Newsupdate 21th October 2011Today Darkwind RPG - A Hero's Tale is still alive!
Sadly I wasn't able to do that much the last week, because the power supply of my computer burned up. Had to buy and build in a new one. Thank god nothing else got damaged and all data is save on the external hd.
Currently I'm working to increase the performance in multiplayer games. Thatfor there are no really new screenshots or videos.
I added some sfx to the talents/spells for testing and my concept works fine so far. Because of file limitation I will use as much WC3 sfx as possible as long as they fit for the spell and only import the needed custom ones to save mapspace.
I'm planning to create a new gameplay video, but not sure when I find the time to finish it.
Newsupdate 30th July 2011Today Darkwind RPG - A Hero's Tale was authorized on You can find it under following link:
Don't miss to check out the other great projects developed by the fusion Engineering Group:
Newsupdate 15th July 2011Just wanted to tell, that I today finished my last exam. That means I can continue working on DW again. Stay tuned for some nice progress.
Newsupdate 26th March 2011The progress is really good. I succesfully added the ranged combat system. There are four types of ranged weapons: Guns, Bows, Crossbows and Wands. All weapons except the wands have a %chance to pierce through the targets they hit. If you miss the target, the projectile will hit the next possible target/obstacle in its path.
The new torchsystem that allows you to equip/unequip a torch turned out really nice. During combat an equiped torch will fall to the ground so you'll keep a rest of light around you.
Further the shopsystems work flawless.That means you are now able to buy/sell items from/to NPCs. By enabling autotrade, you only have to click an item once. Whenever you want to sell an higher quality item a dialog will show up to verify your decision.
Newsupdate 9th March 2011I created a Facebook account for Darkwind RPG - A Hero's Tale.
Newsupdate 5th March 2011This project is more alive than ever before. My Betatester team is doing an awesome job, thanks to you for your help! Since the last news I fixed a lot of bugs and added many new features, like itemsets and a drop/lootsystem. I also created a new gameplay preview of the current beta build. Have fun watching it.
Newsupdate 3rd February 2011Just wanted to tell you, that the closed Beta is going well. Most of the systems could be translated to multiplayer and are bugfree so far. The team is working great. The progress on the project itself is good too. Is was able to solve many problems I encountered before the closed beta.
Newsupdate 24th Januar 2011Today I closed the Betatester Recruitment thread. The closed Beta has started and the team is working to find any existing bug so I can fix it. I will post progress News whenever a milestone has been reached. Stay tuned! Darkwind RPG is alive like it never was before!
Newsupdate 3rd Januar 2011Long time no news, sorry for that. I have decided that the upcoming demo will be multiplayer! The reason for this is, that it is way more timeefficient to develop the scripts for MP and after that simple set the number of maxplayers to 1 to have them work in SP as well.
For now I can tell you, that the controls(arrow and click movement) are working as intended in MP.
Same for the camerasystem(yes, even with autozoom in/out).
Like 90% of the fullscreenmenu features work as well in MP.
I created a dialogsystem as well. That system will allow you to talk with every npc in the game world. It's kinda like in old Diablo, were you pike an option to talk about. That system works in MP as well.
Right now I'm on bug/flawhunt and the progress is good. Soon the closed Beta will start, so stay tuned!
Newsupdate 31th August 2010The Progress on the demo is good. Goldendemon an myself are working on the terrain and I have to say it turns out great. Even with now around 4000 doodads in the map the game is still playable without any grafic lags.
In the next days I will set up a thread where you can leave a post if you want to participate in the closed beta. In that thread you'll find a list of information I want to know about you. So take your time and try to answer the question as best as you can.
Greetings Thy
Newsupdate 11th August 2010Good news! First at all: DW is not dead! Now, because most of the needed models are ready, the real mapping/terraining part of the demo has startet. Soon I will create a Terrainshowcase thread where you can find screenshots of the terraining progress and related stuff.
Greetings Thy
14th July 2010Just wanted to tell you, that I have passed my exams. That means I have now ~ 7 weeks to work on DW. The proressrate will increase. Keep your eyes open for new screenshots/videos and even a small playable demo.
9th April 2010Long time no news, I'm sorry for that. I was kinda busy with RL and such annoying things. But I can tell you DW makes really good progress. In the talenttreethread you can find the current talenttree of the warrior. Further I successfully increased the playability and the smoothness of the camerasystem. The autozooming works as well.
17th March 2010I successfully enabled the HUD that shows information about your current target. Further target selection and switching works as intended. In addition you now can right click a target to start an interaction.
4th March 2010In the past days I successfully enabled ranged weapons and even ranged attacks. The ranged weapons will be bows, crossbows, guns and wands. Bows and Crossbows require arrows, guns bullets and wands no ammunition. To switch between your ranged and melee weapons you have to use a button in the bottom right wc3 menu. Projetiles will hit the first target or obstacle in their path, no matter if it is friendly or an enemy. On the other way that means you'll be able to evade projectiles by running around.
24th February 2010I successfully updated the inventorymenu and all its functions to the new armortypes: cloaks, gloves and trinkets. A Screenshot can be found here:
23th February 2010After removing remaining bugs in the FAS and DAS I set up a first version of the ScrollingCombatTextSystem. That system will, as many of you allready know from other rpgs, show the damage of your attacks/spells on your target and vice versa.
Further I decided to add cloaks, gloves and trinkets to the itembase. That requires an update of the inventoryinterface. I'm not complete sure how to fix the glovespart. Cause attaching a static glovemodel over the hand of a char will disbale the option of moving hands. On the otherside while in action you won't even notice that the hands are moving at all The animation of the cloak won't be perfect, but I'll try as best as possible. Trinkets will give your hero more options to makes his gear fit his talentbuild (and without those two slots the interface would look like shit hrhr).
20th February 2010As I promised I uploaded the ingamevideo that shows most of the animations and such things. I'm very sorry about the resolution/quality of the video, but my Premiere Pro seems to have some problems. You can find the video by clicking the following link:
18th February 2010I spent the last two days fighting back the remaining issues and bugs in the FAS. And I have to say it turned out really nice. I'm planning to show you a ingame video and think I can get it up this weekend. But before doing that another system must be completed, the DynamicAttachmentSystem(DAS). That system controls the way the equipment is displayed on your hero. That means you carry your weapon on your back while not in combat, but by entering combat they switch to your hands.
16th February 2010The FittingAnimationSystem (FAS) is close its completation and today I uploaded some previews of the different animationsets in the screenshotsection.
8th February 2010Yeah, yeah, yeah!
My exams are over and all went well. So now I can finally continue working on DW and will start today. I am back.
Greetings Thy
5th February 2010Hi folks!
I'm sure some of you allready lost the trust into me for being away such a long time. The resaon for that was that I have to pass my exams. For now I managed to do 4 out of 6 and the last two will follow this weekend. After that I got about 2 months of freetime. And I promise you, I will use that time to work on Darkwind.
My goal is to release the frist playable demo within those two months. So stay tuned, updates and progress are coming hrhr.
Greetings Thy
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