little bit more for releasing or just don't do it. ^^ Anyway we will look into your and frotty's suggestions and reports but like I said please use our threads which are created for this kind of comments. Thanks

I wish you both a nice day/night