Let's see:
Howling Fjord
Kinda snowy tundra. Some undead and vrykul battling against the Forsaken and the Alliance in Valgarde. Resting place of Muradin Bronzebeard?
Grizzly Hills
Sub-arctic woodlands. Hundreds of Furbolgs, Venture Company, Horde, and Alliance Logging Camps. Undead around Drak'Tharon Keep. Resting place of Muradin Bronzebeard?
Mountainous, troll city. Drakkari ice trolls and undead fighting.
The Strom Peaks
High, high mountains wracked with storms. Strom giants, crystal golems, massive Titan architecture.
Crystalsong Forest/Azjol-Nerub
Forest made out of crystal/underground dungeon. Green dragons and Emerald Dream portal/Nerubians, Forgotten Ones, and Scourge fighting each other.
Lake Wintergrasp
Wartorn lake. Ships with fireable cannons. Horde vs. Alliance.
The Dragonblight
Snowy dragon graveyard. Magnataur, taunka, blue dragons, and more Titan architecture.
Borean Tundra
Melting tundra, lots of ice. Mag'har, tuskarr, naga, blue dragons on Coldarra. Malygos the Spellweaver in The Nexus.
Sholazar Basin
Tropical jungle. Dinosaurs, golems, plants. Alot like Un'goro Crater.
Icecrown Glacier
Massive undead base. Millions of scourge soldiers around Icecrown Citadel. The Lich King!!!
Magical, floating city. Ancient dungeons, tall towers, and thousands of mages. Possibly more about Arugal, Ur, and the origins of the Worgen. Rhonin!!!