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Paired Modeling Contest #2 - Results

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Contestants were to create a spacecraft. May that be a spaceship(a space vehicle), a space station(a space building) or even a simple satellite.
A spacecraft or spaceship is a craft or machine designed for spaceflight. Spacecraft are used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and transportation of humans and cargo.


Mesh: There is a lot of detail, but also a lot of unneeded detail: round shapes could've been done with 8 sided cones instead of 10-12 sided ones. Or the stars could've used 1 of those star textures in the mpq.
Skin: I'm really not a fan of the texture that you used for the satelite. A more detailed one would've been great. On the other hand I like how you used the glass texture
Creativity: Some satelite robot is creative, never seen that before
Animations: Quite simple and not that creative( that stand 3 dancing is even really boring). Some lazy shoot animation out of the antenna would've been great
Mechanics: Works ingame,but you forgot to set the spell animation to non looping
Effects: Simple but fine. I like that sound effect during the attack anims


Mesh: Looks great, details were added were details were needed
Skin: Looks really awesome, would've been great if you could've merged the textures though
Creativity: I have seen insects before, I have also seen some flying insect mdel before, but the shape and stuff are still creative
Animations: They work fine, but some more would've been great.
Mechanics: It works ingame, but camera, attachment points and death sound are missing.
Effects: Simple but fine


Mesh: A lot of details, while many of them are not needed at all(like modeling the inside and outside of the rockets. The model is also not optimized at all(using 17 geoset while it only needs 5 or something.)
Skin: It looks ok, but isn't anything special.
Creativity: Another spaceship, but I do like the shape.
Animations: Really simple. I'm also not a fan of that magically attaching 3rd rocket.
Mechanics: Works ingame, misses attachment points. But death anim looks stupid(as it is just disappearing)
Effects: simple but fine


Mesh: High face count and there isn't that much detail on the mesh.
Skin: Quite cartoony, but still looks fine.
Creativity: Looks quite a lot like the overseer.
ANimations: Got a nice flow and move naturally, but some more would've been great.
Mechanics: Works ingame, but the particles in the spell animation are not visible(when I disabled XY QUad they worked)
Effects: Simple but fine


Mesh: Quite high poly for a wc3 model(but still kinda low poy to the rest of the entries). There are a few details that wouldn't be needed(like a cone with 12 edges while 8 would already be perfectly fine), but then again there still so many details that simpy made that high face count.
Skin: The texture might not be the most detailed on, but it still works pretty fine.
Creativity: It might "just" be a space ship, butt you still have to come up with the shape etc
Animations: They are simple, but then again I don't see much need for some freaky "morphing into a transformer" anim on this model
Mechanics: Does not really work ingame as you forgot to add many things to it: 1. there is no camera 2. you forgot to calculate the extents, which makes it unselectable ingame via clicking, 3.the effects do not work as they are supposted to(the attack particles go through the model,that morphing effect does not appear)
Effects: That warp effect is simply the most awesome thing I have ever seen on a wc3 model and the rest is great aswell


22/25 – Mesh
[Well i guess we'll start here.... the mesh is. good. Its an interesting shape, Its not very often you see rounded edges on a spehs ship. Most people just weld boxes together. The engines, the turrets, etc; everything seems to fit fairly well together. And yes, ball turrets are the smart design for 3d space battles... that is until i point out that you cant shoot behind yourself since your ship's bulky ass flares out and blocks your line of sight. But i digress, no clipping, no open edges. That is some solid work.]
16/25 – UV.Texture
[The texture is.... effective, if rather plain. But its soo.... CLEAN. you'd think flying around in space would make you pick up some asteroid dust, re-entry scorch marks, or battle scars. This baby is fresh off the production line and a soft powder blue for the conservative daily commuter. Everything is wrapped nicely, no stretching or misaligned pieces. Again, its not ... beautifully crafted, but it's all very.... effective. It fits wc3's.... *snort*... "quality standard". I do really like the team colored lights.]
08/15 – Animations
[Well the animations are.... boring. It's a space ship, what the fuck am i suppose to say about it? I like the way it FLOATS there.... in space. Other than a slight tilting at the so called 'death' animation, everything else is just particles.]
14/15 – Effects
[Ah yes... "effects" and your effects are truly the most 'effective'. You guys are the only rubes who actually tried to make particles, everyone else was just like ... "CLOUD SQUIRT LOL!". The blue sploshuns were very pretty and the warp 'effect' was impressive. I mean... you really just used the same warp effect for 3 different animations (warpin warpout death). But i didnt mind seeing it over and over again. It was a little confusing though, does the ship warp somewhere when it dies? does the ship die everytime it goes to warp? was the particle animator just a lazy numbnuts? WHO KNOWS? but seriously, good work on the particles, they actually look like something]
10/10 – Mechanics
[Yes, yes, it works ingame, pip pip, tally ho, and all that.]
08/10 – Creativity
[its a... blue covenant cruiser? Well, like i said earlier, rounded edges, 'organic' shapes, not something you see everyday. AND BONUS POINTS FOR MAKING AN ACTUAL SPACESHIP! *Ding Ding Ding*]
78/100 – Total

I heard a joke once. Mutalisk walks into bar. Gets drunk. Has unprotected relations with a potato. 9 months later, the punchline is Pyritie's model. Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

The_Siritie-Potato Monster
18/25 – Mesh
[So.... It's... interesting. The texture and the animations belay the fact that the actual geometry is rather simple. I'm not sure i understand those clipped gill-fins on it's ass. But other than a few minor things, the mesh is well made, effective.('effective' is my favorite word of the day btw) I dont like how the wings aren't welded completely. But that part isnt too noticeable ingame.]
18/25 – UV.Texture
[Well the texture looks much better than bobert's. This one actually has shading and highlights... and such fabulous colors darling! Its a very cartoony style, but it looks alright at an ingame distance. Not much else to say]
14/15 – Animations
[There are only 4... but I would say that your animations are definitely the best of the bunch, despite a few errors. The wiggly tentacle fapping wings gives off a very nice, almost 'chain reaction', effect as they move. There's a bit of clipping with the arms going into the potato head or a keyframe skipping on an arm, causing it to jerk up. But the zoidberg tentacle face and the wings are all pleasingly squiggly as he bobs up and down in the windless, atmosphere-less, vacuum of FUCKING OUTER SPACE.]
06/15 – Effects
[Rainbow blood? That's basically the extent of the effects... that and some green blobs spurting out of his...second mouth?]
09/10 – Mechanics
[Myea... it works ingame. But it has terrible mechanics, since its all organic. .... Roll on snare drum. Curtains.]
02/10 – Creativity
[this. is. not. a. spaceship.
People seem to think that getting high points in creativity means making a model that stretches the theme the farthest. 2 Things define this theme in particular. SPACE and CRAFT. To fit within the constraints of being defined as a CRAFT, this model must be a vessel of some type. Meaning that it has to carry someone or something. Passengers or a pilot. I guess that giant penis-implied wateslide of a tube could suck people up and carry them around like a zerg overlord. But then, Elephants and horses can carry people and we dont call those things cars. To Define this 'craft-like' object further with a prefix of "SPACE"; it must travel in space. How, pray tell, do zerg travel in space (i would love to ask blizzard this too btw). So granted the improbability that these creatures don't breath (nor do their occupants)... (or that they can hold their breaths for a fucking LONG time). How do these things move in space? They obviously dont have rockets. And you cant FLAP your wings to FLY in space. There is no air in space, ergo, no mass to propel yourself off of. Do they, like... have gas sacks and just fart-propel themselves to other planets? (which even in the same solar system, fart-travel aint exactly lightspeed) Assuming they have enough flatulence to make it to the next planet and assuming they dont starve to death before getting there decades (maybe even centuries) later....
BOY that was a long tangeant, and IT APPLIES TO YOU TOO 4HAPPYCOCKNIGHT!]
69/100 – Total
The eubz man-S.crap
20/25 – Mesh
[*head in hands* eaugh... why would the Philippines build this. They dont even have a space program. Why would there even be a flag there? Its that ridiculous indoctrinated fallacy called 'national pride' run amok. And Jesus this thing has a lot of polies. Not that you would know it when you see it ingame. The Texture/wrap really does not define any of the poly-detail you have. That tiny 26x32 pixel square of dirty off-white metal blur on the humanshipyard that you smeared everywhere just makes everything blend together. But we'll get to that issue later. Geometry-wise, its complex (i would hope so, given the poly-count) And the mesh is well made for the most part, no clipping/open edges/etc.]
05/25 – UV.Texture
[The texture.... I know its hard sometimes when working with these shitty blizzard textures, and i know that not EVERYONE can get a custom skinner for this paired contest. But again... white.smear.everywhere. And the stuff that isnt completely white; is either grainy, blurry or nearly solid colored. And the quality (or at least complexity) of the texture NEEDS to match the quality/complexity of the mesh. Otherwise you see a 2D image for a 3D game.]
09/15 – Animations
[The animations are fine. Nothing too terribly fantastic. A little jittery at times, (case in point, its spell animation of an epileptic seizure) but they work. I don't know why this massive space station robot bobs up and down so much when its in space.... constantly burning its engines..... hurm, speaking of engines, you think something like this would have more maneuvering thrusters.... you know, instead of just 3 solid state thrusters.]
05/15 – Effects
[Effects? Some squirt of red clouds for a thruster, yellow star squirts for sparks and... (drumroll) THE STEAMTANK DEATH. Magnificent.]
10/10 – Mechanics
[Works ingame, i dont see any problems. (this part isnt really a 'mechanics'-related comment, but why does he have a MASSIVE satellite for a hat, AND a satellite armpit? I mean... where are those pointing? and why?) ]
02/10 – Creativity
[Well, its mechanical. But this is NOT a space ship. This is a robot, or a space station. Either way, its that "ima make a creative model by not following the theme" thing again. It has shoulders, arms, hands and a rough visor/eyes/head thing going on. No legs, I would say that is roughly robot-djin anatomy.]
51/100 – Total
20/25 – Mesh
[OH LOOK! ANOTHER BUG! I'll get the industrial flyswatter. *sighs* Well, i do think that of all of the entries, yours 'looks' the best. Its a detailed mesh, but not overtly so. Not a lot of unnecessary polies or detail (like a 12 sided cyllinder when a 6x would look fine) The geometry builds the silhouette, and the texture defines the details, just like it should.]
22/25 – UV.Texture
[Again, award for best texture, its like pyritie's where it has color and its clean and its well drawn, but better. I like how you did the team color too. very nice]
13/15 – Animations
[The animations look nice, the wings are just simple jittery-wasp-global animations. But the arms move nicely (yours has a bit of that... "single duplicate frame- split milisecond pause" each time it loops. But otherwise, good work.]
08/15 – Effects
[ :/ ... Green.clouds.
Soooo like... this thing doesnt have blood? I guess its filled with smoke, since there's so much gas coming out of it on the stand animation and it doesn't bleed on the death animation. It just kind of shrinks, flies back and rolls over as it farts. ]
10/10 – Mechanics
[Works ingame, no problems]
1/10 – Creativity
At least pyritie's was also a potato, this is just a zerg wasp.]
74/100 – Total
12/25 – Mesh
[The mesh is.... unique. Again, i see organic shapes, thaaats goood. No flying boxes. You certainly tried to make it interesting. And for an overall design (from far away), i would give it good marks. That is... until i took a closer second look. And i saw bendy-straws holding the engines and wings to the hull. I saw smoke coming out of the dorsal fin, which i then realized, must have been intended as an exhaust port.... Except that its an open geoset, uncapped so it is seemingly made of paper-thin metal. And i saw those 4 ... 'round' black rings on either side of the hull. What are those? more exhaust ports? hatches? spare tires? Well, they are all deformed and have crappy UV wraps on them with red blurs on the edges. The funny part is that the design was already on the texture underneath it. Why did you try to hide it with these shitty black donuts? ]
10/25 – UV.Texture
[The texture is... drawn well enough. But it doesnt have a lot of contrast. The weld lines along the main red hull arent that visible from any reasonable distance. The UV wrap on those side pontoons, the spare tires and the windshield are terrible. And for THAT MUCH red... you think it would be teamcolored... or at least have some teamcolored parts. Overall, your texture and UV suffer from the same problem that eubz's model had, that at an ingame distance, everything looks like solid colors. a 2D image in a 3D game.]
02/15 – Animations
[The animations are.... pretty terrible. The entire thing disappears on death. If it's a space ship... why does it need to constantly fire it's downward thrusters? THE MORPH ANIMATION! WHY? I assume since it doesnt have a 'morph alternate' anim, that this is suppose to be for an 'upgrade', and not an 'transformation/alternate form'.... So your idea of an upgrade, is for a 3rd thruster to pop out of its ass and telekinetically float up to its back and... gets magically glued there? No mechanical apparatus for the movement... it just flies around like its being installed by a spaceghost

And then the hatch just falls off? And since under the hatch is another uncapped open-geoset (so i can see all the way into the cockpit) ... the entire ship decompresses. everyone dies of asphyxiation.]
04/15 – Effects
['terribad' a blue rectangle for an attack. no muzzle flare, no stray plasma trails or smoke or ribbon emitters... just a glowing brick. And the death animation particles dont even work ingame. But from what i can see in magos... it was blue-purple-red cloud balls squirting our from the origin.... i would even go so far as to say that it's worse than the steamtank death. And the back thrusters are just glowing rods... the flames dont taper off at the end like a regular thruster cone... Its just a glowing cylinder of blue.]
03/10 – Mechanics
[Remember how i mentioned how the hatch opened up....Well when the hatch 'falls' to the 'ground' in... "SPACE"; instead of disappearing or shrinking into a singularity (so it would be like... you know... not visible) The stray hatch just sits underneath the ship... being dragged along with it by some sort of invisible fishing wire. So you put a restraint on movement height, your death animation doesnt work, and you dont have any team color.]
07/10 – Creativity
[BONUS POINTS FOR MAKING A SPACE SHIP! But the entire thing just looks flimsy and rushed.]
38/100 – Total

(((anarchianbedlam's judging / 2) + DonDustin's judging) * 0.6) + ((votes / total votes) * 40) = Final score

Shamanyouranus and Mr. Bob - (((78 / 2) + 30) * 0.6) + ((32 / 124) * 40) = 51.7225806
Pyritie and The_Silent - (((69 / 2) + 32) * 0.6) + ((29 / 124) * 40) = 49.2548387
eubs and The Weird Human - (((51 / 2) + 31) * 0.6) + ((11 / 124) * 40) = 37.4483871
HappyCockroach and 4eNNightmare - (((74 / 2) + 37) * 0.6) + ((48 / 124) * 40) = 59.883871
-Peper- and Izanagi - (((38 / 2) + 26) * 0.6) + ((4 / 124) * 40) = 28.2903226

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Congrats to the participants! I liked the Penetrator the best though (not that it has anything to do with a Halo covie cruiser or anything...yeh).

Also, anarchianbedlam, you subconciously used my name in your judging, because I'm that awesome.
it just flies around like its being installed by a spaceghost
why does it need to constantly fire it's downward thrusters?
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I should have tested the models in a map, i didnt catch that shaman's model was unselectable since i only checked out the models in the world editor.

How did you test mechanics, then? :S
You know, things like attachments, death animation, proper animation looping, collision shapes, selectability, cameras, portraits, corpses\decay animations...

Congratulations to the winners.
Level 16
Jun 5, 2010
because i am a horrible judge.... why dont you people know this by now?


I agree with your judging on our SCRAP model, its too high poly (blame that to eubz), the flag and all ( even though it said in the intro that after a few years, the phil. could have a space program), more maneuvering thrusters, blizzard textures suck, but the part of creativity......


"Contestants were to create a spacecraft. May that be a spaceship(a space vehicle), a space station(a space building) or even a simple satellite."

Me not mad at all, just dissapointed sooo..... idk bout me partner if he feels the same thing.

And you made me lol on your voting.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010

I agree with your judging on our SCRAP model, its too high poly (blame that to eubz), the flag and all. ( even though it said in the intro that after a few years, the phil. could have a space program) but the part of creativity......


"Contestants were to create a spacecraft. May that be a spaceship(a space vehicle), a space station(a space building) or even a simple satellite."

Me not mad at all, just dissapointed sooo..... idk bout me partner if he feels the same thing.

But even if you got theme points full, you are still far from the 3rd position. And you won't lose to me because I was even further than you :D
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