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Nordmann Fir

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Nordmann Fir
Not really a part of the Christmas Pack, but still fits.
Many terrainers picked on me for not doing models that could be used for terraining purposes that much. So finally I decided to give something to the community that has its purpose in pure terraining.
This pack includes a typical Nordmann Fir in two variations: One snowy and one normal model. It also includes the two textures. The Winter version needs both textures to be imported, so that the downside of the branches is not snowy.
Note: Since the major purpose of this models are terraining and aesthetics, it has a rather high file size and quite a few polys.

Here is an ingame screen (only available for registered users):

Please do not edit or redestribute this models and textures without my permission. I would be happy to see someone using this, and credits would be an honour then.


Tree, Snow, Pine, Fir, Winter, Terraining, Forest, Wood, M0rbid

Nordmann Fir (Model)

Nordmann Fir (Model)

15:53, 15th Jan 2012 Frankster: Good tree, but could you add all the animations a normal Wc3 has, please?




15:53, 15th Jan 2012

Good tree, but could you add all the animations a normal Wc3 has, please?

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

How come it's called a Nordmann Fir? I mean, not your model, but the actual tree. Nordmann essentially means Norwegian (in Norwegian), which is appropriate considering that's the kind of tree we have the most of. Hmm.. I'm just bot seeing that as a viable explanation.

Nice model, though it wouldn't make much of a Christmas tree due to the few branches.