Paired Modeling/Texturing Contest #1 - RESULTS

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Level 26
Apr 13, 2008




Contest Theme: Warcraft Hero

Contestants are to team up with 1 partner to form a team of a 3D modeler and a 2D Texture Artist. This team must create a custom model and texture working together. They must create a Warcraft Hero. A Model that fits into the Warcraft 3 lore and can be used as a hero unit


'Kay here is my judging

Human Executioner
M0rbid and General Frank
Mesh - 14/15
It does it's job well without being overly dense
Animations 10/10
Good use of ingame animations. Lots of variety
Skin - 8/10
While okay, there is some stretching. This, on the other hand, isn't too noticeable
Effects - 8/10
Not an over abundance of effects, but the ones there serve it well
Shading and Highlights - 15/20
The shading and highlights are somewhat messy and unpolished
Originality - 8/10
Seems pretty original, but nothing too out of the ordinary of big weapon wielding warriors
Detail - 16/20
While the texture does add good depth, detail execution was only average
Game Mechanics - 9/10
The model functions well in game. I dislike the team color
Synergy - 10/10
The model and texture fit well together

Total - 98/120

Death Mistress
Brazilian Force
Mesh - 12/15
Though in this case used more appropriately, the mesh has an overabundance of polys that could be cut down. I think it was unnecessary for the chains to be fully 3D
Animations 5/10
Very stiff and lifeless animations. The death animation seems good though
Skin - 10/10
Good wrap
Effects - 6/10
The particles used are pretty good though simple
Shading and Highlights - 19/20
Good shading and highlights
Originality - 10/10
Nice idea
Detail - 18/20
Really good details
Game Mechanics - 8/10
The model functions okay in game. Animations are not smooth
Synergy - 10/10
The model and texture fit well together

Total - 98/120

Elite Siege Engine
Green Quality
Mesh - 13/15
Good mesh though some polys could be cut down
Animations 8/10
Pretty good, though simple, custom animations
Skin - 9/10
The texture wraps to the model well
Effects - 8/10
Cool effects on the model
Shading and Highlights - 16/20
Though not very contrasted, it works well in-game and fits in with the WC3 style
Originality - 5/10
Not the most original model idea
Detail - 17/20
Simplistic yet effective detail
Game Mechanics - 10/10
The model functions well in game
Synergy - 10/10
The model and texture fit well together

Total - 96/120

Number 1
Mesh - 14/15
A like the simplistic, effective mesh
Animations 6/10
The animations are okay but bland
Skin - 10/10
Good wrap on the model
Effects - 3/10
Not really any notable effects
Shading and Highlights - 17/20
The shading and highlights are fairly well done. The metal is lackluster
Originality - 7/10
Not stunningly original but the idea is useful
Detail - 16/20
The detail on the model is pretty good works well
Game Mechanics - 9/10
Works well in game
Synergy - 10/10
The model and texture work well together

Total - 92/120

Johanus Foul
Mesh - 14/15
Pretty good mesh.
Animations 4/10
Even though there are many animations, the quality of them is not up to par. They are very stiff and jerky
Skin - 8/10
Decent wrap
Effects - 10/10
I really liked the originality of the effects and the execution of them
Shading and Highlights - 15/20
Pretty good shading and highlights, though a bit plain
Originality - 6/10
I like the idea. Not the first pitch black demon morph I've seen though (demon hunter)
Detail - 14/20
The details seem okay but nothing out of the ordinary
Game Mechanics - 7/10
The animations are jerky and the team color on the unmorphed hero does not look very good. Some faces on the hood
Synergy - 8/10
The model and texture work okay together

Total - 86/120

Bandit Berserker
Pink Balloon
Mesh - 5/15
Way too many polys used on the mesh
Animations 6/10
A good start on the animations. I like the idea behind them, but they need a lot more refinement
Skin - 8/10
The wrap is sufficient
Effects - 4/10
Not many effects
Shading and Highlights - 13/20
The texture came out dull with little contrast
Originality - 7/10
A pretty good idea
Detail - 14/20
The detail is okay but appears blurry
Game Mechanics - 8/10
The model functions okay in game. Animations are not smooth
Synergy - 6/10
The model and texture are okay together but lacking

Total - 71/120

Death Mistress


Mesh: 12/15
Animations: 8/10
Skin: 10/10
Effects: 7.5/10
Creativity: 5/5


Shading: 18/20
Originality: 9/10
Detail: 18/20

Game Mechanics: 8.5/10

Synergy: 10/10

TOTAL: 106/120

Johanus Foul


Mesh: 10/15
Animations: 3/10
Skin: 7/10
Effects: 6.5/10
Creativity: 5/5


Shading: 9/20
Originality: 7/10
Detail: 10/20

Game Mechanics: 7/10

Synergy: 5/10

TOTAL: 69.5/120

Dwarf Pilgrim

Mesh: 13/15
Animations: 9/10
Skin: 9/10
Effects: 7/10
Creativity: 3.5/5


Shading: 16/20
Originality: 7/10
Detail: 14/20

Game Mechanics: 8/10

Synergy: 9/10

TOTAL: 95.5/120

Bandit Berserker


Mesh: 12/15
Animations: 6/10
Skin: 8/10
Effects: 6/10
Creativity: 3/5


Shading: 14/20
Originality: 6/10
Detail: 10/20

Game Mechanics: 6/10

Synergy: 7.5/10

TOTAL: 78.5/120

Human Executioner


Mesh: 12/15
Animations: 8/10
Skin: 8/10
Effects: 6/10
Creativity: 3.5/5


Shading: 10/20
Originality: 6/10
Detail: 13/20

Game Mechanics: 10/10

Synergy: 9/10

TOTAL: 85.5/120

Siege Tank


Mesh: 15/15
Animations: 8.5/10
Skin: 9/10
Effects: 9.5/10
Creativity: 3/5


Shading: 16/20
Originality: 7.5/10
Detail: 16/20

Game Mechanics: 9/10

Synergy: 10/10

TOTAL: 103.5/120

(((Infinitynexus+Supa-)/240*60)+((Votes/Total Votes)*40)=Final Score

1st - Death mistress:((106+98)/240*60)+((61/178)*40)=64.7/100
2nd - Siege engine:((103.5+96)/240*60)+((42/178)*40)=59.31/100
3rd - Human executioner:((85.5+98)/240*60)+((35/178)*40)=53.74/100
4th - dwarf monk pilgrim:((95.5+92)/240*60)+((27/178)*40)=52.94/100
5th - Bandit berzerker:((78.5+71)/240*60)+((10/178)*40)=39.62/100
6th - johanus foul:((69.5+86)/240*60)+((3/178)*40)=39.55/100


Poll | Contest
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Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
Congratulations to all contestants, we got some cool models and hopefully this will inspire further cooperative efforts outside of contests in the future.

Sorry, i'll get see if pyritie can make that banner text thing with the 3 winners in the BIG font and the rep and award icons should come soon after that.
OMG! Despite of the poll's results, I really didn't expect to win, Debode/l0w_kwaliti's tank was awesome and that dwarf pilgrim was so cool.
I thought of our model more like an unfinished one with sucky effects and crappy animations.
Gonna polish it now and submit it to the resource section!

It was nice making a paired model, never did it before, and if we won was because 4enn is quite an artist!

Congratulations to the other winners! And to the pilgrim team, which model I liked a lot also.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Congratulations to everyone! Gah, honestly I expected to see the Pilgrim amongst the winners. I'm a little disappointed in the judging, not because we didn't take first place but because the reviews were either so small or nonexistent. :(

SuPa-, you obviously didn't test the Pilgrim's spell animation in-game, since it has some magnificent effects on it and it's a shame you said there are none. :(
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Gratz to the winners but on the winner places i would change the executioner to the pilgrim. Once again Gratulations.
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