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New User-Only Icon

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Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Peon: New User
Grunt: User with 100+ posts
Raider: Moderator
Wyvern: Global Moderator
Shaman: Admin
Tauren Chieftan: Ralle

I've seen many threads where all users want a 'special' icon made for them & I don't want this to become one of those threads. I understand why that isn't an option.

What I was wondering is what others' opinions are on the idea of giving users that have received the DC award for a submitted resource the Tauren Icon (basically a top user).

Since we grunts make the majority of the resources this site offers it seems fitting that the main attack unit for the Horde should be used for those that make our best resources. (The mods' icons are utility units in the game)

Examples: The following users would get the icon

There are more staff than users with DC resources so I don't think it would be very much work (I could be wrong, to be fair...). Also I have never received a DC nor do I expect to, so I wouldn't gain from this (The only one I'd want is a CL icon - but that won't happen).

Thoughts? Comments? Problems?

Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Well I've always wanted a Footman icon just for the unique flair but that's just me and it doesn't bother too much, just thought it would be nice, that, and I never asked.

I don't think it's a bad idea and it doesn't really affect much so I'd say sure why not.

The footman & other icons have been asked about before (have one reserved for a single user) and would wind up creating alot of pointless work, I'd like to keep this thread focused on award-based icons that stick to the orc-theme.

No offense but instead of that top resource providers (models, spells, icons, etc) should get the Respected User title (not former mods as Wc3c does). They contribute with something good around you know.

*expecting a harsh response*
Why would there be offense or a harsh response? I posted an open query not a demand...
The icon would be the respected user title, at least that's how I thought of it.
There are VERY few DC resources here. DC =/= "Highly-recommended"

Something that I find interesting is that you buy yourself a custom chat icon but you can't buy a icon here in the actual forum.

I'd likely buy it xd

on topic:

I think it would be better with a badge/award.

There's already a badge for money donations & I've never been a fan of paying to get things online. The idea is that the user is awarded the icon for creating a top-notch resource.

You could do the badge/award thing I suppose but I'm used to it being reserved for contest winners, donors, user-of-the-year, & ex-staff. The icon would do the same thing, just in a different manner.


This is just a superficial/artistic concept. I am curious about how such a thing would be viewed by other members; disagreeing with the concept or the application of the concept shouldn't be a source of anxiety...



Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I think most of users that have at least one DC'ed resource are elder of Hive which are no longer active. Beside, this modding site is dying and I think there will be no other DC resources anymore. Everybody submit things just to improve their talents. No one even care about today's submission quality. And public opinion that thinks that nowadays users are less-qualitied compared to the elders make it impossible to reach DC today.

So is this relevant?
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
The icon is informative about your position and rights you have (or not) in hive policy.

If it also was representive for your resources' quality (in case of a DC), this primary purpose would not be met anymore.

It would only be used for DC resources (which must come from a mod). As such I still don't see how it marking your position as a high-end contributor violates the 'prime directive' you see the icons having.

I guess it's okay. But an award would fit better.

Fair enough. Both would accomplish the same thing.

I think most of users that have at least one DC'ed resource are elder of Hive which are no longer active. Beside, this modding site is dying and I think there will be no other DC resources anymore. Everybody submit things just to improve their talents. No one even care about today's submission quality. And public opinion that thinks that nowadays users are less-qualitied compared to the elders make it impossible to reach DC today.

So is this relevant?

Even if they were active the relevance of this idea is debatable. It's just as possible that installing this may get users to start pushing for DC resources. Also, the staff's opinions on the DC are the only ones that matter. The public can't make any particular resource a DC.

This modding site is dying yes, but so is every living thing. We don't not do things because we'll be dead one day - so why would that approach be taken in regards to THW?

The Hive can always house other modding games imo.

If it wants to survive it will. That still has nothing to do with recognizing DC resource contributors.

Well, a number of the active users have responded with great resistance. So I'm just going to assume that the idea is strongly disliked and go-away now.
Thanks for the responses!

New icons? I'd suggest 'veteran X modder' icons.

You been making skins here for five years? Here, have a Chaos Grunt icon!
You been submitting models for five years? Here, have a Chaos Raider icon!
You been making spells and working code for five years? Here, enjoy your Chaos Warlock icon!

And so on.

Although, personally I'd like to have a Felguard icon.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Oh god. Down the rat hole of the site dying. It's been pretty stable in activity the past 2-3 years.
I like the idea of giving people a badge when they have mastered a skill. Doesn't necessarily have to be about DC awards.

I'm sorry to say such thing, but it was based on people talks, not my personal opinion.
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