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Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Don't ask me where I got the info, or who I got it from. All I can tell you is that I ran into a friendly GM.

They ARE introducing Northrend in an upcoming patch. Remember this, the Scourge's homeland. =]

New Continent - Warcraft Conflict Zone -- Southseas, below Kalimdor.

New FACTION! - The Scourge
New Races - Fel Orcs, Space Goblins ( I know, it sounds crazy but I've seen pictures, and they are kickass looking. I believe the Gm told me that they are "infiltrators" of the burning legion. )

A New Customization tool will be added to allow open-ended custom weapons and items.

Level Increase - Lvl. 100
Also, 1 - 70 will be made slightly easier for newcomers to the game. Exp % will increase 35%

New Class - The Death Knight. I wasn't told much about them, probably because I was asking so many damn questions about it when the race was mentioned. Simply put, they are a horde pally/warlock hybrid.

That's about all I have now.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Alright. Time for a level of ownage not seen since the last time I destroyed someone after their faulty lore opinions

Now sir, you say that Northrend, a continent a BIT smaller than Kalimdor, will be added in a patch? Am I the only one who notices the error in this? Please say that someone else notices it

Secondly, the South Seas are not called "Warcraft Conflict Zone". That sounds like a wonderous bootleg however and I will now shout it at whoever will listen

Thirdly, the Scourge as a faction would mean that you could not do several dozen instances including, but not limited to, most anything Northrend has to offer you

Fourthly, Space goblins. I could write a THESIS on why this is wrong

Fifthly, Fel Orcs are Illidan's little kiddies. If you said the new faction was Illidan's group, I could understand this one. Unfortunently you said it was a group of undead monstrosities who rule Northrend, so you loose

Sixthly, Death Knights are undead paladins. They are not warlock/pally hybrids, they are extremely powerful things. They're also not Horde but instead they're Scourge. Necromancers are more likely, with Runemasters being more likely than that

Seventhly, they'll NEVER increase the XP rate. This is a fact of life

Eighthly, we aren't going to get a customisation tool. That would require a complete rewrite of how WoW handles armor and weapons. NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN

Please think of better ideas before trying "I'm going to randomly say what the next expansion will never contain" again
Don't ask me where I got the info, or who I got it from. All I can tell you is that I ran into a friendly GM.

They ARE introducing Northrend in an upcoming patch. Remember this, the Scourge's homeland. =]

New Continent - Warcraft Conflict Zone -- Southseas, below Kalimdor.

New FACTION! - The Scourge
New Races - Fel Orcs, Space Goblins ( I know, it sounds crazy but I've seen pictures, and they are kickass looking. I believe the Gm told me that they are "infiltrators" of the burning legion. )

A New Customization tool will be added to allow open-ended custom weapons and items.

Level Increase - Lvl. 100
Also, 1 - 70 will be made slightly easier for newcomers to the game. Exp % will increase 35%

New Class - The Death Knight. I wasn't told much about them, probably because I was asking so many damn questions about it when the race was mentioned. Simply put, they are a horde pally/warlock hybrid.

That's about all I have now.

The last spoilers you supplyed, half of them werent even CLOSE to being true.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
I'm really not going to argue. Mecheon, you could very well be right. I'm not supplying my opinion purposely. I'm finding more and more on the hive that when someone tries to apply their opinions, they immediately get shot down. So, instead, I'll leave you with this disclaimer:

Your don't need to believe anything this thread says. Call it a bit of hope with those who have little patience waiting for WoW news.

Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I'm really not going to argue. Mecheon, you could very well be right.
I'm not supplying my opinion purposely.
1. That's not an opinion, it's a ridiculous theory that is "supposedly" gotten from a GM.
2. Yeah, not on purpose. The ghosts possessed you and made you post demented-sounding "spoilers" on the Hive.
I'm finding more and more on the hive that when someone tries to apply their opinions, they immediately get shot down.
1. Again, not an opinion.
2. If someone posted on our site that Arthas was actually a woman disguising as a man, Medivh wasn't killed by humans, but by zerg rush, and 4chan will be the next faction in WoW, it would get shot down just as fast...
So, instead, I'll leave you with this disclaimer:
Let's hear it!
Your don't need to believe anything this thread says. Call it a bit of hope with those who have little patience waiting for WoW news.
You don't NEED to believe there's a treasure chest in your backyard. Call it a bit of hope for those who are so horribly gullible they take cab rides from people without licenses.
Indeed :spell_breaker:

I'd also like to take this moment to say:
If Fel Orcs and Space Goblins were indeed the next races we would see in WoW, Blizzard employees will get mauled by fans so horrifically that Killzone really would look like a Halo Killer in comparison
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