(4 ratings)
Seems like having him stand on the wolf was a bad idea.
Seems like having him stand on the wolf was a bad idea.
umm, yeah, mostly in his current handicapped state ;/
umm, yeah, mostly in his current handicapped state ;/
Standing up is okay, just fix the body proportions and give him mighty legs.
Well, I rather like the idea of a "Heavy"-version of the regular Raider; sorta like an "Advanced Raider". The wolf is hyyyuuuuggeee, though, and that head armor is even worse... Not sure if that could be minimized slightly.
The dude is cool (though his spear is a little lame/bleh compared to the epic Raider sword), and the animations are pretty good (seems like the Orc mostly gave up the attacking to let his vastly-superior Wolf-mount do the dirty work xD). That being said, correct me if this is a problem with the Model Viewer, but the "Attack Slam" seems to involve the Orc burying himself in the fur of the Wolf (i.e. the wolf gets on 2 legs and the Orc doesn't move back far enough, leaving him ensconced in a furry back). Might want to look at that?
Good stuff overall; keep working!
standing on the wolf is fine ppl dont understand artistic design
Ooh.. what if he had a flail?
"What if" doesnt exist in history