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Orcs vs Goblins & Humans 7.3P

You are the orcs and your goal is to kill the goblins and humans.

2 - 3 player co-op or single player. If you play single player you get a big bonus at the start(tome of powers).

I have been working on this level for over a year. The programming for the bosses took forever. Making the new units and modifying spells also took me a very long time.


The rating is low because it had some issues when I first uploaded this map. Most of the recent reviews in the comments are good, but ignore Foronisus's; he tried to win the map with one hero even though you start out with four.

I'm sure you will find this map to be very original. I think it makes for an epic single player or co-op adventure.

I recently put a ton of work in to this map, and I feel like it's finally cleaned up and complete.

If you would please rate the map when you are done playing it, I would greatly appreciate it.


The humans started focusing almost all of their resources on wizardry. Their strategy proved successful; the wizards cunningly wiped out entire cities. With all of their spoils they were able to buy off the goblins, which of course made their army even more unstoppable. And on top of that, the human troops became bigger and stronger thanks to spells conjured up by their powerful wizards. Every other race almost became nonexistent. Those that remained went in to hiding, fearing that they now stood no chance against this new massive army. But there was a small group of orc heroes who vowed to defeat them, or die trying. They found a freshly wiped out town, built themselves a hall, and that's where it begins.


It's now 3 player :)

I added a secret area, see if you can find out how to get to it.

New terrain!!!

10 unique orb items that you win from killing bosses.

I have added more bosses to replace most of the creeps.

I added some cool spell effects I downloaded from this site for some of the bosses.

You can now type the words easy or medium at the start to change the difficulty, or don't type anything for hard.

You only use heroes.

All of the leaks are fixed.

All spells have tool tips.

All models have portraits.

I found a trigger that makes the computers insane while using fixed player settings.

Harder creeps.


You start out with 4 Heroes, one of them is new.

Your first mission is to kill the bosses in the middle of the map and start getting gold out of the mines located there.

Your next mission should be to kill the goblins and humans. Their bases are surrounded by a great wall, and each base is protected by bosses.

There are tons of bosses and all of them cast spells constantly. I made their spells have no cooldown and they don't require any mana, that way they could be considered bosses and not just some hero. Well that and the fact that they have tens of thousands of hitpoints. Some bosses are guarding places of special interest, but there are other bosses you must seek out and kill. There are also bosses that travel with a roaming army and a new boss will join that army every 7.5 - 12.5 minutes.

To win the game, collect all 10 orbs and bring them to the gate and kill the last boss. Each boss gives you an orb(except for the roaming bosses).

There are over 20 new units thanks to the people listed below.


You can level up forever and most spells go up to level 30. You can get a Tome of Power at any shop, buy as many as you can. Don't let the bosses that travel with the roaming army stack up, kill them every chance you get. Stay away from bosses that stomp until his friends are dead, then stomp him and attack at full force. The most important spell of the game is the Shadow Hunter's Healing Wave spell. The Blademaster is the next most important hero, because his Critical Strike combined with Mirror Image owns. At the beginning of the game, give most of the Tome of Powers to those two heroes, and buy more for them early on in the game. The Tauren Chieftan's Shockwave is also one of the most powerful spells in the game. The Fel Orc Warlord's Stampede will often make their army retreat, so be aware that it's a good spell.

Credit goes to:

General Frank, Donut3.5, The Weird Human, Anarchianbedlam, Elenai, Fan, Ket, Dan van Ohllus, HappyTauren, Dionesiist, Will the Almighty, MC!, Tranquil, Rizz_Boomer, OgeRfaCes, The_Silent, JetFangInferno, Grendel, & Callahan for their models.

SCREEN SHOTS: (Click the Reveal button below)

Here is almost all of the new units:


As you can see from the fire everywhere, the bosses are spell happy. I think it makes the level more fun, exciting, and original like that:


orcs, humans, goblins, single player, coop, co, op, co-op, co op, 1, single, two, 2, players, 3, three, bosses, spells, insane, ai, walls

Orcs vs Goblins & Humans 7.3p (Map)

19:27, 27th Jan 2011 Cweener: Rejected (until updated) Midnighter's review brought up good points. Checked them out myself. 1/5 from me. Cweener: Approved Meh. 2.5->3/5
Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
I review that map, too :)

By Mgeterno11

Idea and creativity
The improted heroes and units are cool and i like the idea very much and the human bosses has besutifukl models.
5/5 Excellent

Well the orc heroes become mighty when you pick up the power tomes, but they are still not strong enough to kill the humans. Although i killed the 11000 Hp hero the towers is much more stronger than the heroes. Can you balance the orc heroes, too, give them 10000 hps and more damage so they will be much stronger. I agree with bladdemica at this point, too.
Orc untis die quickly when the humans attacks them so you shoud add mroe hps and damage to the orc units, too.
3/5 Average or 4/5 Good

It is cool and good but you should add more water and doodads.
4/5 Good

Well they are good and understandable so i give you
5/5 Very good

Well I have great time and fun playing it although it lasts longer then a standard melee map. I like to play melee. Keep it up. I give you rep+!
End rating: 5/5 Very good or/and excellent! :))
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
You can now adjust the difficulty of the level. Player 1, just type the word easy or medium when the level starts. I found a few tool tips that needed to be fixed, and they should all work great now. I switched around a couple of spells and I took mouseman89's advice and Mirror Image now does damage.
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010

4.2 has some units in it that aren't supposed to be there(they were there for beta testing), please download 4.3 or greater.

how can the map have taken 9 mounths? and get rated 3..
It had a few problems when I first released it: no tooltips, leaks, fixed settings weren't on and people didn't select human for players 3 and 4 which made them not do anything, and so I got some bad ratings. Read some of the recent reviews, they are all good. But I will admit my terrain still needs work, and funny enough, that's one of my specialties. I should just reupload it to get the ratings to be higher, but it's finally an approved map so I don't think I will. Also, it's not like I worked on it constantly for 9 months, a few of those months I never worked on it at all.


Go to "object editor", click the "abilities" tab. Find Mirror Image. Change Damage Dealt (%) from 0 to whatever. 0.01 is 1% and 1.00 is 100%.
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Level 11
Jul 5, 2010
im going to test it and review it ;)


Gameplay 3/5
I didnt have fun really it was very horrible when all the time my hero got cyclone and he was in air can not attack every time i needed to play whole day to win.

Terrain 5/5 - the terain was good..

Idea 2/5 - Just Hero vs Army??? or it was bug? i dont know but i played and i can not create army and they attacked me with bosses,heroes,army it was so bad also GOLD Mines had too much gold in them it is impossible to win.

10/15 Good
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Level 5
Sep 18, 2010
im going to test it and review it ;)


Gameplay 3/5
I didnt have fun really it was very horrible when all the time my hero got cyclone and he was in air can not attack every time i needed to play whole day to win.

Terrain 5/5 - the terain was good..

Idea 2/5 - Just Hero vs Army??? or it was bug? i dont know but i played and i can not create army and they attacked me with bosses,heroes,army it was so bad also GOLD Mines had too much gold in them it is impossible to win.

10/15 Good
as far as i played the game, te terrain was made for blizzard it shud be 5/15
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
im going to test it and review it ;)


Gameplay 3/5
I didnt have fun really it was very horrible when all the time my hero got cyclone and he was in air can not attack every time i needed to play whole day to win.

Terrain 5/5 - the terain was good..

Idea 2/5 - Just Hero vs Army??? or it was bug? i dont know but i played and i can not create army and they attacked me with bosses,heroes,army it was so bad also GOLD Mines had too much gold in them it is impossible to win.

10/15 Good

Wow I thought the opposite; I just played single player hard and thought it was way too easy and impossible to loose.

Thanks for the input on cyclone. I swapped it out for another spell.


I am currently working on a new terrain.
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Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
ok one more thing the Golems are too strong they just send me stunt i cant move they stunt every second..

I can help with terrain if you want of course :)

Well the stun units don't bother me much; in the tips section I mentioned that you should stun bosses that stun you and then attack them at full force. Some strategy is needed in this level. Here is another tip, use Mirror Image as soon as you go to fight a boss, it decreases the chances of one of your normal heroes being stunned.

I think I'm going to make the terrain RPG like, where you can go on mini missions to get great items. So I'll have to take care of it, but thanks for offering.
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Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
Well that isn't my levels fault, you're supposed to use all 4 heroes. An even bigger army attacks you when you attack the northern most town, I don't know how you avoided getting rocked with just one hero when you went to attack that town.
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
Well I'm not going to change my level just because you want to play it with 1 hero instead of the 4 that you're supposed to. I never have a problem with their stun spell, especially because I cast mirror image which makes a total of 7 heroes. The stun spell will pretty much immobilize 1 heroes worth, and so I can see how it's a problem for you.
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
Just read the comments, I did have them hidden, but I kept receiving comments that said if I posted some screen shots they would download it, and so I changed it back. I personally think it's an inconvenience when I have to unhide stuff when looking at peoples map descriptions.
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
You buy Tomes of Power as much as you can. The most important spell of the game is the Shadow Hunter's Healing Wave spell. The Blademaster is the next most important hero, because his Critical Strike combined with Mirror Image owns. At the beginning of the game, give most of the Tome of Powers to those two heroes, and buy more for them early on in the game. The Tauren Chieftan's Shockwave is also one of the most powerful spells in the game. The Fel Orc Warlord's Stampede will often make their army retreat, so be aware that it's a good spell.

Take the middle as soon as you can and get gold from the mines, and keep buying lots of Tomes of Power.
Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
You buy Tomes of Power as much as you can. The most important spell of the game is the Shadow Hunter's Healing Wave spell. The Blademaster is the next most important hero, because his Critical Strike combined with Mirror Image owns. At the beginning of the game, give most of the Tome of Powers to those two heroes, and buy more for them early on in the game. The Tauren Chieftan's Shockwave is also one of the most powerful spells in the game. The Fel Orc Warlord's Stampede will often make their army retreat, so be aware that it's a good spell.

Take the middle as soon as you can and get gold from the mines, and keep buying lots of Tomes of Power.

Thx for the help :) by the way good map just a bit chalanging
Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
You should try out my latest 2 player co-op map. Once I'm done with the terrain I will upload it to this site, but other than that it's basically finished. I think it's insanely fun. This one is sort of the opposite, pretty much all defense until finally you get so strong that you can go kill their base. Here it is: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I17ENUJY Just click "regular download". Let me know what you think...
Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
You should try out my latest 2 player co-op map. Once I'm done with the terrain I will upload it to this site, but other than that it's basically finished. I think it's insanely fun. This one is sort of the opposite, pretty much all defense until finally you get so strong that you can go kill their base. Here it is: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I17ENUJY Just click "regular download". Let me know what you think...

i will ;)