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New Race

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
There is a contest for this already. It's called the... forget. It's where you have to create a fully balanced and working race.


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Two contests of this kind were held.

Techtree Contest #1's aim was to create a fully functional techtree using only material from the wcIII mpq.

Techtree Contest #2 aimed in creating two races, this time using triggers and custom content, yet having to keep a map size limit.

Both contests used a template map. Only the first one was successful.
Level 5
May 3, 2008
New Race Contest!

A good idea would be make a new race from either creeps or any other random race. Not like changing orc to fel orc but making like gnoll race or goblin race with techtree and no bugs.:spell_breaker:
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Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
I believe the reason only the first one was succesful was because anyone could enter, not only those who know how to do triggered spells. Of course you can enter without it but its a lot more interesting with the triggers.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
You mean like a techtree contest? We had one of those once... I didn't have time to join in but it sounds fun, I would do it.

I think we should do it like the first one, only use stuff that Blizzard gives us and no triggered spells (but you can edit them in the object editor). That way we wouldn't just see the advanced jass coders getting first place.
Level 5
May 3, 2008
Kind of. Thanks for putting it in similar terms. Rules are like

Use Melee Map (Make Custom Units for Race)
No Fel Orc Race, Naga Race, Blood Elf Race or any other campaign races.
Attempt to make upgrades for the custom race.
Attempt to make hero training work (Not able to train more then 3 hero)
Attempt to get a way to train custom race without placing units on map and setting fix start location
And Most Importantly......
Level 5
May 3, 2008
Im not. I mean be creative and not ripping off other people's ideas! I going to make corrupted race. Satyr, Dark Troll, Centaur ect...
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
I want a new techtree contest but mostly like the first one. No imports, no triggers, but with the ability to change the (dont remember the name but you can change maximum hero level in here and other things.
Level 5
May 3, 2008
To change max hero level you use advanced, gameplay (either interface or other), choose max hero level (lots of options), and change it. *must choose custom data!

I already made a demon race as well. Like red gargoyles with chaos damage and doom guards in place of abominations ect....:spell_breaker:
Level 4
May 6, 2008
Lets do this :cool:
-Race with no extreme custom models(only workers with gold or buildings or modified units)
-on mele map
-new spells, upgrades
-balanced fighting vs other races
-balanced heroes, balanced teching, units, items,
-new race without copying some already done races.
-anyone enthusiastic?
-me yes
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Level 5
May 3, 2008
Yeah, I like that idea panda! It's a really good idea! I think I have a chance of winning this but I need to know rules like can we make naga techtree but complete it instead. It seems so empty and small.
Level 4
May 6, 2008
I have already a problem...i've started the new race, i hope noone takes quillboars...)) and i cant make new main building because if you just create a new main and place it, when you enter a game it says you have 2 min left to the opponent see you.. Anyone knows how to solve this? I dont want just to edit all the human race building, if there is no solution then i guess will have to have a human base same as new race.

And about naga races and felorc races- no allowed. Too boring. It has to be new, balanced and original
Why can't we use JASS. D:

It would be really much more freedom and it would be easier to be creative. Wah D:

I hope you will allow it, (allow triggers in general please)...

I think custom models should be allowed, as long as you give credit.

This seems like a cool idea IMO, and I would gladly join it. I don't think the elitists will win, the most creative and stuff will probably win. ;) (Unless the elitists are creative and more appealing :p)
Level 4
May 6, 2008
What i want in this contest is not the triggers... but a new fresh race with unique strats, balance to other races, originality and new tech tree thats all. I guess custom models can be used but only on w3c theme
Level 8
Nov 2, 2007
HEY, ive made a well balanced altered meele map with 8 custom races
... unfortunately its in german so its not approved :(

but yust try it out


  • (4)ExcavationSite (Völker v.1.4).w3x
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Level 4
Jan 6, 2008
It would be more fun, in my opinion, to do races that don't exist in Warcraft at all; ones made by yourself.

If so, I would do the zuberaak from my book (I'm a writer)
Level 5
May 3, 2008
I know how to fix that. You build 2 copies of the main base for your custom race, make it cost nothing and instand build and add an upgrade to change all your workers. And by the way I won't use quillboars, i'm making satyr!
Level 4
Jan 6, 2008
Instead of doing a new race, I'm doing a "half-expansion"--adding three new units and one new hero to each race.

Hmm custom models should be allowed. It will be more interesting.

I agree. Otherwise, it's really limited.
Level 1
Jun 1, 2008
I wont help make one but i noticed your name has Panda in it..make pandaren race though you can already play as them they dont have units or buildings and stuff and heres a feel more races i would love. Naga, Fel Orc, Blood elves, Forsaken (With Dead rangers as units), and thats about all...wait maybe dragons too lol
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Hmm... As much as I like making custom races, I don't think that Techtree contests are necessarily a success.

On the one hand, if you have no custom content or triggers, everyone can join and things feel more fair. But then they all look rather similar, somewhat boring; only the really good people can make good usage of the hidden models/icons/etc.

On the other hand, if you allow custom stuff, the "elitists" join and overpower a boring race scheme with amazing custom models/sfx/etc, and things are less fair for others.

Also, I have some semi-completed races; I'd hate to have to redo all the work, especially with a deadline. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't allow already half-completed races in the contest :/


@Darkwing: So you have a Troll race too, eh? Keep talking... :p
Level 6
May 15, 2008
Yup, like Human's have Knight,and Undead have and Abominations, my troll race has it's ulti-ground unit, THE TROLL RAVAGER. I aslo have a half-complete background story for the races origin and goals... I had I reeeealy AWESOME model for troll ravager but.. I lost the CD on which it was stored so now I'm bored,and not longer in the mood for finishing the race, but if you want to collaborate,why not? Plus now that I have the power of triggers (lol) on my side nothing can't stop my race... Hehehe
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